[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] data model, RDF data-centric applications in XML databases of RDF-based documents dataset dates and times date fields for RSS 2.0 date Meerkat first saw story, turning on/off date or date range (dc:coverage) dc:date element dcterms:created element dcterms:issued element end date of an event (ev:enddate element) last build date of a feed (rss091:lastBuildDate) last modification of related item content (dcterms:modified) publishing date dc:date element pubDate element response time (average) of the server server statistics start and end dates, searches by feed changes start date of an event (ev:startdate) time period for stories on Meerkat time-to-live (ttl element) times for start, end, and duration of streamed media days (rss091:day element) dc elements dc:relation element DCSV (Dublin Core Structured Values) dcterms: namespace dcterms:extent element dcterms:medium element declarations, XML DeleteSubscriptionList function (Syndic8) department an article appears in description elements dc:description element HTML in RSS 0.91 RSS 1.0, subelement of channel rss091:description element Submit button in RSS 0.91 descriptions book content in mod_book design turning on/off in Meerkat queries desktop readers AmphetaDesk automatic subscribing feature blogrolls and subscription lists extending headline viewers history of subscription icons web sites Details elements developer •s key for Google API Developer •s Token (from Amazon.com) directories of RSS feeds discussions of items, URL for distributed RDF div elements 2nd DMOZ Open Directory [See Open Directory] docs element (RSS 0.91) Document object model (DOM), XML parsers based on document type definition [See DTD] documentation, AmphetaDesk program Dornfest, Rael 2nd 3rd double quotes (") in XML attribute values DTD (document type definition) 2nd declaration in RSS 0.91 validating RSS against Dublin Core metadata Meerkat query parameter for mod_DCTerms Dublin Core module [See also mod_dublincore]2nd Dublin Core Structured Values (DCSV) |