List of Outputs

Chapter 14: Using the Output Delivery System

Output 14.1.1: Results for PROC TTEST: SAS Listing Procedure Output
Output 14.1.2: Results for PROC TTEST: HTML Procedure Output
Output 14.2.1: HTML Output from the MIXED Procedure
Output 14.3.1: The ODS Trace: Interleaved with LIFETEST Results: Partial Results
Output 14.4.1: Results of the ODS SHOW Statement
Output 14.4.2: The ODS TRACE: Partial Contents of the SAS Log
Output 14.4.3: The ODS Selection List: Before and After PROC GLM Terminates
Output 14.4.4: The ModelANOVA Tables from PROC GLM
Output 14.4.5: The Means Tables from PROC GLM
Output 14.5.1: Results of the ODS SHOW Statement: Before PROC MIXED
Output 14.5.2: Results of the ODS SHOW Statement: After PROC MIXED
Output 14.5.3: HTML Output from the Mixed Procedure
Output 14.5.4: Plot of the ParmSearch Data Set
Output 14.6.1: The ODS TRACE: Partial Contents of the SAS Log
Output 14.6.2: The ObStats Table Created as a SAS Data Set
Output 14.7.1: Output Data Set from PROC FREQ and ODS
Output 14.8.1: Regression Results for the Model Population
Output 14.8.2: CovB Matrix for the Model Population
Output 14.8.3: Regression Results for the Model Population
Output 14.8.4: CovB Matrix for the Model Population
Output 14.8.5: Results of the ODS OUTPUT Statement: Specifying the PERSIST Option
Output 14.9.1: Listing of the Raw Data Sets: Histamine Study
Output 14.9.2: Listing of Selections from the Raw Data Sets: Histamine Study
Output 14.9.3: Listing of the Data Sets Using a Standard Template
Output 14.9.4: Listing of the Data Sets Using a Customized Template: Histamine Study
Output 14.10.1: HTML Output from the ANOVA Procedure: Linked Output
Output 14.10.2: Linked Output: Multiple Comparison Table from PROC ANOVA
Output 14.11.1: Output from PROC GLM
Output 14.11.2: Bar Chart of LS-means by Drug Type: Linked Output
Output 14.11.3: Plot of PostTreatment versus PreTreatment for Drug Type ˜f: Linked Output

Chapter 15: Statistical Graphics Using ODS (Experimental)

Output 15.1.1: Partial ODS Trace Record in SAS Log
Output 15.1.2: Cooks D Plot
Output 15.2.1: Box Plot with Tool Tips
Output 15.3.1: Fit Plot
Output 15.4.1: Histogram Using Journal Style
Output 15.6.1: Q-Q Plot Displayed by PROC DOCUMENT
Output 15.6.2: Contents of QQDoc
Output 15.7.1: Default Q-Q Plot from PROC ROBUSTREG
Output 15.7.2: Trace Record for Q-Q Plot
Output 15.7.3: The Templates Window
Output 15.7.4: Editing Templates in the Template Window
Output 15.7.5: Default Template Definition for Q-Q Plot
Output 15.7.6: Q-Q Plot with Modified Title and Y-Axis Label
Output 15.8.1: Q-Q Plot with Modified Marker Symbols and Line
Output 15.9.1: Q-Q Plot with Swapped Axes
Output 15.10.1: Q-Q Plot with Modified Y-Axis Tick Marks and Grids
Output 15.11.1: Q-Q Plot Using NewStyle
Output 15.12.1: Q-Q Plot Using NewStyle with Thicker Line
Output 15.13.1: Q-Q Plot Using NewStyle with Smaller Dimensions
Output 15.14.1: Diagnostics Panel Annotated to Indicate Layout Structure
Output 15.14.2: Simplified Diagnostics Panel

Chapter 16: The ACECLUS Procedure

Output 16.1.1: Using PROC ACECLUS to Transform Fishers Iris Data
Output 16.1.2: Eigenvalues, Raw Canonical Coefficients, and Standardized Canonical Coefficients
Output 16.1.3: Plot of Transformed Iris Data: PROC PLOT
Output 16.1.4: Clustering of Transformed Iris Data: Partial Output from PROC FASTCLUS
Output 16.1.5: Crosstabulation of Cluster by Species for Fishers Iris Data: PROC FREQ

Chapter 17: The ANOVA Procedure

Output 17.1.1: Class Level Information
Output 17.1.2: ANOVA Table
Output 17.1.3: Tests of Effects
Output 17.2.1: Waller-Duncan K-ratio t Test
Output 17.2.2: Duncans Multiple Range Test
Output 17.2.3: T Tests (LSD)
Output 17.2.4: Tukeys Studentized Range Test
Output 17.3.1: Class Level Information and ANOVA Table
Output 17.3.2: Tests of Effects
Output 17.4.1: Class Level Information
Output 17.4.2: ANOVA Table
Output 17.4.3: Tests of Effects
Output 17.5.1: Class Level Information
Output 17.5.2: ANOVA Table
Output 17.5.3: Tests of Effects
Output 17.5.4: Results of MEANS statement

Chapter 18: The BOXPLOT Procedure

Output 18.1.1: Box Plot for Airline Data
Output 18.3.1: Notched Side-by-Side Box-and-Whisker Plots
Output 18.4.1: Box Plot with Box-and-Whisker Plots of Varying Widths

Chapter 19: The CALIS Procedure

Output 19.1.1: Model Specification
Output 19.1.2: Modeling Information, Simple Statistics, and Parameter Vector
Output 19.1.3: Predetermined Elements
Output 19.1.4: Optimization
Output 19.1.5: Predicted Model Matrix and Fit Statistics
Output 19.1.6: Residual Analysis
Output 19.1.7: Equations and Parameter Estimates
Output 19.1.8: Standardized Equations and Predicted Moments
Output 19.1.9: Latent Variable Score Regression, Direct and Indirect Effects
Output 19.1.10: Lagrange Multiplie rand Wald Tests
Output 19.1.11: Tests for Equality Constraints
Output 19.2.1: Food Example of Kmenta
Output 19.3.1: Second-Order Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Output 19.4.1: Linearly Related Factor Analysis: Identification Problem
Output 19.5.1: Factor Analysis with Ordinal Constraints

Chapter 20: The CANCORR Procedure

Output 20.1.1: Correlations among the Original Variables
Output 20.1.2: Canonical Correlations and Multivariate Statistics
Output 20.1.3: Raw and Standardized Canonical Coefficients
Output 20.1.4: Canonical Redundancy Analysis

Chapter 21: The CANDISC Procedure

Output 21.1.1: Iris Data: Summary Information
Output 21.1.2: Iris Data: Squared Mahalanobis Distances
Output 21.1.3: Iris Data: Squared Mahalanobis Distance Statistics
Output 21.1.4: Iris Data: Univariate and Multivariate Statistics
Output 21.1.5: Iris Data: Canonical Correlations and Eigenvalues
Output 21.1.6: Iris Data: Correlations Between Canonical and Original Variables
Output 21.1.7: Iris Data: Canonical Coefficients
Output 21.1.8: Iris Data: Plot of First Two Canonical Variables

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 1)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 156 © 2008-2017.
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