tablet, drawing, and Brush tool options, 125

Tag inspector (Dreamweaver), CDBC66–CDBC68, CDBC73


<embed>, 739, 746–748

<font>, 1016–1017

<img>, 1017

inserting into text fields with ActionScript, 1019–1021

<object>, 739, 740–745

<span>, 1017

supported HTML, 1015–1017

<textformat>, 1017

tape quality, CDBA91

target, 657

target attribute for <a> tag, 1017

Target menu, 241


Movie Clips

with behaviors, 665–667

in Flash 8, 661–665

sound with behavior, 670–673

team environment, working in, 1098–1099

tellTarget action, 657, 843

Template setting (Publish Settings dialog box), 723–724


HTML, 740

overview of, 92–93

Templates tab (New Document dialog box), 92

temporal compression algorithm, 548

terminal velocity, 321


of animation, 432

consistency of, 62

Test button

Bitmap Properties dialog box, 518

Sound Properties dialog box, 496

Test Movie environment, 47

Test Project button (Project panel), 57


Flash movie

across mediums, 1095–1096

Bandwidth Profiler and, 706–710

overview of, 703–704

size report and, 711

Test Scene or Test Movie command, 704–705

MP3 encoding process and, 705–706

regular, importance of, 1100

site, 45, 47

testing matrix, 1096


applying styles to, 1025–1026

breaking apart, 291

converting into outlines, 541, CDBC31


with HTML tags, 1015–1017

with Property inspector, 1018–1019

length of on page, 43

masking, 413–415


Filter effects, 265–266

manually, 262–264

Timeline Effects, using ton Static text, 264–265

Selection class and, 1042

sending and receiving from Flash movie, 1003–1005

Text category (Preferences dialog box), 233

text fields

applying style sheets to, 1023–1026


description of, 231

as editable, 234–235

options, setting, 243–244

storing and displaying data and, 1001–1003

variable as, 802

formatting with TextFormat object, 1021–1023

for game, creating, 1056–1058


description of, 231

as editable, 234–235

options, setting, 243–244

storing and displaying data and, 999–1001

variable as, 802


HTML tags into with ActionScript, 1019–1021

images into, 1026–1028

overview of, 230–232

properties of

scroll, 1030–1031

text rendering, 1031–1037

using to store and display data

Dynamic text field, 1001–1003

Input text field, 999–1001

overview of, 999

variables as, 802–803

Text object, inserting in Dreamweaver, CDBC60–CDBC61

Text option (Fireworks PNG Import Settings dialog box), CDBC7

Text Orientation menu, 239

Text rendering menu, Use Device Fonts setting, 248

text rendering properties of TextField class

anti-aliasing features

applying, 1032–1034

comparing, 1037

controlling, 1034–1037

overview of, 1031–1032

Text tool

description of, 231

Input text field and, 999

using, 680

working with, 235–238

Text type menu, 238

Text Wrap Options dialog box (Illustrator), CDBC39

text wrapping, CDBC38–CDBC40

TextðAlign, 241

TextArea component

description of, 1122

parameters of, 1123

previewing formatted text and, 696

scrolling text, creating, 689–692

uses of, 1123

TextField instance

controlling anti-aliasing with runtime, 1034–1037

working with author-time, 1032–1034

TextField object, 1016

TextðFont, 241

TextFormat object, formatting text fields with, 1021–1023

<textformat> tag, 1017

TextðLetter Spacing, 241–242

TextðScrollable, 242

TextðSize, 241

TextðStyle, 241

TGA file format, 511

thickness:Number property of TextField object, 1031

3D modeling footage, exporting, 613–616

three-point radial gradient, 222

thumbnail button handlers, completing, 1198–1200

thumbnail holders, creating, 1179–1184

TIFF file format, 511

Tilt toggle (Brush tool), 125

time, visual display of, 95

Timeline command (Edit menu), 158

Timeline Control booklet, 627, 629

Timeline Effect Settings dialog box, 264–265

Timeline Effect symbol, 178–180

Timeline Effects

custom, using, 396–400

for graphics and animation

animated, applying, 392–396

limitations of, 389–390

options for, 390–392

overview of, 389

static, applying, 392

symbols, modifying, 396

timeline header (Timeline window), 97

Timeline window. See also Main Timeline

Controller toolbar, 94–95

controlling, 93–94

description of, 93

editing frames and layers, 99–107

features of, 96

Frame controls, 98

Frame View options, 107–109

Layer controls, 97–98

reading, 95–99

Timeline Status displays, 98–99

Window features, 97

Tint Color property, 379

title bar (Timeline window), 97

Toggle Full Screen mode behavior, 776–778

toggling off applied filter, 366

Tool Settings dialog box, 117–118

toolbar, Main, 68

tools, drawing

categories of, 111

default fill and stroke settings for, 112

freehand lines and strokes

Brush tool, 120–125

Eraser tool (E), 126–127

overview of, 118

Pen tool (P), 127–130

Pencil tool, 119

geometric shapes and

Line tool (N), 112–113

Oval tool (O), 113–114

overview of, 112

PolyStar tool, 116–118

Rectangle tool (R), 114–115

stroke and fill controls

color, 130–132

line styles, 132–135

Scale option, 135–137

Tools panel

controlling, 77

customizing, 79–80

docking, 68

Object Drawing option, 112

Options area, 78–79

reading, 78

selection tools, 111

Swatches pop-up, 211

tooltips, turning off, 77

Toon Boom Studio file format, 511

_totalframes property, 932

totalTime parameter (FLVPlayback component), 570

trace action, 644, 1081–1084

Trace bitmap command, 295–297, 528–529

Trace Bitmap dialog box, 296, 528


complex vector artwork, 540–541

to convert raster to vector graphic, CDBC31–CDBC33


Fireworks images with transparency to Flash authoring environment, CDBC6–CDBC8

Flash movie to Web server, 703–704

transform commands

Free Transform tool, 286–289

Modify Transform menu, 286

overview of, 284–285

Transform panel, 285

Transform effect, 392

Transform panel, 156–157, 285, 370–371

transforming symbol instance, 358–360

Transition effect, 392

transitioning thumbnail states, 1194–1196


of bitmap, CDBC2

fill and stroke, adjusting, 219–220

transparency mask, CDBC17

Transparent settings (Publish Settings dialog box), 731

trial version, 1211


CD-ROM, 1211–1212

designer checklist for, 1101

developer guidelines for, 1101–1102

font display, 249

general checklist for, 1100–1101

good practices to prevent need for, 1099–1100

JPEG image, 958

overview of, 1099

Turner, Bill (author), 1216

turning off

selection mesh while editing element, 138

tooltips, 77

Tween class, 1194–1196

tweened animation

adjusting with Custom Easing, 346–349

instance swapping, 441

motion tweening, 340–346

multiple Custom Easing curves, using, 349–351

overview of, 100, 333

panning, 441

Shape Hints, adding, 337–340

shape tweening, 334–337

24-bit color, 204

24-bit or 32-bit lossless source files, 525–526

two-point radial gradient, 222

Type in Use: Effective Typography for Electronic Publishing (White), 230

typeof operator, 870

typography, 229–230

Macromedia Flash 8 Bible
Macromedia Flash8 Bible
ISBN: 0471746762
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 395

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