There are many changes to take into account when looking purely at ASP pages. The most obvious are the server controls and the postback architecture. These have been covered extensively in earlier chapters of the book, so now we'll move on to other features that still exist in ASP.NET, but are different from ASP. We'll also abbreviate explanations of changes that are explained in detail elsewhere in this book, and instead provide a summary and reference to them. Since ASP.NET is fully class-based, we'll also provide references to the underlying classes, so you can easily find full information in the documentation, or look up the classes in tools such as WinCV and ILDasm.

Preparing the Way

Before we delve into the changes in detail, here's a quick list of things you can do now, in your current ASP pages, to pave the way for migrating to ASP.NET:

  • Use only a single language within each ASP page

  • Use Option Explicit to enforce declaration of variables

  • Use <script> blocks for function declaration instead of <% %> blocks

  • Avoid render functions

  • Use the Call keyword for calling functions, to force the use of parentheses around arguments

  • Avoid default properties, such as Recordset("column") instead of Recordset.Fields("column").Value

  • Explicitly close open resources (such as the file system or recordsets)


    These are only relevant to server-side code “ client-side code is still browser related .

Many of these are best practices anyway, but we all tend to take shortcuts. Adhering to this list will ease your migration path . You'll be looking at these in detail as you go through the chapter.

Intrinsic Objects

Most ASP intrinsic objects remain available and unchanged, providing excellent support for existing applications. However, there are changes to some properties and methods , as well as the addition of new ones. One significant change is the removal of the ASPError object, as error handling is now managed by exceptions.

The Application Object

ASP.NET application state handling is implemented by the HttpApplicationState class in the System.Web namespace. Although ASP.NET supports ASP functionality by way of the Contents and StaticObjects collections, there are some minor differences that may confuse you if you check the documentation. The reason is HttpApplicationState is a first class object that implements a collection (used to hold the items in application state). Therefore methods such as Remove and RemoveAll are members of the HttpApplicationState object itself. However, to preserve compatibility, there is also a Contents property, which simply points back to the parent object. Thus, the following lines of code are equivalent.

In VB.NET, the code is:

  Application.Remove("Item1")   Application.Contents.Remove("Item1")  

The code in C# is:

  Application.Remove("Item1");   Application.Contents.Remove("Item1");  

The first line in these code examples is what you'd see in .NET code samples, whereas the second line is how you'd do it in ASP. However, because compatibility has been preserved, they both work.

New features of the application object are shown in the following table. Note that although there are explicit Add and Get methods, the existing way of accessing the collection still works fine:




Returns an array of strings containing the names of stored application state members.


Returns a count of items in application state.


Adds a new item to the state.


Removes all items from the state. This is equivalent to RemoveAll , and is provided as part of the standard collection handling features.


Returns an individual item (either by name or by ordinal).


Returns the key for the supplied ordinal.


Updates the value of a stored item.

Objects in Application State

In ASP it was always taboo to store single-threaded objects in application state, which was a real problem for Visual Basic programmers developing components. Given that the .NET languages (including Visual Basic) allow the production of free-threaded components , has this problem now gone away? Well, to a degree yes, as long as you understand the following:

  • You can store free-threaded components as long as they provide thread synchronization.

  • You can store single-threaded components if you use Lock and Unlock to protect against thread blocks.

  • Application state has no guaranteed durability. The application domain can be torn down at any time (synchronized restart for example), so for durability you need an external store.

By and large, the storage of objects in Application state is discouraged because of the resources used, and the potential for scalability and performance problems. However, the storage of scalar type data (such as string ) is a great way to get some performance improvement, as long as it is used carefully . You might think that the classic case of wanting to store Recordsets in application state is now easy, since you can store the XML from a DataSet , but remember that memory (although cheap) is finite. Frequent use of a 10Mb set of data stored in application state may give great benefits, but 100Mb may not. This sort of scenario needs full testing before the implications are really known.

The Session Object

Session state is implemented by the HttpSessionState class in the System.Web.SessionState namespace. The Contents and StaticObjects follow the same rules as Application state “ the structure of the class is different from ASP, but access works in the same way. Thus, the following examples are equivalent. In VB.NET:

  Session.Remove("Item1")   Session.Contents.Remove("Item"1)  

In C#:

  Session.Remove("Item1");   Session.Contents.Remove("Item1");  

The changed and new features of the session object are shown in the following table:




Returns a count of items in session state.


Indicates whether or not session state is being handled in a cookieless manner.


Indicates whether or not the session has been created with the current request.


Indicates whether or not the session is read -only.


Indicates whether or not access to the session state values is thread safe.


Indicates how session state is being stored. Will contain one of the SessionStateMode constants:

InProc , for in process

Off , for no session state

StateServer , for the out -of -process state service

SQLServer , for SQL Server


In ASP.NET the SessionID property returns a String (as opposed to a Long in ASP)


An object that provides synchronous access to the session contents.


Adds a new item to the session state.


Removes all items from the session state. This is equivalent to RemoveAll , and is provided as part of the standard collection handling features.


Copies the contents of the session state to an array of strings.


Compares an object in session state with the supplied one to see if they are the same.


In ASP, the Remove method could take either the key name of the item or its index. In ASP.NET, you can only supply the name. To remove by index use the RemoveAt method.


Removes an item at the selected ordinal.

The Request Object

The request is implemented by the HttpRequest class in the System.Web namespace. All of the existing properties and methods are supported, although there are some notable exceptions regarding the use of collections (see in the following table) where the appropriate ASP 3.0 ServerVariables equivalent has been mentioned. New and changed properties or methods are detailed in corresponding fonts as follows :




Returns a string array of the MIME types supported by the client. For ASP this could be extracted from the comma separated ServerVariables HTTP_ACCEPT entry.


The virtual application path.


Returns an HttpBrowserCapabilities object describing the features of the browser.


Returns an HttpClientCertificate object (as opposed to an array of values in ASP).


The character set of the entity body.


The length (in bytes) of the request. Equivalent to CONTENT_LENGTH .


The MIME type of the request. Equivalent to CONTENT_TYPE .


Returns an HttpCookieCollection object (as opposed to an array of values in ASP).


The virtual path of the request. Equivalent to SCRIPT_NAME .


Returns an HttpFileCollection of uploaded files (for multi - part form posts).


Identifies the stream filter to use for the request. All content will be passed through the filter before being accessible by the page.


Returns a collection ( NameValueCollection ) of Form contents. Accessing this collection is different from accessing the Form collection under ASP (see the Request Collections sections).


A collection ( NameValueCollection ) of HTTP headers. In ASP these values are space -separated name : value pairs; in .NET they can be accessed via HTTP_ name .


The HTTP method used for the request. Equivalent to REQUEST_METHOD .


A Stream containing the input for the request.


Indicates whether or not the user has been authenticated.


Indicates whether or not the connection is using HTTPS. Equivalent to HTTPS in ASP.


A combined collection of QueryString , Form , ServerVariables , and Cookies .


The virtual path of the request. Equivalent to PATH_INFO .


Additional path information.

Physical ApplicationPath

The physical path of the application root. Equivalent to APPL_PHYSICAL_PATH .


The physical path of the request. Equivalent to PATH_TRANSLATED .


Returns a collection ( NameValueCollection ) of QueryString contents. Accessing this collection is different from accessing the QueryString collection under ASP (see the Request Collections section later in the chapter).


The raw URL of the request. Equivalent to RAW_URL .


The HTTP method used for the request. Equivalent to REQUEST_METHOD .


The number of bytes in the input stream.


A Uri object containing details of the request. A Uri object (from the System namespace) encapsulates information about a specific resource, such as port and DNS information.


A Uri object detailing referrer information.


The browser user agent string. Equivalent to HTTP_USER_AGENT .


The IP address of the user. Equivalent to REMOTE_ADDR .


The DNS name of the user. Equivalent to REMOTE_NAME .


An array of langauges preferences. Equivalent to HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE .


Returns a Byte array containing the binary information sent to the server. In ASP the return type is variant .

MapImage Coordinates

Maps the image -field parameter to x and y coordinates.


Maps the virtual path to a physical path. The method is now overloaded taking two forms. The first is the same as ASP where the parameter is the URL of the virtual path. The second takes three parameters: the virtual path, the virtual base directory for relative resolution, and a Boolean indicating whether or not the virtual path may belong to another application.


Saves the HTTP request to disk.

Some of this information is still available through the ServerVariables collection, but has now been abstracted out into more accessible properties.

The Request object supports collections for accessing the contents of a form or query string, and there are some major implications where those contents contain elements of the same name. This is typically the case where check boxes, radio buttons , or multi-select list boxes are used. For example, consider the following ASP form:

  <form action="foo.asp" method="post">   Select your favorite editor:   <select name="editor" multiple="multiple">   <option>Notepad   <option>Textpad   <option>Visual Studio .NET   </select>   <p/>   <input type="submit" value="Send">   </form>  

To extract the selected values from the multi-select list you could use:

  For item = 1 To Request.Form("editor").Count   Response.Write Request.Form("editor")(item) & "<br/>"   Next  

However, this code will not work in ASP.NET, as a NameValueCollection represents the form contents. There are two points about this:

  • The collection is zero based

  • You have to explicitly get the values

For example:

  Dim item As Integer   For item = 0 To Request.Form.GetValues("editor").Length - 1   Response.Write (Request.Form.GetValues("editor")(item) & "<br/>")   Next  

Here you have to use the GetValues() method of the collection, and index into that (using a base of 0) to get the required value.

The Response Object

The response to a request is implemented by the HttpResponse class. Like the request, all existing functionality is kept, with the following changes or additions:




Indicates whether or not to buffer output. This is the same as the Buffer property, and is the preferred method of changing buffering in ASP.NET.


Returns an HttpCachePolicy object, containing details about the caching policy of the current response.


Although still supported, this property is deprecated in favor of the HttpCachePolicy methods.


Identifies the character set of the output. The value can be one of those listed in the Encoding enumeration ( ASCIIEncoding , UnicodeEncoding , UTF7Encoding , UTF8Encoding ).


Returns a collection ( HttpCookieCollection) of HttpCookie objects (as opposed to an array of attributed values in ASP). The ASP cookie attributes appear as properties of the HttpCookie object.


Although still supported, this property is deprecated in favor of the HttpCachePolicy methods.


Although still supported, this property is deprecated in favor of the HttpCachePolicy methods.


The Stream object that acts as the output filter. All output will go through this filter before being returned to the client.


Returns a TextWriter object through which custom output can be returned to the client.


Returns a Stream object representing the raw data of the content body.


Sets the HTTP status code to return to the client. This property has been deprecated in favor of the StatusDescription property.


The HTTP status code of the response.


Indicates whether or not content is to be returned to the client.


Adds a group of file names to the dependency list upon which the response is based. Changes to these files will invalidate the output cache.


Adds a single file name to the dependency list upon which the response is based. Changes to this file will invalidate the output cache.


This method has been deprecated in favor of the AppendHeader method.


Appends an HTTP header to the content stream. This method is preferred over AddHeader .


Applies the Cookieless Session ID to a given relative or virtual path. This allows HREFS with fully qualified names to be modified to include the current Session ID .


Writes binary data (a Byte array) to the output stream. In ASP this is a variant array.


Clears the content from the buffer stream.


Clears the headers from the buffer stream.


Closes the socket connection to the client.


This method is now overloaded. The first form is the same as ASP, taking a URL, and the second form takes a URL and a Boolean indicating whether or not Response.End is called after the redirection.


This method is overloaded, and can take one of four sets of parameters:

A Char

An Object

A String

A Char array, along with the start index and number of characters to write


Writes the specified file directly to the output stream.

The Server Object

The Server object is implemented by the HttpServerUtility class in the System.Web namespace. The additions and changes are detailed as follows:




Returns the name of the server.


Clears the previous exception.


This method is now overloaded. The original form taking a string of the ProgID is still allowed, as well as the new form taking a Type object.


Creates an instance of a COM object from the Class identifier ( CLSID ).


This method is now overloaded. The original form taking a string of the path of the new request is still allowed, as well as the new form taking the path and a TextWriter used to capture the output. This allows requests to be executed and then manipulated.


This now returns an Exception object (as opposed to an ASPError object in ASP).


Decodes an HTML encoded string.


This method is now overloaded, with an additional form taking a string to encode and a TextWriter into which the encoded text should be placed.


This method is now overloaded, with an additional form taking a string for the path, and a Boolean to indicate whether or not the Form and QueryString collections should be preserved across the transfer.


Decodes an HTML encoded URL.


Encodes only the URL portion of a string (as opposed to UrlEncode which encode the URL and any QueryString ).


This method is now overloaded, with an additional form taking a string of the URL to encode, and a TextWriter into which the encoded URL is placed.

The ASPError Object

The ASPError object has been removed, as errors are now represented by exceptions. For example, the following code extracts the last error:

  Dim lastError As Exception   lastError = Server.GetLastError()   Response.Write("Error was: " & lastError.Message)  

The ObjectContext Object

The ObjectContext object in ASP is designed for the integration of ASP pages with external transacted components, such as those in Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) or COM+ Services. Within ASP.NET you have the ability to run pages with ASP Page Compatibility , by setting a page directive:

  <%@ Page AspCompat="true" %>  

This allows the page to be run on a single threaded apartment (STA) thread, allowing it to call STA components, such as those written in VB6. This is particularly useful for those components that reference the ASP intrinsic objects and generate HTML.

The Page Object

The Page object (in the System.Web.UI namespace) was not a part of ASP, but plays an important role in ASP.NET. The Page is the parent object for the objects mentioned above, apart from the ObjectContext . Many of the features of the page you'll already have seen (such as the IsPostBack and IsValid properties), and the rest are extensively documented in the help files. We mention this object here in case you see code such as Page.Session , Page.Response , or Page.Request , and wonder how the objects relate.

Page Changes

Along with changes to the common objects, the structure and usage of ASP pages have changed. You've already seen how the event model and postback architecture changes the layout of pages, so what you'll concentrate on here are the things that need changing from existing ASP pages.

Single Language Per Page

I've never actually seen any code that used more than one server-side language, but with ASP.NET you must use a single language per page. If you need to use multiple languages you'll have to use User Controls or custom controls, which can be in any language.


The single language per page rule only affects individual pages “ multiple pages in an application can be in different languages.

Script Blocks

Procedures in ASP.NET pages have to reside within proper script tags. So, the following is no longer allowed:

  <%   Sub Foo()   ...   End Sub   %>  

Instead you must use:

  <script language="VB" runat="server">   Sub Foo()   ...   End Sub   </script>  

You can still use the <% %> tags for inline placement of variables or function results.

Code Render Functions

The changes to script block usage mean that render functions are no longer allowed. Render functions are where the body of a function actually contains HTML. For example:

  <% Sub ShowSeparator() %>   <img src="sep.gif" width="100%"></img>   <% End Sub %>  

This now has to be:

  <script language="VB" runat="server">   Sub ShowSeparator()   Response.Write("<img src='sep.gif' width='100%'></img>")   End Sub   </script>  

Professional ASP. NET 1.1
Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0470384611
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 243 © 2008-2017.
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