Chapter 3. Customize Toolbars And Taskbar

The Taskbar is a jumping off point for opening folders and files. It includes the Start button and a few icons that open programs. You can add more icons to have one-click access to the programs you need. There are also toolbars hidden away in the Taskbar that give you access to even more of your files and folders.

Microsoft stretches the meaning of toolbar beyond that of a horizontal strip with icons on it. Windows XP toolbars can also exist as vertical strips or even as menus on the Taskbar or floating windows.

    Visual QuickProject Guide. Customizing Windows XP
    Customizing Windows XP: Visual QuickProject Guide
    ISBN: 0321321243
    EAN: 2147483647
    Year: 2005
    Pages: 100
    Authors: John Rizzo © 2008-2017.
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