Chapter 1. Explore Windows Xp Customization

Where do I start?

That's the first question that comes to mind when seeking to personalize Windows XP. The answer can be found all over Windows. You can start with shortcut menus, the Start menu, the taskbar and toolbars, and other menus.

Your destination can be a properties dialog box, items in the Control Panel, or other dialog boxes. There are often different ways to get to a particular settings dialog box which may have buttons and tabs to get where you need to be, and other times Windows will launch wizards to guide you through a set up process.

    Visual QuickProject Guide. Customizing Windows XP
    Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide
    ISBN: 0321321243
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 100
    Authors: John Rizzo © 2008-2017.
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