12.21 File Systems on Mass Storage Devices

12.21 File Systems on Mass Storage Devices

Very few applications access mass storage devices directly. That is, applications do not generally read and write tracks, sectors, or blocks on a mass storage device. Instead, most applications open , read, write, and otherwise manipulate files on the mass storage device. The OS's file manager is responsible for abstracting away the physical configuration of the underlying storage device and providing a convenient storage facility for multiple independent files on a single device.

On the earliest computer systems, application software was responsible for tracking the physical position of data on a mass storage device because there was no file manager available to handle this function for them. Such applications were able to maximize their performance by carefully considering the layout of data on the disk. For example, software could manually interleave data across various sectors on a track to give the CPU time to process data between reading and writing those sectors on the track. Such software was often many times faster than comparable software using a generic file manager. Later, when file managers were commonly available, some application authors still managed their files on a storage device for performance reasons. This was especially true back in the days of floppy disks, when low-level software written to manipulate data at the track and sector level often ran ten times faster than the same application using a file manager system.

In theory, today's software could benefit from this as well, but you rarely see such low-level disk access in modern software for several reasons. First, writing software that manipulates a mass storage device at such a low level locks you into using that one particular device. That is, if your software manipulates a disk with 48 sectors per track, 12 tracks per cylinder, and 768 cylinders per drive, that same software will not work optimally (if at all) on a drive with a different sector, track, and cylinder layout. Second, accessing the drive at a low level makes it difficult to share the device among different applications, something that can be especially costly on a multitasking system that may have multiple applications sharing the device at once. For example, if you've laid out your data on various sectors on a track to coordinate computation time with sector access, your work is lost when the OS interrupts your program and gives some other application its timeslice , thus consuming the time you were counting on to do any computations prior to the next data sector rotating under the read/write head. Third, some of the features of modern mass storage devices, such as on-board caching controllers and SCSI interfaces that present a storage device as a sequence of blocks rather than as something with a given track and sector geometry, eliminate any advantage such low-level software might have had at one time. Fourth, modern OSes typically contain file buffering and block caching algorithms that provide good file system performance, obviating the need to operate at such a low level. Finally, low-level disk access is very complex and writing such software is difficult.

The earliest file manager systems stored files sequentially on the disk's surface. That is, if each sector/block on the disk held 512 bytes and a file was 32 KB long, that file would consume 64 consecutive sectors/blocks on the disk's surface. In order to access that file at some future time, the file manager only needed to know the file's starting block number and the number of blocks it occupied. Because the file system had to maintain these two pieces of information somewhere in nonvolatile storage, the obvious place was on the storage media itself, in a data structure known as the directory . A disk directory is an array of values starting at a specific location on the disk that the OS can reference when an application requests a specific file. The file manager can search through the directory for the file's name and extract its starting block and length. With this information, the file system can provide the application with access to the file's data.

One advantage of the sequential file system is that it is very fast. The OS can read or write a single file's data very rapidly if the file is stored in sequential blocks on the disk's surface. But a sequential file organization has some big problems, too. The biggest and most obvious drawback is that you cannot extend the size of a file once the file manager places another file at the next block on the disk. Disk fragmentation is another big problem. As applications create and delete many small and medium- sized files, the disk fills up with small sequences of unused sectors that, individually, are too small for most files. It was common on sequential file systems to find disks that had sufficient free space to hold some data, but that couldn't use that free space because it was spread all over the disk's surface in small pieces. To solve this problem, users had to run disk compaction programs to coalesce all the free sectors and move them to the end of the disk by physically rearranging files on the disk's surface. Another solution was to copy files from one full disk to another empty disk, thereby collecting the many small, unused sectors together. Obviously, this was extra work that the user had to do, work that the OS should be doing.

The sequential-file storage scheme really falls apart when used with multitasking OSes. If two applications attempt to write file data to the disk concurrently, the file system must place the starting block of the second application's file beyond the last block required by the first application's file. As the OS has no way of determining how large the files can grow, each application has to tell the OS the maximum length of the file when the application first opens the file. Unfortunately, many applications cannot determine, beforehand, how much space they will need for their files. So the applications have to guess the file size when opening a file. If the estimated file size is too small, either the program will have to abort with a 'file full' error, or the application will have to create a larger file, copy the old data from the 'full' file to the new file, and then delete the old file. As you can imagine this is horribly inefficient, and definitely not great code.

To avoid such performance problems, many applications grossly overestimate the amount of space they need for their files. As a result, they wind up wasting disk space when the files don't actually use all the data allocated to them, a form of internal fragmentation . Furthermore, if applications truncate their files when closing them, the resulting free sections returned to the OS tend to fragment the disk into small, unusable blocks of free space, a problem known as external fragmentation . For these reasons, sequential storage on the disk was replaced by more sophisticated storage-management schemes in modern OSes.

Most modern file-allocation strategies allow files to be stored across arbitrary blocks on the disk. Because the file system can now place bytes of the file in any free block on the disk, the problems of external fragmentation and the limitation on file size are all but eliminated. As long as there is at least one free block on the disk, you can expand the size of any file. However, along with this flexibility comes some extra complexity. In a sequential file system, it was easy to locate free space on the disk - by noting the starting block numbers and sizes of the files in a directory, it was possible to easily locate a free block large enough to satisfy the current disk allocation request, if such a block was available. But with a file system that stores files across arbitrary blocks, scanning the directory and noting which blocks a file uses is far too expensive to compute, so the file system has to keep track of the free and used blocks. Most modern OSes use one of three data structures - a set, a table (array), or a list - to keep track of which sectors are free and which are not. Each of these schemes has its advantages and disadvantages, and you'll find all three schemes in use in modern OSes.

12.21.1 Maintaining Files Using a Free-Space Bitmap

The free-space bitmap scheme uses a set data structure to maintain a set of free blocks on the disk drive. If a block is a member of the free-block set, the file manager can remove that block from the set whenever it needs another block for a file. Because set membership is a Boolean relationship (you're either in the set or you're not), it takes exactly one bit to specify the set membership of each block.

Typically, a file manager will reserve a certain section of the disk to hold a bitmap that specifies which blocks on the disk are free. The bitmap will consume some integral number of blocks on the disk, with each block consumed being able to represent a specific number of other blocks on the disk, which can be calculated by multiplying the block size (in bytes) by 8 (bits per byte). For example, if the OS uses 4,096-byte blocks on the disk, a bit map consisting of a single block can track up to 32,768 other blocks on the disk. To handle larger disks, you need a larger bitmap. The disadvantage of the bitmap scheme is that as disks get large, so does the bitmap. For example, on a 120-gigabyte drive with 4,096-byte blocks, the bitmap will be almost four megabytes long. While this is a small percentage of the total disk capacity, accessing a single bit in a bitmap this large can be clumsy. To find af ree block, the OS has to do a linear search through this four-megabyte bitmap. Even if you keep the bitmap in system memory (which is a bit expensive, considering that you have to do it for each drive), searching through the bitmap every time you need a free sector is an expensive proposition. As a result, you don't see this scheme used much on larger disk drives .

One advantage (and also a disadvantage) of the bitmap scheme is that the file manager only uses it to keep track of the free space on the disk, but it does not use this data to track which sectors belong to a given file. As a result, if the free sector bitmap is damaged somehow, nothing is permanently lost. It's easy to reconstruct the free-space bitmap by searching through all the directories on the disk and computing which sectors are in use by the files in those directories (with the remaining sectors, obviously, being the free ones). Although such a computation is somewhat time consuming, it's nice to have this ability when disaster strikes.

12.21.2 File Allocation Tables

Another way to track disk sector usage is with a table of sector pointers. In fact, this scheme is the most common one in use today because it is the scheme employed by MS-DOS and various versions of Microsoft Windows. An interesting facet of the file allocation table (FAT) scheme is that it combines both free-space management and file-sector allocation management into the same data structure, ultimately saving space when compared to the bitmap scheme, which uses separate data structures for free-space management and file-sector allocation. Furthermore, unlike the bitmap scheme, FAT doesn't require an inefficient linear search to find the next available free sector.

The FAT is really nothing more than an array of self-relative pointers (or indexes, if you prefer) into itself, setting aside one pointer for each sector/block on the storage device. When a disk is first initialized , the first several blocks on the disk's surface are reserved for objects like the root directory and the FAT itself, and then the remaining blocks on the disk are the free space. Somewhere in the root directory is a free-space pointer that specifies the next available free block on the disk. Assuming the free-space pointer initially contains the value 64, implying that the next free block is block 64, the FAT entries at indexes 64, 65, 65, and so on, would contain the following values, assuming there are n blocks on the disk, numbered from zero to n ˆ’ 1:

FAT Index

FAT Entry Value









n ˆ’ 2

n ˆ’ 1

n ˆ’ 1

The entry at block 64 tells you the next available free block on the disk, 65. Moving on to entry 65, you'll find the value of the next available free block on the disk, 66. The last entry in the FAT contains a zero (block zero contains meta-information for the entire disk partition and is never available).

Whenever an application needs one or more blocks to hold some new data on the disk's surface, the file manager grabs the free-space pointer value and then continues going through the FAT entries for however many blocks are required to store the new data. For example, if each block is 4,096 bytes long and the current application is attempting to write 8,000 bytes to a file, the file manager will need to remove two blocks from the free-block list. To do so, the file manager needs to go through the following steps:

  1. Get the value of the free-space pointer.

  2. Save the value of the free-space pointer so that the file manager will know the first free sector it can use.

  3. Continue going through the FAT entries for the number of blocks required to store the application's data.

  4. Extract the FAT entry value of the last block where the application needs to store its data, and set the free-space pointer to this value.

  5. Store a zero over the FAT entry value of the last block that the application uses, thus marking the end to the list of blocks that the application needs.

  6. Return the original value of the free-space pointer (as it was prior to these steps) into the FAT as the pointer to the list of blocks in the FAT that are now allocated for the application.

After the block allocation scheme in our earlier example, the application has blocks 64 and 65 at its disposal, the free-space pointer contains 66, and the FAT looks like this:

FAT Index

FAT Entry Value








n ˆ’ 2

n ˆ’ 1

n ˆ’ 1

Don't get the impression that entries in the FAT always contain the index of the next entry in the table. As the file manager allocates and deallocates storage for files on the disk, these numbers tend to become scrambled. For example, if an application winds up returning block 64 to the free list but holds on to block 65, the free-space pointer would contain the value 64, and the FAT would wind up having the following values:

FAT Index

FAT Entry Value








n ˆ’ 2

n ˆ’ 1

n ˆ’ 1

As noted earlier, one advantage of the FAT data structure is that it combines both the free-space management and the file block lists into a single data structure. This means that each file doesn't have to carry around a list of the blocks its data occupies. Instead, a file's directory entry needs to have only a single pointer value that specifies an index into the FAT where the first block of the file's data can be found. The remaining blocks that the file's data consumes can be found by simply stepping through the FAT. One important advantage that the FAT scheme has over the set (bitmap) scheme is that once the disk using a FAT file system is full, no blocks on the disk are used to maintain information about which blocks are free. Even when there are no free blocks available, the bitmap scheme still consumes space on the disk to track the free space. But the FAT scheme replaces the entries originally used to track free blocks with the file-block pointers. When the disk is full, none of the values that originally maintained the free-block list are consuming space on the disk because all of those values are now tracking blocks in files. In that case, the free-space pointer would contain zero (to denote an empty free space list) and all the entries in the FAT would contain chains of block indexes for file data.

However, the FAT scheme does have a couple of disadvantages. First, unlike the bitmap in a set scheme file system, the table in a FAT file system represents a single point of failure. If the FAT is somehow destroyed , it can be very difficult to repair the disk and recover files; losing some free space on a disk is a problem, but losing track of where one's files are on the disk is a major problem. Furthermore, because the disk head tends to spend more time in the FAT area of a storage device than in any other single area on the disk, the FAT is the most likely part of a hard disk to be damaged by a head crash, or the most likely part of a floppy or optical drive to exhibit excessive wear. This has been a sufficiently big concern that some FAT file systems provide an option to maintain an extra copy of the file allocation table on the disk.

Another problem with the FAT is that it's usually located at a fixed place on the disk, usually at some low block number. In order to determine which block or blocks to read for a particular file, the disk heads must move to the FAT, and if the FAT is at the beginning of the disk, the disk heads will constantly be seeking to and from the FAT across large distances. This massive head movement is slow, and, in fact, tends to wear out the mechanical parts of the disk drive sooner. In newer versions of Microsoft OSes, the FAT-32 scheme eliminates part of this problem by allowing the FAT to be located somewhere other than the beginning of the disk, though still at a fixed location. Application file I/O performance can be quite low with a FAT file system unless the OS caches the FAT in main memory, which can be dangerous if the system crashes, because you could lose track of all file data whose FAT entries have not been written to disk.

The FAT scheme is also inefficient when doing random access on a file. To read from offset m to offset n in a file, the file manager must divide n by the block size to obtain the block offset into the file containing the byte at offset n , divide m by the block size to obtain its block offset, and then sequentially search through the FAT chain between these two blocks to find the sector(s) containing the desired data. This linear search can be expensive if the file is a large database with many thousands of blocks between the current block position and the desired block position.

Yet another problem with the FAT file system, though this one is rather esoteric, is that it doesn't support sparse files. That is, you cannot write to byte 0 and byte 1,000,000 of a file without also allocating every byte of data in between the two points on the disk surface. Some non-FAT file managers will only allocate the blocks where an application has written data. For example, if an application only writes data to bytes 0 and 1,000,000 of a file, the file manager would only allocate two blocks for the file. If the application attempts to read a block that has not been previously allocated (for example, if the application in the current example attempts to read the byte at byte offset 500,000 without first writing to that location), the file manager will simply return zeros for the read operation without actually using any space on the disk. The way a FAT is organized, it is not possible to create sparse files on the disk.

12.21.3 List-of-Blocks File Organization

To overcome the limitations of the FAT file system, advanced OSes such as Windows NT/2000/XP and various flavors of Unix use a list-of-blocks scheme rather than a FAT. Indeed, the list scheme enjoys all the advantages of a FAT system (such as efficient, nonlinear free-block location, and efficient storage of the free-block list), and it solves many of FAT's problems.

The list scheme begins by setting aside several blocks on the disk for the purpose of keeping (generally) 32-bit pointers to each of the free blocks on the disk. If each block on the disk holds 4,096 bytes, a block can hold 1,024 pointers. Dividing the number of blocks on the disk by 1,024 determines the number of blocks the free-block list will initially consume. As you'll soon see, the system can actually use these blocks to store data once the disk fills up, so there is no storage overhead associated with the blocks consumed by the free-block list.

If a block in the free-block list contains 1,024 pointers, then the first 1,023 pointers contain the block numbers of free blocks on the disk. The file manager maintains two pointers on the disk: one that holds the block number of the current block containing free-block pointers, and one that holds an index into that current block. Whenever the file system needs a free block, it obtains the index for one from the free list block by using these two pointers. Then the file manager increments the index into the free-block list to the next available entry in the list. When the index increments to 1,023 (the 1,024th item in the free-block list), the OS does not use the pointer entry value at index 1,023 to locate a free block. Instead, the file manager uses this pointer as the address of the next block containing a list of free-block pointers on the disk, and it uses the current block, containing a now-empty list of block pointers, as the free block. This is how the file manager reuses the blocks originally designated to hold the free-block list. Unlike the FAT, the file manager does not reuse the pointers in the free-block list to keep track of the blocks belonging to a given file. Once the file manager uses up all the free-block pointers in a given block, the file manager uses that block for actual file data.

Unlike the FAT, the list scheme does not merge the free-block list and the file list into the same data structure. Instead, a separate data structure for each file holds the list of blocks associated with that file. Under typical Unix and Linux file systems, the directory entry for the file actually holds the first 8 to 16 entries in the list (see Figure 12-12). This allows the OS to track short files (up to 32 KB or 64 KB) without having to allocate any extra space on the disk.

click to expand
Figure 12-12: Block list for small files

OS research on various flavors of Unix suggests that the vast majority of files are small, and embedding several pointers into the directory entry provides an efficient way to access small files. Of course, as time passes , the average file size seems to increase. But as it turns out, block sizes tend to increase as well. When this average file size research was first done, the typical block size was 512 bytes, but today a typical block size is 4,096 bytes. During that time, then, average file sizes could have increased by a factor of eight without, on average, requiring any extra space in the directory entries.

For medium sized files up to about 4 MB, the OS will allocate a single block with 1,024 pointers to the blocks that store the file's data. The OS continues to use the pointers found in the directory entry for the first few blocks of the file, and then it uses a block on the disk to hold the next group of block pointers. Generally, the last pointer in the directory entry holds the location of this block (see Figure 12-13).

click to expand
Figure 12-13: Block list for medium-sized files

For files larger than about 4 MB, the file system switches to a three-tiered block scheme, which works for file sizes up to 4 GB. In this scheme, the last pointer in the directory entry stores the location of a block of 1,024 pointers, and each of the pointers in this block holds the location of an additional block of 1,024 pointers, with each pointer in this block storing the location of a block that contains actual file data. See Figure 12-14 for the details.

click to expand
Figure 12-14: Three-level block list for large files (up to 4 GB)

One advantage to this tree structure is that it readily supports sparse files. That is, an application can write to block 0 and block 100 of a file without having to allocate data blocks for every block in between those two points. By placing a special block pointer value (typically zero) in the intervening entries in the block list, the OS can determine whether a block is not present in the file. Should an application attempt to read such a missing block in the file, the OS can simply return all zeros for the empty block. Of course, once the application writes data to a block that hadn't been previously allocated, the OS must copy the data to the disk and fill in the appropriate block pointer in the block list.

As disks became larger, the 4 GB file limit imposed by this scheme began to create some problems for certain applications, such as video editors, large database applications, and Web servers. One could easily extend this scheme 1,000 times - to 4 terabytes (TB) - by adding another level to the block-list tree. The only problem with this approach is that the more levels of indirection you have, the slower random file access becomes, because the OS may have to read several blocks from the disk in order to get a single block of data. (When it has one level, it is practical to cache the block-pointer list in memory, but with two and three levels, it is impractical to do this for every file). Another way to extend the maximum value size 4 GB at a time is to use multiple pointers to second-tier file blocks (for example, take the original 8 to 16 pointers in the directory and have all or most of them point at second- tier block list entries rather than directly at file data blocks). Although there is no current standard way to extend beyond three levels, rest assured that as the need arises, OS designers will develop schemes they can use to access large files in an efficient manner.

Write Great Code. Understanding the Machine, Vol. 1
The Art of Assembly Language
ISBN: 1593270038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 144
Authors: Randall Hyde

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