
 < Day Day Up > 


UDOs (user-defined objects), 633–634

UDS Designer, 260

UDS (Universal Drill-Through Service), 258–277

adding documents to UDS map, 273–274

building WebI documents, 264–267

components, 260–261

defining, 252

overview of, 258–259

restarting DTS Manager, 274–275

source information for UDS Map, 267–268

testing, 275–277

translating UDS maps, 268–272

UDS maps, 260

understanding data, 261–264

Underline Keys checkbox, 116

UNION operator, 623–626

unit price, 152–153, 188

Universal Drill-Through Service. See UDS (Universal Drill-Through Service)

Universal Metadata Bridge, 367–369

universe, design principles, 69–82. See also Designer

alignment with business goals, 71–73

components, 74–79

deployment choices, 80–81

deployment goals, 29

incorporating external data, 33

keeping it simple, 70–71

marketing performance and, 56

overview of, 70

universe designers

Hierarchy Editor and, 548

multiple, 360–364

role of, 48

universe maintenance

adding links and, 350–352

domains and, 356–360

incremental export and, 364–365

integration with ETL tools and, 365–369

linked universes and, 346–347

multiple designers and, 360–364

object sort order and, 354

overview of, 349–350

permanently importing components and, 352–353

removing links and, 353

repository and, 354–356

what gets linked, 348

Universe pane, 150–153

Universe Parameters dialog box, 93–112

Controls tab, 108–109

Definition tab, 93–100, 351

Links tab, 112, 351, 353

SQL tab, 109–112

Strategies tab, 100–108

Summary tab, 100

universe properties, Supervisor, 300–311

data restrictions, 303–305

database views vs. row restrictions, 310

parameters, 300–303

row restrictions, 306–309

table mappings, 310–311

Universe tab, Universe Parameters, 300, 304

Universe Target Information dialog box, 268


benchmarking performance of, 388–393

building intelligence in, 325–326, 335–337

displaying in WebI document, 648–649

documentation, 378–381

evolving, 387–393

exporting list of values with, 186

integrity, 130, 372–378

interrelationship between, 535

joins. See joins

managerO, 385–386

new document options, 583

quality assurance checklist, 381–385

Supervisor options. See Supervisor

user activity. See user activity, monitoring

WebI documents and, 667–668

universe.udo file, 633

universe.unv files

backups, 388

documents in test/production domains, 359–360

size of, 350


updates, forcing full universe, 364

Upload option, 654

UPPER function, SQL, 208–209

user activity, monitoring, 393–404

audit log, 394–397

audit universe, 398

Auditor, 403–404

copying and modifying audit universe, 401

creating reports, 401–402

modifying activity log settings, 398–400

overview of, 393

tracking, 96–97

user-defined objects (UDOs), 633–634

User/Group Properties button, 290

user groups, 12, 70–71

user IDs, 94–96, 96–100

User objects dialog box, 633–634

User or Group Properties button, 294

user properties, Supervisor, 290–296

disabling and deleting user, 295–296

groups and profiles, 294

object level security, 291–293

password settings, 293

timestamps, 295

user definition, 290–291

user reports, 338–344

comparisons, 325–326

disadvantages, 340–344

overview of, 338

SQL limitations, 339–340

users. See also queries

adding new, 288–290

disabling and deleting, 295–296

marketing strategy for, 58–59

monitoring activity. See user activity, monitoring

Supervisor assigning to profiles for, 285–286

types, 284–285

username modifications, 290

where to create, 286–288

Users and Profile tab, 297

users, segmenting, 39–50

analyzing market segments, 46–47

deciders, 46

gatekeepers, 43–45

influencers, 45–46

marketing strategy for, 64–65

project roles, 47–49

segmentation, 40–43

 < Day Day Up > 

Business Objects(c) The Complete Reference
Cisco Field Manual: Catalyst Switch Configuration
ISBN: 72262656
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 206 © 2008-2017.
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