Using COM in Visual Basic .NET

Using COM+ in Visual Basic .NET

Before getting into the how-to of upgrading, it s important to take a step back and investigate how COM+ services are implemented in .NET. For those of you who are curious as to what has happened to COM+ in .NET, fear not. COM+ is still the same sprightly beast that it was before you installed Visual Studio .NET. The .NET Framework exposes all of the existing COM+ services to Visual Basic .NET applications. Table 16-1 lists the COM+ services available to .NET developers.

Table 16-1 COM+ Services Supported in Visual Basic .NET



Automatic transaction processing

Applies declarative transaction processing features.

BYOT (bring your own transaction)

Allows a form of transaction inheritance.

COM Transaction Integrator (COMTI)

Encapsulates Customer Information Control System (CICS) and Internet Mail Service (IMS) applications in Automation objects.

Compensating Resource Manager

Applies atomicity and durability properties to nontransactional resources.

Just-in-time activation

Activates an object on a method call and deactivates it when the call returns.

Loosely coupled events

Manages object-based events.

Object construction

Passes a persistent string value to a class instance on construction of the instance.

Object pooling

Provides a pool of ready-made objects.

Private components

Protects components from out-of-process calls.

Queued components

Provides asynchronous message queuing.

Role-based security

Applies security permission based on role.

SOAP services

Publishes components as XML Web services.


Manages concurrency.

XA interoperability

Supports the X/Open transaction processing model.

Despite implementation differences, underneath the .NET Framework the stalwart heart of COM+ still beats. The .NET Framework COM+ services are built on top of COM+, rather than being a substitute for it. These are the same services that you are already familiar with; they are just implemented differently.

The fact that COM+ is a set of native application services (it does not run on the common language runtime with Visual Basic .NET) raises interesting questions: Is this COM interop, and is there a performance penalty? The short and simple answer is no. COM+ services are able to call directly into the run time environment and vice versa without COM interop wrappers or variable marshaling overhead. The technical details as to why are too involved to go into here (this is not to say that the authors don t need to be reminded of them periodically), but rest assured you will not pay a performance penalty for choosing to use COM+ services through the .NET Framework instead of through Visual Basic 6. In fact, thanks to the new power of Visual Basic .NET, more COM+ services are available to you than ever before, and you have more leverage to use them. In addition, Visual Basic .NET makes implementing COM+ applications far easier than in Visual Basic 6 and gives the developer a significant amount of control over component deployment issues.


At this point, you might be wondering why COM interop doesn t come into play with COM+. Isn t COM+ the same as COM? Yes and no. COM+ was designed as an application infrastructure for developing COM components for the enterprise. While there is a high level of integration between the two technologies, COM+ is not really COM. This difference enables COM+ to call directly into the runtime (and vice versa) without the overhead and marshaling associated with a COM interop method call.

What about the differences between COM+ in Visual Basic 6 and COM+ in .NET? While they do exist, COM+ is COM+ no matter how you look at it. On the other hand, an ActiveX DLL is by no means a managed assembly (a Visual Basic .NET DLL), and this has specific benefits (see the discussion of attributes later in this chapter). Visual Basic .NET is designed to provide more integrated support for COM+, above and beyond that found in Visual Basic 6. To help illustrate the differences, let s take a look at how COM+ applications are built in Visual Basic .NET.

COM+ Requirements in Visual Basic .NET

By now you should be familiar with the namespace structure, if not the content, of the .NET Framework. Support for COM+ services is implemented in the System.EnterpriseServices namespace. Any component wishing to take advantage of COM+ (aside from adding a reference to the System.EnterpriseServices.dll assembly) must meet all of the following requirements:

  • It must inherit from the ServicedComponent class or from another class derived from ServicedComponent.

  • It must apply attributes specifying the COM+ services supported by the class.

  • The assembly containing the COM+ component must have a strong name.

The sections that follow discuss each of these requirements.

Inheriting from the ServicedComponent Class

We have mentioned that there are differences between the implementation of COM+ in Visual Basic 6 and its implementation in Visual Basic .NET. One of these differences is that in Visual Basic 6 any class can implement a COM+ service by implementing specific interfaces from the COM+ services type library. The downside to this approach is that you have to implement a great deal of boilerplate code yourself. In .NET, the situation is quite different. All components that want to leverage COM+ services need to inherit their objects from the ServicedComponent class. This class provides a framework for your custom component that enables context sharing between COM+ and .NET Framework classes. In addition, it provides a host of features that enable self-registration and support for new .NET features like remoting and XML Web services.

This change means that your COM+ classes take on the following structure. (Note that this is by no means a complete implementation.)

Imports System.EnterpriseServices ' A trivial COM+ Class Public Class COMPlusClass    Inherits ServicedComponent ' Required to support COM+    Public Sub New()       MyBase.New()    End Sub End Class

Instead of implementing external interfaces to handle events such as Construct, Activate, and Deactivate, you use member functions of the ServicedComponent class. To implement specific features that you need, you override the base class functionality. This makes your class look like the following:

Imports System.EnterpriseServices ' A trivial COM+ Class Public Class COMPlusClass    Inherits ServicedComponent ' Required to support COM+    Public Sub New()       MyBase.New()    End Sub    Protected Overrides Sub Construct(ByVal ConstructionString _ As String)    End Sub    Protected Overrides Sub Activate()    End Sub    Protected Overrides Sub Deactivate()    End Sub End Class

Starting to look familiar yet? It s still not even close to being complete, however. We have created the base framework for our COM+ class, but we need to provide more information about what we intend it to do and what services it supports. That is where attributes come into play.

Working with Attributes

Attributes are a new feature in Visual Basic .NET. Attributes are specialized classes that are applied to code elements, allowing you to provide descriptive metadata about your component. At compile time, attributes are emitted into metadata that is available to the common language runtime or to custom tools and applications through the System.Reflection namespace. You can explicitly mark objects and methods with attributes that affect their behavior.

You attach an attribute to a component by preceding the component with a reference to the attribute and providing any relevant parameters or flags. This call to the constructor is placed within angle brackets (<>) in Visual Basic. Whenever you create a new application in Visual Basic .NET, a file called AssemblyInfo.vb is created. This file contains a set of common attributes for your project. The file typically looks like this:

Imports System.Reflection Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices  ' General Information about an assembly is controlled through  ' the following  set of attributes. Change these attribute values to  ' modify  the information  associated with an assembly.  ' Review the values of the assembly attributes  <Assembly: AssemblyTitle("")>  <Assembly: AssemblyDescription("")>  <Assembly: AssemblyCompany("")>  <Assembly: AssemblyProduct("")>  <Assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")>  <Assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")>  <Assembly: CLSCompliant(True)>   ' The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project ' is exposed to COM  <Assembly: Guid("17465E40-15E9-4F52-8954-CF931AC54747")>   ' Version information for an assembly consists of the following ' four values:  '      Major Version '      Minor Version  '      Build Number '      Revision  ' You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and ' Revision Numbers by using the '*' as shown below:  <Assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")> 

In addition to this standard set of attributes, the System.EnterpriseServices namespace defines a host of attributes specific to COM+. These attributes provide a combination of services. Some specify feature support; others specify your application s default COM+ settings. Table 16-2 contains a list of COM+ specific attributes.

Table 16-2 COM+ Specific Attributes



Unconfigured Default Value

Configured Default Value








No default



Generated GUID

No default



Assembly name

No default



No default

No default


















Assembly Class Method Interface

No default

No default



No default

FireInParallel = False AllowInprocSubscribers = True PublisherFilter = Null







No default

No default


Class Interface





















No default



Assembly Class Method

No default

No default


Assembly Class Interface

No default

No default




Synchronization Option.Required




Transaction Option.Required TransactionIsolationLevel.Serializable Timeout = infinite

Let s see how our sample COM+ class looks with some of these important attributes:

Imports System.EnterpriseServices  <Assembly: ApplicationName("Sample COMPlus Application")>  <Assembly: ApplicationActivation(ActivationOption.Library)>   ' A trivial COM+ Class with attributes  <Transaction(TransactionOption.Required), _    ConstructionEnabled([default]:=" This is a test"), _    ObjectPooling()> _  Public Class COMPlusClass     Inherits ServicedComponent ' Required to support COM+     Public Sub New()       MyBase.New()     End Sub     Protected Overrides Sub Construct(ByVal ConstructionString _ As String)       Trace.WriteLine("Construct() : """ & ConstructionString & """")    End Sub     Protected Overrides Sub Activate()       Trace.WriteLine("Activate()")    End Sub     Protected Overrides Sub Deactivate()       Trace.WriteLine("Activate()")    End Sub     <AutoComplete()> Public Sub DoTasks()     End Sub End Class

This example demonstrates the use of all three scopes (method, class, and assembly) of attributes and shows how you can specify support for various COM+ features. Some of these attributes are fairly obvious and are not too big a leap from Visual Basic 6 (the Transaction attribute, for example). Others highlight the ability of attributes to better control deployment. An example of the latter is the ConstructionEnabled attribute. This particular attribute allows the developer to specify a default construction string that will be visible (and modifiable) in the Component Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

While other COM+ attributes provide only default settings for use during self-registration, the AutoComplete attribute provides a fundamentally new twist on programming with transactions. Marking a method with AutoComplete causes SetCommit to be called automatically if the method terminates normally. This saves the developer a fair bit of work. If an unexpected error occurs (in the form of an unhandled exception), SetAbort is called automatically. You can still call SetAbort on your own based on a logical violation, but it is no longer necessary for you to explicitly commit or abort the transaction in every circumstance. This attribute reduces a great deal of repetition by requiring code only for the extraordinary cases. The following example shows how simple implementing transactions now becomes with the AutoComplete attribute:

Imports System.EnterpriseServices <Transaction(TransactionOption.Required)> Public Class Sample COMPlusClass     Inherits ServicedComponent     <AutoComplete()>Public Function DoTransactionTask() As Boolean       ' Do Your stuff.      ' Calls set complete automatically if no exception is generated     End Function End Class

All COM+ settings can be set using attributes on a class or method, instead of using the property pages found in Visual Basic 6. This approach makes settings more explicit and less prone to accidental change.

We ve only been able to scratch the surface of the topic of attributes here, but hopefully this discussion has given you a decent idea of how to use them. Attributes are used extensively throughout Visual Basic .NET to implement all sorts of functionality not only COM+ features but also newer features like XML Web services.

Creating a Strong Name for Your Assembly

If you are registering a component as part of a COM+ application, you must provide a strong name for the assembly. A strong name consists of an assembly s identity its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided) strengthened by a public key and a digital signature generated over the assembly. Assemblies with the same strong name are expected to be identical.

Generating Key-Pair Files

To sign an assembly with a strong name, you must have a public/private key pair. This public and private cryptographic key pair is used during compilation to create a strong-named assembly. You can create a key pair using the Strong Name tool (Sn.exe). Key-pair files usually have an .snk extension.


The Sn.exe tool is provided with the .NET Framework SDK and Visual Basic .NET, but it is not normally available from the standard command-line prompt. To use the tool, on the Programs menu, point to Microsoft Visual Studio .NET and then to Visual Studio .NET Tools, and choose Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt. This command-line tool has all of the necessary environment variables set to run all of the Framework SDK and Visual Studio .NET tools.

To create a key pair, type the following at the command prompt:

sn k <filename>

In this command, filename is the name of the output file containing the key pair. The following example creates a key pair called COMPlusClass.snk.

sn k COMPlusClass.snk

Once you create the key pair, you must put the file where Visual Basic can find it. When signing an assembly with a strong name, Visual Basic looks for the key file in the directory containing the Visual Studio solution. Put the key file in the appropriate project directory, and add the following assembly attribute near the top of the COMPlusClass.vb file:

<Assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("COMPlusClass.snk")>


Although we chose to name the key file after the class it was created for, the key file itself has nothing specifically to do with the class. The key file is applied at the assembly level to ensure that the application has a unique signature. That is, after all, why the strong name feature exists. It allows for the definition of unique applications regardless of any possible naming conflicts. This uniqueness becomes very important when dealing with applications that have machine scope.

Registering COM+ Applications

Now that you know all of the requirements for COM+ components, it s time to talk about how to register the components with COM+. There are two ways to register .NET COM+ applications. The first is easier: dynamic registration. This method requires the least amount of work on your part and will be done for you as long as you specify the appropriate attributes in your assembly manifest. The second option is manual registration. It requires you to do a little more work but is not substantially more difficult than dynamic registration.

Dynamic Registration

Dynamic registration is a process whereby COM+ components are self-registered. Other than specifying a set of assembly attributes, you need only make sure that your COM+ application (whether it is in a separate assembly or not) resides in your application s bin directory. Fusion will find the assembly and automatically register the COM+ application, using all of the attributes you have specified.

What Is Fusion?

Fusion is the mechanism that enables the common language runtime to handle run-time assembly binding. It is responsible for finding an appropriate assembly that contains the objects required by your application. This is the essential tool that enables side-by-side application deployment and eliminates the need for registering assemblies and type libraries. While fusion is a complex concept, all you really need to know is that it is responsible for binding your application s assemblies at run time and makes it possible to eliminate DLL conflicts from Visual Basic .NET.

As an example, we have provided the COMPlusClass project on the companion CD. This project contains one form and one COM+ component. Running the project brings up the main form, shown in Figure 16-1.

Figure 16-1

COMPlusClass sample application.

Clicking the Go button causes the COMPlusClass to be instantiated. When this happens, the component is automatically registered in COM+. You can see this in the Component Services MMC, which should look something like Figure 16-2.

Figure 16-2

Installed COMPlusClass application in COM+.

It can t get much easier than that, can it? If you check the properties of the COM+ application in the MMC, you will see the effects of the attributes you specified in the application itself. Replacing the application defined in COM+ is as simple as deleting it from the Component Services console and running the application again.

Manual Registration

Manually registering an assembly can be done for both library and server applications. You register an application manually by running the RegSvcs.exe utility on your application s assembly. Here is the general syntax of this command:

regsvcs [assemblyname]

This utility does the following:

  1. Loads the assembly.

  2. Registers the assembly.

  3. Generates a type library.

  4. Registers the type library.

  5. Installs the type library into the request application.

  6. Configures the class.

You can use the RegSvcs.exe utility to customize the registration process and also as a general maintenance utility that you use to remove COM+ applications.

Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0to Microsoft Visual Basic  .NET
Upgrading Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 to Microsoft Visual Basic .NET w/accompanying CD-ROM
ISBN: 073561587X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 179 © 2008-2017.
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