Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] SaveToXml( ) method saving packages, SSIS scalability of CLR integration design 2nd scalar values Scale property schedules replication SQL Server Agent, creating vacuum creating managing Schema Component schemaDeclaration schemaName schemas copying databases, retrieving discovery edge tables GetFactoryClasses( ) method SASS SMO classes XML managing SMO classes schemes, partitions Script( ) method scripting ASSL 2nd projects, Solution Explorer SMO utility classes tasks, SSIS ScriptingProgress event .sdf database files searching Full-Text Search managing secondary XML indexes security CAS CLR integration design 2nd passwords, modifying proxy accounts, creating SQL Server Surface Area Configuration Security node Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) SELECT statement 2nd 3rd SEND T-SQL statement Send( ) method 2nd sequences containers numbers, Service Broker serialization Server class Server Objects node server_principal argument ServerAlias class ServerConnection class ServerConnection object ServerMessageEventHandler ServerMessageEventHandler event handler ServerPermission class ServerPermissionInfo class ServerPermissionSet class servers aliases, creating database instances DDL, managing triggers groups, SMO classes hierarchies, navigating linked, SMO classes logs, managing managing master, SQL Server Agent permissions managing SMO classes registered, SMO classes 2nd report parameters roles Security node SMO classes, configuring SQL Server Mobile target, SQL Server Agent Service Broker architecture implementing objects, enumerating programming Service class service principal name (SPN) ServiceBroker class services Analysis Service tasks ContactNotification Integration Services Report Server web service Service Broker implementing managing SQL Server Configuration Manager SQL Server Surface Area Configuration SSIS programming tools starting/stopping StockWatch SetButtonText( ) method SetValue( ) method Show( ) method Shrink( ) method 2nd Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP) single quotation marks (') SINGLE_BLOB SINGLE_CLOB SINGLE_NCLOB Sleep( ) method slicer axis dimensions SMO (SQL Server Management Objects) 2nd backup/restore classes classes 2nd 3rd data storage object management exceptions, handling not used for data storage reference operations, transacting programming RegisteredServer class SQL Server Agent, programming SqlMail class trace/replay classes Transfer class utility classes, scripting WMI, programming SmoException class SmoExceptionType enumeration snapshots generating isolation in transactions Replication Snapshot Agent subscriptions, synchronizing SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) messages Solution Explorer SOME operator SourceObjectName property SourceObjectOwner property sources, SSIS data-flow components space, reclaiming databases Specify Values for Template Parameters dialog box SPN (server principal name) SQL Native Client, programming SQL Server data types, FOR XML clause event providers notification support tasks SQL Server 2005 Management Studio SQL Server Agent node programming SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio SQL Server Configuration Manager SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server Mobile 2nd applications managing databases modifying databases prerequisites programming troubleshooting databases updating databases connecting environments SQL Server Notification Services SQL Server Profiler SQL Server Service Broker SQL Server Surface Area Configuration sql:column( ) function sql:variable( ) function sql_identifier SqlBackup( ) method SqlBulkCopy SqlBulkCopy class SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping class SqlCeDataAdapter object SqlCeEngine class 2nd SqlCeException object SqlClientFactory class sqlcmd utility SqlCommand class SqlContext class SqlDataRecord class 2nd SqlDependency SqlDependency class 2nd SqlExecutionModes property SqlFacet attribute SqlFunction attribute SqlMail class SqlMetaData class SqlMethod attribute SqlNotificationRequest class SqlPipe class SqlProcedure attribute SqlRestore( ) method SqlResultsEnd( ) method SqlResultsRow( ) method SqlResultsSend( ) method SqlResultsStart( ) method SqlSmoObject class SqlTrigger attribute SqlTriggerContext SqlTriggerContext class 2nd 3rd SqlUserDefinedAggregate attribute SqlUserDefinedType attribute 2nd SQLXML 4.0 annotated mapping schemas DiffGrams managed classes template queries UpdateGrams SqlXmlAdapter class SqlXmlCommand class SqlXmlException exception SqlXMlParameter SqlXmlParameter class SSAS (SQL Server Analysis Services) ADOMD.NET, accessing data databases development languages objects, managing overview of SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) architecture Designer programming tools SSPI (Security Support Provider Interface) SSRS (SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services) applications, integrating into extensions installing Start( ) method 2nd StartEvents( ) method starting services statements ALTER ALTER ASSEMBLY ALTER ENDPOINT ALTER FUNCTION ALTER INDEX ALTER PROCEDURE ALTER TRIGGER ALTER XML SCHEMA COLLECTION BEGIN CONVERSATION TIMER T-SQL BEGIN DIALOG T-SQL BULK INSERT capturing CREATE CREATE AGGREGATE CREATE ASSEMBLY CREATE DATABASE T-SQL CREATE ENDPOINT CREATE ENDPOINT T-SQL CREATE FUNCTION CREATE INDEX CREATE PROCEDURE CREATE TABLE CREATE TRIGGER CREATE TYPE CREATE XML SCHEMA COLLECTION DECLARE delete DMX DROP AGGREGATE DROP ASSEMBLY DROP ENDPOINT DROP FUNCTION DROP INDEX DROP PROCEDURE DROP TRIGGER DROP TYPE DROP XML SCHEMA COLLECTION END CONVERSATION T-SQL GET TRANSMISSION STATUS T-SQL insert OPENROWSET RECIEVE T-SQL replace value of SELECT 2nd 3rd SEND T-SQL WAITFOR T-SQL Statistic.Create( ) method statistics providers, retrieving SMO classes 2nd viewing status rules, DiffGrams services, viewing Status property StockWatch service Stop( ) method StopEvents( ) method stopping services storage, large-value data types stored procedures CLR integration SMO classes triggers DDL DML strings casting connections adding retrieving SQL Server Mobile SubscriberDevice class SubscriberDevice object SubscriberId property subscribers creating managing registering validating SubscriberType property SubscribeToEvents( ) method Subscription Properties dialog box SubscriptionQuantumLimit property subscriptions classes, creating creating 2nd managing 2nd 3rd snapshots, synchronizing subscriptions, classes SVFs (scalar-valued functions) synchronization DiffGrams SQL Server Mobile subscriptions, snapshots SynchronizeWithJob( ) method synonyms, SMO classes 2nd sys.assemblies catalog view sys.assembly_files catalog view sys.assembly_modules catalog view sys.assembly_references catalog view sys.assembly_types catalog view system data types, SMO classes system messages, SMO classes SystemMessages property |