
Example 17.1. Randomized Complete Block With Factorial Treatment Structure

This example uses statements for the analysis of a randomized block with two treatment factors occuring in a factorial structure. The data, from Neter, Wasserman, and Kutner (1990, p. 941), are from an experiment examining the effects of codeine and acupuncture on post- operative dental pain in male subjects. Both treatment factors have two levels. The codeine levels are a codeine capsule or a sugar capsule . The acupuncture levels are two inactive acupuncture points or two active acupuncture points. There are four distinct treatment combinations due to the factorial treatment structure. The 32 subjects are assigned to eight blocks of four subjects each based on an assessment of pain tolerance.

The data for the analysis are balanced, so PROC ANOVA is used. The data are as follows :

  title1 'Randomized Complete Block With Two Factors';   data PainRelief;   input PainLevel Codeine Acupuncture Relief @@;   datalines;   1 1 1 0.0  1 2 1 0.5  1 1 2 0.6  1 2 2 1.2   2 1 1 0.3  2 2 1 0.6  2 1 2 0.7  2 2 2 1.3   3 1 1 0.4  3 2 1 0.8  3 1 2 0.8  3 2 2 1.6   4 1 1 0.4  4 2 1 0.7  4 1 2 0.9  4 2 2 1.5   5 1 1 0.6  5 2 1 1.0  5 1 2 1.5  5 2 2 1.9   6 1 1 0.9  6 2 1 1.4  6 1 2 1.6  6 2 2 2.3   7 1 1 1.0  7 2 1 1.8  7 1 2 1.7  7 2 2 2.1   8 1 1 1.2  8 2 1 1.7  8 1 2 1.6  8 2 2 2.4   ;  

The variable PainLevel is the blocking variable, and Codeine and Acupuncture represent the levels of the two treatment factors. The variable Relief is the pain relief score (the higher the score, the more relief the patient has).

The following code invokes PROC ANOVA. The blocking variable and treatment factors appear in the CLASS statement. The bar between the treatment factors Codeine and Acupuncture adds their main effects as well as their interaction Codeine * Acupuncture to the model.

  proc anova data=PainRelief;   class PainLevel Codeine Acupuncture;   model Relief = PainLevel CodeineAcupuncture;  

The results from the analysis are shown in Output 17.1.1, Output 17.1.2, and Output 17.1.3.

Output 17.1.1: Class Level Information
start example
  Randomized  Complete Block With Two Factors   The ANOVA Procedure   Class Level Information   Class            Levels    Values   PainLevel              8    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   Codeine                2    1 2   Acupuncture            2    1 2   Number of  Observations Read          32   Number of  Observations Used          32  
end example
Output 17.1.2: ANOVA Table
start example
  Dependent Variable: Relief   Sum of   Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Model                      10    11.33500000     1.13350000     78.37   <.0001   Error                      21     0.30375000     0.01446429   Corrected Total            31    11.63875000   R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE    Relief Mean   0.973902      10.40152      0.120268       1.156250  
end example

The Class Level Information and ANOVA table are shown in Output 17.1.1 and Output 17.1.2. The class level information summarizes the structure of the design. It is good to check these consistently in search of errors in the data step. The overall F test is significant, indicating that the model accounts for a significant amount of variation in the dependent variable.

Output 17.1.3: Tests of Effects
start example
  Dependent Variable: Relief   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   PainLevel                   7     5.59875000     0.79982143     55.30       <.0001   Codeine                     1     2.31125000     2.31125000    159.79       <.0001   Acupuncture                 1     3.38000000     3.38000000    233.68       <.0001   Codeine*Acupuncture         1     0.04500000     0.04500000      3.11       0.0923  
end example

Output 17.1.3 shows tests of the effects. The blocking effect is significant; hence, it is useful. The interaction between codeine and acupuncture is significant at the 90% level but not at the 95% level. The significance level of this test should be determined before the analysis. The main effects of both treatment factors are highly significant.

Example 17.2. Alternative Multiple Comparison Procedures

The following is a continuation of the first example in the the 'One-Way Layout with Means Comparisons' section on page 424. You are studying the effect of bacteria on the nitrogen content of red clover plants, and the analysis of variance shows a highly significant effect. The following statements create the data set and compute the analysis of variance as well as Tukey's multiple comparisons test for pairwise differences between bacteria strains; the results are shown in Figure 17.1, Figure 17.2, and Figure 17.3

  title1 'Nitrogen Content of Red Clover Plants';   data Clover;   input Strain $ Nitrogen @@;   datalines;   3DOK1  19.4 3DOK1  32.6 3DOK1  27.0 3DOK1  32.1 3DOK1  33.0   3DOK5  17.7 3DOK5  24.8 3DOK5  27.9 3DOK5  25.2 3DOK5  24.3   3DOK4  17.0 3DOK4  19.4 3DOK4   9.1 3DOK4  11.9 3DOK4  15.8   3DOK7  20.7 3DOK7  21.0 3DOK7  20.5 3DOK7  18.8 3DOK7  18.6   3DOK13 14.3 3DOK13 14.4 3DOK13 11.8 3DOK13 11.6 3DOK13 14.2   COMPOS 17.3 COMPOS 19.4 COMPOS 19.1 COMPOS 16.9 COMPOS 20.8   ;   proc anova data=Clover;   class Strain;   model Nitrogen = Strain;   means Strain / tukey;   run;  

The interactivity of PROC ANOVA enables you to submit further MEANS statements without re-running the entire analysis. For example, the following command requests means of the Strain levels with Duncan's multiple range test and the Waller- Duncan k -ratio t test.

  means Strain / duncan waller;   run;  

Results of the Waller-Duncan k -ratio t test are shown in Output 17.2.1.

Output 17.2.1: Waller-Duncan K-ratio t Test
start example
  Nitrogen Content of Red Clover Plants   The ANOVA Procedure   Waller-Duncan K-ratio t Test for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test minimizes the Bayes risk under additive loss and certain other   assumptions.   Kratio                              100   Error Degrees of Freedom             24   Error Mean Square              11.78867   F Value                           14.37   Critical Value of t             1.91873   Minimum Significant Difference   4.1665   Means with the same letter are not significantly different.   Waller Grouping          Mean      N    Strain   A        28.820      5    3DOK1   B        23.980      5    3DOK5   B   C    B        19.920      5    3DOK7   C   C    D        18.700      5    COMPOS   D   E    D        14.640      5    3DOK4   E   E             13.260      5    3DOK13   Nitrogen Content of Red Clover Plants   The ANOVA Procedure   Duncan's Multiple Range Test for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the   experimentwise error rate.  
end example

The Waller-Duncan k -ratio t test is a multiple range test. Unlike Tukey's test, this test does not operate on the principle of controlling Type I error. Instead, it compares the Type I and Type II error rates based on Bayesian principles (Steel and Torrie 1980).

The Waller Grouping column in Output 17.2.1 shows which means are significantly different. From this test, you can conclude the following:

  • The mean nitrogen content for strain 3DOK1 is higher than the means for all other strains.

  • The mean nitrogen content for strain 3DOK5 is higher than the means for COMPOS, 3DOK4, and 3DOK13.

  • The mean nitrogen content for strain 3DOK7 is higher than the means for 3DOK4 and 3DOK13.

  • The mean nitrogen content for strain COMPOS is higher than the mean for 3DOK13.

  • Differences between all other means are not significant based on this sample size .

Output 17.2.2 shows the results of Duncan's multiple range test. Duncan's test is a result-guided test that compares the treatment means while controlling the comparison-wise error rate. You should use this test for planned comparisons only (Steel and Torrie 1980). The results and conclusions for this example are the same as for the Waller-Duncan k -ratio t test. This is not always the case.

Output 17.2.2: Duncan's Multiple Range Test
start example
  Waller-Duncan K-ratio t Test for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test minimizes the Bayes risk under additive loss and certain other   assumptions.   Duncan's Multiple Range Test for  Nitro  gen  NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the   experimentwise error rate.   Alpha                        0.05   Error Degrees of Freedom       24   Error Mean Square        11.78867   Number of Means          2          3          4          5          6   Critical Range       4.482      4.707      4.852      4.954      5.031   Means with the same letter are not significantly different.   Duncan Grouping          Mean      N    Strain   A        28.820      5    3DOK1   B        23.980      5    3DOK5   B   C    B        19.920      5    3DOK7   C   C    D        18.700      5    COMPOS   D   E    D        14.640      5    3DOK4   E   E             13.260      5    3DOK13  
end example

Tukey and Least Significant Difference (LSD) tests are requested with the following MEANS statement. The CLDIFF option requests confidence intervals for both tests.

  means strain/ lsd tukey cldiff ;   run;  

The LSD tests for this example are shown in Output 17.2.3, and they give the same results as the previous two multiple comparison tests. Again, this is not always the case.

Output 17.2.3: T Tests (LSD)
start example
  The ANOVA Procedure   t Tests (LSD) for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the   experimentwise error rate.   Alpha                            0.05   Error Degrees of Freedom           24   Error Mean Square            11.78867   Critical Value of t           2.06390   Least Significant Difference   4.4818   Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ***.   Difference   Strain           Between      95% Confidence   Comparison           Means          Limits   3DOK1  - 3DOK5          4.840       0.358    9.322  ***   3DOK1  - 3DOK7          8.900       4.418   13.382  ***   3DOK1  - COMPOS        10.120       5.638   14.602  ***   3DOK1  - 3DOK4         14.180       9.698   18.662  ***   3DOK1  - 3DOK13        15.560      11.078   20.042  ***   3DOK5  - 3DOK1         -4.840      -9.322   -0.358  ***   3DOK5  - 3DOK7          4.060      -0.422    8.542   3DOK5  - COMPOS         5.280       0.798    9.762  ***   3DOK5  - 3DOK4          9.340       4.858   13.822  ***   3DOK5  - 3DOK13        10.720       6.238   15.202  ***   3DOK7  - 3DOK1         -8.900     -13.382   -4.418  ***   3DOK7  - 3DOK5         -4.060      -8.542    0.422   3DOK7  - COMPOS         1.220      -3.262    5.702   3DOK7  - 3DOK4          5.280       0.798    9.762  ***   3DOK7  - 3DOK13         6.660       2.178   11.142  ***   COMPOS - 3DOK1        -10.120     -14.602   -5.638  ***   COMPOS - 3DOK5         -5.280      -9.762   -0.798  ***   COMPOS - 3DOK7         -1.220      -5.702    3.262   vCOMPOS - 3DOK4          4.060      -0.422    8.542   COMPOS - 3DOK13         5.440       0.958    9.922  ***   3DOK4  - 3DOK1        -14.180     -18.662   -9.698  ***   3DOK4  - 3DOK5         -9.340     -13.822   -4.858  ***   3DOK4  - 3DOK7         -5.280      -9.762   -0.798  ***   3DOK4  - COMPOS        -4.060      -8.542    0.422   3DOK4  - 3DOK13         1.380      -3.102    5.862   3DOK13 - 3DOK1        -15.560     -20.042  -11.078  ***   3DOK13 - 3DOK5        -10.720     -15.202   -6.238  ***   3DOK13 - 3DOK7         -6.660     -11.142   -2.178  ***   3DOK13 - COMPOS        -5.440      -9.922   -0.958  ***   3DOK13 - 3DOK4         -1.380      -5.862    3.102   The ANOVA Procedure   Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.  
end example

If you only perform the LSD tests when the overall model F -test is significant, then this is called Fisher's protected LSD test. Note that the LSD tests should be used for planned comparisons.

The TUKEY tests shown in Output 17.2.4 find fewer significant differences than the other three tests. This is not unexpected, as the TUKEY test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate. For a complete discussion of multiple comparison methods , see the 'Multiple Comparisons' section on page 1806 in Chapter 32, 'The GLM Procedure.'

Output 17.2.4: Tukey's Studentized Range Test
start example
  t Tests (LSD) for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test controls the Type I comparisonwise error rate, not the                                                          experimentwise error rate.   Tukey's Studentized Range (HSD) Test for Nitrogen   NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.   Alpha                                   0.05   Error Degrees of Freedom                  24   Error Mean Square                   11.78867   Critical Value of Studentized Range  4.37265   Minimum Significant Difference        6.7142   Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ***.   Difference   Strain            Between     Simultaneous 95%   Comparison            Means    Confidence Limits   3DOK1  - 3DOK5          4.840      -1.874   11.554   3DOK1  - 3DOK7          8.900       2.186   15.614  ***   3DOK1  - COMPOS        10.120       3.406   16.834  ***   3DOK1  - 3DOK4         14.180       7.466   20.894  ***   3DOK1  - 3DOK13        15.560       8.846   22.274  ***   3DOK5  - 3DOK1         -4.840     -11.554    1.874   3DOK5  - 3DOK7          4.060      -2.654   10.774   3DOK5  - COMPOS         5.280      -1.434   11.994   3DOK5  - 3DOK4          9.340       2.626   16.054  ***   3DOK5  - 3DOK13        10.720       4.006   17.434  ***   3DOK7  - 3DOK1         -8.900     -15.614   -2.186  ***   3DOK7  - 3DOK5         -4.060     -10.774    2.654   3DOK7  - COMPOS         1.220      -5.494    7.934   3DOK7  - 3DOK4          5.280      -1.434   11.994   3DOK7  - 3DOK13         6.660      -0.054   13.374   COMPOS - 3DOK1        -10.120     -16.834   -3.406  ***   COMPOS - 3DOK5         -5.280     -11.994    1.434   COMPOS - 3DOK7         -1.220      -7.934    5.494   COMPOS - 3DOK4          4.060      -2.654   10.774   COMPOS - 3DOK13         5.440      -1.274   12.154   3DOK4  - 3DOK1        -14.180     -20.894   -7.466  ***   3DOK4  - 3DOK5         -9.340     -16.054   -2.626  ***   3DOK4  - 3DOK7         -5.280     -11.994    1.434   3DOK4  - COMPOS        -4.060     -10.774    2.654   3DOK4  - 3DOK13         1.380      -5.334    8.094   3DOK13 - 3DOK1        -15.560     -22.274   -8.846  ***   3DOK13 - 3DOK5        -10.720     -17.434   -4.006  ***   3DOK13 - 3DOK7         -6.660     -13.374    0.054   3DOK13 - COMPOS        -5.440     -12.154    1.274   3DOK13 - 3DOK4         -1.380      -8.094    5.334  
end example

Example 17.3. Split Plot

In some experiments, treatments can be applied only to groups of experimental observations rather than separately to each observation. When there are two nested groupings of the observations on the basis of treatment application, this is known as a split plot design . For example, in integrated circuit fabrication it is of interest to see how different manufacturing methods affect the characteristics of individual chips. However, much of the manufacturing process is applied to a relatively large wafer of material, from which many chips are made. Additionally, a chip's position within a wafer may also affect chip performance. These two groupings of chips-by wafer and by position-within-wafer-might form the whole plots and the subplots , respectively, of a split plot design for integrated circuits.

The following statements produce an analysis for a split-plot design. The CLASS statement includes the variables Block , A , and B , where B defines subplots within BLOCK * A whole plots. The MODEL statement includes the independent effects Block , A , Block * A , B , and A * B . The TEST statement asks for an F test of the A effect, using the Block * A effect as the error term . The following statements produce Output 17.3.1 and Output 17.3.2:

  title1 'Split Plot Design';   data Split;   input Block1A2B3Response;   datalines;   142 40.0   141 39.5   112 37.9   111 35.4   121 36.7   122 38.2   132 36.4   131 34.8   221 42.7   222 41.6   212 40.3   211 41.6   241 44.5   242 47.6   231 43.6   232 42.8   ;   proc anova data=Split;   class Block A B;   model Response = Block A Block*A B A*B;   test h=A e=Block*A;   run;  
Output 17.3.1: Class Level Information and ANOVA Table
start example
  Split Plot Design   The ANOVA Procedure   Class Level Information   Class         Levels    Values   Block              2    1 2   A                  4    1 2 3 4   B                  2    1 2   Number of Observations Read          16   Number of Observations Used          16   Split Plot Design   The ANOVA Procedure   Dependent Variable: Response   Sum of   Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Model                      11    182.0200000     16.5472727      7.85   0.0306   Error                       4      8.4300000      2.1075000   Corrected Total            15    190.4500000   R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE    Response Mean   0.955736      3.609007      1.451723         40.22500  
end example

First, notice that the overall F test for the model is significant.

Output 17.3.2: Tests of Effects
start example
  Dependent Variable: Response   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Block                       1    131.1025000    131.1025000     62.21   0.0014   A                           3     40.1900000     13.3966667      6.36   0.0530   Block*A                     3      6.9275000      2.3091667      1.10   0.4476   B                           1      2.2500000      2.2500000      1.07   0.3599   A*B                         3      1.5500000      0.5166667      0.25   0.8612   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for Block*A as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   A                           3    40.19000000    13.39666667      5.80   0.0914  
end example

The effect of Block is significant. The effect of A is not significant: look at the F test produced by the TEST statement, not at the F test produced by default. Neither the B nor A * B effects are significant. The test for Block * A is irrelevant, as this is simply the main-plot error.

Example 17.4. Latin Square Split Plot

The data for this example is taken from Smith (1951). A Latin square design is used to evaluate six different sugar beet varieties arranged in a six-row ( Rep ) by six-column ( Column ) square. The data are collected over two harvests. The variable Harvest then becomes a split plot on the original Latin square design for whole plots. The following statements produce Output 17.4.1, Output 17.4.2,andOutput 17.4.3:

  title1 'Sugar Beet Varieties';   title3 'Latin Square Split-Plot Design';   data Beets;   do Harvest=1 to 2;   do Rep=1 to 6;   do Column=1 to 6;   input Variety Y @;   output;   end;   end;   end;   datalines;   3 19.1 6 18.3 5 19.6 1 18.6 2 18.2 4 18.5   6 18.1 2 19.5 4 17.6 3 18.7 1 18.7 5 19.9   1 18.1 5 20.2 6 18.5 4 20.1 3 18.6 2 19.2   2 19.1 3 18.8 1 18.7 5 20.2 4 18.6 6 18.5   4 17.5 1 18.1 2 18.7 6 18.2 5 20.4 3 18.5   5 17.7 4 17.8 3 17.4 2 17.0 6 17.6 1 17.6   3 16.2 6 17.0 5 18.1 1 16.6 2 17.7 4 16.3   6 16.0 2 15.3 4 16.0 3 17.1 1 16.5 5 17.6   1 16.5 5 18.1 6 16.7 4 16.2 3 16.7 2 17.3   6 16.0 2 15.3 4 16.0 3 17.1 1 16.5 5 17.6   1 16.5 5 18.1 6 16.7 4 16.2 3 16.7 2 17.3   2 17.5 3 16.0 1 16.4 5 18.0 4 16.6 6 16.1   4 15.7 1 16.1 2 16.7 6 16.3 5 17.8 3 16.2   5 18.3 4 16.6 3 16.4 2 17.6 6 17.1 1 16.5   ;   proc anova data=Beets;   class Column Rep Variety Harvest;   model Y=Rep Column Variety Rep*Column*Variety   Harvest Harvest*Rep   Harvest*Variety;   test h=Rep Column Variety e=Rep*Column*Variety;   test h=Harvest            e=Harvest*Rep;   run;  
Output 17.4.1: Class Level Information
start example
  Sugar Beet Varieties   Latin Square Split-Plot Design   The ANOVA Procedure   Class Level Information   Class         Levels    Values   Column             6    1 2 3 4 5 6   Rep                6    1 2 3 4 5 6   Variety            6    1 2 3 4 5 6   Harvest            2    1 2   Number of Observations Read          72   Number of Observations Used          72  
end example
Output 17.4.2: ANOVA Table
start example
  Dependent Variable: Y   Sum of   Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Model                      46     98.9147222      2.1503200      7.22   <.0001   Error                      25      7.4484722      0.2979389   Corrected Total            71    106.3631944   R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE        Y Mean   0.929971      3.085524      0.545838      17.69028   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Rep                         5     4.32069444     0.86413889      2.90   0.0337   Column                      5     1.57402778     0.31480556      1.06   0.4075   Variety                     5    20.61902778     4.12380556     13.84   <.0001   Column*Rep*Variety         20     3.25444444     0.16272222      0.55   0.9144   Harvest                     1    60.68347222    60.68347222    203.68   <.0001   Rep*Harvest                 5     7.71736111     1.54347222      5.18   0.0021   Variety*Harvest             5     0.74569444     0.14913889      0.50   0.7729  
end example

First, note from Output 17.4.2 that the overall model is significant.

Output 17.4.3: Tests of Effects
start example
  Dependent Variable: Y   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for Column*Rep*Variety as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Rep                         5     4.32069444     0.86413889      5.31   0.0029   Column                      5     1.57402778     0.31480556      1.93   0.1333   Variety                     5    20.61902778     4.12380556     25.34   <.0001   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for Rep*Harvest as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Harvest                     1    60.68347222    60.68347222     39.32   0.0015  
end example

Output 17.4.3 shows that the effects for Rep and Harvest are significant, while the Column effect is not. The average Y s for the six different Variety s are significantly different. For these four tests, look at the output produced by the two TEST statements, not at the usual ANOVA procedure output. The Variety * Harvest interaction is not significant. All other effects in the default output should either be tested using the results from the TEST statements or are irrelevant as they are only error terms for portions of the model.

Example 17.5. Strip-Split Plot

In this example, four different fertilizer treatments are laid out in vertical strips , which are then split into subplots with different levels of calcium. Soil type is stripped across the split-plot experiment, and the entire experiment is then replicated three times. The dependent variable is the yield of winter barley. The data come from the notes of G. Cox and A. Rotti.

The input data are the 96 values of Y , arranged so that the calcium value ( Calcium ) changes most rapidly , then the fertilizer value ( Fertilizer ), then the Soil value, and, finally, the Rep value. Values are shown for Calcium (0 and 1); Fertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3); Soil (1, 2, 3); and Rep (1, 2, 3, 4). The following example produces Output 17.5.1, Output 17.5.2, Output 17.5.3,andOutput 17.5.4.

  title1 'Strip-split Plot';   data Barley;   do Rep=1 to 4;   do Soil=1 to 3;                /* 1=d 2=h 3=p */   do Fertilizer=0 to 3;   do Calcium=0,1;   input Yield @;   output;   end;   end;   end;   end;   datalines;   4.91 4.63 4.76 5.04 5.38 6.21 5.60 5.08   4.94 3.98 4.64 5.26 5.28 5.01 5.45 5.62   5.20 4.45 5.05 5.03 5.01 4.63 5.80 5.90   6.00 5.39 4.95 5.39 6.18 5.94 6.58 6.25   5.86 5.41 5.54 5.41 5.28 6.67 6.65 5.94   5.45 5.12 4.73 4.62 5.06 5.75 6.39 5.62   4.96 5.63 5.47 5.31 6.18 6.31 5.95 6.14   5.71 5.37 6.21 5.83 6.28 6.55 6.39 5.57   4.60 4.90 4.88 4.73 5.89 6.20 5.68 5.72   5.79 5.33 5.13 5.18 5.86 5.98 5.55 4.32   5.61 5.15 4.82 5.06 5.67 5.54 5.19 4.46   5.13 4.90 4.88 5.18 5.45 5.80 5.12 4.42   ;   proc anova data=Barley;   class Rep Soil Calcium Fertilizer;   model Yield =   Rep   Fertilizer Fertilizer*Rep   Calcium Calcium*Fertilizer Calcium*Rep(Fertilizer)   Soil Soil*Rep   Soil*Fertilizer Soil*Rep*Fertilizer   Soil*Calcium Soil*Fertilizer*Calcium   Soil*Calcium*Rep(Fertilizer);   test h=Fertilizer                 e=Fertilizer*Rep;   test h=Calcium calcium*fertilizer e=Calcium*Rep(Fertilizer);   test h=Soil                       e=Soil*Rep;   test h=Soil*Fertilizer            e=Soil*Rep*Fertilizer;   test h=Soil*Calcium   Soil*Fertilizer*Calcium    e=Soil*Calcium*Rep(Fertilizer);   means Fertilizer Calcium Soil Calcium*Fertilizer;   run;  
Output 17.5.1: Class Level Information
start example
  Strip-split Plot   The ANOVA Procedure   Class Level Information   Class           Levels    Values   Rep                  4    1 2 3 4   Soil                 3    1 2 3   Calcium              2    0 1   Fertilizer           4    0 1 2 3   Number of Observations Read          96   Number of Observations Used          96  
end example
Output 17.5.2: ANOVA Table
start example
  Dependent Variable: Yield   Sum of   Source                     DF        Squares    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Model                      95    31.89149583     0.33569996       .      .   Error                       0     0.00000000      .   Corrected Total            95    31.89149583   R-Square     Coeff Var      Root MSE    Yield Mean   1.000000           .               .      5.427292   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Rep                         3     6.27974583     2.09324861       .      .   Fertilizer                  3     7.22127083     2.40709028       .      .   Rep*Fertilizer              9     6.08211250     0.67579028       .      .   Calcium                     1     0.27735000     0.27735000       .      .   Calcium*Fertilizer          3     1.96395833     0.65465278       .      .   Rep*Calcium(Fertili)       12     1.76705833     0.14725486       .      .   Soil                        2     1.92658958     0.96329479       .      .   Rep*Soil                    6     1.66761042     0.27793507       .      .   Soil*Fertilizer             6     0.68828542     0.11471424       .      .   Rep*Soil*Fertilizer        18     1.58698125     0.08816563       .      .   Soil*Calcium                2     0.04493125     0.02246562       .      .   Soil*Calcium*Fertili        6     0.18936042     0.03156007       .      .   Rep*Soil*Calc(Ferti)       24     2.19624167     0.09151007       .      .  
end example
Output 17.5.3: Tests of Effects
start example
  Dependent Variable: Yield   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for Rep*Fertilizer as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Fertilizer                  3     7.22127083     2.40709028      3.56   0.0604   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for   Rep*Calcium(Fertili) as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Calcium                     1     0.27735000     0.27735000      1.88   0.1950   Calcium*Fertilizer          3     1.96395833     0.65465278      4.45   0.0255   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for Rep*Soil as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Soil                        2     1.92658958     0.96329479      3.47   0.0999   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for   Rep*Soil*Fertilizer as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Soil*Fertilizer             6     0.68828542     0.11471424      1.30   0.3063   Tests of Hypotheses Using the Anova MS for   Rep*Soil*Calc(Ferti) as an Error Term   Source                     DF       Anova SS    Mean Square   F Value   Pr > F   Soil*Calcium                2     0.04493125     0.02246562      0.25   0.7843   Soil*Calcium*Fertili        6     0.18936042     0.03156007      0.34   0.9059  
end example
Output 17.5.4: Results of MEANS statement
start example
  Level of              ------------Yield------------   Fertilizer      N             Mean          Std Dev   0              24       5.18416667       0.48266395   1              24       5.12916667       0.38337082   2              24       5.75458333       0.53293265   3              24       5.64125000       0.63926801   Level of            ------------Yield------------   Calcium       N             Mean          Std Dev   0            48       5.48104167       0.54186141   1            48       5.37354167       0.61565219   Level of            ------------Yield------------   Soil          N             Mean          Std Dev   1            32       5.54312500       0.55806369   2            32       5.51093750       0.62176315   3            32       5.22781250       0.51825224   Level of     Level of              ------------Yield------------   Calcium      Fertilizer      N             Mean          Std Dev   0            0              12       5.34666667       0.45029956   0            1              12       5.08833333       0.44986530   0            2              12       5.62666667       0.44707806   0            3              12       5.86250000       0.52886027   1            0              12       5.02166667       0.47615569   1            1              12       5.17000000       0.31826233   1            2              12       5.88250000       0.59856077   1            3              12       5.42000000       0.68409197  
end example

As the model is completely specified by the MODEL statement, the entire top portion of output (Output 17.5.2) should be ignored. Look at the following output produced by the various TEST statements.

The only significant effect is the Calcium * Fertilizer interaction.

The final portion of output shows the results of the MEANS statement. This portion shows means for various effects and combinations of effects, as requested. Because no multiple comparison procedures are requested, none are performed. You can examine the Calcium * Fertilizer means to understand the interaction better.

In this example, you could reduce memory requirements by omitting the Soil * Calcium * Rep ( Fertilizer ) effect from the model in the MODEL statement. This effect then becomes the ERROR effect, and you can omit the last TEST statement (in the code shown earlier). The test for the Soil * Calcium effect is then given in the Analysis of Variance table in the top portion of output. However, for all other tests, you should look at the results from the TEST statement. In large models, this method may lead to significant reductions in memory requirements.

SAS.STAT 9.1 Users Guide (Vol. 1)
SAS/STAT 9.1 Users Guide, Volumes 1-7
ISBN: 1590472438
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 156

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