Chapter 17: A Comparative Analysis of Major ERP Life Cycle Implementation, Management and Support Issues in Queensland Government

 < Day Day Up > 

She-I Chang, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Guy G. Gable, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Copyright © 2004, Idea Group Inc. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of Idea Group Inc. is prohibited.


This chapter reports on a study of issues across the ERP life cycle from the perspectives of individuals with substantial and diverse involvement with SAP Financials in Queensland Government. A survey was conducted of 117 ERP system project participants in five closely related state government agencies. Through a modified Delphi technique, the study inventoried, synthesized, then weighted perceived major-issues in ongoing ERP life cycle implementation, management, and support. The five agencies each implemented SAP Financials simultaneously using a common implementation partner. The three Delphi survey rounds, together with a series of interviews and domain experts' workshops, resulted in a set of 10 major-issue categories with 38 sub-issues. Sub-issue weights are compared between strategic and operational personnel within the agencies in order to understand where the organizations should focus their resources in order to avoid, minimise, or eliminate these issues. Study findings confirm the importance of this finer partitioning of the data, and distinctions identified reflect the unique circumstances across the stakeholder groups. The study findings should be of interest to stakeholders who seek to better understand the issues surrounding ERP systems and to better realize the benefits of ERP.

 < Day Day Up > 

Advanced Topics in Global Information Management (Vol. 3)
Trust in Knowledge Management and Systems in Organizations
ISBN: 1591402204
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 207 © 2008-2017.
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