

Cancel button, 34
Categories form, 264, 322
Categories table, 134, 153
Chipman, Mary, 283, 360
Click event, 380
client-based Access front ends, 438 “39
Cogan, Adam, 450
Collins, Kevin, 172
ColumnHidden property, 78
columns , hiding from users, 78
comma-delimited text files
recovering data from, 132 “34
saving tables to, 129 “32
Command Button wizard, 97
CommandBar object, 199, 226, 228, 229
Commands form, 207
Compact Database option, 124
Compact on Close option, 52, 57 “59
compacting databases, 124 “28
CompactRepair method, 126, 128
compressed (.ZIP) files, 91, 122 “24, 291, 292
Computer column (on Access Workbench), 174
computer name , retrieving, 187 “88, 189 “90
ComputerName_FX module, 179, 189 “90
computers, logging, 176 “82
completing user log, 180 “82
initiating user log, 178 “80
overview, 176 “78
Confirm Action Queries option, 53, 63
Confirm Document Deletions option, 53
Confirm options, 61 “62
Confirm Record Changes option, 53
Create User command, 257
CreateNewWorkgroupFile method, 257
CreateProperty method, 36, 40
CurrentUser function, 179, 190, 317, 318
Custom command, 211
custom menu
building, 204 “8
options requiring, 28 “29
custom toolbar menu, 201 “4
Customers form, 153

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
ISBN: 1590591267
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 176 © 2008-2017.
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