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Mapping your WarDriving data is a good way to analyze data for a specific area to determine its overall wireless security posture. If you want to analyze only your specific data, StumbVerter is the best option for you. StumbVerter allows you to import NetStumbler data into Microsoft MapPoint and generate a map of your WarDrive.

Although StumbVerter is a freeware program, it relies on Microsoft MapPoint, which is a commercial program that costs between $250 and $300. Many WarDrivers don’t want to invest this amount of money on mapping software. DiGLE from allows you to download MapPacks for the area of your WarDrive and generate free maps.

By mapping your WarDrive, you are better able to visualize the security posture of wireless networks in an area. You can easily compare your results with those of other WarDrivers or chart the differences over time for one specific area.

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WarDriving(c) Drive, Detect, Defend(c) A Guide to Wireless Security
Special Edition Using Macromedia Studio 8
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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