18.1 What Is Remote Method Invocation?


RMI lets Java objects on different hosts communicate with each other in a way that's similar to how objects running in the same virtual machine communicate with each other: by calling methods in objects. A remote object lives on a server. Each remote object implements a remote interface that specifies which of its methods can be invoked by clients. Clients invoke the methods of the remote object almost exactly as they invoke local methods. For example, an object running on a local client can pass a database query as a String argument to a method in a database object running on a remote server to ask it to sum up a series of records. The server can return the result to the client as a double . This is more efficient than downloading all the records and summing them up locally. Java-compatible web servers can implement remote methods that allow clients to ask for a complete index of the public files on the site. This could dramatically reduce the time a server spends filling requests from web spiders such as Google. Indeed, Excite already uses a non-Java-based version of this idea.

From the programmer's perspective, remote objects and methods work pretty much like the local objects and methods you're accustomed to. All the implementation details are hidden. You just import one package, look up the remote object in a registry (which takes one line of code), and make sure that you catch RemoteException when you call the object's methods. From that point on, you can use the remote object almost as freely and easily as you use an object running on your own system. The abstraction is not perfect. Remote method invocation is much slower and less reliable than regular local method invocation. Things can and do go wrong with remote method invocation that do not affect local method invocations. For instance, a local method invocation is not subject to a Verizon technician disconnecting your DSL line while working on the phone line next door. Network failures of this type are represented as RemoteException s. However, RMI tries to hide the difference between local and remote method invocation to the maximum extent possible.

More formally , a remote object is an object with methods that may be invoked from a different Java virtual machine than the one in which the object itself lives, generally one running on a different computer. Each remote object implements one or more remote interfaces that declare which methods of the remote object can be invoked by the foreign system. RMI is the facility by which a Java program running on one machine, say java.oreilly.com , can invoke a method in an object on a completely different machine, say www. ibiblio .org .

For example, suppose weather.centralpark.org is an Internet-connected PC at the Central Park weather station that monitors the temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and direction, and similar information through connections to various instruments, and it needs to make this data available to remote users. A Java program running on that PC can offer an interface like Example 18-1 that provides the current values of the weather data.

Example 18-1. The weather interface
 import java.rmi.*; import java.util.Date; public interface Weather extends Remote {   public double getTemperature( ) throws RemoteException;   public double getHumidity( ) throws RemoteException;   public double getPressure( ) throws RemoteException;   public double getWindSpeed( ) throws RemoteException;   public double getWindDirection( ) throws RemoteException;   public double getLatitude( ) throws RemoteException;   public double getLongitude( ) throws RemoteException;   public Date   getTime( ) throws RemoteException; } 

Normally, this interface is limited to other programs running on that same PCindeed, in the same virtual machine. However, remote method invocations allow other virtual machines running on other computers in other parts of the world to invoke these methods to retrieve the weather data. For instance, a Java program running on my workstation at stallion.elharo.com could look up the current weather object in the RMI registry at weather.centralpark.org. The registry would send it a reference to the object running in weather.centralpark.org's virtual machine. My program could then use this reference to invoke the getTemperature( ) method. The getTemperature( ) method would execute on the server in Central Park, not on my local machine. However, it would return the double value back to my local program running in Brooklyn. This is simpler than designing and implementing a new socket-based protocol for communication between the weather station and its clients. The details of making the connections between the hosts and transferring the data are hidden in the RMI classes.

So far we've imagined a public service that's accessible to all. However, clearly there are some methods you don't want just anyone invoking. More RMI applications than not will have a strictly limited set of permitted users. RMI itself does not provide any means of limiting who's allowed to access RMI servers. These capabilities can be added to RMI programs through the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS). JAAS is an abstract interface that can be configured with different service providers to support a range of different authentication schemes and different stores for the authentication data.

18.1.1 Object Serialization

When an object is passed to or returned from a Java method, what's really transferred is a reference to the object. In most current implementations of Java, references are handles (doubly indirected pointers) to the location of the object in memory. Passing objects between two machines thus raises some problems. The remote machine can't read what's in the memory of the local machine. A reference that's valid on one machine isn't meaningful on the other.

There are two ways around this problem. The first way is to convert the object to a sequence of bytes and send these bytes to the remote machine. The remote machine receives the bytes and reconstructs them into a copy of the object. However, changes to this copy are not automatically reflected in the original object. This is like pass- by-value .

The second way around this problem is to pass a special remote reference to the object. When the remote machine invokes a method on this reference, that invocation travels back across the Internet to the local machine that originally created the object. Changes made on either machine are reflected on both ends of the connection because they share the same object. This is like pass-by-reference .

Converting an object into a sequence of bytes is more difficult than it appears at first glance because object fields can be references to other objects; the objects these fields point to also need to be copied when the object is copied. And these objects may point to still other objects that also need to be copied . Object serialization is a scheme by which objects can be converted into bytes and then passed around to other machines, which rebuild the original object from the bytes. These bytes can also be written to disk and read back from disk at a later time, allowing you to save the state of an entire program or a single object.

For security reasons, Java places some limitations on which objects can be serialized. All Java primitive types can be serialized, but nonremote Java objects can be serialized only if they implement the java.io.Serializable interface. Basic Java types that implement Serializable include String and Component . Container classes such as Vector are serializable if all the objects they contain are serializable. Furthermore, subclasses of a serializable class are also serializable. For example, java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Float are serializable because the class they extend, java.lang.Number , is serializable. Exceptions, errors, and other throwable objects are always serializable. Most AWT and Swing components , containers, and events are serializable. However, event adapters, image filters, and peer classes are not. Streams, readers and writers, and most other I/O classes are not serializable. Type wrapper classes are serializable except for Void . Classes in java.math are serializable. Classes in java.lang.reflect are not serializable. The URL class is serializable. However, Socket , URLConnection , and most other classes in java.net are not. If in doubt, the class library documentation will tell you whether a given class is serializable.

Object serialization is discussed in much greater detail in Chapter 11 of my previous book, Java I/O (O'Reilly).


RMI isn't the final word in distributed object systems. Its biggest limitation is that you can call only methods written in Java. What if you already have an application written in some other language, such as C++, and you want to communicate with it? The most general solution for distributed objects is CORBA, the Common Object Request Broker Architecture. CORBA lets objects written in different languages communicate with each other. Java hooks into CORBA through the Java-IDL. This goes beyond the scope of this book; to find out about these topics, see:

  • Java-IDL (http://java.sun.com/products/jdk/idl/)

  • CORBA for Beginners (http://www.omg.org/gettingstarted/corbafaq.htm)

  • The CORBA FAQ list (http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~geier/corba-faq/)

  • Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA by Dan Harkey and Robert Orfali (Wiley)

18.1.2 Under the Hood

The last two sections skimmed over a lot of details. Fortunately, Java hides most of the details from you. However, it never hurts to understand how things really work.

The fundamental difference between remote objects and local objects is that remote objects reside in a different virtual machine. Normally, object arguments are passed to methods and object values are returned from methods by referring to something in a particular virtual machine. This is called passing a reference . However, this method doesn't work when the invoking method and the invoked method aren't in the same virtual machine; for example, object 243 in one virtual machine has nothing to do with object 243 in a different virtual machine. In fact, different virtual machines may implement references in completely different and incompatible ways.

Therefore, three different mechanisms are used to pass arguments to and return results from remote methods, depending on the type of the data being passed. Primitive types ( int , boolean , double , and so on) are passed by value, just as in local Java method invocation. References to remote objects (that is, objects that implement the Remote interface) are passed as remote references that allow the recipient to invoke methods on the remote objects. This is similar to the way local object references are passed to local Java methods. Objects that do not implement the Remote interface are passed by value; that is, complete copies are passed, using object serialization. Objects that do not allow themselves to be serialized cannot be passed to remote methods. Remote objects run on the server but can be called by objects running on the client. Nonremote, serializable objects run on the client system.

To make the process as transparent to the programmer as possible, communication between a remote object client and a server is implemented in a series of layers , as shown in Figure 18-1.

Figure 18-1. The RMI layer model

To the programmer, the client appears to talk directly to the server. In reality, the client program talks only to a stub object that stands in for the real object on the remote system. The stub passes that conversation along to the remote reference layer, which talks to the transport layer. The transport layer on the client passes the data across the Internet to the transport layer on the server. The server's transport layer then communicates with the server's remote reference layer, which talks to a piece of server software called the skeleton . The skeleton communicates with the server itself. (Servers written in Java 1.2 and later can omit the skeleton layer.) In the other direction (server-to-client), the flow is simply reversed . Logically, data flows horizontally (client-to-server and back), but the actual flow of data is vertical.

This approach may seem overly complex, but remember that most of the time you don't need to think about it, any more than you need to think about how a telephone translates your voice into a series of electrical impulses that get translated back to sound at the other end of the phone call. The goal of RMI is to allow your program to pass arguments to and return values from methods without worrying about how those arguments and return values will move across the network. At worst, you'll simply need to handle one additional kind of exception a remote method might throw.

Before you can call a method in a remote object, you need a reference to that object. To get this reference, ask a registry for it by name . The registry is like a mini-DNS for remote objects. A client connects to the registry and gives it the URL of the remote object that it wants. The registry replies with a reference to the object that the client can use to invoke methods on the server.

In reality, the client is only invoking local methods in a stub . The stub is a local object that implements the remote interfaces of the remote object; this means that the stub has methods matching the signatures of all the methods the remote object exports. In effect, the client thinks it is calling a method in the remote object, but it is really calling an equivalent method in the stub. Stubs are used in the client's virtual machine in place of the real objects and methods that live on the server; you may find it helpful to think of the stub as the remote object's surrogate on the client. When the client invokes a method, the stub passes the invocation to the remote reference layer.

The remote reference layer carries out a specific remote reference protocol, which is independent of the specific client stubs and server skeletons. The remote reference layer is responsible for understanding what a particular remote reference means. Sometimes the remote reference may refer to multiple virtual machines on multiple hosts. In other situations, the reference may refer to a single virtual machine on the local host or a virtual machine on a remote host. In essence, the remote reference layer translates the local reference to the stub into a remote reference to the object on the server, whatever the syntax or semantics of the remote reference may be. Then it passes the invocation to the transport layer.

The transport layer sends the invocation across the Internet. On the server side, the transport layer listens for incoming connections. Upon receiving an invocation, the transport layer forwards it to the remote reference layer on the server. The remote reference layer converts the remote references sent by the client into references for the local virtual machine. Then it passes the request to the skeleton. The skeleton reads the arguments and passes the data to the server program, which makes the actual method call. If the method call returns a value, that value is sent down through the skeleton, remote reference, and transport layers on the server side, across the Internet and then up through the transport, remote reference, and stub layers on the client side. In Java 1.2 and later, the skeleton layer is omitted and the server talks directly to the remote reference layer. Otherwise, the protocol is the same.

Java Network Programming
Java Network Programming, Third Edition
ISBN: 0596007213
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 164

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