Delta Encoding

15.10 Delta Encoding

We have described different versions of a web page as different instances of a page. If a client has an expired copy of a page, it requests the latest instance of the page. If the server has a newer instance of the page, it will send it to the client, and it will send the full new instance of the page even if only a small portion of the page actually has changed.

Rather than sending it the entire new page, the client would get the page faster if the server sent just the changes to the client's copy of the page (provided that the number of changes is small). Delta encoding is an extension to the HTTP protocol that optimizes transfers by communicating changes instead of entire objects. Delta encoding is a type of instance manipulation, because it relies on clients and servers exchanging information about particular instances of an object. RFC 3229 describes delta encoding.

Figure 15-10 illustrates more clearly the mechanism of requesting, generating, receiving, and applying a delta-encoded document. The client has to tell the server which version of the page it has, that it is willing to accept a delta from the latest version of page, and which algorithms it knows for applying those deltas to its current version. The server has to check if it has the client's version of the page and how to compute deltas from the latest version and the client's version (there are several algorithms for computing the difference between two objects). It then has to compute the delta, send it to the client, let the client know that it's sending a delta, and specify the new identifier for the latest version of the page (because this is the version that the client will end up with after it applies the delta to its old version).

Figure 15-10. Mechanics of delta-encoding


The client uses the unique identifier for its version of the page (sent by the server in its previous response to the client in the ETag header) in an If-None-Match header. This is the client's way of telling the server, "if the latest version of the page you have does not have this same ETag, send me the latest version of the page." Just the If-None-Match header, then, would cause the server to send the client the full latest version of the page (if it was different from the client's version).

The client can tell the server, however, that it is willing to accept a delta of the page by also sending an A-IM header. A-IM is short for Accept-Instance-Manipulation ("Oh, by the way, I do accept some forms of instance manipulation, so if you apply one of those you will not have to send me the full document."). In the A-IM header, the client specifies the algorithms it knows how to apply in order to generate the latest version of a page given an old version and a delta. The server sends back the following: a special response code (226 IM Used) telling the client that it is sending it an instance manipulation of the requested object, not the full object itself; an IM (short for Instance-Manipulation) header, which specifies the algorithm used to compute the delta; the new ETag header; and a Delta-Base header, which specifies the ETag of the document used as the base for computing the delta ( ideally , the same as the ETag in the client's If-None-Match request!). The headers used in delta encoding are summarized in Table 15-5 .

Table 15-5. Delta-encoding headers




Unique identifier for each instance of a document. Sent by the server in the response; used by clients in subsequent requests in If-Match and If-None-Match headers.


Request header sent by the client, asking the server for a document if and only if the client's version of the document is different from the server's.


Client request header indicating types of instance manipulations accepted.


Server response header specifying the type of instance manipulation applied to the response. This header is sent when the response code is 226 IM Used.


Server response header that specifies the ETag of the base document used for generating the delta (should be the same as the ETag in the client request's If-None-Match header).

15.10.1 Instance Manipulations, Delta Generators, and Delta Appliers

Clients can specify the types of instance manipulation they accept using the A-IM header. Servers specify the type of instance manipulation used in the IM header. Just what are the types of instance manipulation that are accepted, and what do they do? Table 15-6 lists some of the IANA registered types of instance manipulations.

Table 15-6. IANA registered types of instance manipulations




Delta using the vcdiff algorithm [14]


Delta using the Unix diff -e command


Delta using the gdiff algorithm [15]


Compression using the gzip algorithm


Compression using the deflate algorithm


Used in a server response to indicate that the response is partial content as the result of a range selection


Used in a client request's A-IM header to indicate that the client is willing to accept an identity instance manipulation

[14] Internet draft draft-korn-vcdiff-01 describes the vcdiff algorithm. This specification was approved by the IESG in early 2002 and should be released in RFC form shortly.

[15] describes the GDIFF algorithm.

A "delta generator" at the server, as in Figure 15-10 , takes the base document and the latest instance of the document and computes the delta between the two using the algorithm specified by the client in the A-IM header. At the client side, a "delta applier" takes the delta and applies it to the base document to generate the latest instance of the document. For example, if the algorithm used to generate the delta is the Unix diff -e command, the client can apply the delta using the functionality of the Unix ed text editor, because diff -e <file1> <file2> generates the set of ed commands that will convert <file1> into <file2> . ed is a very simple editor with a few supported commands. In the example in Figure 15-10 , 5c says delete line 5 in the base document, and chisels.<cr>. says add "chisels.". That's it. More complicated instructions can be generated for bigger changes. The Unix diff -e algorithm does a line-by-line comparison of files. This obviously is okay for text files but breaks down for binary files. The vcdiff algorithm is more powerful, working even for non-text files and generally producing smaller deltas than diff -e .

The delta encoding specification defines the format of the A-IM and IM headers in detail. Suffice it to say that multiple instance manipulations can be specified in these headers (along with corresponding quality values). Documents can go through multiple instance manipulations before being returned to clients, in order to maximize compression. For example, deltas generated by the vcdiff algorithm may in turn be compressed using the gzip algorithm. The server response would then contain the header IM: vcdiff, gzip. The client would first gunzip the content, then apply the results of the delta to its base page in order to generate the final document.

Delta encoding can reduce transfer times, but it can be tricky to implement. Imagine a page that changes frequently and is accessed by many different people. A server supporting delta encoding must keep all the different copies of that page as it changes over time, in order to figure out what's changed between any requesting client's copy and the latest copy. (If the document changes frequently, as different clients request the document, they will get different instances of the document. When they make subsequent requests to the server, they will be requesting changes between their instance of the document and the latest instance of the document. To be able to send them just the changes, the server must keep copies of all the previous instances that the clients have.) In exchange for reduced latency in serving documents, servers need to increase disk space to keep old instances of documents around. The extra disk space necessary to do so may quickly negate the benefits from the smaller transfer amounts.


HTTP. The Definitive Guide
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 1565925092
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 294 © 2008-2017.
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