

S option, GOPTIONS procedure 1078
sample programs 21
SAS Color Naming Scheme (CNS) 97, 99
SAS/GRAPH software installation, testing 1285, 1291
SAS Maps Online 1006
SAS output 48, 1150
SASPOWER= macro argument 554
SCALABLE= option, GDEVICE procedure 351
%SCALE macro, Annotate facility 692
SCALE statement, GIMPORT procedure 975, 979
%SCALET macro, Annotate facility 693
SCALEX= and SCALEY= options, TDEF statement 1261
dash length in lines 278
graphs with DSGI windows 1388
hardware fonts 274, 350, 351
scatter plots 7, 9, 1296
appearance of points 1310
axes, controlling 1299
axes, reversing values on 1312
connecting plot data points (example) 1129
data ranges 1298
generating simple scatter plot (example) 1318
input data sets 1298
plotting three variables (example) 1135
plotting two variables (example) 1126
rotating and tilting 1299
rotating (example) 1323
shapes in (example) 1320
simulating overlaid scatter plots 1310
three-dimensional, syntax for 1305
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1305
ActiveX and Java support for 1537
generating simple scatter plot (example) 1318
rotating scatter plot (example) 1323
shapes in (example) 1320
SCLNKWT= macro argument 550
SCLWIDTH= macro argument 550
SCNSIZE= macro argument 550
Script drill-down mode, Java 400, 413, 572
example 416
searching device catalogs 917
SEGMENT variable (font data sets) 956
SEGMENT variable (map data sets) 1000
SELECT statement, MAPIMPORT procedure 1349
SELIFUNC= macro argument 550
SELLFUNC= macro argument 550
SELUFUNC= macro argument 551
SEPCLASS= macro argument 554
SEPLOC= macro argument 554
SEPTYPE= macro argument 554
%SEQUENCE macro, Annotate facility 695
server graphs vs. client graphs 584
shadow color, legends 153
shadowing, legend frames 326
shape, legend values 156
SHAPE= option
BLOCK statement, GMAP procedure 1015
HBAR and VBAR statements 812
LEGEND statement options 156
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1308, 1310, 1320
shapes in scatter plots 1308, 1320
SHORT option, GOPTIONS procedure 1078, 1079
SHOWALL option, GFONT procedure 946
SHOWBACKDROP= parameter, JAVA 435
SHOWLEGEND= parameter, JAVA 436
SHOWLINKS= macro argument 551
SHOWROMAN option, GFONT procedure 946, 950, 962
SIDE option, PLOT statement 1303
SIMFONT= graphics option 351
simple plot lines 7
SIMULATE font 77
SINGULAR= option, POINTLABEL= specification 199
singularities, checking for 199
aspect ratio 263, 1152
axis labels 127, 133, 135, 136
axis tick marks 129, 139, 140
axis values 136
boxes in box plots 185
bubbles in bubble plots 1092
BY lines 143, 312
character cells 37, 38, 265
contour labels 187
contour lines 201
contour plot labels 903
dash length in lines 278
display, in lines 308
donut chart labels 829
enlarging graph areas with DSGI windows (example) 1391
errors in sizing 40
fonts 269
GRAPH window 50
graphics output 1150
graphics output, imported 975
graphics output text 316
legend frame 153
legend frame drop shadows 326
legend label 153
legend values 156, 157
line thickness , default 323
paper 328
paper feed increments 327
plot bubbles (example) 1122
plot print labels 197
plot symbols 187, 201
record length, to GSF 305
scatter plot points 1309, 1310
splines in star charts 1196
text in graphics output 218
titles and footnotes 317, 493
units of measurement 38, 310
size, graphics output area 316, 361, 363, 364,
columns in 36, 274, 315, 322, 3
rows in 36, 323, 350, 361
SIZE= option, SCATTER statement 1309, 1310
SIZE variable, Annotate facility 660
SKIPMISS option, PLOT statement 1112
%SLICE macro, Annotate facility 695
SLICE= option
PIE and DONUT statements 828
STAR statement 839, 840
SLIDECTL= option, META2HTM macro 473, 565
SLIDESHOWENABLED parameter, ODS statements 473
smooth line fit 193
SMOOTH= option, GRID statement 1329, 1331, 1335, 13
smoothing plot lines 190
software fonts 76, 351
listing available 76
open at one time 290
rendering 353
resolution 293
where stored 82
grouped observations 142
map data set observations 1227
plot data set observations 1087
space data sets 960
variables for, list of 960
SPACE= option
BAR statement 762
GFONT procedure 951
SPACEDATA= option, GFONT procedure 951, 961
angle of rotation 222
between Bitstream font letters 295
between display area and graphic 360
between displayed area and graph 314
between fill lines 292
contour plot labels 904
fonts 948, 951, 960, 961
legends 154, 163
text in graphics output 216, 221
SPCLASS= macro argument 554
special characters 81
HTML entities 582
Special font 89
special plot symbols 200
SPEED= graphics option 352
speed of plotter pens 352
SPEED= option, GDEVICE procedure 352
spherical coordinates, converting to Cartesian 1161
basic usage of GPROJECT procedure 1172
clipping map areas (example) 1178
default projection specifications, using (example) 1174
emphasizing map areas (example) 1177
ID statement, GPROJECT procedure 1172
input map data sets 1163
projecting an Annotate data set (example) 1180
syntax and options, GPROJECT procedure 1168
types of map projections 1165
SPIDER option, CHART statement 1193
SPIDERWEB option, CHART statement 1193
SPKLABEL= option, CHART statement 1193
spline interpolation 194, 205, 1330
GRID statement (example) 1339, 1342, 1343
SPLINE option, GRID statement 1330, 1335, 1339
spline smoothing 1331, 1339
splines in star charts
axis definitions 1210
colors 1188, 1208
labels for 1193
line types 1191, 1208
size 1196
SPLIT= option, AXIS statement options 134
SPREAD= macro argument 551
SR option, GFONT procedure 946, 950
SSFILE1=, , SSFILE5= macro arguments 555
SSFREF1=, , SSFREF5= macro arguments 555
SSHREF1=, , SSHREF5= macro arguments 555
SSMEDIA1=, , SSMEDIA5= macro arguments 555
SSREL1=, , SSREL5= macro arguments 555
SSREV1=, , SSREV5= macro arguments 556
SSTITLE1=, , SSTITLE5= macro arguments 556
SSTYPE1=, , SSTYPE5= macro arguments 556
STACKED= parameter, JAVA 436
STACKPERCENT= parameter, JAVA 436
standard deviations 194
STAR statement, GCHART procedure
BY statement with 144
discrete numeric variables, charting (example) 881
star chart with sum statistic (example) 879
syntax and options 833
STARAXES= option, CHART statement 1193
STARAXIS= option, CHART statement 1193, 1210
STARCIRCLE= option, CHART statement 1194
STARCIRCLES= option, CHART statement 1194
STARFILL= option, CHART statement 1194, 1204
STARINRADIUS= option, CHART statement 1194
STARLEGEND= option, CHART statement 1194, 1201
STARLEGENDLAB= option, CHART statement 1194, 1201
STARMAX= option, STAR statement 839
STARMIN= option, STAR statement 839
STAROUTRADIUS= option, CHART statement 1194
stars, drawing circle of (example) 609
STARSTART= option, CHART statement 1195
STARTYPE= option, CHART statement 1195, 1207
STATE function (DSGI) 1430
state map data (U.S.) 1003
removing U.S. state boundaries (example) 1228
statement options 46
statements, SAS/GRAPH 123
global 14, 27, 33, 123
static graphics 439
creating with ODS 440
developing presentations with GIF, JPEG, PNG 443
presentations developed with ACTXIMG, JAVAIMG 442
sample programs for 447
static images in presentations 370, 371, 376
statistic heading
pie and donut charts 827, 832
star charts 839, 842
step codes 305
STEP= option, SYMBOL statement 199, 904
step plots 196
stock market high, low, close data 189
Annotate graphics (example) 713
clipped polygons 331
DSGI graphs 1357
fonts 77
graphics catalogs 53, 55, 59, 70
graphics files 51, 60
graphics output as files 64, 66, 68, 291
Java archive 399
Java plug-in 424
online help 385
PPD file 338
rendered font files 346, 347
appending to graphics data records 300
prefixing output records 309
sending to devices or files 301, 303
stroked fonts 940
STYLE= option, AXIS statement options 134
STYLE= option, ODS statements 489
style variable, annotate facility 660
styles, ODS 488
stylesheets, macro arguments for 554
SUBGROUP = option
BLOCK statement 793, 795
HBAR and VBAR statements 729, 733, 735, 813
PIE and DONUT statements 828
SUBGROUP variable, Annotate facility 664
block chart (example) 844
pie charts (example) 877
pie or donut chart (example) 848
vertical bar chart (example) 848
subsetting map data sets 1039, 1173, 1178, 12
example of 1178
reducing map of Canada (example) 1220
substitution strings
drill-down tags as 411
removing blanks from data values 414
variables as 410
success factor diagrams
drill-down functionality 573
DS2CSF macro 527, 528
hotspots 532
sample diagrams 530
SUM option
BAR statement 762
HBAR and VBAR statements 813
sum statistic 746, 783
bar chart (example) 846
block chart (example) 842
pie chart (example) 842
star chart (example) 879
SUMLABEL= option, HBAR and VBAR statements 813
SUMVAR= option
bar chart with sum statistic (example) 846
BAR statement 762
block chart with sum statistic (example) 842
BLOCK statement 793
CHART statement, GRADAR procedure 1195
HBAR and VBAR statements 814
PIE and DONUT statements 828
pie chart with sum statistic (example) 842
PLOT statement 745, 767
star chart with sum statistic (example) 879
STAR statement 839
suppressing axes
BAR statement 760
BUBBLE statement 1097
HBAR and VBAR statements 810
PLOT statement, G3D procedure 1303
PLOT statement, GCONTOUR procedure 897
PLOT statement, GPLOT procedure 1111
SCATTER statement, G3D procedure 1307
surface maps 12, 998, 1030
axes, controlling 1299
identification variables 1005
predefined formats for 1035
producing simple surface map (example) 1066
response levels 1004
rotating and tilting 1299
rotating and tilting surface map (example) 1068
surface plots 9, 1295
appearance of surface 1304
data ranges 1298
input data sets 1298
rotating (example) 1316
three-dimensional, syntax for 1301
tilting (example) 1317
surface plots, three-dimensional, processing data for 887, 1327
controlling observations in output data set 1336
GRID statement, G3GRID procedure 1333
interpolation methods 1329
simple contour plot, generating (example) 905
spline interpolation, partial (example) 1342
spline interpolation, with smoothed spline (example) 1339
spline interpolation (example) 1343
syntax and options, G3GRID procedure 1332
using default interpolation method (example) 1337
SURFACE statement, GMAP procedure 1030
producing simple surface map (example) 1066
rotating and tilting surface map (example) 1068
SWAP function, Annotate facility 639
SWAP= graphics option 353
%SWAP macro, Annotate facility 696
SWAP= option, GDEVICE procedure 353
SWFONTRENDER= graphics option 353
SYMBOL definitions, BY statement with 145
symbol fonts, creating figures for 964
SYMBOL function, Annotate facility 1544
SYMBOL= graphics option 354, 1078
SYMBOL= option, GDEVICE procedure 354
SYMBOL statement 27, 124, 183
ActiveX and Java support for 1516
altering or canceling 203
box plots, modifying (example) 233
GBARLINE procedure 740, 768
GCONTOUR procedure 903
GPLOT procedure 1114, 1120
internationalization 392
Java applets, internationalization and 400
rotating plot symbols through colors (example) 231
SYMBOLS= option, GDEVICE procedure 354
syntax conventions 17
system fonts 76
%SYSTEM macro, Annotate facility 696

SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
SAS.GRAPH 9.1 Reference, Volumes I and II
Year: 2004
Pages: 342 © 2008-2017.
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