Customizing Your Folders

In Chapter 5, "Message Management," you saw how to use folders to help organize your messages. By adjusting the properties of the folders in your Mailbox, you can arrange to see folder contents when a folder is opened, see who has access to the messages in the folder (if anyone ), and specify what columns are displayed. Each folder can be customized individually. For example, the Mailbox can be set up to display only the Subject and From fields, and the Sent Items folder can be set up to display Subject, Opened Status, and Date fields.

Property Sets

Even though you can set up a parent/child folder structure, folder properties are set for each folder individually. These folder properties are grouped into the following sets:

  • General ” Holds general information about the folder, such as the owner and a description

  • Display ” Configures folder settings to determine how messages are displayed in the folder and what columns are used

  • Sharing ” Determines access to the messages in the folder


The people who share a particular parent folder will not necessarily share the subfolders under the folder. Shared access to folders is set for the individual folder.

The properties available for folders differ , depending on the type of folder you are configuring. All folders contain the General and Display tabs. The Trash folder contains a Cleanup property tab.


When you right-click the Cabinet, you can select Sort Subfolders to quickly alphabetize the first-level subfolders. To sort a set of nested folders, you need to select Sort Subfolders from the parent folder.

User -created folders contain a unique tab called Sharing . The Sharing tab enables you to share the folders with other GroupWise users.

To display or change the properties of a folder, simply right-click the folder and choose Properties.


The general folder properties are shown in Figure 11.20 and described in the following list:

  • Type ” Describes the type of folder: Personal, Calendar, Mailbox, and so on

  • Owner ” Specifies the creator of the folder

  • Contains ” Provides a summary of the folder's contents

  • Description ” Gives a general description of the folder

Figure 11.20. The General tab contains the name , owner, and other information about the folder.


Once you configure the general options for a folder, you can customize the display settings.


Figure 11.21 depicts the Display tab of a personal folder. This setting configures the default display options. The Display drop-down list on the Toolbar enables you to configure momentary display options, not default display properties. Every time the folder is accessed, the settings you make in the Display tab of the folder properties will be active.

Figure 11.21. The Display tab allows you to customize the viewing and sorting options for the folder.



If you would like to save a custom set of folder settings, click the Save As button, enter a name for the folder setting, and click OK. Your new custom set will appear under the Setting name drop-down list.

Here's a list of the settings you'll find in the Display tab:

  • Setting Name ” A drop-down list of preconfigured folder settings.

  • Description ” A description of this group of folder settings.

  • View By ” Sets the display to the Message Details, Message Thread, or Calendar format for the items in this folder.

  • Sort By ” Determines a piece of information about the messages by which all messages in this folder will be sorted (for example, Date, From, and so on).

  • Sort Order ” Specifies an ascending or descending display of the items in this folder.

  • Item Source ” Tells GroupWise what the originating source is of the messages in this folder: Received, Sent, Posted, or Draft.

  • Item Type ” Specifies the types of messages contained in the folder: Mail, Appointments, Reminder notes, Tasks, Documents, and Phone Messages.

  • Columns ” Determines which pieces of information will appear in the columns in the Items Area. (Choose Edit Columns to add or delete columns.)


Make sure the piece of information by which you are sorting the messages is also a column.

Once you have set up the display options, you can establish shared folders.


Sharing options for folders determine who has access to the messages inside of them. Chapter 5 discusses how to use shared folders in detail.

These settings allowed you to customize your folders. The next section describes another customization feature: Show Appointment As.

Novell GroupWise 6.5 Users Handbook
Novell GroupWise 6.5 Users Handbook
ISBN: 0789729830
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 191 © 2008-2017.
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