File System Authentication and Access Control

You're likely to include material on your website that isn't supposed to be available to the public. You must be able to lock out this material from public access and provide designated users with the means to unlock the material. Apache provides two methods for accomplishing this type of access: authentication and authorization. You can use different criteria to control access to sections of your website, including checking the client's IP address or hostname, or requiring a username and password. This section briefly covers some of these methods.


Allowing individual users to put web content on your server poses several important security risks. If you're operating a web server on the Internet rather than on a private network, you should read the WWW Security FAQ at

Restricting Access with allow and deny

One of the simplest ways to limit access to website material is to restrict access to a specific group of users, based on IP addresses or hostnames. Apache uses the allow and deny directives to accomplish this.

Both directives take an address expression as a parameter. The following list provides the possible values and use of the address expression:

  • all can be used to affect all hosts.

  • A hostname or domain name, which can either be a partially or a fully qualified domain name; for example, or

  • An IP address, which can be either full or partial; for example, 212.85.67 or

  • A network/netmask pair, such as

  • A network address specified in classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) format; for example, This is the CIDR notation for the same network and netmask that were used in the previous example.

If you have the choice, it is preferable to base your access control on IP addresses rather than hostnames. Doing so results in faster performance because no name lookup is necessarythe IP address of the client is included with each request.

You also can use allow and deny to provide or deny access to website material based on the presence or absence of a specific environment variable. For example, the following statement denies access to a request with a context that contains an environment variable named NOACCESS:

deny from env=NOACCESS 

The default behavior of Apache is to apply all the deny directives first and then check the allow directives. If you want to change this order, you can use the order statement. Apache might interpret this statement in three different ways:

  • Order deny,allow The deny directives are evaluated before the allow directives. If a host is not specifically denied access, it is allowed to access the resource. This is the default ordering if nothing else is specified.

  • Order allow,deny All allow directives are evaluated before deny directives. If a host is not specifically allowed access, it is denied access to the resource.

  • Order mutual-failure Only hosts that are specified in an allow directive and at the same time do not appear in a deny directive are allowed access. If a host does not appear in either directive, it is not granted access.

Consider this example. Suppose you want to allow only persons from within your own domain to access the server-status resource on your web. If your domain were named, you could add these lines to your configuration file:

<Location /server-status>     SetHandler server-status     Order deny,allow     Deny from all     Allow from </Location> 


Authentication is the process of ensuring that visitors really are who they claim to be. You can configure Apache to allow access to specific areas of web content only to clients who can authenticate their identity. There are several methods of authentication in Apache; Basic Authentication is the most common (and the method discussed in this chapter).

Under Basic Authentication, Apache requires a user to supply a username and a password to access the protected resources. Apache then verifies that the user is allowed to access the resource in question. If the username is acceptable, Apache verifies the password. If the password also checks out, the user is authorized and Apache serves the request.

HTTP is a stateless protocol; each request sent to the server and each response is handled individually, and not in an intelligent fashion. Therefore, the authentication information must be included with each request. That means each request to a password-protected area is larger and therefore somewhat slower. To avoid unnecessary system use and delays, protect only those areas of your website that absolutely need protection.

To use Basic Authentication, you need a file that lists which users are allowed to access the resources. This file is composed of a plain text list containing name and password pairs. It looks very much like the /etc/passwd user file of your Linux system.


Do not use /etc/passwd as a user list for authentication. When you're using Basic Authentication, passwords and usernames are sent as base64-encoded text from the client to the serverwhich is just as readable as plain text. The username and password are included in each request that is sent to the server. So, anyone who might be snooping on Net traffic would be able to get this information!

To create a user file for Apache, use the htpasswd command. This is included with the Apache package. If you installed using the packages, it is in /usr/bin. Running htpasswd without any options produces the following output:

Usage:         htpasswd [-cmdps] passwordfile username         htpasswd -b[cmdps] passwordfile username password         htpasswd -n[mdps] username         htpasswd -nb[mdps] username password  -c  Create a new file.  -n  Don't update file; display results on stdout.  -m  Force MD5 encryption of the password.  -d  Force CRYPT encryption of the password (default).  -p  Do not encrypt the password (plaintext).  -s  Force SHA encryption of the password.  -b  Use the password from the command line rather than prompting for it.  -D  Delete the specified user. On Windows, TPF and NetWare systems the '-m' flag is used by default. On all other systems, the '-p' flag will probably not work. 

As you can see, it isn't a very difficult command to use. For example, to create a new user file named gnulixusers with a user named wsb, you need to do something like this:

sudo htpasswd -c gnulixusers wsb 

You would then be prompted for a password for the user. To add more users, you would repeat the same procedure, only omitting the -c flag.

You can also create user group files. The format of these files is similar to that of /etc/groups. On each line, enter the group name, followed by a colon, and then list all users, with each user separated by spaces. For example, an entry in a user group file might look like this:

gnulixusers: wsb pgj jp ajje nadia rkr hak 

Now that you know how to create a user file, it's time to look at how Apache might use this to protect web resources.

To point Apache to the user file, use the AuthUserFile directive. AuthUserFile takes the file path to the user file as its parameter. If the file path is not absolutethat is, beginning with a /it is assumed that the path is relative to the ServerRoot. Using the AuthGroupFile directive, you can specify a group file in the same manner.

Next, use the AuthType directive to set the type of authentication to be used for this resource. Here, the type is set to Basic.

Now you need to decide to which realm the resource will belong. Realms are used to group different resources that will share the same users for authorization. A realm can consist of just about any string. The realm is shown in the Authentication dialog box on the user's web browser. Therefore, you should set the realm string to something informative. The realm is defined with the AuthName directive.

Finally, state which type of user is authorized to use the resource. You do this with the require directive. The three ways to use this directive are as follows:

  • If you specify valid-user as an option, any user in the user file is allowed to access the resource (that is, provided she also enters the correct password).

  • You can specify a list of users who are allowed access with the users option.

  • You can specify a list of groups with the group option. Entries in the group list, as well as the user list, are separated by a space.

Returning to the server-status example you saw earlier, instead of letting users access the server-status resource based on hostname, you can require the users to be authenticated to access the resource. You can do so with the following entry in the configuration file:

<Location /server-status>     SetHandler server-status     AuthType Basic     AuthName "Server status"     AuthUserFile "gnulixusers"     Require valid-user </Location> 

Final Words on Access Control

If you have host-based as well as user-based access protection on a resource, the default behavior of Apache is to require the requester to satisfy both controls. But assume that you want to mix host-based and user-based protection and allow access to a resource if either method succeeds. You can do so using the satisfy directive. You can set the satisfy directive to All (this is the default) or Any. When set to All, all access control methods must be satisfied before the resource is served. If satisfy is set to Any, the resource is served if any access condition is met.

Here's another access control example, again using the previous server-status example. This time, you combine access methods so all users from the Gnulix domain are allowed access and those from outside the domain must identify themselves before gaining access. You can do so with the following:

<Location /server-status>     SetHandler server-status     Order deny,allow     Deny from all     Allow from     AuthType Basic     AuthName "Server status"     AuthUserFile "gnulixusers"     Require valid-user     Satisfy Any </Location> 

There are more ways to protect material on your web server, but the methods discussed here should get you started and will probably be more than adequate for most circumstances. Look to Apache's online documentation for more examples of how to secure areas of your site.

Ubuntu Unleashed
Ubuntu Unleashed 2011 Edition: Covering 10.10 and 11.04 (6th Edition)
ISBN: 0672333449
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 318 © 2008-2017.
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