
Congratulations! You're using Microsoft Excel 2003, an exciting spreadsheet program. With its tie-in to the Web and other Microsoft Office programs, Excel is fun to use. Excel is the most popular spreadsheet program on the market, so you have lots of company. Excel 2003 is designed to work the way you do. After you've worked with its intuitive features and exciting graphics, Excel will probably become your favorite software program. If you're a new Excel user or have worked with previous versions of Excel or another spreadsheet program, Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours is the best book you can buy. The lessons avoid computer jargon, and are designed for both the home and office user. In fact, because so many Excel users work on Excel in the office, issues relating to computer networks and work groups are identified and discussed.

This book is divided into 24 segments, and each one takes roughly an hour to complete. You can work through the lessons in the space of a day (if you don't plan to eat or sleep), or you can take your time and work through the lessons an hour at a time.

At the end of each hour, you'll be able to carry out a new set of tasks . The lessons contain clear explanations of the program features and how they work. In addition, each hour includes To Do exercises that are designed as tutorials. In general, the To Do steps reinforce previously explained concepts. On occasion, however, To Do exercises introduce a new concept and enable you to work with it first hand.

Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours
Sams Teach Yourself Microsoft Office Excel 2003 in 24 Hours (Sams Teach Yourself in 24 Hours)
ISBN: 1435276337
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 279
Authors: Trudi Reisner © 2008-2017.
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