

validation logic, 230
validation server controls, 536
ValidationSummary class, 531, 535
validator controls, 534 “535
VALUE clause (COBOL), 173
value objects, 226, 288 “290
ValueType objects, 250. See also objects boxing of, 256 “259
COBOL for .NET sample program, 303 “308
constructors, 290
methods , 290
performance of, 311 “313
vs. reference objects, 288 “290
Visual Basic .NET sample program, 309 “311
declaring, 173
shared, 287 “288
.vb files, 114, 923
VB .NET. See Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET) VBScript, 111, 496
vendors , competition among, 940 “941
vendor-specific retraining challenges, 17 “18
view state, 477, 570 “572
ViewState property, 570 “572
virtual directory, 672 “676
virtual machine and runtime, 35
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM), 38, 324 “325, 338, 632
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM) subsystem, 468
visibility of objects, 313 “317
Visible property, 513
Visio, 103 “105
Visual Basic, age of, 16
Visual Basic .NET or C#? Which to Choose? , 170
Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET), 160 “161. See also COBOL for .NET; Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET)
Add Project Output Group window, 655
basic programming syntax in, 190 “193
declaring data items in, 182
Dependencies window, 655 “656
editing code module in Web Applications with, 521 “526
example, 167 “169
Field Explorer window, 608
moving numerical literals in, 183
project files, 239 “41
sample programs
asynchronous processing, 829 “831
constructors, 286
creating performance counter components , 267 “269
Crystal Reports, 602 “609
Enterprise Services (COM+) class library, 761
file access syntax, 328 “329
"Hello World", 455 “457
instantiating objects, 286
metadata, 352 “353
Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ), 814 “816
promoting aged objects, 254 “256
using ADO.NET, 395 “399
using ADO.NET Dataset, 424 “428
using .NET Framework objects, 232 “234
using System.IO namespace, 335 “336
value type objects, 309 “311
Web Applications, 483 “485
support for Windows Installer in, 647
Visual C# .NET (C# .NET), 247
brackets, 914 “917
overview, 913 “914
semicolons, 914 “917
syntax, 917 “924
vs. Visual J# .NET, 926 “928
Visual C++ .NET (C++ .NET), 247
Visual J# .NET (J# .NET), 925 “926
codes and descriptions, 928 “932
vs. Visual C# .NET (C# .NET), 926 “928
Visual SourceSafe, 83
Visual SourceSafe (VSS), 646
Visual Studio Magazine , 28, 58, 91, 128, 170
Visual Studio .NET Feature Comparison (Web site), 92
Visual Studio .NET home page (Web site), 170
Visual Studio .NET Integration Program (VSIP), 151
Visual Studio .NET (VS .NET), 34, 133 “170. See also COBOL for .NET; Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET)
choosing .NET language, 159 “162
Clipboard Ring, 189 “190
COBOL for .NET in, 948 “949
Configuration Manager, 637 “638
Copy Project feature, 669 “671
Create Schema feature, 432 “433
creating deployment packages for Windows Applications, 647 “659
customization, 151 “154
Debug menu, 898 “899
developing first .NET programs,163 “169
COBOL .NET example, 163 “166
VB .NET example, 167 “169
Disassembly window, 875 “877
documentation, 208 “209
File System Editor, 660 “661
getting help, 150
Help feature, 181 , 210, 378 “379
Hidden HTML element in, 568 “569
Intellisense, 236 “237
launching, 137
Merge Module Project template, 667
New Project window, 485
Object Browser feature, 211 “216, 375
OLE/COM Object Viewer, 772 “773
Other Projects folder, 377
overview, 133 “170
Processes window, 893
Properties window, 242
resources for learning more about, 170
sample programs
debugging, 887 “900
user validation, 536 “538
Server Explorer, 377
Solution Explorer, 195 “196
Solutions Configuration, 637 “638
Start Page, 138 “150
Downloads screen, 148 “150
Get Started screen, 140 “143
Headlines screen, 146 “147
Online Community screen, 145 “146
overview, 138 “139
Search Online screen, 147 “148
What s New screen, 144
support for Windows Services, 469 “470
Threads window, 872 “875
trial version, 58
using Application Center Test (ACT) inside, 900 “906
using Application Center Test (ACT) outside, 906 “909
using utilities provided by ISVs, 157 “158
Web site, 678
Windows Installer in, 666 “667
working outside of, 154 “159
VSAM files, 85
VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method), 38, 324 “325, 338, 632
VSIP (Visual Studio .NET Integration Program), 151
VSS (Visual SourceSafe), 646
VTAM (Virtual Telecommunications Access Method) subsystem, 468

COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET
COBOL and Visual Basic on .NET: A Guide for the Reformed Mainframe Programmer
ISBN: 1590590481
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 204 © 2008-2017.
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