Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z] data files (current), backing up data types, Registry dates and times expressions in Indexing Service queries Maximum Idle Time setting (residential gateways) NTFS date and time stamps, updates of timeouts for programs, changing .dbx file extensions (mail messages in Outlook Express) decrypting files and folders with EFS defragmenting boot Diskeeper Desktop.ini files desktops command-line prompt on control for current users by Registry hive customizing background, color and system icons deleting unnecessary icons hiding icons that can't be deleted reducing icon numbers to conserve RAM shortcuts, Explorer custom views 2nd showing Windows version on Virtual Desktop Manager activating the toolbar customizing switching between desktops Destroy File feature (PowerDesk) Device Manager error messages, decoding error codes, messages, and potential solutions hidden hardware, discovering DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) IP address assigned by, renewing diagnostic services, bypassing ICF firewall dictionary attacks digital rights management (DRM) digital video cameras direct cable connections for networking Ethernet cable, using serial or parallel cable, using directories files printing file listings in Outlook XP Disconnect Network Drive option (Explorer Tools menu) Disk Cleanup tool disk defragmentation, improving failure of disk defragmenter getting a better disk defragmenter running disk defragmenter from command line disk space Disk Cleanup warning, disabling DVD burning, requirements for saved by NTFS compression Display Properties dialog box display settings, changing to run applets DLLs, removing from cache memory DNS getting IP address of server with netsh settings, customizing for faster Internet access HOSTS file domain names for remote clients DOS applications, memory use and executing commands with MCL command prompt double-clicking on .reg files DoubleClick online advertising network, opting out of DoubleClickSpeed value (Registry) Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) program 2nd drawings, sharing with whiteboard drive-by downloads DSL Internet access, hub/router settings for resetting modems to repair TCP/IP connection DVDs making your own storing backups on DWORD values (Registry) 2nd examples in subkey section listing dynamic DNS service dynamic IP addresses DHCP mapping to hostnames for servers |