layout of computer room, 6-7
levels of security, 9-10, 180-181, 209-211
libraries, 292, 293-298
Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE) and, 312
Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB), 311
Change System Library List (CHGSYSLBL) and, 312
Create Library (CRTLIB) and, 293, 299-300
current, 311
Delete Library (DLTLIB) and, 268, 293-294, 301-303, 302
Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) and, 302, 302, 303
Display Library (DSPLIB) and, 300-301
Edit Library List (EDTLIBL) and, 312
IBM-supplied (Qxxx), 293-298, 302
library (LIB) object, 308
library lists and, 310-314, 310
maintenance and, 267-268
naming, 19
new procedure (FLIB) in, 344, 345
objects within, Work with Objects
product-type, 297-298, 311
production-type, 300
QGPL, 295-297, 295
QSYS, 292, 294-295
QSYSLIBL and, 186-187
QTEMP, 303-305
Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE), 312
Restore Library (RSTLIB) and, 79-80, 294
Restore Object (RSTOBJ) and, 294
restoring, 79-80
Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ), 294
Save Library (SAVLIB) and, 71, 294
Save Object (SAVOBJ) and, 294
Save System (SAVSYS) and, 294
saving, for backup and recovery, 71
special environments and, 298
system values and, lists, 186-187
environment and, 335-337, 344, 345
system-type, 296, 296-297t
user objects in, 234
user, 186, 299-301
Work with Libraries (WRKLIB) and, 299
Work with Libraries using PDM (WRKLIBPDM) and, 299
library authorities, 233
library (LIB) object, 308
library lists, 310-314, 310
Add Library List Entry (ADDLIBLE) and, 312
Change Library List (CHGLIBL) and, 312
Change System Library List (CHGSYSLBL) and, 312
Edit Library List (EDTLIBL) and, 312
Remove Library List Entry (RMVLIBLE), 312
system and user portion in, 310-312, 310
using, 313-314
licensed programs, Delete Licensed Program (DLTLICPGM) and, 302, 302, 303
line description (LIND) object, 308
Load PTF (LODPTF), 286
locked objects, 154, 154
logging, history logs, 266-267
logical files, 315, 321-323
Add/Remove Logical File Member (ADDLFM/RMVM) and, 322
Create Logical File (CRTLF) and, 321-322
file (FILE) object and, 307
join type, 323-325, 324t
keys for keyed files from, 322-323
members within, 322
sequencing in, 322
use of, 322-323
logical partitioning, 163
logs, job, 37-39. See also job management
Display Log (DSPLOG) and, 40, 40
QHST system log and, 40-41, 40