

A (Address) resource record, 231, 611-612

AAAA resource record, 231

access control

FTP sites, 95-97

IP address restrictions, 50-51

NNTP virtual servers, 144-148, 160

SMTP virtual servers, 128

web sites, 628

Access Control Lists (ACLs), 230

Access tab, NNTP Service, 144-148

account lockout, 182-183

Account Policies, local security settings, 179


access rights, 81-82

Administrator account, 190

Basic authentication, 193

creating for new web site, 626-627

group accounts, 626-627

IIS 6 defaults, 10-11

Local System account, 482, 485-486

mapping client certificates to, 281-285

security, 181-185

W3C logging and, 632

ACLs (Access Control Lists), 230

Action tab, Performance Monitor, 650-651

Active Data Objects. See ADO (Active Data Objects)

Active Directory

Digest authentication, 193-195

DNS zone information, 229-230

enterprise CAs, 269

Group Policy Objects, 179

Integrated Windows authentication, 196

secure dynamic updates, 231

Active Directory Scripting Interface. See ADSI (Active Directory Scripting Interface)

Active Log Format drop down box, 314

Active Server Pages. See ASPs (Active Server Pages)

Active Template Library (ATL), 494, 528

ActiveX controls, 365-366

ActiveX DLL project

class interface for, 369-372

deploying, 374

setting up, 366-368

testing, 372-374

testing deployment, 386-388

writing with VB6, 364

Add Counters dialog box, 644-645

Add New Item dialog box, 532

AddData subroutine, ADO, 348-350

AddHeader command, 335

Address (A) resource record, 611-612

administration tasks, 243-258

editing XML metabase file, 244-245

HTML remote administration, 253-258

using ADSI provider, 245-248

using VBScript utilities, 251-253

using WMI provider, 248-251

administration web site, 9

Administration web site, 253-258

Administrator account, 190

ADO (Active Data Objects)

AddData subroutine, 348-350

ASP and, 343-345

command object, 350

connection object, 345, 441

legacy data access, 343

MakeDataEntryTable subroutine, 353-356

MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) and, 400

reading data sources with, 343

recordset object, 346-348, 352, 402-406

ShowUserRecordset, 350-353


data adaptors, 470

DataGrid control, 443-444

DataList control, 445-448

namespaces, 443

ADSI (Active Directory Scripting Interface)

connecting to, 246

editing metabase with, 17

methods, 247-248

objects, 245

properties, 246-247

WMI compared with, 248

advanced configuration options, web sites, 28-30

Advanced Digest authentication, 194-195, 204

advanced options, W3C Extended Log File Format, 298-300

Advanced TCP/IP Settings window

IP settings tab, 214-216

modifying Interface Metric, 216

Options tab, 220-221

WINS tab, 218-220

affected screens, functional specification, 588

AFSDB (Andrew File System Database) resource record, 231

Agile, 574

alert e-mails, Remote Administration site, 257

alerts, Performance Monitor, 648-651

algorithms, 260

ALL_HTTP server variable, 545-548

Allow All Web Service Extensions For A Specific Application hyperlink, 639

Allow Anonymous, NNTP authentication, 146-147

Allow button, Web Service Extensions, 186

ALT Project template, 498

ALT Server

architecture, 494-497

creating simple project, 497-503

debugging, 502

deploying to IIS, 500

overview of, 494

project options. See ALT Server Project Wizard

request handler DLL, 518-522

server response files, 514-518

ALT Server Project Wizard

Application Options tab, 509-511

Developer Support Options tab, 512-514

Overview screen, 499

project completion, 514

Project Settings tab, 503-504

Server Options tab, 504-509

anonymous access, 46-48, 129, 441-442

Anonymous authentication, 190-191, 203

AnonymousPasswordSynch property, 191

APIs (application programming interfaces), 320

appendix, functional specification, 590

Application Configuration dialog box, 176-177

Application Configuration window, 37-38

Debugging tab, 42-43

Mappings tab, 38-40

Options tab, 40-42

application files, compressing, 72

application layer

DOD protocol model, 207

OSI protocol model, 208

application logs, 481, 637

application mapping. See Mappings tab

application memory leaks, 76

application objects, ASP, 328, 329-330

Application Options tab, ALT Server Project Wizard, 509-511

application pool queue length, 215-216

application pools, 74-82

Add New Application Pool dialog box, 484

ASP.NET web forms, 441

configuring, 616-617

creating, 75

health monitoring, 79-81

identities, 81-82, 485

IIS 6 architecture and, 19

overview of, 74

performance options, 78-79

processor affinity, 82

recycling processes, 76-78

application settings, web services, 468-470

application settings, WWW Service, 36-44

configuring, 37

debugging, 42-44

execute permissions, 37

mapping file extensions, 38-40

names, 36-37

options, 40-42

uploading, 37

application state, 335-338

<appSettings>, 468

architecture, 17-20

ALT Server, 494-497

architectural models, 206-209

ASPs (Active Server Pages), 320-321

COM web programming, 365

ISAPI, 525-528

web forms, 422-424

web services, 458-459

architecture, IIS 6, 17-20

application pools, 19

health monitoring, 19

inetinfo.exe and, 17

orphaning worker processes, 20

scalability, 20

w3wp.exe and, 18

web gardens, 20

Worker Process Isolation Mode, 18

ARPANET, 206, 223

arrow symbols, XML escape values, 669

.asa file extension, 176

ASMX files

compared with ASPX file, 458-459, 462

creating ASP.NET web services, 459-462

as start up file, 486

.asp file extension, 176

ASP.DLL. See also ASPs (Active Server Pages)

ALT Server and, 496

ASP sessions and, 342

defined, 382

hiding ASP scripting, 177


ALT Server as basis of, 494

editing ASP files, 323-324

overview of, 422

scripting languages, 320

ASP.NET web forms

ADO.NET namespaces and, 443

aspx (web form file), 426-430

aspx.cs (web form codebehind file), 430-432

AssemblyInfo.cs, 433

building, 436-438

creating test harness with, 489

creating with Visual Studio.NET, 424-426

csproj file, 433-434

csproj.webinfo (project WebInfo file), 434

Data Form Wizard, 449-453

displaying data with DataGrid controls, 443-444

displaying data with DataList controls, 445-448

editing data-oriented web form code, 438-441

event handlers, 432

overview of, 422

security, 441-442

SRF features and, 514-515

vsdisco (discovery information file), 434

web forms architecture, 422-424

web.config (web configuration file), 435-436

XML control, 453-455

ASP.NET web services

adding components to, 462-463

application deployment settings, 468-470

architecture, 458-459

compared with web forms, 458

creating with Visual Studio.NET, 459-462

data adaptor component, 470-476

data reader class and, 476-480

database connection component, 464-468

event log component, 480-482

security, 482-486

test harness, 489-492

testing, 486-488

troubleshooting shutdown, 641-642

ASPs (Active Server Pages)

accessing source code for, 35-36

ADO and. See ADO (Active Data Objects)

application objects, 329-330

architecture, 320-321

code in, 430

COM web programming and, 364

combining business and presentation logic, 413

compared with CGI, 382

editing ASP files, 321-324, 321-324

enabling on web server, 616

hiding use of, 177

IIS subcomponents, 8

IIS support, 324-327

objects, 328-329

overview of, 327-328

request objects. See request objects

response objects, 329

scripts, 175

server objects. See server objects

session objects. See session objects

session state and, 41

troubleshooting ASP scripts, 42-43

ASPX files, 426-430

codebehind and, 428-429

HTML and XML code in, 425-426

HTML code in, 426-428

ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) extensions and, 423

logic abstraction and, 423-424

overview of, 422

virtual web directory, 426

web form controls, 428

aspx.cs (web form codebehind file), 422, 430-432

assemblies, 433, 458

AssemblyInfo.cs, 433

ASsPath, ADSI provider, 246

assumptions, functional specification, 588

ATL (Active Template Library), 494, 528

ATLTRACE macro, 521-522

ATMA (Asynchronous Transfer Mode Address) resource record, 231

attacks, security

types of, 167-170

why vulnerabilities happen, 166-167

attributed code, ALT Server, 512-513

Audit Policy, 179, 637-638

authentication, 189-204

Advanced Digest. See Advanced Digest authentication

anonymous, 190-191

ASP.NET web forms, 441

Basic. See Basic authentication

Digest. See Digest authentication

IIS security and, 176

Integrated Windows. See Integrated Windows authentication

multiple schemes for, 203-204

.NET Passport. See .NET Passport authentication

NNTP virtual servers, 146-148

SMTP incoming connections, 128-129

SMTP messages, 126

web sites, 48-50, 628

Authentication Methods window, .NET Passport, 202-203

automated solutions. See software solutions

automatic version numbering, COM objects, 368

IIS 6(c) The Complete Reference
IIS 6: The Complete Reference
ISBN: 0072224959
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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