Section 9.7. Summary

9.7. Summary

This chapter focused on administering the virtual infrastructure with VMware VirtualCenter. A whole book could easily be written to cover the VirtualCenter application, so there are still a lot of areas that were not covered in this chapter. We did cover the installation and configuration of Virtual Center and the different security roles that exist within the application. We walked through several options for creating Virtual Machines, such as creating new VMs, cloning, creating templates, and deploying new VMs from templates. We also covered alarms, triggers, and actions. We also discussed how VirtualCenter allows you to migrate a running VM using VMotion without having to power the VM down.. You can also perform a cold migration of a VM, which allows you to relocate VMs to another managed host within the same farm.

This chapter also covered integrating ESX Server with Active Directory by configuring the Pluggable Authentication Module and using ESX Server's built-in native performance-monitoring tools. We also covered the concepts of proportional shares and minimum and maximum resource values.

Virtualization With VMware ESX Server
Configuring VMware ESX Server 2.5 (Vol 1)
ISBN: 1597490199
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 173 © 2008-2017.
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