
 < Day Day Up > 


Field class, getProperty( ) method, 105

field element

depends attribute, 100

property attribute, 100

field tag (Validator), 396

attributes, 396

depends attribute, 108

DTD definition, 396

example usage, 396

file tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 207-209

attributes, 207-208

example usage, 208-209

Filter object, 429

Flow of execution (MVC architecture), 44-45

FORM authentication, 414

Form Bean fields, using Strings for, 56

Form Bean properties, 56

Form Beans, 54-61

action mapping definitions, 56-57

boolean properties, 57

configuring, 37, 56-57

creating, 96

data validations, 58-59

definition, 56

example of, 55-56

lifecycle of, 59-60

readOnly property, 57-58

setting check box properties, 57

for use with Validator, 96-99

using reflection to populate, 56

form definition, 102

form element name attribute, 100

form tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 109, 209-210

action parameter, 23

attributes, 209-210, 397

DTD definition, 397

example usage, 210, 397

name attribute, 97

in Validator configuration file, 397

Format Tag Library tags (JSTL), 338-339

FORM-based login, 418-419

form-bean tag (Struts), 365-367

attributes, 366

DTD definition, 366

example usage, 366-367

name attribute, 97

with nested tags, 354

type attribute, 61

form-beans tag (Struts configuration file), 367

attribute, 367

DTD definition, 367

example usage, 367

formName attribute of javascript tag, 102

form-property tag (Struts), 367-368

attributes, 368

DTD definition, 368

example usage, 368

initial attribute, 61

formset elements, 100

formset tag (Validator), 398-399

attributes, 398

country attribute, 109-110

DTD definition, 398

example usage, 398-399

language attribute, 109

form-validation element of validation.xml file, 100, 109, 397-398

DTD definition, 397

example usage, 398

Forward definitions, 17, 37, 88, 147

forward tag (Logic Tag Library), 291, 369-370

attributes, 291, 369

DTD definition, 369

example usage, 291, 369-370

nesting inside action tag, 88

ForwardAction class, 80, 426


explained, 87-88

to a specific URL, 80-81

Tiles definitions as target of, 126

frame tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 211-214

attributes, 212-213

example usage, 213-214

French version of, 183

French-specific definitions and attributes, 128

Functional testing, 436

Functional unit testing, 436

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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