5.2 Character Strings

5.2 Character Strings

After integers, character strings are probably the most common type in use in modern programs. In general, a character string is a sequence of characters that possesses two main attributes: a length and the character data . Character strings may also possess other attributes, such as the maximum length allowable for that particular variable or a reference count that specifies how many different string variables refer to the same character string. We'll look at these attributes and how programs can use them in the following sections, which describe various string formats and some of the possible string operations.

5.2.1 Character String Formats

Different languages use different data structures to represent strings. Some string formats use less memory, others allow faster processing, some are more convenient to use, and some provide additional functionality for the programmer and operating system. To better understand the reasoning behind the design of character strings, it is instructive to look at some common string representations popularized by various high-level languages. Zero- Terminated Strings

Without question, zero-terminated strings are probably the most common string representation in use today, because this is the native string format for C, C++, Java, and several other languages. In addition, you'll find zero-terminated strings in use in programs written in languages that don't have a specific native string format, such as assembly language.

A zero-terminated ASCII string is a sequence containing zero or more 8-bit character codes ending with a byte containing zero (or, in the case of Unicode, a sequence containing zero or more 16-bit character codes ending with a 16-bit word containing zero). For example, in C/C++, the ASCII string 'abc' requires four bytes: one byte for each of the three characters a , b , and c , followed by a zero byte.

Zero-terminated strings have a couple of advantages over other string formats:

  • Zero-terminated strings can represent strings of any practical length with only one byte of overhead (two bytes in Unicode).

  • Given the popularity of the C/C++ programming languages, high-performance string processing libraries are available that work well with zero-terminated strings.

  • Zero-terminated strings are easy to implement. Indeed, except for dealing with string literal constants, the C/C++ programming languages don't provide native string support. As far as the C and C++ languages are concerned , strings are just arrays of characters. That's probably why C's designers chose this format in the first place - so they wouldn't have to clutter up the language with string operators.

  • This format allows you to easily represent zero-terminated strings in any language that provides the ability to create an array of characters.

However, despite these advantages, zero-terminated strings also have disadvantages - they are not always the best choice for representing character string data. These disadvantages are as follows :

  • String functions often aren't very efficient when operating on zero-terminated strings. Many string operations need to know the length of the string before working on the string data. The only reasonable way to compute the length of a zero-terminated string is to scan the string from the beginning to the end. The longer your strings are, the slower this function runs. Therefore, the zero-terminated string format isn't the best choice if you need to process long strings.

  • Though this is a minor problem, with the zero-terminated string format you cannot easily represent any character whose character code is zero (such as the ASCII NUL character).

  • With zero-terminated strings there is no information contained within the string data itself that tells you how long a string can grow beyond the terminating zero byte. Therefore, some string functions, like concatenation, can only extend the length of an existing string variable and check for overflow if the caller explicitly passes in the maximum length. Length-Prefixed Strings

A second string format, length-prefixed strings , overcomes some of the problems with zero-terminated strings. Length-prefixed strings are common in languages like Pascal; they generally consist of a single byte that specifies the length of the string, followed by zero or more 8-bit character codes. In a length-prefixed scheme, the string 'abc' would consist of four bytes: the length byte ($03), followed by a , b , and c .

Length-prefixed strings solve two of the problems associated with zero-terminated strings. First, it is possible to represent the NUL character in a length-prefixed string, and second, string operations are more efficient. Another advantage to length-prefixed strings is that the length is usually sitting at position zero in the string (when viewing the string as an array of characters), so the first character of the string begins at index one in the array representation of the string. For many string functions, having a one-based index into the character data is much more convenient than a zero-based index (which zero-terminated strings use).

Length-prefixed strings do suffer from their own drawbacks, the principal drawback being that they are limited to a maximum of 255 characters in length ( assuming a 1-byte length prefix). One can remove this limitation by using a 2- or 4-byte length value, but doing so increases the amount of overhead data from one to two or four bytes. Seven-Bit Strings

An interesting string format that works for 7-bit codes like ASCII involves using the HO bit to indicate the end of the string. All but the last character code in the string would have their HO bit clear (or set, your choice) and the last character in the string would have its HO bit set (or clear, if all the other HO bits are set).

This 7-bit string format has several disadvantages:

  • You have to scan the entire string in order to determine the length of the string.

  • You cannot have zero-length strings in this format.

  • Few languages provide literal string constants for 7-bit strings.

  • You are limited to a maximum of 128 character codes, though this is fine when using plain ASCII.

However, the big advantage of 7-bit strings is that they don't require any overhead bytes to encode the length. Assembly language (using a macro to create literal string constants) is probably the best language to use when dealing with 7-bit strings - because the advantage of 7-bit strings is their compactness, and assembly language programmers tend to be the ones who worry most about compactness, this is a good match. Here's an HLA macro that will convert a literal string constant to a 7-bit string:

 #macro sbs(s);       // Grab all but the last character of the string:       (@substr(s, 0, @length(s)   1) +           // Concatenate the last character with its HO bit set:           char(uns8(char(@substr(s, @length(s)   1, 1))) ))  #endmacro      . . .  byte sbs("Hello World"); HLA Strings

As long as you're not too concerned about a few extra bytes of overhead per string, it's quite possible to create a string format that combines the advantages of both length-prefixed and zero-terminated strings without their disadvantages. The HLA language has done this with its native string format. [6]

The biggest drawback to the HLA character string format is the amount of overhead required for each string (which can be significant, percentagewise, if you're in a memory-constrained environment and you process many small strings). HLA strings contain both a length prefix and a zero-terminating byte, as well as some other information, that costs nine bytes of overhead per string. [7]

The HLA string format uses a 4-byte length prefix, allowing character strings to be just over four billion characters long (obviously, this is far more than any practical application will use). HLA also sticks a zero byte at the end of the character string data, so HLA strings are upward compatible with string functions that reference (but do not change the length of) zero-terminated strings. The additional four bytes of overhead in an HLA string contain the maximum legal length for that string. Having this extra field allows HLA string functions to check for string overflow, if necessary. In memory, HLA strings take the form shown in Figure 5-2.

click to expand
Figure 5-2: HLA string format

The four bytes immediately before the first character of the string contain the current string length. The four bytes preceding the current string length contain the maximum string length. Immediately following the character data is a zero byte. Finally, HLA always ensures that the string data structure's length is a multiple of four bytes long (for performance reasons), so there may be up to three additional bytes of padding at the end of the object in memory (note that the string appearing in Figure 5-2 requires only one byte of padding to ensure that the data structure is a multiple of four bytes in length).

HLA string variables are actually pointers that contain the byte address of the first character in the string. To access the length fields, you would load the value of the string pointer into a 32-bit register. You'd access the Length field at offset ˆ’ 4 from the base register and the MaxLength field at offset ˆ’ 8 from the base register. Here's an example:

 static          s :string := "Hello World";                  . . .          mov(s, esi);        // Move the address of 'H' in "Hello World"                                // into esi.          mov([esi-4], ecx);  // Puts length of string (11 for "Hello World")                                // into ECX.                  . . .          mov(s, esi);          cmp(eax, [esi-8]);  // See if value in EAX exceeds the maximum                                // string length.          ja StringOverflow; 

One nice thing about HLA string variables is that (as read-only objects) HLA strings are compatible with zero-terminated strings. For example, if you have a function written in C or some other language that's expecting you to pass it a zero-terminated string, you can call that function and pass it an HLA string variable, like this:


The only catch is that the C function must not make any changes to the string that would affect its length (because the C code won't update the Length field of the HLA string). Of course, you can always call a C strlen function upon returning to update the length field yourself, but generally, it's best not to pass HLA strings to a function that modifies zero-terminated strings. Descriptor-Based Strings

The string formats we've considered up to this point have kept the attribute information (the lengths and terminating bytes) for a string in memory along with the character data. Perhaps a slightly more flexible scheme is to maintain information like the maximum and current lengths of a string in a record structure that also contains a pointer to the character data. We call such records descriptors . Consider the following Pascal/Delphi/Kylix data structure:

 type      dString :record          curLength   :integer;          strData     :^char;      end; 

Note that this data structure does not hold the actual character data. Instead, the strData pointer contains the address of the first character of the string. The curLength field specifies the current length of the string. Of course, you could add any other fields you like to this record, like a maximum length field, though a maximum length isn't usually necessary because most string formats employing a descriptor are dynamic (as will be discussed in the next section). Most string formats employing a descriptor just maintain the length field.

An interesting attribute of a descriptor-based string system is that the actual character data associated with a string could be part of a larger string. Because there are no length or terminating bytes within the actual character data, it is possible to have the character data for two strings overlap. For example, take a look at Figure 5-3. In this example, there are two strings: one representing the string 'Hello World' and the second representing 'World.' Notice that the two strings overlap. This can save memory and make certain functions (like substring ) very efficient. Of course, when strings overlap as these ones do, you cannot modify the string data because that could wipe out part of some other string.

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Figure 5-3: Overlapping strings using descriptors

5.2.2 Types of Strings: Static, Pseudo-Dynamic, and Dynamic

Based on the various string formats covered thus far, we can now define three string types according to when the system allocates storage for the string. There are static strings, pseudo-dynamic strings, and dynamic strings. Static Strings

Pure static strings are those whose maximum size a programmer chooses when writing the program. Pascal (and Delphi 'short' strings) fall into this category. Arrays of characters that you will use to hold zero-terminated strings in C/C++ also fall into this category. Consider the following declaration in Pascal:

 (* Pascal static string example *)  var  pascalString :string(255);  // Max length will always be 255 characters. 

And here's an example in C/C++:

 // C/C++ static string example:  char cString[256];   // Max length will always be 255 characters                       // (plus zero byte). 

While the program is running, there is no way to increase the maximum sizes of these static strings. Nor is there any way to reduce the storage they will use. These string objects will consume 256 bytes at run time, period. One advantage to pure static strings is that the compiler can determine their maximum length at compile time and implicitly pass this information to a string function so it can test for bounds violations at run time. Pseudo-Dynamic Strings

Pseudo-dynamic strings are those whose length the system sets at run time by calling a memory-management function like malloc to allocate storage for the string. However, once the system allocates storage for the string, the maximum length of the string is fixed. HLA strings generally operate in this manner. [8] An HLA programmer would typically call the stralloc function to allocate storage for a string variable. Once created via stralloc , however, that particular string object has a fixed length that cannot change. [9] Dynamic Strings

Dynamic string systems, which typically use a descriptor-based format, will automatically allocate sufficient storage for a string object whenever you create a new string or otherwise do something that affects an existing string. Operations like string assignment and substring are relatively trivial in dynamic string systems - generally they only copy the string descriptor data, so such operations are fast. However, as the section on descriptor strings notes, when using strings this way, one cannot store data back into a string object, because it could modify data that is part of other string objects in the system.

The solution to this problem is to use a technique known as copy on write . Whenever a string function needs to change some characters in a dynamic string, the function first makes a copy of the string and then makes whatever modifications are necessary to the copy of the data. Research with typical programs suggests that copy-on-write semantics can improve the performance of many applications because operations like string assignment and substring are far more common than the modification of character data within strings. The only drawback to this mechanism is that after several modifications to string data in memory, there may be sections of the string heap area that contain character data that are no longer in use. To avoid a memory leak , dynamic string systems employing copy-on-write usually provide garbage collection code that scans through the string area looking for stale character data in order to recover that memory for other purposes. Unfortunately, depending on the algorithms in use, garbage collection can be slow.

5.2.3 Reference Counting for Strings

Consider the case where you have two string descriptors (or just pointers) pointing at the same string data in memory. Clearly, you cannot deallocate (that is, reuse for a different purpose) the storage associated with one of these pointers while the program is still using the other pointer to access the same data. One (alas, common) solution is to make the programmer responsible for keeping track of such details. Unfortunately, as applications become more complex, relying on the programmer to keep track of such details often leads to dangling pointers, memory leaks, and other pointer- related problems in the software. A better solution is to allow the programmer to deallocate the storage for the character data in the string, and to have the deallocation process hold off on the actual deallocation until the programmer releases the last pointer referencing the character data for the string. To accomplish this, a string system can use reference counters to track the pointers and their associated data.

A reference counter is an integer that counts the number of pointers that reference a string's character data in memory. Every time you assign the address of the string to some pointer, you increment the reference counter by one. Likewise, whenever you wish to deallocate the storage associated with the character data for the string, you decrement the reference counter. Deallocation of the storage for the actual character data doesn't happen until the reference counter decrements to zero.

Reference counting works great when the language handles the details of string assignment automatically for you. If you try to implement reference counting manually, the only difficulty is ensuring that you always increment the reference counter when you assign a string pointer to some other pointer variable. The best way to do this is to never assign pointers directly but to handle all string assignments via some function (or macro) call that updates the reference counters in addition to copying the pointer data. If your code fails to update the reference counter properly, you'll wind up with dangling pointers or memory leaks.

5.2.4 Delphi/Kylix Strings

Although Delphi and Kylix provide a 'short string' format that is compatible with the length-prefixed strings in earlier versions of Delphi, later versions of Delphi (4.0 and later) and Kylix use dynamic strings for their string data. Although this string format is unpublished (and, therefore, subject to change), experiments with Delphi at the time of this writing indicate that Delphi's string format is very similar to HLA's. Delphi uses a zero-terminated sequence of characters with a leading string length and a reference counter (rather than a maximum length as HLA uses). Figure 5-4 shows the layout of a Delphi string in memory.

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Figure 5-4: Delphi/Kylix string data format

Just like HLA, Delphi/Kylix string variables are pointers that point to the first character of the actual string data. To access the length and reference-counter fields, the Delphi/Kylix string routines use a negative offset of ˆ’ 4 and ˆ’ 8 from the character data's base address. However, because this string format is not published, applications should never access the length or reference counter fields directly. Delphi/Kylix provides a length function that extracts the string length for you, and there really is no need for your applications to access the reference counter field because the Delphi/Kylix string functions maintain this field automatically.

5.2.5 Creating Your Own String Formats

Typically, you will use the string format your language provides, unless you have special requirements. When you do have such requirements, you will find that most languages provide user -defined data-structuring capabilities that allow you to create your own custom string formats.

About the only problem you'll run into is that the language will probably insist on a single string format for literal string constants. However, you can usually write a short conversion function that will translate the literal strings in your language to whatever format you choose.

[6] Note that HLA is an assembly language, so it's perfectly possible, and easy in fact, to support any reasonable string format. HLA's native string format is the one it uses for literal string constants, and this is the format that most of the routines in the HLA standard library support.

[7] Actually, because of memory alignment restrictions, there can be up to 12 bytes of overhead, depending on the string.

[8] Though, being assembly language, of course it's possible to create static strings and pure dynamic strings in HLA, as well.

[9] Actually, you could call strrealloc to change the size of an HLA string, but dynamic string systems generally do this automatically, something that the existing HLA string functions will not do for you if they detect a string overflow.

Write Great Code. Understanding the Machine, Vol. 1
The Art of Assembly Language
ISBN: 1593270038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 144
Authors: Randall Hyde

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