

The animal on the cover of Ruby on Rails: Up and Running is an ibex ( Capra pyrenaica ). Found in the mountains of Europe, central Asia, and North Africa, the ibex spends most of its time at an altitude of 7,500 to 11,500 feet. The ibex is known for its impressively long horns, which can grow up to three feet on males. During mating season , ibex males bang their horns together in intense battles over mating rights.

Although the physics of such a feat seems dubious, according to legend, the ibex's horns were so strong that, if threatened, the animal could hurl itself from a precipice and land unharmed on them.

The cover image is from Riverside Natural History . The cover font is Adobe ITC Garamond. The text font is Linotype Birka; the heading font is Adobe Myriad Condensed; and the code font is LucasFont's TheSans Mono Condensed.

Ruby on Rails[c] Up and Running
Ruby on Rails[c] Up and Running
Year: 2006
Pages: 94 © 2008-2017.
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