List of Outputs

Chapter 51: The NLMIXED Procedure

Output 51.5.1: Analysis Results for Failure Time Model
Output 51.5.2: Estimated Cumulative Distribution Function
Output 51.5.3: Analysis Results for Frailty Model
Output 51.5.4: Patient-Specific CDFs and Predicted Values. Pain Reliever 1: Solid Line, Closed Circles. Pain Reliever 2: Dashed Lines, Open Circles.

Chapter 52: The NPAR1WAY Procedure

Output 52.1.1: Wilcoxon Two-Sample Test
Output 52.1.2: Median Two-Sample Test
Output 52.1.3: Empirical Distribution Function Statistics
Output 52.2.1: Wilcoxon Two-Sample Test
Output 52.3.1: Savage Multisample Test

Chapter 53: The ORTHOREG Procedure

Output 53.1.1: PROC ORTHOREG Results for Atomic Weight Example
Output 53.2.1: Wampler data: Deviations from Certified Values

Chapter 54: The PHREG Procedure

Output 54.1.1: Individual Score Test Results for All Variables
Output 54.1.2: First Model in the Stepwise Selection Process
Output 54.1.3: Score Tests Adjusted for the Variable LogBUN
Output 54.1.4: Second Model in the Stepwise Selection Process
Output 54.1.5: Third Model in the Stepwise Regression
Output 54.1.6: Final Model in the Stepwise Regression
Output 54.1.7: Model Selection Summary
Output 54.2.1: Best Variable Combinations
Output 54.3.1: Summary of Number of Case and Controls
Output 54.3.2: Conditional Logistic Regression Analysis for the Low Birth-Weight Study
Output 54.4.1: Heart Transplant Study Analysis I
Output 54.4.2: Heart Transplant Study Analysis II
Output 54.5.1: Cox Regression Analysis on the Survival of Rodents
Output 54.5.2: Plot of DFBETA Statistic for DOSE versus Subject Number
Output 54.5.3: Plot of DFBETA Statistic for NPAP versus Subject Number
Output 54.6.1: Survivor Function Estimates for LogBUN=1.0 and HGB=10.0
Output 54.6.2: Survival Curves for Specific Covariate Patterns
Output 54.7.1: Martingale Residual Plot
Output 54.7.2: Deviance Residual Plot
Output 54.8.1: Analysis of the Intensity Model
Output 54.8.2: Analysis of the Proportional Means Model
Output 54.8.3: Analysis of the PWP Total Time Model with Noncommon Effects
Output 54.8.4: Analysis of the PWP Gap Time Model with Noncommon Effects
Output 54.8.5: Summary of Bladder Tumor Recurrences in 86 Patients
Output 54.8.6: Analysis of Marginal Cox Models
Output 54.8.7: Tests of Treatment Effects
Output 54.9.1: Breakdown of Blindness in the Control and Treated Groups
Output 54.9.2: Inference Based on the Robust Sandwich Covariance
Output 54.10.1: Cox Model with Bilirubin as a Covariate
Output 54.10.2: Cumulative Martingale Residuals vs Bilirubin (Experimental)
Output 54.10.3: Typical Cumulative Residual Plot Patterns
Output 54.10.4: Model with log(Bilirubin) as a Covariate
Output 54.10.5: Panel Plot of Cumulative Martingale Residuals vs log(Bilirubin) (Experimental)
Output 54.10.6: Cumulative Martingale Residuals vs log(Bilirubin) (Experimental)
Output 54.10.7: Standardized Score Process for log(Bilirubin) (Experimental)
Output 54.10.8: Standardized Score Process for log(Protime) (Experimental)
Output 54.10.9: Kolmogorov-type Supremum Tests for Proportional Hazards Assumption

Chapter 55: The PLAN Procedure

Output 55.1.1: A Split-Plot Design
Output 55.2.1: A Hierarchical Design
Output 55.3.1: A Generalized Cyclic Block Design
Output 55.3.2: A Generalized Cyclic Block Design
Output 55.4.1: A Randomized Latin Square Design
Output 55.5.1: A Generalized Cyclic Incomplete Block Design
Output 55.6.1: List of Permutations
Output 55.6.2: List of Permutations
Output 55.6.3: Randomized Permutations
Output 55.6.4: List of Combinations
Output 55.6.5: Combinations Data Set Created by ODS

Chapter 56: The PLS Procedure

Output 56.1.1: Amount of Training Set Variation Explained
Output 56.1.2: First X- and Y-scores for Penta-Peptide Model 1
Output 56.1.3: Second X- and Y-scores for Penta-Peptide Model 1
Output 56.1.4: First and Second X-scores for Penta-Peptide Model 1
Output 56.1.5: First and Second X-weights for Penta-Peptide Model 1
Output 56.1.6: Estimated PLS Regression Coefficients and VIP (Model 1)
Output 56.2.1: Distances from the X-variables to the Model (Training Set)
Output 56.2.2: Distances from the Y-variables to the Model (Training Set)
Output 56.3.1: Spectra for Three Samples of Tyrosine and Tryptophan
Output 56.3.2: Amount of Training Set Variation Explained
Output 56.3.3: Test Set Validation for the Number of PLS Factors
Output 56.3.4: Predictor Loadings Across Frequencies

Chapter 57: The POWER Procedure

Output 57.1.1: Sample Sizes for One-Way ANOVA Contrasts
Output 57.1.2: Plot of Sample Size versus Power for One-Way ANOVA Contrasts
Output 57.1.3: Plot of Power versus Sample Size for One-Way ANOVA Contrasts
Output 57.2.1: Approximate Sample Size for z Test of a Proportion
Output 57.2.2: Approximate Sample Size for z Test with Continuity Correction
Output 57.2.3: Plot of Power versus Sample Size for Exact Binomial Test
Output 57.2.4: Plot for Assessing Sensitivity to True Proportion Value
Output 57.2.5: Numerical Content of Plot
Output 57.2.6: Plot of Power versus Sample Size for Another 1-Sided Test
Output 57.2.7: Plot of Power versus Sample Size for a 2-Sided Test
Output 57.3.1: Power for Paired t Analysis of Crossover Design
Output 57.3.2: Plot of Power versus Sample Size for Paired t Analysis of Crossover Design
Output 57.3.3: Power for Paired Equivalence Test for Crossover Design
Output 57.4.1: Power for Noninferiority Test of Ratio
Output 57.4.2: Plot of Power versus Mean Ratio for Noninferiority Test
Output 57.5.1: Power Analysis for Multiple Regression
Output 57.5.2: Plot of Power versus Sample Size for Multiple Regression
Output 57.5.3: Power Analysis for Fishers z Test
Output 57.5.4: Sample Size Determination for Fishers z Test
Output 57.6.1: Survival Curves
Output 57.6.2: Sample Size Determination for Log-Rank Test
Output 57.7.1: Sample Size Determination for Confidence Interval Precision
Output 57.7.2: Plot of Sample Size vs. Confidence Interval Half-Width
Output 57.8.1: Computed Sample Sizes
Output 57.8.2: Plot of Sample Size versus Power
Output 57.8.3: Plot of Power versus Sample Size using First Strategy
Output 57.8.4: Computed Sample Sizes
Output 57.8.5: Plot of Power versus Sample Size Using Second Strategy
Output 57.8.6: Plot of Sample Size versus Mean Difference
Output 57.8.7: Plot with Overlapping Points
Output 57.8.8: Sample Sizes
Output 57.8.9: Plot with Unequally Spaced Points
Output 57.8.10: Plot with Fractional Sample Sizes
Output 57.8.11: Plot with Simple Reference Lines on Y-Axis
Output 57.8.12: Plot with CROSSREF=YES Style Reference Lines from Y-Axis
Output 57.8.13: Plot with CROSSREF=YES Style Reference Lines from X-Axis
Output 57.8.14: Plot with Default VARY SettingsPanel 1 of 2
Output 57.8.15: Plot with Default VARY SettingsPanel 2 of 2
Output 57.8.16: Plot with Varying Color Instead of Panel
Output 57.8.17: Plot with Features Explicitly Linked to ParametersPanel 1 of 2
Output 57.8.18: Plot with Features Explicitly Linked to ParametersPanel 2 of 2
Output 57.8.19: Plot with a By-Feature Key Inside the Plotting Region
Output 57.8.20: Plot with a Numbered By-Curve Key
Output 57.8.21: Plot with a Nonnumbered By-Curve Key
Output 57.8.22: Plot with Directly Labeled Curves
Output 57.8.23: Plot with MARKERS=ANALYSIS
Output 57.8.24: Plot with MARKERS=NICE

Chapter 58: The PRINCOMP Procedure

Output 58.1.1: Plot of Raw Data
Output 58.1.2: Results of Principal Component Analysis
Output 58.1.3: Plot of Principal Components
Output 58.2.1: Results of Principal Component AnalysisPROC PRINCOMP
Output 58.2.2: OUT= Data Set Sorted by First Principal Component
Output 58.2.3: OUT= Data Set Sorted by Second Principal Component
Output 58.2.4: Plot of the First Two Principal Components
Output 58.2.5: Plot of the First and Third Principal Components
Output 58.3.1: Summary Statistics for Basketball Rankings Using PROC MEANS
Output 58.3.2: Principal Components Analysis of Basketball Rankings Using PROC PRINCOMP
Output 58.3.3: Basketball Rankings Using PROC PRINCOMP
Output 58.4.1: Eigenvalue Scatter Plot (Experimental)
Output 58.4.2: Component Scores Matrix Plot (Experimental)
Output 58.4.3: Component Pattern Plot (Experimental)
Output 58.4.4: Component Scores Plot1st versus 2nd (Experimental)
Output 58.4.5: Component Scores Plot1st versus 3rd (Experimental)
Output 58.4.6: Painted Components Scores Plot2nd versus 3rd, Painted by 1st (Experimental)

Chapter 59: The PRINQUAL Procedure

Output 59.1.1: Principal Component Analysis of Original Data
Output 59.1.2: Transformation of Automobile Preference Data
Output 59.1.3: Principal Components of Transformed Data
Output 59.1.4: Preference Ratings for Automobiles Manufactured in 1980
Output 59.2.1: Multidimensional Preference Analysis (Experimental)
Output 59.3.1: Transformation of Basketball Team Rankings
Output 59.3.2: Alternative Approach for Analyzing Basketball Rankings
Output 59.3.3: Monotonic Transformation for Each News Service

Chapter 60: The PROBIT Procedure

Example 11.1: Plot of Observed and Fitted Probabilities
Example 11.2: Dosage Levels: PROC PROBIT
Example 11.3: Multilevel Response: PROC PROBIT
Output 60.2.2: Plot of Predicted Probilities for the Test Preparation Group
Output 60.2.3: Plot of Predicted Probabilities for the Standard Preparation Group
Output 60.3.1: Logistic Regression: PROC PROBIT
Output 60.4.1: Class Level Information
Output 60.4.2: Parameter Information
Output 60.4.3: Model Information
Output 60.4.4: Goodness-of-Fit Tests and Response-Covariate Profile
Output 60.4.5: Type III Tests
Output 60.4.6: Analysis of Parameter Estimates
Output 60.4.7: Estimated Covariance Matrix
Output 60.4.8: Estimated Correlation Matrix
Output 60.4.9: Probit Analysis on Dose
Output 60.4.10: Outest Data Set for Epidemiology Study
Output 60.4.11: Predicted Probability Plot
Output 60.4.12: Inverse Predicted Probability Plot
Output 60.4.13: Linear Predictor Plot
Output 60.4.14: Out2
Output 60.4.15: Out3
Output 60.4.16: Out4
Output 60.4.17: Goodness-of-Fit Table

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 5)
SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 5)
Year: 2004
Pages: 98 © 2008-2017.
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