Creating Paths to Exchange Server Objects and Attributes

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The first step in developing any ADSI application that accesses the Exchange Server directory is creating a valid instance of ADSI and passing this instance a valid path to the object you want to access. When writing Java, Visual Basic, VBScript, or VBA applications, the easiest way to create a valid instance of the ADSI library is to use the GetObject(AdsPath) syntax. The AdsPath parameter contains a valid ADSI path to a specific object. For example, to access a specific Exchange Server object named ExServer, a specific Organization in Exchange Server named Microsoft, and a specific site in the Organization named ExSite, you would pass in the following AdsPath to the GetObject method:

 LDAP://ExServer/ou=ExSite, o=Microsoft 

The LDAP at the beginning of the path specifies the ADSI provider to use. If you just want to set an object variable to a specific ADSI provider without attempting to open an object, you can also use the GetObject(ADSIProvider) syntax. For example,

 oIADs = GetObject("LDAP:") 

sets the oIADs variable to the LDAP provider. To specify a different provider, you would replace the LDAP string with WinNT or NDS. To access a specific recipient in a specific container on the ExServer Exchange Server, you would use the following AdsPath:

 LDAP://ExServer/cn=RecipientName, cn=RecipientContainer, ou=ExSite, o=Microsoft 

As you can see from both examples, the syntax for creating a valid path follows this structure:

 LDAP://Exchange NT Server Name/cn=Bottommost object, cn=next level of object, ou=Exchange Site, o=Exchange Organization 

Throughout the sample application in this chapter, you will see examples of how to use this syntax to query different parts of the Exchange Server directory.

Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange
Programming Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange, Second Edition (DV-MPS Programming)
ISBN: 0735610193
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 184 © 2008-2017.
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