
 < Day Day Up > 


Dashboard Manager, 33


access options, 583

experts, 48

mismatches, 618–619

modeler/architect, 384

refreshing. See refreshing queries

segmentation, 42

set specification, 621–626

data analysis. See multidimensional analysis; Slice and Dice Panel

Data Integrator

background of, 21

brand name, 15

real-time access, 28–29

Universal Metadata Bridge and, 368–369

Data Label dialog box, 475–477

Data Manager

accessing, 615

data mismatches, 618–619

linking dimensions, 617–618

modifying object qualifications, 616–617

queries, 431–433

query execution time, 392–393

data mart, building, 27–29

Data menu, Refresh Data option, 565

data mining, 16–17, 20

data providers

data mismatches, 618–619

linking dimensions, 617–618

modifying object qualifications, 616–617

multiple, 614–619

new document options, 583

overview of, 614–615

synchronization, 615–616

types of, 581–582

data sources

accessing MS Analysis data source, 569

originating, 260

retrieving data from, 564

Data views, Report Manager, 427–428

Data Warehouse Manager for DB2, 367

data warehouses, 27–29

background of, 9–10

BI architecture and, 14–15

building, 27–29

fulfilling business goals, 30–33

indexed fields in large, 189

queries and reports, 15

universe design principles, 71–72

database administrator. See DBA (database administrator)

database field format, 167–169

Database Format setting, 170–172

Database Options, Designer, 106–107

database views, 310

database.prm file, 208–209

date between, 653

date fields, 170–172, 214–215

date object type, 167, 454

date settings, timestamp restrictions and, 300

Days Late, 72

Days Sales Inventory (DSIs), 78–79

DBA (database administrator)

aligning data warehouse design with business goals, 72

compression ratio, 220

project role, 49

quality assurance reviews, 384

decentralized security, 287

decision makers

role in implementation, 46

sources of information in 1980s, 4

decision support systems (DSSs), 5–6, 7

DecisionStream, 15

DECODE function, SQL, 239–241

default directory

opening local documents from, 414–415

specifying, 413–414

Define link Between dimensions dialog box, Data Manager, 617–618

Definition tab

Data Manager, 616

Edit Properties dialog box, 166–167

User objects dialog box, 633–634

Definition tab, Universe Parameters dialog box, 93–100

adding link to universe, 351

BusinessObjects architecture and, 94–96

connections, 94, 96–100

Description box, 93

DEL key, 163–164

Delete User command, 295–296


business goals for, 29–34

BusinessObjects architecture and, 94–96

IT goals for, 26–29

measuring success of, 34–37

universe, 80–81

derived universes

adding links, 349–350

how linking works, 349–350

object sort order, 354

overview of, 346–347

removing links, 353

what gets linked, 348

DESC, ranking dimensions, 246


company organization and, 282

flow of rights between groups, 299

linking resources, 283–285

Description box

modifying dimension objects, 166

renaming classes and objects, 162–163

Universe Parameters dialog box, 93

description objects, 189–194

Designer, 93–112. See also joins

@Select and, 212

Controls tab, 108–109

customizing list of values in, 184, 186

Definition tab, 93–100

how it works, 79–80

launching, 84–85

Links tab, 112

multiple designers of universe, 360–364

Quick Design Wizard, 85–92

SQL tab, 109–112

Strategies tab, 100–108

Summary tab, 100

universe design components, 73–79


quality assurance reviews by multiple, 385

universe maintenance across multiple, 360–364

Desktop On Line Analytical Processing (DOLAP), 16

detail objects

defined, 425

list of values in, 156–157

modifying, 172–173

overview of, 154–155

specifying objects as, 150

detail tables, 232

Detect Aliases, 140

Detect Cardinalities, 107, 126

Detect Context, 126–127, 131

Detect Loops, 126

dictionary information, 100–101, 103–104

dimension objects, 165–172. See also multidimensional analysis

adding to list of values, 189

Advanced tab, 170–172

aggregate awareness, 220–221

analyzing numeric measures with, 534

associating detail objects with, 172–173

defined, 424

Definition tab, 166–167

hierarchical nature of, 535

linking, 615, 617–618

object types vs. database field format, 167–169

overview of, 151–152

Properties tab, 169

ranking, 246–247

storing intelligence in relational tables, 333

testing and viewing SQL statements, 229–230

dimension properties, Microsoft Analysis Services, 601–603

dimension tables

identifying irrelevant, 223–224

overview of, 74–77

testing aggregate awareness, 232


adding to Drill toolbar, 545

data providers linking, 617–618

directory, default, 413–415

Disable/Enable User button, 295

Disable Login option, user properties, 290–291


drill options, 560

InfoView options, 695–696

DISTINCT keyword, 183, 245–246

Distribution tab, BCA (Broadcast Agent), 577–578

document domains, storing documents in, 33

Document Information screen, UDS, 273

document lists

Corporate Documents, 650, 652, 698–700

Expanded mode, 651

InfoView, 650–651, 698–701

searching, 653

viewing, 650

Document Properties page, InfoView v. 6.0, 703–704

Document settings, WebI, 675, 676–677

documentation, universe, 378–381

documents, 645–649, 655–680

adding to UDS Map, 273–274

block settings, 678–680

block types, 658–660

breaks, 673–675

BusinessObjects, 655–656

calculations, 673–675

components, 422–424

conditions, 671–673

corporate, 418

creating and editing, 644–645

data analysis, 660–664

editing/creating, 667–670

name searches, 653

opening local, 414–415

opening  repository, 415

opening user, 416–417

refreshing, 664–666

removing, 291

scheduled, 418, 578

scope of analysis, 670–671

settings, 676–677

sorts, 597, 673–675

specifying default directory, 413–414

storing, 413

test/production domains and, 358–360

viewing, 645–649

WebI, 264–267, 657–658

DOLAP (Desktop On Line Analytical Processing), 16


document domains, 33

security domains, 81, 411–412

test vs. production domains, 356–360

Dresner, Howard, 4

drill across, 545–547, 663–664

Drill button, 705

drill by, 542–544

contextual basis of, 543

dimension options, 544

overview of, 542–543

drill down, 537–541, 662–663

drill filters, 545–546, 556–558

Drill mode

drill across, 663–664

drill down, 662–663

options, 560–561

overview of, 660

Scope of Analysis and, 670–671

WebI Document settings, 677

WebI v. 6.0, 707

drill options

data analysis, 559–561

InfoView, 696–697

drill through, 554–558

adding drill filters to, 556–558

applying, 554–556

compared with Scope of Analysis, 554

drill options, 561

launching, 554

overview of, 687–689

Drill-Through Service (DTS) Manager, 261, 274–275

Drill toolbar, 545, 560

drill up, 541–542

DSIs (Days Sales Inventory), 78–79

DSSs (decision support systems), 5–6, 7

DTS (Drill-Through Service) Manager, 261, 274–275

dynamic contexts, 526–527

Dynamic Filters window, InfoView, 706–707

 < Day Day Up > 

Business Objects(c) The Complete Reference
Cisco Field Manual: Catalyst Switch Configuration
ISBN: 72262656
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 206 © 2008-2017.
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