Index N


MAC (Media Access Control) layer, 13, 497

mac-address command, 218

mac-address-table dynamic command, 458

mac-address-table static command, 458

MAC addresses

assigning to VLAN interfaces, 218

in CGMP, 299-301

databases for, 137

defined, 497

filter tables for, 137

in layer 2 switching, 139

in MLS

candidate packet identification, 248

enable packet identification, 249-250

subsequent packets, 250

in MLSP discovery, 244, 246

in multicast mapping, 289-291, 290-293

for RSMs, 212

in unicast, 285

in VTP advertisements, 110

MacIP protocol, 498

mainframe blocks, 22

Management Information Base (MIB), 499

Management Module, 30, 30, 53

Manchester encoding, 498

MANs (metropolitan area networks), 498

Mapping Agent, 325-326

mapping multicast to Ethernet, 289-293, 290-293

maps for traffic classes, 362

MASBRs (Multicast Autonomous Border Routers), 310

match command, 362

match vlan vlan-list command, 367


in crossbar switching fabrics, 406

defined, 498

maxage timer, 178

Maximum Burst Size (MBS), 498

maximum bursts, 498

maximum cell delay variance (MCDV), 498

maximum cell transfer delay (MCTD), 498

maximum rate, 498

maximum transmission units (MTUs)

defined, 500

in VTP advertisements, 111

MBGP (Multicast Border Gateway Protocol), 317

MBONE (Multicast Backbone), 317-318

defined, 498

Mbps (million bits per second), 49in DVMRP, 308

MBS (Maximum Burst Size), 498

MCDV (maximum cell delay variance), 498

MCR (Minimum Cell Rate), 498

MCTD (maximum cell transfer delay), 498

MD5Digest key, 111

Media Access Control (MAC) layer, 13, 497

Media Independent Interface (MII), 50, 54

membership query process

in IGMPv1, 295-296, 295

in IGMPv3, 298

membership reports in IGMPv3, 299

memory, 407

contiguous buffers, 408-410

particle buffers, 410, 410

rings in, 408

metro tags, 120

metropolitan area networks (MANs), 498

MIB (Management Information Base), 499

micro-segmentation, 48

MII (Media Independent Interface), 50, 54

million bits per second (Mbps), 49

Minimum Cell Rate (MCR), 498

MIP (Multichannel Interface Processor), 499

mips (millions of instructions per second), 499

MLP (Multilink PPP), 499

MLS (multilayer switching), 15-16, 242-243, 243

cache entries in, 247-249, 259-262

displaying, 262

removing, 263

candidate packet identification in, 248-249, 248

CEF in, 264-270, 266-268

defined, 499

disabling, 250-252

discovery in, 245-247, 246

enable packet identification in, 249-250, 250-251

enabling, 252, 258-259

exam essentials for, 271

hands-on lab for, 277-278

key terms for, 272

procedures, 244-245, 245

requirements, 243-244

review questions for, 273-276, 280-281

subsequent packets in, 250

summary for, 270-271

switch engine configuration, 258

cache entries in, 259-263

enabling MLS, 258-259

flow masks in, 259

verifying, 261-262

topologies for, 263, 263-264

written lab for, 272, 279

mls qos command, 367-368

mls qos trust cos command, 367-368

mls qos trust device cisco-phone command, 367-368

MLS-RP (Multilayer Switching Route Processor), 244

configuration, 252

access control lists in, 258

enabling MLS, 252

interface configurations, 255

MSA management interface in, 255-258

verifying, 256-257

VLAN assignments in, 254-255

VTP domain assignments in, 253-254

mls rp ip command, 252, 255

mls rp ip input-acl command, 258

mls rp management-interface command, 256

mls rp vlan-id command, 254

mls rp vtp-domain command, 254

MLS-SE (Multilayer Switching Switch Engine), 244

configuration, 258

cache entries in, 259-263

enabling MLS, 258-259

flow masks in, 259

verifying, 261-262

MLSP (Multilayer Switching Protocol), 244

MLSP discovery, 245-247

MMP (Multichassis Multilink PPP), 499

model numbers for Cisco switches, 20

modem eliminators, 499

modemcap database, 499

modems, 499

modified cut-through switch types, 149

modulation, 499

modules and slots, 215

Mono-Spanning Tree, 164

MOSPF (Multicast Open Shortest Path First)

defined, 500

for multicast delivery, 309

MP bonding, 500

MPOA (Multiprotocol over ATM), 500

MSA management interface, 255-258

MSDP (Multicast Source Discovery Protocol), 316, 500

MSFC (Multi-layer Switch Feature Card), 21, 244

defined, 500

for internal route processors, 211-212

MSM (Multi-layer Switch Module), 211

MST (Multiple Spanning Tree), 165

mtrace (multicast traceroute) command, 328-329

MTUs (maximum transmission units)

defined, 500

in VTP advertisements, 111

Multi-layer Switch Feature Card (MSFC), 21, 244

defined, 500

for internal route processors, 211-212

Multi-layer Switch Module (MSM), 211

multi-layer switches, 500

Multi-Layer Switching. See MLS (multilayer switching)

multicast, 284-285, 287-288

address listing, 442-451

for Class D IP addresses, 451-454

for RFCs, 454-455

addressing in, 288-289

defined, 500

mapping to Ethernet, 289-291, 290-292

in VTP advertisements, 110

in best efforts networks, 356

vs. broadcast, 286-287, 286

in campus networks, 5-6, 9

defined, 500

end-to-end, 317-318

exam essentials for, 332-333

groups in, 287

joining, 327-329

maintaining, 294

subscribing to, 287

hands-on lab for, 340-344, 340

in internetworks, 293-294

CGMP for, 299-301, 300

IGMP snooping for, 301-302

IGMPv1 for, 294-296, 295-296

IGMPv2 for, 297, 298

IGMPv3 for, 298-299

subscribing and maintaining groups, 294

key terms for, 334

in layer 2 switching, 13

planning and preparing for, 317-318

review questions for, 336-339, 346-347

routing. See multicast routing

summary, 332

vs. unicast, 285-286, 285

written lab for, 335, 345

Multicast Autonomous Border Routers (MASBRs), 310

Multicast Backbone (MBONE), 317-318

defined, 498

in DVMRP, 308

Multicast Border Gateway Protocol (MBGP), 317

multicast frames, 139

multicast MAC addresses, 110

Multicast Open Shortest Path First (MOSPF)

defined, 500

for multicast delivery, 309

multicast routing, 302

configuring, 318

Catalyst switch configuration, 330-331

CGMP router configuration, 329-330

enabling, 319-320

enabling PIM on interfaces, 320-323

IGMP snooping, 331

IGMP version, 329

joining multicast groups, 327-329

rendezvous points, 323-326

TTL, 326

delivery management for, 306

Reverse Path Forwarding for, 306-307

routing protocols for. See routing protocols

TTL for, 307-308, 307

distribution trees for, 302-305, 304-306

multicast send VCC connection, 500

Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP), 316, 500

multicast traceroute (mtrace) command, 328-329

Multichannel Interface Processor (MIP), 499

Multichassis Multilink PPP (MMP), 499

Multilayer Switch Feature Card (MSFC), 244

multilayer switching. See MLS (multilayer switching)

Multilayer Switching Protocol (MLSP), 244

Multilayer Switching Route Processor. See MLS-RP (Multilayer Switching Route Processor)

Multilayer Switching Switch Engine. See MLS-SE (Multilayer Switching Switch Engine)

Multilink PPP (MLP), 499

multiple frame copies, 140-141, 140

multiple HSRP groups, 377

multiple links in inter-VLAN routing, 210, 210

multiple loops, 141

Multiple Spanning Tree (MST), 165

multiple switches, one router topology, 263, 264

multiplexing, 501

Multiprotocol over ATM (MPOA), 500

multiprotocol support, 9

Multistage Queuing, 363, 501

CCNP. Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks Study Guide (642-811)
CCNP: Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks Study Guide (642-811)
ISBN: 078214294X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 174
Authors: Terry Jack © 2008-2017.
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