

Command Description
accept, reject Allow/prevent LP printer queuing requests .
arp Address resolution display and control.
arp Address Resolution Protocol.
at Execute commands immediately or at a later time.
banner Make posters in large letters .
bdf Report the number of free disk blocks (Berkeley version).
cal Print calendar.
cat Concatenate, copy, and print files.
catman Create the cat files for the manual.
cd Change the working directory.
chfn Change the user information used by the finger command. This command updates the /etc/passwd file.
chmod Change file mode access permissions.
chown, chgrp Change the file owner or group .
chsh Change the default login shell for a user. This command updates the /etc/passwd file.
clear Clear the terminal screen.
cmp Compare two files.
comm Select or reject lines common to two sorted files.
compress, uncompress Compress and expand data. These are standard UNIX commands for file compression and decompression .
cp Copy files and directories.
cpio Copy file archives in and out; duplicate directory trees. This command is used for backup and recovery on many UNIX systems.
cron Timed job execution daemon.
crontab User job file scheduler.
csh User shell with C-like syntax.
cut Cut out (extract) selected fields of each line of a file or stdin. This is often used in shell scripts.
date Display or set the date and time.
dd Convert, reblock, translate, and copy a (tape) file. This command dumps raw data on a device (not files).
df Report the number of free file system disk blocks.
diff Differential file and directory comparator.
diskinfo Describe the characteristics of a disk device.
dmesg Collect system diagnostic messages to or from the error log.
domainname Set or display the name of the Network Information Service (NIS) domain.
du Summarize disk usage.
dump, rdump Incremental file system dump, local or across a network.
echo Echo (print) arguments.
enable, disable Enable/disable LP printers.
ex, edit Extended line oriented text editor.
exportfs Export and unexport directories to NFS clients .
expr Evaluate arguments as an expression. Often used in shell scripts.
extendfs Extend a file system size .
fbackup Selectively back up files.
file Determine the file type.
find Find files.
finger User information lookup program.
frecover Selectively recover files.
freedisk Recover disk space by finding filesets that have not been used for a certain period of time.
fsadm A file system administration command.
fsck File system consistency check and interactive repair.
fstyp Determine the file system type.
ftp File transfer program. Used to transfer files over a network.
ftpd File Transfer Protocol server.
fuser List processes using a file or file structure.
getty Set terminal type, modes, speed, and line discipline.
grep, egrep, fgrep Search a file for a pattern.
groupadd Add a new group to the system.
groupdel Delete a group from the system.
groupmod Modify a group on the system.
groups Show group memberships.
head Print the first few lines of input.
hostname Set or display the name of the current host system.
hpux HP-UX bootstrap.
id Print the user and group IDs and names .
ifconfig Configure network interface parameters.
inetd Internet services daemon.
init Process control initialization.
insf Install special (device) files.
ioinit Test and maintain consistency between the kernel I/O data structures and /etc/ ioconfig
ioscan Scan the I/O system.
iostat Report I/O statistics.
isl Initial system loader.
kill Send a signal to a process; terminate a process.
killall Kill all active processes.
ksh, rksh Shell, the standard/restricted command programming language.
lanadmin Local area network administration program.
lanscan Display the LAN device configuration and status.
last, lastb Indicate the last logins of users and ttys.
lifcp Copy to or from LIF files.
lifls List the contents of an LIF directory.
lifrm Remove an LIF file.
linkloop Verify LAN connectivity with link level loopback.
ln Link files and directories.
login Sign on; start a terminal session.
logname Get the login name.
lp, lpalt, cancel Print, alter, or cancel requests on an LP printer or plotter.
lpadmin Configure the LP spooling system.
lpsched, lpshut, lpmove, lpfence Start or stop the LP request scheduler, move requests, and define the minimum priority for printing.
lpstat Report line printer status information.
ls, lc, l, ll, lsf, lsr, lsx List the contents of directories.
lsacl List the access control lists (ACLs) of files.
lsdev List device drivers in the system.
lssf List a special file.
lvchange Change LVM logical volume characteristics.
lvcreate Create a logical volume in the LVM volume group.
lvdisplay Display information about LVM logical volumes .
lvextend Increase space or increase mirrors for LVM logical volume.
lvlnboot Prepare an LVM logical volume to be the root, boot, primary swap, or dump volume.
lvmerge Merge two LVM logical volumes into one logical volume.
lvreduce Decrease the space allocation or number of mirror copies of logical volumes.
lvremove Remove one or more logical volumes from the LVM volume group.
lvrmboot Remove the LVM logical volume link to the root, primary swap, or dump volume.
mail, rmail Send mail to users or read mail.
man Find manual information by keywords; print out a manual entry.
mediainit Initialize disk or cartridge tape media; partition DDS tape.
mesg Permit or deny messages to a terminal.
mkboot, rmboot Install, update, or remove boot programs from a disk.
mkdir Make a directory.
mkfifo Make FIFO (named pipe) special files.
mkfs Construct a file system.
mknod Create special files.
mksf Make a special (device) file.
model Print detailed hardware model information.
more, page File perusal filter for CRT viewing.
mount , umount Mount and unmount file systems.
mountall,umountall Mount and unmount multiple file systems.
mountd NFS mount request server.
mt Magnetic tape manipulating program.
mv Move or rename files and directories.
named Internet domain name server.
ndd Network tuning.
netstat Show the network status.
newfs Construct a new file system.
newgrp Switch to a new group.
nfsd, biod NFS daemons.
nfsstat Network File System statistics.
nice Run a command at nondefault priority.
nohup Run a command immune to hangups.
nslookup Query name servers interactively.
ntpdate Set the date and time via NTP.
ntpq Standard Network Time Protocol query program.
passwd Change a login password and associated attributes.
pax Extracts, writes , and lists archive files; copies files and directory hierarchies. Can be used for backup and restore.
pcnfsd PC-NFS authentication and print request server.
pdc Processor Dependent Code (firmware).
ping Send ICMP Echo Request packets to a network host.
ps Report process status.
pvchange Change the characteristics and access path of a physical volume in an LVM volume group.
pvck Check or repair a physical volume in an LVM volume group.
pvcreate Create a physical volume for use in an LVM volume group.
pvdisplay Display information about physical volumes within an LVM volume group.
pwck, grpck Password or group file checkers.
pwd Working directory name.
rarpd Reverse Address Resolution Protocol daemon.
rc General purpose sequencer invoked upon entering a new run level.
rcp Remote file copy over a network.
read Read a line from stdin. Often used in shell scripts.
reboot Reboot the system.
remsh, rexec Execute from a remote shell.
remshd Remote shell server.
renice Alter the priority of running processes.
rlogin Remote login.
rlogind Remote login server.
rlpdaemon Remote spooling line printer daemon; message write daemon.
rm Remove files or directories.
rmdir Remove directories.
rmnl Remove extra new line characters from a file. This is used to get rid of empty lines.
rmsf Remove a special (device) file.
route Manually manipulate the routing tables.
rpcbind Universal addresses to RPC program number mapper.
rpcinfo Report RPC information.
ruptime Show the status of local machines on a network.
rusers Determine who is logged into machines on a local network.
rwho Show who is logged into local machines.
rwhod System status server.
sam System administration manager.
samlog_viewer A tool for viewing and saving the SAM logfile.
sar System activity reporter.
sed Stream text editor.
sh, rsh Standard and restricted POSIX.2 conformant command shells .
shar Make a shell archive package.
showmount Show all remote mounts.
shutdown Terminate all processing.
sleep Suspend execution for an interval.
sort Sort or merge files.
strings Find the printable strings in an object or other binary file.
stty Set the options for a terminal port.
su Switch user.
swacl View or modify the Access Control Lists (ACLs) which protect software products.
swagentd, swagent Serve local or remote SD software management tasks .
swapinfo System paging space information.
swapon Enable the device or file system for paging.
swconfig Configure, unconfigure, or reconfigure installed software.
swinstall, swcopy Install and configure software products; copy software products for subsequent installation or distribution.
swlist Display information about software products.
swmodify Modify software products in a target root or depot.
swpackage Package software products into a target depot or tape.
swreg Register or unregister depots and roots.
swremove Unconfigure and remove software products.
swverify Verify software products.
sysdef Display the system definition.
syslogd Log system messages.
tail Deliver the last part of a file.
talk Talk to another user over a network.
tar Tape file archiver. Used for backup and restore.
tee Pipe fitting.
telnet User interface to the TELNET protocol.
telnetd TELNET protocol server.
test Condition evaluation command. Mostly used in shell scripts.
tftp Trivial file transfer program.
time Time a command.
timex Time a command; report process data and system activity.
top Display and update information about the top processes on the system.
touch Update the access, modification, and/or change times of file. Also creates a zero byte size file.
true, false Return an exit status of zero or one respectively.
tset, reset Terminal dependent initialization.
tty, pty Get the name of the terminal.
ttytype Terminal identification program.
umask Set or display the file mode creation mask.
uname ` Display information about a computer system; set a node name (system name).
uniq Report repeated lines in a file.
uptime, w Show how long a system has been up, and/or who is logged in and what they are doing.
useradd Add a new user login to the system.
userdel Delete a user login from the system.
usermod Modify a user login on the system.
users Compact list of users who are on the system.
vgcfgbackup Create or update LVM volume group configuration backup files.
vgcfgrestore Display or restore the LVM volume group configuration from a backup file.
vgchange Set the LVM volume group availability.
vgcreate Create an LVM volume group.
vgdisplay Display information about LVM volume groups.
vgexport Export an LVM volume group and its associated logical volumes.
vgextend Extend an LVM volume group by adding physical volumes.
vgimport Import an LVM volume group onto the system.
vgreduce Remove physical volumes from an LVM volume group.
vgremove Remove the LVM volume group definition from the system.
vgscan Scan physical volumes for LVM volume groups.
vi, view, vedit Screen oriented (visual) text editor.
vipw Edit the password file.
vmstat Report virtual memory statistics.
wait Await process completion.
wall Write a message to all users.
wc Count words, lines, bytes, or characters in a file.
whereis Locate the source, binary, and/or manual for program.
which Locate a program file including aliases and paths.
whoami Print the effective current user ID.
whodo List which users are doing what.
xntpd Network Time Protocol daemon.
ypcat Print all values in the Network Information Service map.
ypinit Build and install Network Information Service databases.
ypmake Create or rebuild Network Information Service databases.
ypmatch Print the values of selected keys in the Network Information Service map.
yppasswd Change a login password in the Network Information System (NIS).
yppasswdd Daemon for modifying the Network Information Service password database.
yppoll Query the NIS server for information about the NIS map.
yppush Force the propagation of the Network Information Service database.
ypserv , ypbind, ypxfrd Network Information Service (NIS) server, binder, and transfer processes.
ypset Bind to a particular Network Information Service server.
ypupdated, rpc.ypupdated Server for changing NIS information.
ypwhich List which host is the Network Information System server or map master.
ypxfr Transfer an NIS database from the server to local node.


HP Certified
HP Certified: HP-UX System Administration
ISBN: 0130183741
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2000
Pages: 390
Authors: Rafeeq Rehman © 2008-2017.
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