Haake, Tony, 177, 178, 181
Hankins, Anthony Mark, 175-182, 184-188, 229
Howell, William (W. R., Bill), 127
boards under, 268
and career of Duff-Bloom, 204, 210-212
and Catalyst Award, 238
as CEO, 158-162, 230
as CEO choice, 138
and Duff-Bloom's comments on bureaucracy, 240-243
and inclusion policy, 209, 211-213
and LPGA convention speech, 194-196, 201, 219-228
and merchandising divisions creation, 144-145, 148
and move to Dallas, 150-158, 163-164
name change by, 158
and name of Dallas headquarters, 168-169
and Oesterreicher's promotion, 251
and Penney's view of financial community, 208
self- reliance of, 281
and sponsorships of St. James, 174-175
Hughes, Al, 38, 79, 112
Batten as assistant to, 16
and Batten's potential in company, 90
criticisms of, 160
and rose bush sales, 83
and "too much" profit, 231
Hutchens, Tom, 181, 182, 235, 236, 251, 256