

F1, 11
F5, 152
F7, 116
Faster Smarter Web Page Creation (Millhollon and Castrina), 292
faxing. See Internet Fax Service
feedback buttons , 14
fields, 232 “34
File menu, 17
opening, 24 “25
printing, 26
saving, 27 “28
using Clipboard for, 26
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server, 297
Fill feature, 103 “4
Filter By Form option, 246
Filter By Selection option, 246
Filter Excluding Selection option, 246
filters, 246 “47
Find and Replace, 53 “54
Find and Replace dialog box, 244 “45
Find dialog box, 54
first-line indent, 70
flagging messages, 195
folders, 192 “93
Folders view, 268
Font Color tool, PowerPoint, 149
Font dialog box
to add rollover, 289 “90
displaying, 69
changing in Excel, 122 “23
changing in PowerPoint, 149, 150
changing in Word, 68 “69
modifying in FrontPage, 275, 69
font styles, 69
footers, 125
Format Cells dialog box, 122 “25
formatting. See also Word 2003, formatting in
Access report, 257 “59
e-mail message text, 184
PowerPoint presentation, 149 “51
spreadsheet, 119 “25
text in FrontPage, 275
forms, 239 “40
Formula Bar, 107, 108
checking with Error Checker, 116
defined, 107
entering, 108
explanation of, 107
special features, 108 “9
Form Wizard, 239 “40
forwarding e-mail, 186
Frame Pages tab, 286
frames , 285 “87
FrontPage 2003, 265 “82
adding tables to pages, 283 “85
adding text to Web page, 275
frames, working with, 285 “87
graphics, inserting, 277
HTML code, working with, 290 “93
lines/borders, adding, 287 “89
navigation paths/links, viewing, 278 “79
new features in, 265 “66
optimizing HTML, 297
previewing Web site, 280 “81
publishing Web site, 298 “300
rollovers, creating, 289 “90
saving Web site, 281
selling on the Web, 279 “80
SharePoint Team Services and, 271, 272
summary of FrontPage features, 281 “82, 293 “94, 301 “2
Tasks view, working in, 273 “74
troubleshooting Web site, 300
uses for, 266 “67
Web files, preparing for publishing, 295 “97
Web package, 271 “72
Web site, creating, 269 “71
Web site for information about, 5
Web site, rating effectiveness of, 301
Web terms, 274
Web theme, applying, 275 “76
workspace, 267 “68
FrontPage window, 267
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server, 297
Full Screen view, 41, 170
functions, 107 “9

Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office System -- 2003 Edition
ISBN: 0735619212
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 238 © 2008-2017.
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