label, 101

label method of goto action, 633

Lasso tool (L), 144–145, 294–295

latency, 463

launching Flash file from Dreamweaver, CDBC57–CDBC58

Layer blend mode, 384

layer control icons, 96

Layer folder

document and, 16

nesting sound layers in, 472

uses of, 95, 100

Layer Properties dialog box, 402

layered background, building in Photoshop, 450

layering graphics with blend modes, 382–389


animating multiple items and, 345

changing stacking order within, 289–290

conventions for naming and display of, 99

deleting active, 98

Distribute to Layers command, 419–420

editing, 105–106

Guide, 107, 402–405

height of, increasing, 471–472

hiding or showing, 418

Mask, 101, 409–415, 450

Motion guide

applying, 405–408

description of, 100, 405

Guide layer compared to, 107

Movie Clips and, 415–418

moving inanimate objects and, 442

Orient to Path check box and, 408

registration and center point alignment, 409

moving, 106

naming, 105–106

order of, 1102

overview of, 401–402

protecting with Lock feature, 332, 356

Timeline window and, 97–107

Layers contextual menu, 106–107


columns and runarounds, CDBC38–CDBC40

curved path, CDBC36–CDBC37

Learning Interactions Library, 163

length of text on page, 43

Letter spacing menu, 240

levels, storing multiple movies and, 948


accessing, 161

Authortime shared, 198–201

Common and External, working with, 163–164

editing symbol from, 177

Narrow view, 166

organizing, 169–171

overview of, 162

reading, 166–169

shared Library

accessing items in, 990–996

description of, 166

Font symbol, using in runtime Shared library, 257–262

runtime, 198, 257–262

setting up shared library file, 991–992

specifying location of, 993

working with multiple, 164–166

Library folder, 523

Library panel

description of, 5

drop-down menu, 162, 164, 165

Linkage column, 669

New Library button, 164, 165

options pop-up menu commands, 167–169

Pin toggle, 164, 165

sound and

overview of, 494

settings for, 495–496

UI components and, 1115

Wide versus Narrow state, 162

Lighten blend mode, 384

lighting effects and Gradient Transform tool, 279–280

limited animation, 437

line, 132

line resolution, CDBA90

line styles, choosing, 132–135

Line tool (N), 112–113

linear gradient, 220

linear presentation, 29–30

Linkage column (Library panel), 669

Linkage command (Library), 168

Linkage Properties dialog box

Export for ActionScript check box, 479

Export for runtime sharing option, 993

FLVPlayback component and, 943

Font symbols and, 258, 260

Identifier field, 879, 893

Import for runtime sharing option, 994

linkage identifier, 918

sound instance, creating, 669

Linked QuickTime video for publishing to QuickTime option (Deployment screen), 550


actions, 919–920

to Macromedia download page, 780

to shared assets, 994–995

video with QuickTime Flash, 547

to Web page from Flash movie, 636–637

links, checking in Dreamweaver, CDBC76–CDBC77

lip-syncing cartoon, 442–447

List component

description of, 1119

parameters of, 1119–1120

size of, 1109

uses of, 1120

list, creating with DataGrid component, 1159–1162

List Objects command (Output panel), 1084–1085

List Variables command

Debug menu, 1000

Output panel, 1084–1085

listener event model for component, 1125–1127

listener object scope, 1127–1129

listeners, controlling scope with, 1127–1129


Applying Anti-Aliasing to TextField Instances, 1036–1037

Attaching UIScrollBar Component, 1041

Auto-playing First Video Clip, 1155

Capturing Metadata from .flv File, 1157–1159

Changing Style of Specific Component Class, 1136

Checking for Pass Red Label, 899

Checking for rabid Label, 901–902

Checking for Restore Label, 903

Copying and Blurring Thumbnail Image, 1192–1193

createLib()Function, 909

Creating Bandwidth Detection Script, 598–599

Creating Custom Header Text for DataGrid Columns, 1161–1162

Creating NetStream Object to Access Flash Video Content, 969

Creating Rectangle Object, 1039

Data Properties of Gallery Class, 1177–1178

Detection Script on Frame 2 of actions layer, 756–757

displayCaption() Function, 1197

Example of MovieClipLoader Object at Work, 962

Example of Using _global.style Object, 1135

Frame 1 Script, 582–583

Framing Selected Thumbnail, 1190

Gallery Class Constructor, 1174

h1, h2, and body Styles, 1023–1024

Initiating SMIL Data for Streaming Video, 595–596

JavaScript Code for percentLoaded() function, 768–769

JavaScript Code to Enable the ExternalInterface actions, 766

List of Video Assets, 1147

Listener Code for cbtLoad instance, 949

loaderClip Symbol Code, 975–976

loadFile.as Script, 977–979

Loading XML Data, 1183

Modified loadFile_component.as Script, 985–987

Modified showText() function, 1027–1028

Modifying Code for ProgressBar Component, 988–989

Modifying the oLoader.click() Handler, 960

movieStyle Object, 1025

onLoadInit() and updateScroller() Functions, 1188

onMouseMove() Handler for circleLarge_mc Instance, 894

onRollOver() and onRollOut() Thumbnail Handlers, 1199–1200

onSectionChange() Handler of ComboBox component, 1133

onSignUpClick () Handler for Button component, 1131–1132

Preloading Script Routine, 937–938, 940–941

printContent() Function, 924–925

Resetting Scale of clip Instance, 926

Sample Code to Aid Syntax Color Settings, 1074–1075

Sample Script Using Strong Data Typing, 1081

Scaling Content in printContent() function, 925

Script on checkPlayer Frame of actions layer, 757

sendComments() Function, 1010–1011

showText() Function, 1026

SMIL Data, 593–594

text_data Object, 1130

Thumbnail Creation Process, 1180–1181

Tracking Active Thumbnail, 1185–1187

Tweening Thumbnail States, 1196

Updated onMetaData() Handler, 972

Using Alpha Video as Mouse Cursor, 615

Using loadSound() for External MP3 Files, 965

Utilizing FileReference API, 1201

XML Cue Point Data, 586

XML Data for JPEG Files, 1169–1170

XML Parsing Routine, 588–591

live action footage, encoding, 610–613

Live Preview feature, 1142

load() method of XML object, 1013

Load order option (Publish Settings dialog box), 715

Load Sound from Library behavior, 478–480, 670

Load streaming MP3 file behavior, 480–482

Loader component

adding to Flash movie, 983–984

dynamically changing source of, 985–987

loaderClip symbol, 975–983

loadFile() function, 979

loadImage function, 1185, 1197

loading. See also downloading

asset, 961–963

custom GIF color palette, 214

Flash movie

communicating between multiple movies on different levels, 955

of differing dimensions, 951

external, into movie, 948–950

Flash Video into, 966–970

overview of, 946

placing, scaling, and rotating, 951–952

site architecture and, 947–948

storing multiple movies, 948

style sheet into, 1024–1025

through proxy server, 956

XML document into, 1012–1014

Flash Video file

into Flash movie, 966–970

at run time, 545–546

full-size image, 1184–1187

image into Flash movie, 957–961

MP3 audio into Flash movie, 963–966

style sheet into Flash movie, 1024–1025

variable from predefined source, 804–805

XML document into Flash movie, 1012–1014

loading transition, creating, 1191–1194

loadMovie() action

description of, 931, 946, 948

loadMovieNum() compared to, 954

as method for Movie Clip target, 956–957

URL used in, 949

loadMovieNum() action, 954

loadSound() method of Sound class, 905, 964

loadVariables() action, 804–805

LoadVars object, 1009

LoadVars.send() action, 1004

Local playback security option (Publish Settings dialog box), 717

Local Storage tab (Flash Player Settings), 782

Lock feature, 332

Lock Guides option (Document window), 91

Lock icon, 96

Lock Others command, 106, 356

Lock/Unlock layer toggle (Timeline window), 97

logical operator, 807–808

login sequence, creating, 817–820

long pans, 451

lookForMatch() function, 1064–1065


adding to actions list, 815–816

break action and, 814–815

continue action and, 815

description of, 812

do while loop, 813

for loop, 813

for...in loop, 813–814

reversing tweens to create smooth, 360–362

while loop, 812

Loop setting for Graphic symbol, 173

Looping option (Flash (SWF) Format Options dialog box), CDBC42

lossy compression, source files with, 527

Lott, Joey (developer)

biography of, 1215

custom Grid tool of, 80–83

Flash 8 ActionScript Bible, 83, 174

Macromedia Flash 8 Bible
Macromedia Flash8 Bible
ISBN: 0471746762
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 395

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