
The following examples illustrate some of the capabilities of the GENMOD procedure. These are not intended to represent definitive analyses of the data sets presented here. You should refer to the texts cited in the References section on page 1728 for guidance on complete analysis of data using generalized linear models.

Example 31.1. Logistic Regression

In an experiment comparing the effects of five different drugs, each drug is tested on a number of different subjects. The outcome of each experiment is the presence or absence of a positive response in a subject. The following artificial data represent the number of responses r in the n subjects for the five different drugs, labeled A through E. The response is measured for different levels of a continuous covariate x for each drug. The drug type and the continuous covariate x are explanatory variables in this experiment. The number of responses r is modeled as a binomial random variable for each combination of the explanatory variable values, with the binomial number of trials parameter equal to the number of subjects n and the binomial probability equal to the probability of a response.

The following DATA step creates the data set.

  data drug;   input drug$ x r n @@;   datalines;   A  .1   1  10   A .23 2  12  A .67  1    9   B  .2   3  13   B .3  4  15  B .45  5   16   B .78  5  13   C  .04  0  10   C .15 0  11  C .56  1   12   C .7   2  12   D  .34  5  10   D .6  5   9  D .7   8   10   E  .2  12  20   E .34 15 20  E .56 13   15   E .8  17  20   ;   run;  

A logistic regression for these data is a generalized linear model with response equal to the binomial proportion r/n . The probability distribution is binomial, and the link function is logit. For these data, drug and x are explanatory variables. The probit and the complementary log-log link functions are also appropriate for binomial data.

PROC GENMOD performs a logistic regression on the data in the following SAS statements:

  proc genmod data=drug;   class drug;   model r/n = x drug / dist = bin   link = logit   lrci;   run;  

Since these data are binomial, you use the events/trials syntax to specify the response in the MODEL statement. Profile likelihood confidence intervals for the regression parameters are computed using the LRCI option.

General model and data information is produced in Output 31.1.1.

Output 31.1.1: Model Information
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                      WORK.DRUG   Distribution                   Binomial   Link Function                     Logit   Response Variable (Events)            r   Response Variable (Trials)            n  
end example

The five levels of the CLASS variable DRUG are displayed in Output 31.1.2.

Output 31.1.2: Class Variable Levels
start example
  Class Level Information   Class      Levels    Values   drug            5    A B C D E  
end example

In the Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit table displayed in Output 31.1.3, the value of the deviance divided by its degrees of freedom is less than 1. A p -value is not computed for the deviance; however, a deviance that is approximately equal to its degrees of freedom is a possible indication of a good model fit. Asymptotic distribution theory applies to binomial data as the number of binomial trials parameter n becomes large for each combination of explanatory variables. McCullagh and Nelder (1989) caution against the use of the deviance alone to assess model fit. The model fit for each observation should be assessed by examination of residuals. The OBSTATS option in the MODEL statement produces a table of residuals and other useful statistics for each observation.

Output 31.1.3: Goodness of Fit Criteria
start example
  Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit   Criterion                 DF           Value        Value/DF   Deviance                  12          5.2751          0.4396   Scaled Deviance           12          5.2751          0.4396   Pearson Chi-Square        12          4.5133          0.3761   Scaled Pearson X2         12          4.5133          0.3761   Log Likelihood   114.7732  
end example

In the Analysis Of Parameter Estimates table displayed in Output 31.1.4, chi-square values for the explanatory variables indicate that the parameter values other than the intercept term are all significant. The scale parameter is set to 1 for the binomial distribution. When you perform an overdispersion analysis, the value of the overdispersion parameter is indicated here. See the the section Overdispersion on page 1659 for a discussion of overdispersion.

Output 31.1.4: Parameter Estimates
start example
  Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Likelihood Ratio   Standard    95% Confidence       Chi-   Parameter     DF  Estimate     Error        Limits         Square Pr > ChiSq   Intercept      1    0.2792    0.4196   0.5336    1.1190     0.44      0.5057   x              1    1.9794    0.7660    0.5038    3.5206     6.68      0.0098   drug       A   1   2.8955    0.6092   4.2280   1.7909    22.59      <.0001   drug       B   1   2.0162    0.4052   2.8375   1.2435    24.76      <.0001   drug       C   1   3.7952    0.6655   5.3111   2.6261    32.53      <.0001   drug       D   1   0.8548    0.4838   1.8072    0.1028     3.12      0.0773   drug       E   0    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000      .         .   Scale          0    1.0000    0.0000    1.0000    1.0000   NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed.  
end example

The preceding table contains the profile likelihood confidence intervals for the explanatory variable parameters requested with the LRCI option. Wald confidence intervals are displayed by default. Profile likelihood confidence intervals are considered to be more accurate than Wald intervals (refer to Aitkin et al. 1989), especially with small sample sizes. You can specify the confidence coefficient with the ALPHA= option in the MODEL statement. The default value of 0.05, corresponding to 95% confidence limits, is used here. See the section Confidence Intervals for Parameters on page 1666 for a discussion of profile likelihood confidence intervals.

Example 31.2. Normal Regression, Log Link

Consider the following data, where x is an explanatory variable, and y is the response variable. It appears that y varies nonlinearly with x and that the variance is approximately constant. A normal distribution with a log link function is chosen to model these data; that is, log( ¼ i ) = x i ² ² so that ¼ i = exp( x i ² ² ).

  data nor;   input x y;   datalines;   0 5   0 7   0 9   1 7   1 10   1 8   2 11   2 9   3 16   3 13   3 14   4 25   4 24   5 34   5 32   5 30   ;   run;  

The following SAS statements produce the analysis with the normal distribution and log link:

  proc genmod data=nor;   model y = x / dist = normal   link = log;   output out       = Residuals   pred      = Pred   resraw    = Resraw   reschi    = Reschi   resdev    = Resdev   stdreschi = Stdreschi   stdresdev = Stdresdev   reslik    = Reslik;   run;  

The OUTPUT statement is specified to produce a data set that contains predicted values and residuals for each observation. This data set can be useful for further analysis, such as residual plotting.

The output from these statements is displayed in Output 31.2.1.

Output 31.2.1: Log Linked Normal Regression
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Model Information   Data Set              WORK.NOR   Distribution            Normal   Link Function              Log   Dependent Variable           y   Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit   Criterion                 DF           Value        Value/DF   Deviance                  14         52.3000          3.7357   Scaled Deviance           14         16.0000          1.1429   Pearson Chi-Square        14         52.3000          3.7357   Scaled Pearson X2         14         16.0000          1.1429   Log Likelihood   32.1783   Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Standard       Wald 95%          Chi-   Parameter  DF  Estimate     Error   Confidence Limits   Square Pr > ChiSq   Intercept   1    1.7214    0.0894    1.5461    1.8966   370.76     <.0001   x           1    0.3496    0.0206    0.3091    0.3901   286.64     <.0001   Scale       1    1.8080    0.3196    1.2786    2.5566   NOTE: The scale parameter was estimated by maximum likelihood.  
end example

The PROC GENMOD scale parameter, in the case of the normal distribution, is the standard deviation. By default, the scale parameter is estimated by maximum likelihood. You can specify a fixed standard deviation by using the NOSCALE and SCALE= options in the MODEL statement.

The data set of predicted values and residuals ( Output 31.2.2) is created by the OUTPUT statement. With this data set, you can construct residual plots using the GPLOT procedure to aid in assessing model fit. Note that raw, Pearson, and deviance residuals are equal in this example. This is a characteristic of the normal distribution and is not true in general for other distributions.

Output 31.2.2: Data Set of Predicted Values and Residuals
start example
  Obs x y   Pred   Reschi   Resdev   Resraw Stdreschi Stdresdev  Reslik   1 0 5  5.5921   0.59212   0.59212   0.59212 -0.34036   0.34036   0.34036   2 0 7  5.5921  1.40788  1.40788  1.40788  0.80928   0.80928  0.80928   3 0 9  5.5921  3.40788  3.40788  3.40788  1.95892   1.95892  1.95892   4 1 7  7.9324   0.93243   0.93243   0.93243   0.54093   0.54093   0.54093   5 110  7.9324  2.06757  2.06757  2.06757  1.19947   1.19947  1.19947   6 1 8  7.9324  0.06757  0.06757  0.06757  0.03920   0.03920  0.03920   7 211 11.2522   0.25217   0.25217   0.25217   0.14686   0.14686   0.14686   8 2 9 11.2522   2.25217   2.25217   2.25217   1.31166   1.31166   1.31166   9 316 15.9612  0.03878  0.03878  0.03878  0.02249   0.02249  0.02249   10 313 15.9612   2.96122   2.96122   2.96122   1.71738   1.71738   1.71738   11 314 15.9612   1.96122   1.96122   1.96122   1.13743   1.13743   1.13743   12 425 22.6410  2.35897  2.35897  2.35897  1.37252   1.37252  1.37252   13 424 22.6410  1.35897  1.35897  1.35897  0.79069   0.79069  0.79069   14 534 32.1163  1.88366  1.88366  1.88366  1.22914   1.22914  1.22914   15 532 32.1163   0.11634   0.11634   0.11634   0.07592   0.07592   0.07592   16 530 32.1163   2.11634   2.11634   2.11634   1.38098   1.38098   1.38098  
end example

Example 31.3. Gamma Distribution Applied to Life Data

Life data are sometimes modeled with the gamma distribution. Although PROC GENMOD does not analyze censored data or provide other useful lifetime distributions such as the Weibull or lognormal, it can be used for modeling complete (uncensored) data with the gamma distribution, and it can provide a statistical test for the exponential distribution against other gamma distribution alternatives. Refer to Lawless (1982) or Nelson (1982) for applications of the gamma distribution to life data.

The following data represent failure times of machine parts , some of which are manufactured by manufacturer A and some by manufacturer B.

  data A;   input lifetime@@ ;   mfg = 'A';   datalines;   620 470 260 89   388   242   103 100 39  460  284   1285   218 393 106 158  152   477   403 103 69  158  818   947   399 127 432 12   134   660   548 381 203 871  193   531   317 85  1410250  41    1101   32  421 32  343  376   1512   179 247 95  76   515   72   1585 253  6    860  89   1055   537  101  385  176  11   565   164  16   1267 352  160  195   1279 356  751  500  803  560   151  24   689  1119 1733 2194   763  555  14   45   776  1   ;   data B;   input lifetime@@ ;   mfg = 'B';   datalines;   1747 945  12   1453 14  150   20   41   35   69   195 89   1090 1868 294  96   618 44   142  892  1307 310  230 30   403  860  23   406  10541935   561  348  130  13   230 250   317  304  79   1793 536 12   9    256  201  733  510 660   122  27   273  1231 182 289   667  761  1096 43   44  87   405  998  1409 61   278 407   113  25   940  28   848 41   646  575  219  303  304 38   195  1061 174  377  388 10   246  323  198  234  39  308   55   729  813  1216 1618539   6    1566 459  946  764 794   35   181  147  116  141 19   380  609  546   ;   data lifdat;   set A B;   run;  

The following SAS statements use PROC GENMOD to compute Type 3 statistics to test for differences between the two manufacturers in machine part life. Type 3 statistics are identical to Type 1 statistics in this case, since there is only one effect in the model. The log link function is selected to ensure that the mean is positive.

  proc genmod data = lifdat;   class mfg;   model lifetime = mfg / dist=gamma   link=log   type3;   run;  

The output from these statements is displayed in Output 31.3.1.

Output 31.3.1: Gamma Model of Life Data
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Model Information   Data Set              WORK.LIFDAT   Distribution                Gamma   Link Function                 Log   Dependent Variable       lifetime   Class Level Information   Class      Levels    Values   mfg             2    A B   Criteria For Assessing Goodness Of Fit   Criterion                 DF           Value        Value/DF   Deviance                 199        287.0591          1.4425   Scaled Deviance          199        237.5335          1.1936   Pearson Chi-Square       199        211.6870          1.0638   Scaled Pearson X2        199        175.1652          0.8802   Log Likelihood   1432.4177   Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Standard       Wald 95%          Chi-   Parameter     DF  Estimate     Error   Confidence Limits   Square Pr > ChiSq   Intercept      1    6.1302    0.1043    5.9257    6.3347  3451.61     <.0001   mfg        A   1    0.0199    0.1559   -0.2857    0.3255     0.02     0.8985   mfg        B   0    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000      .        .   Scale          1    0.8275    0.0714    0.6987    0.9800   NOTE: The scale parameter was estimated by maximum likelihood.   LR Statistics For Type 3 Analysis   Chi-   Source           DF     Square    Pr > ChiSq   mfg               1       0.02        0.8985  
end example

The p -value of 0.8985 for the chi-square statistic in the Type 3 table indicates that there is no significant difference in the part life for the two manufacturers.

Using the following statements, you can refit the model without using the manufacturer as an effect. The LRCI option in the MODEL statement is specified to compute profile likelihood confidence intervals for the mean life and scale parameters.

  proc genmod data = lifdat;   model lifetime = / dist=gamma   link=log   lrci;   run;  
Output 31.3.2: Refitting of the Gamma Model ”Omitting the mfg Effect
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Likelihood Ratio   Standard    95% Confidence       Chi     Parameter  DF  Estimate     Error        Limits         Square Pr > ChiSq   Intercept   1    6.1391    0.0775    5.9904    6.2956  6268.10     <.0001   Scale       1    0.8274    0.0714    0.6959    0.9762   NOTE: The scale parameter was estimated by maximum likelihood.  
end example

The intercept is the estimated log mean of the fitted gamma distribution, so that the mean life of the parts is

click to expand

The SCALE parameter used in PROC GENMOD is the inverse of the gamma dispersion parameter, and it is sometimes called the gamma index parameter . See the Response Probability Distributions section on page 1650 for the definition of the gamma probability density function. A value of 1 for the index parameter corresponds to the exponential distribution . The estimated value of the scale parameter is 0.8274. The 95% profile likelihood confidence interval for the scale parameter is (0.6959, 0.9762), which does not contain 1. The hypothesis of an exponential distribution for the data is, therefore, rejected at the 0.05 level. A confidence interval for the mean life is

click to expand

Example 31.4. Ordinal Model for Multinomial Data

This example illustrates how you can use the GENMOD procedure to fit a model to data measured on an ordinal scale. The following statements create a SAS data set called icecream . The data set contains the results of a hypothetical taste test of three brands of ice cream. The three brands are rated for taste on a five point scale from very good (vg) to very bad (vb). An analysis is performed to assess the differences in the ratings for the three brands. The variable taste contains the ratings and brand contains the brands tested. The variable count contains the number of testers rating each brand in each category.

The following statements create the icecream data set.

  data icecream;   input count brand$ taste$;   datalines;   70  ice1 vg   71  ice1 g   151 ice1 m   30  ice1 b   46  ice1 vb   20  ice2 vg   36  ice2 g   130 ice2 m   74  ice2 b   70  ice2 vb   50  ice3 vg   55  ice3 g   140 ice3 m   52  ice3 b   50  ice3 vb   ;   run;  

The following statements fit a cumulative logit model to the ordinal data with the variable taste as the response and the variable brand as a covariate. The variable count is used as a FREQ variable.

  proc genmod rorder=data;   freq count;   class brand;   model taste = brand / dist=multinomial   link=cumlogit   aggregate=brand   type1;   estimate 'LogOR12' brand 1   1 / exp;   estimate 'LogOR13' brand 1  0   1  / exp;   estimate 'LogOR23' brand 0  1   1  / exp;   run;  

The AGGREGATE=BRAND option in the MODEL statement specifies the variable brand as defining multinomial populations for computing deviances and Pearson chi-squares. The RORDER=DATA option specifies that the taste variable levels be ordered by their order of appearance in the input data set, that is, from very good (vg) to very bad (vb). By default, the response is sorted in increasing ASCII order. Always check the Response Profiles table to verify that response levels are appropriately ordered. The TYPE1 option requests a Type 1 test for the significance of the covariate brand .

If ³ j ( x ) = Pr(taste j ) is the cumulative probability of the j th or lower taste category, then the odds ratio comparing x 1 to x 2 is as follows :

click to expand

Refer to McCullagh and Nelder (1989, Chapter 5) for details on the cumulative logit model. The ESTIMATE statements compute log odds ratios comparing each of brands. The EXP option in the ESTIMATE statements exponentiates the log odds ratios to form odds ratio estimates. Standard errors and confidence intervals are also computed.

Output 31.4.1 displays general information about the model and data, the levels of the CLASS variable brand , and the total number of occurrences of the ordered levels of the response variable taste .

Output 31.4.1: Ordinal Model Information
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Model Information   Data Set                        WORK.ICECREAM   Distribution                      Multinomial   Link Function                Cumulative Logit   Dependent Variable                      taste   Frequency Weight Variable               count   Class Level Information   Class      Levels    Values   brand           3    ice1 ice2 ice3   Response Profile   Ordered                 Total   Value    taste    Frequency   1    vg             140   2    g              162   3    m              421   4    b              156   5    vb             166  
end example

Output 31.4.2 displays estimates of the intercept terms and covariates and associated statistics. The intercept terms correspond to the four cumulative logits defined on the taste categories in the order shown in Output 31.4.1.That is, Intercept1 is the intercept for the first cumulative logit, Intercept2 is the intercept for the second cumulative logit and so forth.

Output 31.4.2: Parameter Estimates
start example
  Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Standard   Wald 95% Confidence      Chi-   Parameter         DF     Estimate      Error          Limits          Square   Intercept1         1      1.8578     0.1219    2.0967    1.6189    232.35   Intercept2         1      0.8646     0.1056    1.0716    Z0.6576     67.02   Intercept3         1       0.9231     0.1060     0.7154     1.1308     75.87   Intercept4         1       1.8078     0.1191     1.5743     2.0413    230.32   brand      ice1    1       0.3847     0.1370     0.1162     0.6532      7.89   brand      ice2    1      0.6457     0.1397    0.9196    0.3719     21.36   brand      ice3    0       0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000       .   Scale              0       1.0000     0.0000     1.0000     1.0000   Analysis Of Parameter   Estimates   Parameter           Pr > ChiSq   Intercept1              <.0001   Intercept2              <.0001   Intercept3              <.0001   Intercept4              <.0001   brand        ice1       0.0050   brand        ice2       <.0001   brand        ice3        .   Scale   NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed.  
end example

The Type 1 test displayed in Output 31.4.3 indicates that Brand is highly significant; that is, there are significant differences in the brands. The log odds ratios and odds ratios in the ESTIMATE Statement Results table indicate the relative differences between the brands. For example, the odds ratio of 2.8 in the Exp(LogOR12) row indicates that the odds of brand 1 being in lower taste categories is 2.8 times the odds of brand 2 being in lower taste categories. Since, in this ordering, the lower categories represent the more favorable taste results, this indicates that brand 1 scored significantly better than brand 2. This is also apparent from the data in this example.

Output 31.4.3: Type 1 Tests and Odds Ratios
start example
  LR Statistics For Type 1 Analysis   Chi   Source           Deviance        DF     Square    Pr > ChiSq   Intercepts        65.9576   brand              9.8654         2      56.09        <.0001   Contrast Estimate Results   Standard                                Chi   Label         Estimate     Error   Alpha   Confidence Limits Square  Pr > ChiSq   LogOR12         1.0305    0.1401    0.05    0.7559    1.3050   54.11     <.0001   Exp(LogOR12)    2.8024    0.3926    0.05    2.1295    3.6878   LogOR13         0.3847    0.1370    0.05    0.1162    0.6532    7.89     0.0050   Exp(LogOR13)    1.4692    0.2013    0.05    1.1233    1.9217   LogOR23   0.6457    0.1397    0.05   0.9196   0.3719   21.36     <.0001   Exp(LogOR23)    0.5243    0.0733    0.05    0.3987    0.6894  
end example

Example 31.5. GEE for Binary Data with Logit Link Function

Table 31.5 displays a partial listing of a SAS data set of clinical trial data comparing two treatments for a respiratory disorder . See Gee Model for Binary Data in the SAS/STAT Sample Program Library for the complete data set. These data are from Stokes, Davis, and Koch (1995), where a SAS macro is used to fit a GEE model. A GEE model is fit, using the REPEATED statement in the GENMOD procedure.

Table 31.5 . Respiratory Disorder Data

Patients in each of two centers are randomly assigned to groups receiving the active treatment or a placebo. During treatment, respiratory status (coded here as 0=poor, 1=good) is determined for each of four visits . The variables center , treatment , sex , and baseline (baseline respiratory status) are classification variables with two levels. The variable age (age at time of entry into the study) is a continuous variable.

Explanatory variables in the model are Intercept ( x ij 1 ), treatment ( x ij 2 ), center ( x ij 3 ), sex ( x ij 4 ), age ( x ij 6 ), and baseline ( x ij 6 ), so that click to expand is the vector of explanatory variables. Indicator variables for the classification explanatory variables can be automatically generated by listing them in the CLASS statement in PROC GENMOD. However, in order to be consistent with the analysis in Stokes, Davis, and Koch (1995), the four classification explanatory variables are coded as follows:

click to expand

Suppose y ij represents the respiratory status of patient i at the j th visit, j = 1,..., 4, and ¼ ij = E( y ij ) represents the mean of the respiratory status. Since the response data are binary, you can use the variance function for the binomial distribution v ( ¼ ij ) = ¼ ij (1 ˆ’ ¼ ij ) and the logit link function g ( ¼ ij ) = log( ¼ ij / (1 ˆ’ ¼ ij )). The model for the mean is g ( ¼ ij ) = x ij ² ² , where ² is a vector of regression parameters to be estimated.

Further manipulation of the data set creates an observation for each visit with the respiratory status at each visit represented by the binary variable outcome and indicator variables for treatment ( active ), center ( center2 ), and sex ( female ). A partial listing of the resulting data set is shown in Output 31.5.1.

Output 31.5.1: Respiratory Disorder Data
start example
  Obs   center   id   age   baseline   active   center2   female   visit   outcome   1      1      1    46       0         0        0         0       1        0   2      1      1    46       0         0        0         0       2        0   3      1      1    46       0         0        0         0       3        0   4      1      1    46       0         0        0         0       4        0   5      1      2    28       0         0        0         0       1        0   6      1      2    28       0         0        0         0       2        0   7      1      2    28       0         0        0         0       3        0   8      1      2    28       0         0        0         0       4        0   9      1      3    23       1         1        0         0       1        1   10      1      3    23       1         1        0         0       2        1   11      1      3    23       1         1        0         0       3        1   12      1      3    23       1         1        0         0       4        1   13      1      4    44       1         0        0         0       1        1   14      1      4    44       1         0        0         0       2        1   15      1      4    44       1         0        0         0       3        1   16      1      4    44       1         0        0         0       4        0   17      1      5    13       1         0        0         1       1        1   18      1      5    13       1         0        0         1       2        1   19      1      5    13       1         0        0         1       3        1   20      1      5    13       1         0        0         1       4        1  
end example

The GEE solution is requested with the REPEATED statement in the GENMOD procedure. The option SUBJECT=ID(CENTER) specifies that the observations in a single cluster are uniquely identified by center and id within center . The option TYPE=UNSTR specifies the unstructured working correlation structure. The MODEL statement specifies the regression model for the mean with the binomial distribution variance function.

  proc genmod data=resp descend;   class id center;   model outcome=center2 active female age baseline / dist=bin;   repeated subject=id(center) / corr=unstr corrw;   run;  

These statements first produce the usual output (not shown) for fitting the generalized linear (GLM) model specified in the MODEL statement. The parameter estimates from the GLM model are used as initial values for the GEE solution. The DESCEND option in the PROC GENMOD statement specifies that the probability that outcome = 1 be modeled. If the DESCEND option had not been specified, the probability that outcome = 0 would be modeled by default.

Information about the GEE model is displayed in Output 31.5.2. The results of GEE model fitting are displayed in Output 31.5.3. If you specify no other options, the standard errors, confidence intervals, Z scores, and p -values are based on empirical standard error estimates. You can specify the MODELSE option in the REPEATED statement to create a table based on model-based standard error estimates.

Output 31.5.2: Model Fitting Information
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   GEE Model Information   Correlation Structure                      Unstructured   Subject Effect                  id(center) (111 levels)   Number of Clusters                                  111   Correlation Matrix Dimension                          4   Maximum Cluster Size                                  4   Minimum Cluster Size                                  4  
end example
Output 31.5.3: Results of Model Fitting
start example
  Working Correlation Matrix   Col1         Col2         Col3         Col4   Row1       1.0000       0.3351       0.2140       0.2953   Row2       0.3351       1.0000       0.4429       0.3581   Row3       0.2140       0.4429       1.0000       0.3964   Row4       0.2953       0.3581       0.3964       1.0000   Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates   Empirical Standard Error Estimates   Standard   95% Confidence   Parameter Estimate    Error       Limits            Z Pr > Z   Intercept   0.8882   0.4568   1.7835   0.0071   1.94   0.0519   center2     0.6558   0.3512   0.0326   1.3442    1.87   0.0619   active      1.2442   0.3455   0.5669   1.9214    3.60   0.0003   female      0.1128   0.4408   0.7512   0.9768    0.26   0.7981   age   0.0175   0.0129   0.0427   0.0077   1.36   0.1728   baseline    1.8981   0.3441   1.2237   2.5725    5.52   <.0001  
end example

The non-significance of age and female make them candidates for omission from the model.

Example 31.6. Log Odds Ratios and the ALR Algorithm

Since the respiratory data in Example 31.5 are binary, you can use the ALR algorithm to model the log odds ratios instead of using working correlations to model associations. Here, a fully parameterized cluster model for the log odds ratio is fit. That is, there is a log odds ratio parameter for each unique pair of responses within clusters, and all clusters are parameterized identically. The following statements fit the same regression model for the mean as in Example 31.5 but use a regression model for the log odds ratios instead of a working correlation. The LOGOR=FULLCLUST option specifies a fully parameterized log odds ratio model.

  proc genmod data=resp descend;   class id center;   model outcome=center2 active female age baseline / dist=bin;   repeated subject=id(center) / logor=fullclust;   run;  

The results of fitting the model are displayed in Output 31.6.1 along with a table that shows the correspondence between the log odds ratio parameters and the within cluster pairs.

Output 31.6.1: Results of Model Fitting
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Log Odds Ratio   Parameter Information   Parameter       Group   Alpha1          (1, 2)   Alpha2          (1, 3)   Alpha3          (1, 4)   Alpha4          (2, 3)   Alpha5          (2, 4)   Alpha6          (3, 4)   Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates   Empirical Standard Error Estimates   Standard   95% Confidence   Parameter Estimate    Error       Limits            Z Pr > Z   Intercept   0.9266   0.4513   1.8111   0.0421   2.05   0.0400   center2     0.6287   0.3486   0.0545   1.3119    1.80   0.0713   active      1.2611   0.3406   0.5934   1.9287    3.70   0.0002   female      0.1024   0.4362   0.7526   0.9575    0.23   0.8144   age   0.0162   0.0125   0.0407   0.0084   1.29   0.1977   baseline    1.8980   0.3404   1.2308   2.5652    5.58   <.0001   Alpha1      1.6109   0.4892   0.6522   2.5696    3.29   0.0010   Alpha2      1.0771   0.4834   0.1297   2.0246    2.23   0.0259   Alpha3      1.5875   0.4735   0.6594   2.5155    3.35   0.0008   Alpha4      2.1224   0.5022   1.1381   3.1068    4.23   <.0001   Alpha5      1.8818   0.4686   0.9634   2.8001    4.02   <.0001   Alpha6      2.1046   0.4949   1.1347   3.0745    4.25   <.0001  
end example

You can fit the same model by fully specifying the z -matrix. The following statements create a data set containing the full z -matrix.

  data zin;   keep id center z1-z6 y1 y2;   array zin(6) z1-z6;   set resp ;   by center id;   if first.id   then do;   t = 0;   dom = 1 to 4;   do n = m + 1 to 4;   do j = 1 to 6;   zin(j) = 0;   end;   y1 = m;   y2 = n;   t + 1;   zin(t) = 1;   output;   end;   end;   end;   run;   proc print data=zin (obs=12);  

Output 31.6.2 displays the full z -matrix for the first two clusters. The z -matrix is identical for all clusters in this example.

Output 31.6.2: Full z-Matrix Data Set
start example
  Obs    z1    z2    z3    z4    z5    z6    center    id    y1    y2   1     1     0     0     0     0     0       1       1     1     2   2     0     1     0     0     0     0       1       1     1     3   3     0     0     1     0     0     0       1       1     1     4   4     0     0     0     1     0     0       1       1     2     3   5     0     0     0     0     1     0       1       1     2     4   6     0     0     0     0     0     1       1       1     3     4   7     1     0     0     0     0     0       1       2     1     2   8     0     1     0     0     0     0       1       2     1     3   9     0     0     1     0     0     0       1       2     1     4   10     0     0     0     1     0     0       1       2     2     3   11     0     0     0     0     1     0       1       2     2     4   12     0     0     0     0     0     1       1       2     3     4  
end example

The following statements fit the model for fully parameterized clusters by fully specifying the z -matrix. The results are identical to those shown previously.

  proc genmod data=resp descend;   class id center;   model outcome=center2 active female age baseline / dist=bin;   repeated subject=id(center) / logor=zfull   zdata=zin   zrow =(z1-z6)   ypair=(y1 y2) ;   run;  

Example 31.7. Log-Linear Model for Count Data

These data, from Thall and Vail (1990), are concerned with the treatment of people suffering from epileptic seizure episodes . These data are also analyzed in Diggle, Liang, and Zeger (1994). The data consist of the number of epileptic seizures in an eight-week baseline period, before any treatment, and in each of four two-week treatment periods, in which patients received either a placebo or the drug Progabide in addition to other therapy . A portion of the data is displayed in Table 31.6. See Gee Model for Count Data, Exchangeable Correlation in the SAS/STAT Sample Program Library for the complete data set.

Table 31.6: Epileptic Seizure Data

Patient ID




















































Model the data as a log-linear model with V ( ¼ ) = ¼ (the Poisson variance function) and

click to expand


  • Y ij = number of epileptic seizures in interval j

  • t ij = length of interval j

  • click to expand

  • click to expand

The correlations between the counts are modeled as r ij = ± , i ‰  j (exchangeable correlations). For comparison, the correlations are also modeled as independent (identity correlation matrix). In this model, the regression parameters have the interpretation in terms of the log seizure rate displayed in Table 31.7.

Table 31.7: Interpretation of Regression Parameters



log( E ( Y ij ) /t ij )






² + ² 1



² + ² 2



² + ² 1 + ² 2 + ² 3

The difference between the log seizure rates in the pretreatment (baseline) period and the treatment periods is ² 1 for the placebo group and ² 1 + ² 3 for the Progabide group. A value of ² 3 < 0 indicates a reduction in the seizure rate.

Output 31.7.1 is a listing of the first 14 observations of the data, which are arranged as one visit per observation:

Output 31.7.1: Partial Listing of the Seizure Data
start example
  Obs     id    y    visit    trt    bline    age   1    104    5      1       0       11      31   2    104    3      2       0       11      31   3    104    3      3       0       11      31   4    104    3      4       0       11      31   5    106    3      1       0       11      30   6    106    5      2       0       11      30   7    106    3      3       0       11      30   8    106    3      4       0       11      30   9    107    2      1       0        6      25   10    107    4      2       0        6      25   11    107    0      3       0        6      25   12    107    5      4       0        6      25   13    114    4      1       0        8      36   14    114    4      2       0        8      36  
end example

Some further data manipulations create an observation for the baseline measures, a log time interval variable for use as an offset, and an indicator variable for whether the observation is for a baseline measurement or a visit measurement. Patient 207 is deleted as an outlier, as in the Diggle, Liang, and Zeger (1994) analysis.

  data new;   set thall;   output;   if visit=1 then do;   y=bline;   visit=0;   output;   end;   run;   data new;   set new;   if id ne 207;   if visit=0 then do;   x1=0;   ltime=log(8);   end;   else do;   x1=1;   ltime=log(2);   end;   run;  

The GEE solution is requested by using the REPEATED statement in the GENMOD procedure. The SUBJECT=ID option indicates that the id variable describes the observations for a single cluster, and the CORRW option displays the working correlation matrix. The TYPE= option specifies the correlation structure; the value EXCH indicates the exchangeable structure.

  proc genmod data=new;   class id;   model y=x1  trt / d=poisson offset=ltime;   repeated subject=id / corrw covb type=exch;   run;  

These statements first produce the usual output from fitting a generalized linear model (GLM) to these data. The estimates are used as initial values for the GEE solution.

Information about the GEE model is displayed in Output 31.7.3. The results of fitting the model are displayed in Output 31.7.4. Compare these with the model of independence displayed in Output 31.7.2. The parameter estimates are nearly identical, but the standard errors for the independence case are underestimated. The coefficient of the interaction term, ² 3 , is highly significant under the independence model and marginally significant with the exchangeable correlations model.

Output 31.7.2: Independence Model
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Analysis Of Initial Parameter Estimates   Standard       Wald 95%          Chi   Parameter  DF  Estimate     Error   Confidence Limits   Square  Pr > ChiSq   Intercept   1    1.3476    0.0341    1.2809    1.4144  1565.44      <.0001   x1          1    0.1108    0.0469    0.0189    0.2027     5.58      0.0181   trt         1   0.1080    0.0486   0.2034   0.0127     4.93      0.0264   x1*trt      1   0.3016    0.0697   0.4383   0.1649    18.70      <.0001   Scale       0    1.0000    0.0000    1.0000    1.0000   NOTE: The scale parameter was held fixed.  
end example
Output 31.7.3: GEE Model Information
start example
  GEE Model Information   Correlation Structure             Exchangeable   Subject Effect                  id (58 levels)   Number of Clusters                          58   Correlation Matrix Dimension                 5   Maximum Cluster Size                         5   Minimum Cluster Size                         5  
end example
Output 31.7.4: GEE Parameter Estimates
start example
  Analysis Of GEE Parameter Estimates   Empirical Standard Error Estimates   Standard   95% Confidence   Parameter Estimate    Error       Limits            Z Pr > Z   Intercept   1.3476   0.1574   1.0392   1.6560    8.56   <.0001   x1          0.1108   0.1161   0.1168   0.3383    0.95   0.3399   trt   0.1080   0.1937   0.4876   0.2716   0.56   0.5770   x1*trt   0.3016   0.1712   0.6371   0.0339   1.76   0.0781  
end example

Table 31.8 displays the regression coefficients, standard errors, and normalized coefficients that result from fitting the model using independent and exchangeable working correlation matrices.

Table 31.8: Results of Model Fitting


Correlation Structure


Std. Error












Visit ( x 1 )










Treat ( x 2 )


ˆ’ 0.11


ˆ’ 0.56



ˆ’ 0.11


ˆ’ 2.22

x 1 * x 2


ˆ’ 0.30


ˆ’ 1.76



ˆ’ 0.30


ˆ’ 4.32

The fitted exchangeable correlation matrix is specified with the CORRW option and is displayed in Output 31.7.5.

Output 31.7.5: Working Correlation Matrix
start example
  Working Correlation Matrix   Col1         Col2         Col3         Col4         Col5   Row1       1.0000       0.5941       0.5941       0.5941       0.5941   Row2       0.5941       1.0000       0.5941       0.5941       0.5941   Row3       0.5941       0.5941       1.0000       0.5941       0.5941   Row4       0.5941       0.5941       0.5941       1.0000       0.5941   Row5       0.5941       0.5941       0.5941       0.5941       1.0000  
end example

If you specify the COVB option, you produce both the model-based (naive) and the empirical (robust) covariance matrices. Output 31.7.6 contains these estimates.

Output 31.7.6: Covariance Matrices
start example
  Covariance Matrix (Model-Based)   Prm1           Prm2           Prm3           Prm4   Prm1        0.01223       0.001520   0.01223   0.001520   Prm2       0.001520        0.01519   0.001520   0.01519   Prm3   0.01223   0.001520        0.02495       0.005427   Prm4   0.001520   0.01519       0.005427        0.03748   Covariance Matrix (Empirical)   Prm1           Prm2           Prm3           Prm4   Prm1        0.02476   0.001152   0.02476       0.001152   Prm2   0.001152        0.01348       0.001152   0.01348   Prm3   0.02476       0.001152        0.03751   0.002999   Prm4       0.001152   0.01348   0.002999        0.02931  
end example

The two covariance estimates are similar, indicating an adequate correlation model.

Example 31.8. Model Assessment of Multiple Regression Using Aggregates of Residuals (Experimental)

Neter et al. (1996, Section 8.2) describe a study of 54 patients undergoing a certain kind of liver operation in a surgical unit. The data consist of the survival time and certain covariates. After a model selection procedure, they arrived at the following model

click to expand

where Y is the logarithm (base 10) of the survival time, X 1 , X 2 , X 3 are blood-clotting score , prognostic index , and enzyme function , and is a normal error term. A listing of the SAS data set containing the data is shown in Output 31.8.1. The variables Y , X1 , X2 , X3 correspond to Y , X 1 , X 2 , X 3 , and LogX1 is log( X 1 ). The GENMOD fit of the model is shown in Output 31.8.2. The analysis first focuses on the adequacy of the functional form of X 1 , blood-clotting score .

Output 31.8.1: Surgical Unit Example Data
start example
  Obs       Y       X1     X2     X3     LogX1   1    2.3010     6.7    62     81    0.82607   2    2.0043     5.1    59     66    0.70757   3    2.3096     7.4    57     83    0.86923   4    2.0043     6.5    73     41    0.81291   5    2.7067     7.8    65    115    0.89209   6    1.9031     5.8    38     72    0.76343   7    1.9031     5.7    46     63    0.75587   8    2.1038     3.7    68     81    0.56820   9    2.3054     6.0    67     93    0.77815   10    2.3075     3.7    76     94    0.56820   11    2.5172     6.3    84     83    0.79934   12    1.8129     6.7    51     43    0.82607   13    2.9191     5.8    96    114    0.76343   14    2.5185     5.8    83     88    0.76343   15    2.2253     7.7    62     67    0.88649   16    2.3365     7.4    74     68    0.86923   17    1.9395     6.0    85     28    0.77815   18    1.5315     3.7    51     41    0.56820   19    2.3324     7.3    68     74    0.86332   20    2.2355     5.6    57     87    0.74819   21    2.0374     5.2    52     76    0.71600   22    2.1335     3.4    83     53    0.53148   23    1.8451     6.7    26     68    0.82607   24    2.3424     5.8    67     86    0.76343   25    2.4409     6.3    59    100    0.79934   26    2.1584     5.8    61     73    0.76343   27    2.2577     5.2    52     86    0.71600   28    2.7589    11.2    76     90    1.04922   29    1.8573     5.2    54     56    0.71600   30    2.2504     5.8    76     59    0.76343   31    1.8513     3.2    64     65    0.50515   32    1.7634     8.7    45     23    0.93952   33    2.0645     5.0    59     73    0.69897   34    2.4698     5.8    72     93    0.76343   35    2.0607     5.4    58     70    0.73239   36    2.2648     5.3    51     99    0.72428   37    2.0719     2.6    74     86    0.41497   38    2.0792     4.3     8    119    0.63347   39    2.1790     4.8    61     76    0.68124   40    2.1703     5.4    52     88    0.73239   41    1.9777     5.2    49     72    0.71600   42    1.8751     3.6    28     99    0.55630   43    2.6840     8.8    86     88    0.94448   44    2.1847     6.5    56     77    0.81291   45    2.2810     3.4    77     93    0.53148   46    2.0899     6.5    40     84    0.81291   47    2.4928     4.5    73    106    0.65321   48    2.5999     4.8    86    101    0.68124   49    2.1987     5.1    67     77    0.70757   50    2.4914     3.9    82    103    0.59106   51    2.0934     6.6    77     46    0.81954   52    2.0969     6.4    85     40    0.80618   53    2.2967     6.4    59     85    0.80618   54    2.4955     8.8    78     72    0.94448  
end example
Output 31.8.2: Regression Model for Linear X1
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Standard       Wald 95%          Chi-   Parameter  DF  Estimate     Error   Confidence Limits   Square  Pr > ChiSq   Intercept   1    0.4836    0.0426    0.4001    0.5672   128.71      <.0001   X1          1    0.0692    0.0041    0.0612    0.0772   288.17      <.0001   X2          1    0.0093    0.0004    0.0085    0.0100   590.45      <.0001   X3          1    0.0095    0.0003    0.0089    0.0101   966.07      <.0001   Scale       0    0.0469    0.0000    0.0469    0.0469   NOTE: The scale parameter was estimated by the square root of Pearson's   Chi-Square/DOF.  
end example

In order to assess the adequacy of the fitted multiple regression model, the ASSESS statement in the following SAS statements was used to create the plots of cumulative residuals against X1 shown in Output 31.8.3 and Output 31.8.4 and the summary table in Output 31.8.5. The RESAMPLE= keyword specifies that a p -value be computed based on a sample of 10,000 simulated residual paths. A random number seed is specified by the SEED= keyword for reproducibility . If you do not specify the seed, one is derived from the time of day. The keyword CRPANEL specifies that the panel of four cumulative residual plots shown in Output 31.8.4 be created, each with two simulated paths. The single residual plot with 20 simulated paths in Output 31.8.3 is created by default.

Output 31.8.4: Cumulative Residual Panel Plot for Linear X1 Fit (Experimental)
start example
  click to expand  
end example
  ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc genmod data=Surg;   model Y = X1 X2 X3 / scale=Pearson;   assess var=(X1) / resample=10000   seed=603708000   crpanel ;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

These graphical displays are requested by specifying the experimental ODS GRAPHICS statement and the experimental ASSESS statement. For general information about ODS graphics, see Chapter 15, Statistical Graphics Using ODS. For specific information about the graphics available in the GENMOD procedure, see the ODS Graphics section on page 1695.

Output 31.8.5: Summary of Model Assessment
start example
  Assessment Summary   Maximum   Assessment    Absolute                                      Pr >   Variable         Value    Replications          Seed    MaxAbsVal   X1              0.0380           10000     603708000       0.1084  
end example

The p -value of 0.1084 reported on Output 31.8.3 and Output 31.8.5 suggests that a more adequate model may be possible. The observed cumulative residuals on Output 31.8.3 and Output 31.8.4, represented by the heavy lines, seem atypical of the simulated curves, represented by the light lines, reinforcing the conclusion that a more appropriate functional form for X1 is possible.

The cumulative residual plots in Output 31.8.6 provide guidance in determining a more appropriate functional form. The four curves were created from simple forms of model misspecification using simulated data. The mean models of the data and the fitted model are shown in Table 31.9.

Table 31.9: Model Misspecifications


Data E( Y )

Fitted Model E( Y )


log( X )



X + X 2



X + X 2 + X 3

X + X 2


I ( X > 5)


The observed cumulative residual pattern in Output 31.8.3 and Output 31.8.4 most resembles the behavior of the curve in plot (a) of Output 31.8.6, indicating that log( X 1 ) might be a more appropriate term in the model than X 1 .

The following SAS statements fit a model with LogX1 in place of X1 and request a model assessment.

  ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc genmod data=Surg;   model Y = LogX1 X2 X3 / scale=Pearson;   assess var=(LogX1) / resample=10000   seed=603708000;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

The revised model fitisshownin Output 31.8.7, the p -value from the simulation is 0.4777, and the cumulative residuals plotted on Output 31.8.8 show no systematic trend. The log-transformation for X1 is more appropriate. Under the revised model, the p -values for testing the functional forms of X2 and X3 are 0.20 and 0.63, and the p -value for testing the linearity of the model is is 0.65. Thus, the revised model seems reasonable.

Output 31.8.7: Multiple Regression Model With Log(X1)
start example
  The GENMOD Procedure   Analysis Of Parameter Estimates   Standard       Wald 95%          Chi-   Parameter  DF  Estimate     Error   Confidence Limits   Square  Pr > ChiSq   Intercept   1    0.1844    0.0504    0.0857    0.2832    13.41      0.0003   LogX1       1    0.9121    0.0491    0.8158    1.0083   345.05      <.0001   X2          1    0.0095    0.0004    0.0088    0.0102   728.62      <.0001   X3          1    0.0096    0.0003    0.0090    0.0101  1139.73      <.0001   Scale       0    0.0434    0.0000    0.0434    0.0434   NOTE: The scale parameter was estimated by the square root of Pearson's   Chi-Square/DOF.  
end example

Example 31.9. Assessment of a Marginal Model for Dependent Data Using Aggregates of Residuals (Experimental)

This example illustrates the use of cumulative residuals to assess the adequacy of a marginal model for dependent data fit by generalized estimating equations (GEEs). The assessment methods are applied to CD4 count data from an AIDS clinical trial reported by Fischl et al. (1990), and reanalyzed by Lin, Wei, and Ying (2002). The study randomly assigned 360 HIV patients to AZT and 351 to placebo. CD4 counts were measured repeatedly over the course of the study. The data used here are the 4328 measurements taken in the first 40 weeks of the study.

The analysis focuses on the time trend of the response. The first model considered is

click to expand

where T ik is the time (in weeks) of the k th measurement on the i th patient, y ik is the CD4 count at T ik for the i th patient, and R i is the indicator of AZT for the i th patient. Normal errors and an independent working correlation are assumed.

The following SAS statements fit the preceding model, create the cumulative residual plot in Output 31.9.1, and compute a p -value for the model.

These graphical displays are requested by specifying the experimental ODS GRAPHICS statement and the experimental ASSESS statement. For general information about ODS graphics, see Chapter 15, Statistical Graphics Using ODS. For specific information about the graphics available in the GENMOD procedure, see the ODS Graphics section on page 1695.

Here, the SAS data set variables Time , Time2 , TrtTime , and TrtTime2 correspond to T ik , , R i T ik , and , respectively. The variable Id identifies individual patients.

  ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc genmod data=cd4;   class Id;   model Y = Time Time2 TrtTime TrtTime2;   repeated sub=Id;   assess var=(Time) / resample   seed=603708000;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

The cumulative residual plot in Output 31.9.1 displays cumulative residuals versus time for the model and 20 simulated realizations. The associated p -value, also shown on Output 31.9.1, is 0.18. These results indicate that a more satisfactory model might be possible. The observed cumulative residual pattern most resembles plot (c) in Output 31.8.6, suggesting cubic time trends.

The following SAS statements fit the model, create the plot in Output 31.9.2, and compute a p -value for a model with the additional terms and .

  ods html;   ods graphics on;   proc genmod data=cd4;   class Id;   model Y = Time Time2 Time3 TrtTime TrtTime2 TrtTime3;   repeated sub=Id;   assess var=(Time) / resample   seed=603708000;   run;   ods graphics off;   ods html close;  

The observed cumulative residual pattern appears more typical of the simulated realizations, and the p -value is 0.45, indicating that the model with cubic time trends is more appropriate.

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 3)
SAS/STAT 9.1, Users Guide, Volume 3 (volume 3 ONLY)
Year: 2004
Pages: 105

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