Wizard Methodology

Wizard Methodology

Before we get into the thick of specific changes that the Upgrade Wizard applies to your code, let s take you up to 39,000 feet and look down across the broad landscape of what the Upgrade Wizard does. The wizard will upgrade the following items:

  • Your Visual Basic 6 project to the equivalent Visual Basic .NET project type

  • Your Forms to .NET Framework Windows Forms equivalents

  • Your intrinsic controls to .NET Framework Windows Forms equivalent controls

  • Your ActiveX control and object references to use the same ActiveX control and object references

  • Your Visual Basic language statements to use the same or equivalent language statements provided by Visual Basic .NET or the .NET Framework (or in some cases the Visual Basic .NET compatibility library)

Figure 7-1 illustrates how the elements of a form are upgraded. Figure 7-2 illustrates how code is upgraded.

Figure 7-1

How a form is upgraded.

Figure 7-2

How code is upgraded.

The lack of support for certain features in Visual Basic .NET such as Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) and ActiveX Documents means that certain types of Visual Basic 6 applications aren t well suited to a Visual Basic .NET upgrade. These types of applications you can consider in the out category when it comes to upgrade. However, just because an application is in the out category doesn t necessarily mean that you can t use it in Visual Basic .NET. You might still be able to communicate with your Visual Basic 6 application from Visual Basic .NET without changing it. For example, rather than upgrading your ActiveX DLL project you may want to leave it as is. You can create a Visual Basic .NET application that interoperates with the existing ActiveX DLL.

By reusing existing ActiveX components in your Visual Basic .NET applications you can create the Visual Basic .NET applications more quickly. The general ability of Visual Basic .NET applications to communicate with ActiveX components is known as COM interop. You may want to take advantage of COM interop when upgrading your applications so that you don t need to upgrade the application and all of its COM generally known as ActiveX dependencies at once. See Chapter 9 for more information on using COM interop.

The Upgrade Wizard will either not upgrade or provide only partial support for the following items:

  • ActiveX EXE projects

  • Designers such as Add-In Designer, DHTML Page Designer, Data Report, and DataEnvironment

  • Certain ActiveX controls: SSTab and UpDown

  • ActiveX document based applications

  • Extensibility model based applications

  • OLE container control

  • Drag and drop

  • Graphics statements and graphical controls

  • Dynamic Data Exchange

Project Upgrade

Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET have the same basic concept of a project: a repository in which you can group all the needed source and resource files to create a specific output file, such as an EXE or a DLL. This section focuses on three project-related areas types, attributes, and filenames and discusses how the Upgrade Wizard handles each.

Project Types

Where possible, the Upgrade Wizard will upgrade your Visual Basic 6 project to an equivalent project type in Visual Basic .NET, as shown in Table 7-1. Equivalent Visual Basic .NET project types exist for common project types such as Standard EXE, ActiveX DLL, and UserControl.


The version of the Upgrade Wizard that shipped with Visual Basic .NET doesn t include the ability to upgrade UserControl or WebClass projects. However, future versions of the Update Wizard that have this capability will be available for download from the Visual Basic Web site, http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic/.

Table 7-1 Visual Basic 6 and Equivalent Visual Basic .NET Project Types

Visual Basic 6 Project Type

Visual Basic .NET Project Type

Standard EXE

Windows application

ActiveX EXE

No equivalent (Choose between upgrade to a Windows application or a Class Library project.)

ActiveX DLL

Class Library

ActiveX control

Windows control library

WebClass-based project

XML Web Forms

Project Attributes

A Visual Basic 6 project contains a number of attributes, including Name, command-line arguments, conditional compilation constant settings, Help settings, version information, and compiler settings. Let s look at how the Upgrade Wizard handles each of these attributes.

Project name

The project name for a Visual Basic 6 application is upgraded to be the Assembly Name and Root Namespace name for the Visual Basic .NET application. The Assembly Name is the name that other applications or tools use to load the EXE or DLL containing your project. The Root Namespace name is the name that other applications and tools use to refer to your Visual Basic .NET application or library. The Root Namespace name is roughly equivalent to the project name found in Visual Basic 6. Since the Visual Basic 6 project name is applied to your Visual Basic .NET project, anywhere in your code that you fully reference a type by prefacing it with the project name, the code will continue to work as is, without change.

Command-line arguments

If you create a Visual Basic 6 EXE project that relies on command-line arguments, you can test your application in the Visual Basic 6 debugger by setting command-line arguments on the Make tab for Project Properties, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3

Visual Basic 6 command-line setting in the Project Properties dialog box.

The command-line settings aren t upgraded with your project. To edit them in Visual Basic .NET, select the project in the Solution Explorer, and then select Properties from the Project menu. Within the Properties dialog box, select Debugging under the Configuration Properties folder, as shown in Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4

Visual Basic .NET command-line setting in Configuration Properties, Debugging.

Conditional compilation constant settings

If you use #If Then conditional statements in your code, you can set the value for the condition as a global project setting. In Visual Basic 6 the setting is located on the Make tab of the Project Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5

Visual Basic 6 conditional compilation statement setting in the Project Properties dialog box.

The constant values that you set will be upgraded to Visual Basic .NET. To edit your settings, select the project in the Solution Explorer and then choose Properties from the Project menu. Within the Properties dialog box, select Build under the Configuration Properties folder, as shown in Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6

Visual Basic .NET custom constants setting under Configuration Properties, Build.

Help settings

In Visual Basic 6 you were allowed to have one Help file per project. You specify the Help file name on the General tab of the Project Properties dialog box, as shown in Figure 7-7. You could also set a project-level Help context ID.

Figure 7-7

Visual Basic 6 Help file setting in the Project Properties dialog box.

Creating Help to go along with your Visual Basic .NET application is different. A Visual Basic .NET application has no concept of a project-level Help file. Instead, you request Help on a per-form basis by including a HelpProvider component on each Windows Form that you want to support Help. Because no top-level Help file is associated with a Visual Basic .NET application, the Upgrade Wizard doesn t upgrade this project setting.

For more information on how to add Help to your Visual Basic .NET application, refer to the following Help topic: ms-help://MS.MSDNVS/vbcon/html/vbconHelpSupportChangesInVisualBasic70.htm. You can find the Help topic by expanding the following nested Help topics:

Visual Studio .NET; Visual Basic and Visual C#; Upgrading Applications; Upgrading from Visual Basic 6.0; Introduction to Visual Basic .NET for Visual Basic Veterans; Forms Changes in Visual Basic .NET; Help Support Changes in Visual Basic .NET.

Version information

The Upgrade Wizard upgrades most version information associated with your Visual Basic 6 application. As illustrated in Figure 7-8, the following attributes are available on the Make tab of the Visual Basic 6 Project Properties dialog box:

  • Comments

  • Company Name

  • File Description

  • Legal Copyright

  • Legal Trademarks

  • Product Name

  • Major Version Number

  • Minor Version Number

  • Revision

    Figure 7-8

    Visual Basic 6 version settings in the Project Properties dialog box.

The attributes are upgraded to a separate file in your project called AssemblyInfo.vb, which contains project-level attributes for your project. For example, after you upgrade a Visual Basic 6 project, the version-related attributes are set in the AssemblyInfo.vb file as follows:

<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("Wow! My upgraded application")> <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("I love upgrading to VB.Net")> <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("Microsoft")> <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("MyUpgradedApp")> <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("2001")> <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>


The revision number that appears in the version number is not upgraded, because Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET have different revision number formats. In Visual Basic 6 the revision number is a single part of the version number. The Visual Basic .NET version number is a two-part entry composed of a revision number and a build number.

Compiler settings

The Upgrade Wizard doesn t upgrade any Visual Basic compiler options to Visual Basic .NET. Because the Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET compilers generate different types of instructions, the compiler options for each product have nothing in common. The native code optimization settings, such as Remove Array Bounds Checks, don t make sense for the Visual Basic .NET compiler. The Visual Basic .NET compiler is required to generate secure code. Therefore, you don t have the option of turning off certain safety checks, such as array bound checks; all safety checks need to be in place.

Project Filenames

The filename of your Visual Basic 6 .vbp project file is applied to your new Visual Basic .NET .vbproj file. For example, if the name of your Visual Basic 6 project is MyProject.vbp, the name of your Visual Basic .NET project will be MyProject.vbproj.

Individual item filenames

Each file contained within a Visual Basic 6 project retains the same base filename after upgrade. The file extension for all upgraded files is set to .vb. For example, if you have a form file in your project called Form1.frm, it will be upgraded to Form1.vb. What if you have two files with the same base filename, such as Main.frm and Main.bas? Since both files can t upgrade to the same filename (Main.vb, in this case), the Upgrade Wizard avoids the conflict by renaming one of the files with its internal name. For example, if the name of module Main.bas is modMain, the file will be renamed modMain.vb to avoid conflicting with the form file Main.vb.

Forms and Intrinsic Controls

The Upgrade Wizard upgrades forms and intrinsic controls, such as CommandButton, TextBox, OptionButton, and CheckBox, contained on the form to the new .NET Framework Windows Forms package equivalent. After the upgrade process is complete, you ll find that the size and layout of your forms are preserved. If a control cannot be upgraded, a red label is inserted on the upgraded form to alert you of the problem. Table 7-2 shows the mapping of Visual Basic 6 intrinsic controls to their Windows Forms equivalents.

Table 7-2 Mapping Between Visual Basic 6 Intrinsic Controls and .NET Windows Forms Controls

Visual Basic 6 Control Class

Visual Basic .NET Control Class

Upgrade Notes


System.Windows.- Forms.Checkbox


System.Windows.- Forms.ComboBox


System.Windows.- Forms.Button


No equivalent

Because the Data control supports DAO data binding which is not supported by Windows Forms the control doesn t upgrade. You can use the ADO data control in its place, update your code to use ADO data binding, and the ADO control will upgrade.


DirListBox in Microsoft.Visual- Basic.Compatibility.VB6


DriveListBox in Microsoft.Visual- Basic.Compatibility.VB6


FileListBox in Microsoft.VisualBasic.- Compatibility.VB6


System.Windows.- Forms.GroupBox or System.Windows.Forms.- Panel

If the frame has a border, the control upgrades to a GroupBox; it upgrades to a Panel if there is no border.


System.Windows.- Forms.HScrollBar


System.Windows.- Forms.Picture

The Visual Basic 6 image control is a graphical control, which can be transparent. Windows Forms doesn t support transparent controls, so transparency will be lost after upgrade.


System.Windows.- Forms.Label

Visual Basic 6 labels are graphical and can be transparent. Visual Basic .NET labels have a window and cannot be transparent. Transparency will be lost after upgrade.


No equivalent or System.Windows.- Forms.Label

For vertical and horizontal lines a label is used. The label is set to the width of the line. The back color of the label is set to the line color. Diagonal lines do not map.


System.Windows.- Forms.ListBox


No equivalent

In some cases you can replace the control with the Microsoft Web Browser control and use the Navigate property.


System.Windows.- Forms.OptionButton


System.Windows.- Forms.PictureBox or System.Windows.- Forms.Panel

If the PictureBox has child controls, it upgrades to a Panel; otherwise, it upgrades to a PictureBox.


No equivalent

Shape is a graphical control; Windows Forms doesn t support graphical controls. You can use the .NET Framework graphics commands in place of the control.


System.Windows.- Forms.TextBox


System.Windows.- Forms.Timer

Setting the Interval property of a Visual Basic .NET timer to 0 will throw an exception. You need to set the Enabled property of a Timer to False to disable this behavior.


System.Windows.- Forms.VScrollBar

Layout and Design-Time Property Settings

The design-time layout and properties you set on a Visual Basic 6 form and the controls contained on the form are saved in a special section of the .frm file. The form and controls are saved in property description blocks, as illustrated in Figure 7-9.

Figure 7-9

Visual Basic 6 .frm file in text view.

Windows Forms stores layout and property settings differently. All settings are saved as part of your code in a hidden block called Windows Form Designer Generated Code. The design-time settings for a Windows form can be found in the InitializeComponent subroutine within this hidden block.

The Upgrade Wizard maps your Visual Basic 6 design-time settings to generated code in InitializeComponent. For example, suppose you have a Visual Basic form containing a button named MyButton, as shown in Figure 7-10. (You can find the MyButton.vbp project on the companion CD.)

Figure 7-10

Visual Basic 6 form with a button on it.

The Visual Basic .frm file for the form will contain this description:

Begin VB.Form Form1     Caption         =   "Form1"    ClientHeight    =   2085    ClientWidth     =   3750    ClientLeft      =   60    ClientTop       =   345    Begin VB.CommandButton cmdMyButton        Caption         =   "MyButton"       TabIndex        =   0       Default         =   -1  'True       Left            =   1080       Top             =   720       Width           =   1455       Height          =   495    End End

If you upgrade the preceding Visual Basic .frm, the generated Visual Basic .NET code will be

Private Sub InitializeComponent()    Me.cmdMyButton = New System.Windows.Forms.Button    Me.Text = "Form1"    Me.ClientSize = New System.Drawing.Size(250, 139)    Me.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(4, 23)    Me.AcceptButton = Me.cmdMyButton    Me.cmdMyButton.Text = "MyButton"    Me.cmdMyButton.TabIndex = 0    Me.AcceptButton = Me.cmdMyButton    Me.cmdMyButton.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(97, 33)    Me.cmdMyButton.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(72, 48)    Me.cmdMyButton.Name = "cmdMyButton"    Me.Controls.Add(cmdMyButton) End Sub


We ve removed superfluous settings from the .frm and Initialize Component listings to focus attention on how the design-time settings of a form and control are generally upgraded. We ve selected properties that demonstrate the more complex mappings that the Upgrade Wizard supports. Most other settings are one-to-one mappings from (for example) Property X to Property X.

Table 7-3 shows how the original .frm description and the generated Visual Basic .NET code match up line for line.

Table 7-3 Mapping Between Visual Basic 6 .frm Settings and Visual Basic .NET Code

Visual Basic 6 .frm Setting

Visual Basic .NET Code

Upgrade Notes

Caption = "Form1"

Me.Text = "Form1"

Caption property is upgraded to Text property in Windows.- Forms. Generally you ll see Caption properties mapped to Text properties in your code.

ClientHeight = 2085

ClientWidth = 3750

Me.ClientSize = New System.- Drawing.Size(250, 139)

Form Height and Width settings are mapped to the Visual Basic .NET form s ClientSize property. Sizes are automatically converted from twips to pixels.

ClientLeft = 60

ClientTop = 345

Me.Location = New System.Drawing.- Point(4, 23)

Left and Top settings are mapped to the Location property. Positions are automatically converted from twips to pixels.

Begin VB.CommandButton cmdMyButton

Me.cmdMyButton = New System. Windows.Forms.- Button

In Visual Basic 6, the run time takes care of creating the form and controls spelled out in the .frm file. In Visual Basic .NET, declaration and allocation of each control is explicit.

Caption = "MyButton"

Me.cmdMyButton.- Text = "MyButton"

Caption is upgraded to Text.

Default = -1 "True"

Me.AcceptButton = Me.cmdMyButton

Default and Cancel are no longer properties of individual buttons in Visual Basic .NET. Instead, you set the AcceptButton and CancelButton properties of the form to point to the respective Default and Cancel buttons. In this case the Default design-time property setting is automatically upgraded to the AcceptButton setting on the current form.

After the form is upgraded, it will look nearly identical to its Visual Basic 6 counterpart, as shown in Figure 7-11.

Figure 7-11

Upgraded Visual Basic .NET form.

Let s take a look at some cases in which the design-time settings don t upgrade. We ll place a Data control on the Visual Basic 6 form with the MyButton control. We ll also set the UseMaskColor property of the MyButton control to True, resave the Visual Basic 6 application, and upgrade it again. The first issue is that the Data control (as listed in Table 7-2 on page 128) can t be upgraded. A red label on the form represents the Data control. Red labels on your form indicate that the form didn t fully upgrade.

An interesting characteristic of this upgraded project is that if you build it, you won t get any compiler errors. How can this be true if there is no property equivalent to the CommandButton s UseMaskColor property? If the Upgrade Wizard emitted the design-time property setting in the InitializeComponent section, it would lead to a compiler error. Any compiler errors that occur within InitializeComponent will prevent you from viewing the design-time form. Since it is important that you be able to view your form after upgrade, the wizard intentionally omits any design-time properties that don t map. Instead, it logs an error to the upgrade report.

If you open the _UpgradeReport.htm file included with your upgraded project, you ll see a summary of the properties that weren t upgraded for each control. In this example, you d see an entry for the CommandButton s UseMaskColor property. Figure 7-12 shows the upgrade report that is produced. The report that documents the issue provides a link to Help, and, where possible, it offers suggestions on how to work around or solve the issue.

Figure 7-12

Visual Basic .NET upgrade report.

Control Arrays

Control arrays are a long-standing Visual Basic feature. A control array allows several controls to share the same events and initial property settings, allowing you to apply the same behavior to the controls in the control array. You can also create control arrays in Visual Basic .NET. However, the way you do so is very different from the way you create them in Visual Basic 6. Think of a control array in Visual Basic .NET as a standard array containing controls. To create a control array in Visual Basic .NET, you need to write code to declare an array of the particular control type, and then add the controls to the array. You write additional code to hook the same set of events to each member of the control array. If you re dealing with a dozen or more control array elements on your form, writing all that code is a time-consuming process.

The Visual Basic .NET compatibility library introduced earlier in this chapter includes support for control arrays. The compatibility library contains an array class for each control type. For example, the control array class for Button is called ButtonArray. The control array class includes methods such as Item and Load that allow you to access control array elements or add new members to the control array. In addition the control array class includes all of the events for the underlying control. The events are shared for all elements of the Visual Basic .NET control array, as you would expect based on how Visual Basic 6 control arrays behave.

The Upgrade Wizard upgrades your Visual Basic 6 control arrays to target control array classes defined in the Visual Basic .NET compatibility library. Control arrays and all associated code are upgraded as is, with minor syntactical changes in some cases, as illustrated in the following example.

Consider a Visual Basic 6 form that has two command buttons in a control array called Command1. The following Visual Basic 6 code loads Command1(2) as a new control array element:

Private Sub Command1_Click(Index As Integer)    MsgBox "Command1 (" & Index & ") clicked" End Sub Private Sub Form_Load()    Load Command1(2)    Command1(2).Left = Command1(1).Left + _       Command1(1).Width    Command1(2).Visible = True End Sub

Here s the Visual Basic .NET code after the Upgrade Wizard has upgraded it:

Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, _ ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) _  Handles Command1.Click    Dim Index As Short = Command1.GetIndex(eventSender)    MsgBox("Command1 (" & Index & ") clicked") End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, _ ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) _ Handles MyBase.Load    Command1.Load(2)    Command1(2).Left = _       VB6.TwipsToPixelsX(VB6.PixelsToTwipsX(Command1(1).Left) + _       VB6.PixelsToTwipsX(Command1(1).Width))    Command1(2).Visible = True End Sub

Focus your attention on the usage of Command1, and ignore the pixel-to-twips conversions; you ll see that the code you need to use control arrays is nearly identical, with a couple of notable differences:

  • The Load statement becomes a Load method on the base control array element Command1 for example, Command1.Load(2).

  • The control array index is not passed directly as a parameter to the Command1_Click event. The event parameter is instead obtained from the base control array object Command1 by calling GetIndex and passing GetIndex the source of the event. The event source will be the member of the control array that you clicked.

Despite these differences, the good news is that Visual Basic .NET and the Upgrade Wizard both support control arrays.

ActiveX Controls and ActiveX References

The general approach to upgrading ActiveX controls and references is to reuse the exact same controls and references in your upgraded Visual Basic .NET application. Although in theory your ActiveX components should work the same as they did prior to the upgrade, you might encounter some issues. These issues stem from differences between the Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET ActiveX control hosting environments. Issues can also stem from the fact that .NET supports ActiveX components by communicating with them through a COM interop layer. (These issues are discussed in Chapter 9 and Chapter 13.) This section focuses on some of the exceptions to the rule that ActiveX controls and references are upgraded to use the same component. In some cases, an ActiveX control or reference is upgraded to use a native .NET component replacement.

ADO Data Control

You can place the ActiveX ADO Data control (ADODC) shipping with Visual Basic 6 on a Windows form, but you can t use it to bind to Windows Forms controls. For example, you can t place an ADODC control on a Windows form and hook a TextBox up to it because the ADODC control has no way to communicate the bound data to the Windows Forms TextBox control. The ADODC control can communicate only with other ActiveX controls, not with .NET Windows Forms controls.

To resolve this issue, the Visual Basic .NET compatibility library contains a .NET version of the ADODC control. You can use the ADODC .NET control to bind data to Windows Forms controls and other ActiveX controls. The Upgrade Wizard automatically upgrades any instances of ADODC ActiveX controls to ADODC .NET controls. The ADODC .NET control was designed to be a compatible replacement for the ADODC ActiveX control.

How does this help you? If you use the ADODC ActiveX control in your Visual Basic 6 applications, you should expect your ADO data-bound applications to continue working after you upgrade to Visual Basic .NET.

Microsoft Data Binding Collection

The Visual Basic .NET compatibility library provides an MSBind .NET class as a compatible replacement for the ActiveX MSBind object found in Visual Basic 6.

Visual Basic 6 allows you to link a control such as a TextBox with the ADODC control by setting the DataSource property of the TextBox control. Although the DataSource property appears on the TextBox control, the property is added and managed by Visual Basic and not by the control itself. In fact the control does not even know that it has a DataSource property. When you set the DataSource property, Visual Basic creates an instance of MSBind and associates the TextBox with a field in a database. The database field is specified by the DataField property, which is also added to the TextBox control and managed by Visual Basic.

The problem is that Windows Forms doesn t provide any support for the DataSource and DataField properties. In fact, when you place a TextBox (or any other control) on a Windows form, you won t find a DataSource or DataField property. How do you get data binding to work in Visual Basic .NET? You use an instance of a binding collection (MSBind).

You can add items to the binding collection to associate a property on a control with a field in a database. To bind a control s property to a field in a database, you add the control and the property where you want the database data to be stored to the MSBind collection. If you want to implement custom data binding or binding to nontraditional properties on a control, use MSBind in your Visual Basic 6 application.

Because there is no DataSource or DataField property, the Upgrade Wizard translates the binding information stored in the DataSource and DataField properties to binding information set into an MSBind .NET binding collection. Suppose you re upgrading an application with a TextBox (Text1) bound to an ADODC (Adodc1) control. The TextBox displays the CompanyName contained in the Customers table. The Upgrade Wizard automatically generates the following code to hook up data binding:

Private ADOBind_Adodc1 As VB6.MBindingCollection Public Sub VB6_AddADODataBinding()    ADOBind_Adodc1 = New VB6.MBindingCollection()    ADOBind_Adodc1.DataSource = CType(Adodc1, msdatasrc.DataSource)    ADOBind_Adodc1.Add(Text1, "Text", "CompanyName", Nothing, "Text1")    ADOBind_Adodc1.UpdateMode = _       VB6.UpdateMode.vbUpdateWhenPropertyChanges    ADOBind_Adodc1.UpdateControls() End Sub Public Sub VB6_RemoveADODataBinding()    ADOBind_Adodc1.Clear()    ADOBind_Adodc1.Dispose()    ADOBind_Adodc1 = Nothing End Sub


In Visual Basic 6, the binding collection is called BindingCollection. In Visual Basic .NET, the binding collection is called MBindingCollection. The M stands for managed, meaning the managed code version of the BindingCollection.

VB6_AddADODataBinding is called from Sub New so that the data bindings are set up as soon as the form is created. VB6_RemoveADODataBinding is called when the form is disposed. Data bindings are removed when the form is destroyed.

In general, if you have an ADODC-based data-bound application in which all the data binding is set up at design time, the Upgrade Wizard takes care of generating the necessary Visual Basic .NET code to make it work. Because there are no properties you can set in the Property Browser, updating the application after upgrade requires considerably more work. You ll need to update VB6_AddADODataBinding to add or remove bound controls and associated database fields.

SSTab Control

The Upgrade Wizard treats the SSTab control as a special case because the SSTab ActiveX control requires a special interface called ISimpleFrame. This interface enables the control to contain other controls. Without this interface, you can t place other controls within the SSTab. If you ve used the SSTab control, you know that it would be pretty useless if you couldn t place other controls inside it. The control reaches the height of uselessness when you place it on a Windows form. Windows Forms doesn t support the ISimpleFrame interface, so you can t place any controls on the tabs within the SSTab.

The Upgrade Wizard recognizes this situation and rectifies it by automatically upgrading your instances of SSTab controls to instances of Windows Forms TabControls. The Windows Forms TabControl is similar but not identical in behavior to the SSTab control. You ll find that after upgrade, the TabControl has a similar appearance to the SSTab control. All the controls contained in the SSTab control will be found on their respective tabs in the Windows Forms TabControl. However, you ll notice differences when you write code to operate the TabControl. Most of these differences stem from the TabControl having a TabPage collection object. You need to manually update the code that sets array properties, such as TabCaption, to instead set the caption on the specific tab within the TabPage collection.

UpDown Control

The UpDown control uses internal interfaces supported by Visual Basic 6 to buddy up with another control. These interfaces aren t supported in Windows Forms. Furthermore, because the control is an ActiveX component, it can t link to a non-ActiveX component such as a Windows Forms Button control. If you place an ActiveX UpDown control on a Windows form, you should set the BuddyControl property to another control on the form, and then run the application. The UpDown control doesn t update the buddy control.

The Upgrade Wizard won t upgrade UpDown controls found on a form. Instead, you must replace each UpDown control with the Windows Forms NumericUpDown control.

Visual Basic Code

The Visual Basic .NET language is largely a superset of the Visual Basic 6 language. You use the same keywords, conditional statements, and expressions that you use when writing a Visual Basic 6 application. The Upgrade Wizard will upgrade most of your code that relates to the core Visual Basic language without making any changes to it. Chapter 11 covers issues related to upgrading code in more detail. This section focuses on how the Upgrade Wizard upgrades your Visual Basic 6 code.

General Types of Code Conversions

The Upgrade Wizard upgrades your Visual Basic 6 language statements using a variety of means, which are explained in the following sections.

Mapping to native language statement with the same name

Most Visual Basic core language statements, such as If Then, For Next, Select Case, And, Or, Do Loop, On Error GoTo, and MsgBox fall into this category. The code you see in Visual Basic 6 is the code you get in Visual Basic .NET.

Mapping to native language statement with a different name

The functions IsEmpty, IsNothing, and IsObject fall into this category. Each of these functions operates on Variants, which aren t supported in Visual Basic .NET. These functions are upgraded to functions that operate on Object types. The following Visual Basic 6 code:

Dim b As Boolean Dim v As Variant b = IsEmpty(v) b = IsObject(v) b = IsMissing(v) b = IsNull(v)

upgrades to the following Visual Basic .NET code:

Dim b As Boolean Dim v As Object 'UPGRADE_WARNING: IsEmpty was upgraded to IsNothing and has  'a new behavior. b = IsNothing(v) 'UPGRADE_WARNING: IsObject has a new behavior. b = IsReference(v) 'UPGRADE_NOTE: IsMissing() was changed to IsNothing() b = IsNothing(v) 'UPGRADE_WARNING: Use of Null/IsNull() detected. b = IsDbNull(v)

Mapping with coercion

Visual Basic .NET disallows direct assignments of incompatible types to each other without an explicit conversion. For example, you can t directly assign an integer a String value or a Date to a Double. You need to do an explicit conversion using a function such as CInt or CShort. Some types contain conversion methods, such as ToString or ToOADate. As an example of how conversion functions are added after upgrade, consider the following Visual Basic 6 code:

Dim i As Integer Dim TodaysDate As Date Dim d As Double i = "7" TodaysDate = Now d = TodaysDate

This code upgrades to the following Visual Basic .NET code:

Dim i As Short Dim TodaysDate As Date Dim d As Double i = CShort("7") TodaysDate = Now d = TodaysDate.ToOADate   'Converts to an OLE Automation compatible                            'Date value


If you need to convert between types in your Visual Basic .NET code, look at the methods implemented by the .NET System.Convert class.

Mapping to an equivalent .NET Framework function

Math functions such as Abs, Atn, Cos, and Sqrt fall into this category. Certain properties on the App object, such as PrevInstance, upgrade to .NET equivalents as well. For example, take a look at the following Visual Basic 6 code:

Dim i As Integer i = Abs(-1)

This code upgrades to the following Visual Basic .NET code, using the equivalent function from the System.Math class:

Dim i As Short i = System.Math.Abs(-1)

Mapping to a function provided by the Visual Basic .NET compatibility library

The LoadResString, LoadResData, LoadResPicture, SendKeys, and some App object methods fall into this category. The following Visual Basic 6 code:

Dim strPath As String strPath = App.Path

upgrades to

Dim strPath As String strPath = VB6.GetPath

No mapping available

This category includes cases that can t be automatically upgraded. Instead, the wizard generates an upgrade issue and possibly an UPGRADE_TODO item. The binary string functions, such as AscB, LeftB, MidB, and RightB fall into this category. For example, the following Visual Basic 6 code:

Dim iCharCode As Integer Dim BinaryString() As Byte BinaryString = StrConv("This is my binary string", vbFromUnicode) iCharCode = AscB(BinaryString)

upgrades to the following Visual Basic .NET code:

Dim iCharCode As Short Dim BinaryString() As Byte 'UPGRADE_ISSUE: Constant vbFromUnicode was not upgraded. 'UPGRADE_TODO: Code was upgraded to use  'System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes() which may not have the  'same behavior. BinaryString = System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(StrConv( _    "This is my binary string", vbFromUnicode)) 'UPGRADE_ISSUE: AscB function is not supported. iCharCode = AscB(BinaryString)

Several UPGRADE_ messages are emitted in this case. The UPGRADE_ISSUE messages relate to byte-related support not being available. The UPGRADE_TODO message warns you that the .NET conversion function used might not have the behavior you desire.

Option Explicit On Included Automatically

When you use the Option Explicit statement in Visual Basic 6, the compiler forces you to declare all variables with a Dim, Private, Public, or Static statement (for example). If you re not using the Option Explicit statement in Visual Basic 6, the Upgrade Wizard includes the Option Explicit On statement in all forms and modules and takes care of declaring any undeclared variables for you. If you ve been planning to go through and explicitly declare all of your variables, or you ve avoided doing it because of time constraints, your wait has been rewarded. The Upgrade Wizard takes care of this for you.

DefType Is Upgraded

If you use the DefType statement to determine the variable type for unqualified variable declarations, your DefType declarations will be upgraded to the appropriate type. For example, the following Visual Basic 6 code:

DefStr A-Z 'All unqualified variable declarations will be Strings Sub Main    Dim s    s = "I'm a string" End Sub

upgrades to the following Visual Basic .NET code:

Sub Main    Dim s As String    s = "I'm a String" End Sub

Data Types Are Upgraded to Fit

The storage size for Visual Basic intrinsic types such as Integer and Long has changed in Visual Basic .NET. In Visual Basic 6 an Integer is 16 bits and a Long is 32 bits. In Visual Basic .NET an Integer is 32 bits and a Long is 64 bits. Most of the time it doesn t matter whether you use an Integer instead of a Long. If you have a loop index that goes from 0 to 10, you can nitpick over the performance implications of using one size or another, but generally it makes no difference. The program works the same way.

Sometimes, however, the size difference matters. For example, if you re calling Windows API functions that require a 32-bit integer argument, you had better use a Declare statement that declares the argument as 32 bits.

To keep your application running smoothly after upgrade, the Upgrade Wizard declares all of your numeric types to use the correct Visual Basic .NET equivalent based on size. This means that an Integer variable is upgraded to Short. A variable of type Long is upgraded to type Integer. In the case of the Variant type, the Upgrade Wizard maps to the closest equivalent type found in Visual Basic .NET: Object. Table 7-4 gives a mapping of types between Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET. The table provides mappings where the name of the type is different between Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET. All other types, such as Byte, Single, Double, and String, map as is.

Table 7-4 Mapping of Types Between Visual Basic 6 and Visual Basic .NET

Visual Basic 6 Type

Upgrades to Visual Basic .NET Type









ByRef Added to Unqualified Parameters

The default calling convention in Visual Basic 6 is to pass all unqualified parameters as ByRef. Visual Basic .NET, on the other hand, requires you to qualify all parameters as ByVal or ByRef. Because the Visual Basic 6 default calling convention is ByRef, the Upgrade Wizard upgrades and qualifies all unqualified parameters with the ByRef keyword.

For example, the following Visual Basic 6 code:

Sub Test(MyParam As Long)    MyParam = 7 End Sub

upgrades to the following Visual Basic .NET code:

Sub Test(ByRef MyParam As Integer)    MyParam = 7 End Sub

Code-Behind Forms

Code-behind forms refers to code that makes reference to a form, control, property, method, or event. Although this is normally code you write behind a form, you can also reference controls from other project items, such as a class module or .bas module. We will limit this discussion to code that references a property, method, or event for any form or control in the project.

Code that references a form or control property is upgraded in a similar fashion to a design-time property setting, as discussed earlier in the section Layout and Design-Time Property Settings. The main difference is that for properties you refer to in code, the Upgrade Wizard will leave any code that cannot be upgraded as is. In many cases this will lead to a compiler error. In addition, a comment that begins with UPGRADE_ (such as UPGRADE_ISSUE) will be inserted on the line immediately above the nontranslated statement. For example, let s say you attempt to upgrade the following code:

cmdMyButton.UseMaskColor = True

The upgraded code will appear as follows:

'UPGRADE_ISSUE: CommandButton property cmdMyButton.UseMaskColor  'was not_upgraded. Click for more:  ''ms-help://MS.VSCC/commoner/redir/redirect.htm?keyword="vbup2064"' cmdMyButton.UseMaskColor = True

The Upgrade Wizard leaves the code in as is without omitting it or commenting it out because doing so makes the issue stand out like a sore thumb. You are forced to recognize and deal with the problem before you can run your upgraded application. The philosophy here is that it s best to get all the bad news up front. It s generally much easier to resolve a problem as soon as you discover it, rather than finding it down the road after you ve made a bunch of code changes. If the Upgrade Wizard were simply to emit the UPGRADE_ISSUE command and avoid the compiler error by commenting out the offending line, you might never pay attention to the issue. If a problem related to the issue surfaced months later, you might end up spending a significant amount of time tracking down the line of code that the Upgrade Wizard conveniently commented out for you.

Global Objects

The Upgrade Wizard provides minimal support for upgrading global objects such as App, Printer, Clipboard, and Screen. In fact, the wizard upgrades some methods for the App and Screen objects, and that s all. You will need to manually upgrade the code related to the other global objects. For example, to upgrade your Printer object related code, use the .NET System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument class. Chapter 12 contains more information on upgrading global objects.

Class Modules and User Controls

Each class module and user control upgrades to an equivalent class module and user control in Visual Basic .NET. Table 7-5 lists the upgrades for class attributes of class modules and user controls.

Table 7-5 Class Attribute Mappings

Class Attribute

Upgrades To



Public noncreatable


Single use


Global single use




Global multiuse


Persistable Classes: ReadProperties, WriteProperties

The ReadProperties and WriteProperties events for persistable classes and user controls are not upgraded because the .NET Framework doesn t support the same notion of data persistence that ActiveX supports. The .NET Framework requires that clients of a .NET server persist the properties of the server by generating code to set server properties to initial property values. Clients persist ActiveX servers, on the other hand, by passing either a PropertyBag or a binary stream to the ActiveX server, requesting that the server save the state of its properties to the PropertyBag or stream. When the server is a Visual Basic authored ActiveX component, the client will invoke the ReadProperties and WriteProperties events of the component. After the server has been upgraded to a .NET server, the client directly obtains the property values for the ActiveX component without invoking events such as ReadProperties and WriteProperties.

The bottom line is that you don t need ReadProperties and WriteProperties to create a persistable Visual Basic .NET server class. You can remove this code after upgrade.

DataSource Classes

For a Visual Basic 6 class in which the DataSourceBehavior property is set to vbDataSource, the class is upgraded to implement the DataSource interface. Your code contained within the GetDataMember event is upgraded to the GetDataMember method of the implemented DataSource interface. You can test your upgraded class by assigning an instance of it to the DataSource property of a control such as the Visual Basic 6 DataGrid. The DataGrid should display the data returned by your upgraded Visual Basic .NET DataSource class.

Objects for Accessing Data

If you ve written a Visual Basic 6 application based on ADO, it will upgrade as is, including code related to ADO data binding. In addition, when upgrading your ADO-based application, the Upgrade Wizard will promote all references to ADO versions 2.6 or earlier to ADO version 2.7. If you based your application on DAO or RDO, the DAO- and RDO-related elements of your application will also upgrade as is as long as you are not using DAO or RDO data binding.

Data Binding

To support data binding, any Microsoft ADODC ActiveX controls you use will automatically be upgraded to use a .NET ADODC control. The .NET version is designed to be compatible with the ActiveX version.

Visual Basic 6 provides internal support for DAO and RDO data binding. There are neither internal supports nor public classes in Visual Basic .NET to support DAO or RDO data binding. If your application requires data binding, you should manually replace your DAO- or RDO-related elements with ADO-related elements. You can make the changes to your Visual Basic 6 application, test the changes, then upgrade your ADO-based Visual Basic 6 application to Visual Basic .NET.


If you use a DataEnvironment designer in your Visual Basic 6 application, the wizard will create a Visual Basic .NET DataEnvironment class contained in its own .vb file and add it to your upgraded Visual Basic .NET project. The DataEnvironment class will contain all settings and objects found in the original Visual Basic 6 DataEnvironment. Any code that references the DataEnvironment will continue to work. You should be able to get your upgraded application to work with the generated DataEnvironment class at run time.

Visual Basic .NET doesn t provide a way for you to edit DataEnvironment properties at design time. To change property settings, you need to edit the code contained in the generated DataEnvironment class file.


Visual Basic .NET doesn t include designers such as the DHTML, WebClass, DataEnvironment, and DataReport. In fact, none of the designers are included with Visual Basic .NET, nor is there any support to load a designer in Visual Studio .NET.

In some cases the code and design-time settings related to a designer are upgraded to work in the upgraded Visual Basic .NET application. For example, code associated with your WebClass is upgraded to Web Forms; DataEnvironment -related settings and code are upgraded to a generated DataEnvironment class. The CrystalReports package in Visual Studio .NET supports reading reports stored in DataReport designer format.

Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0to Microsoft Visual Basic  .NET
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET w/accompanying CD-ROM
ISBN: 073561587X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 179

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