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<label> (form control label) element, overview of, 657-659
labels, using in forms, 390-391
language attribute
examples of, 57-58
overview of, 581
using CSS2 selector with, 329
using with XHTML documents, 440
&laquo; (opening double-angle quote) HTML character entity, description of, 801
last modification date, script for, 462
Latin Extended-A and B character entities in HTML 4.0, table of, 808
<layer> (positioned layer) element
example of, 178-179
overview of, 659-661
layout-grid extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 782-783
layout-grid-line extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 783
layout-grid-mode extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 783
layout-grid-type extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 783
layout of text, overview of, 172
layout tags, overview of, 178-180
centering with tables, 210-213
stretching with tables, 215-217
left alignment, example of, 59-62
left value, using with align attribute, 156
leftmargin attribute, example of, 195
<legend> (field legend) element
overview of, 661-662
using with forms, 391-392
less than symbol (<), character entity for, 87
letter-like symbols, HTML 4.0 character entities for, 813-814
letter-spacing CSS1 text property, overview of, 299
<li> (list item) element
example of, 70-71
overview of, 662-664
using type attribute with, 73
line-break extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 784
line break element (<br>)
clear attribute used with, 159, 161
example of, 4, 20-21
extensions to, 176
overview of, 606-607
using, 63-64
line-height attribute, using with CSS1 font property, 295
line-height CSS1 text property, overview of, 300
line-mode extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 782
link attribute
changing, 110
performing semantic linking with, 128-133
syntax of, 129
using, 191
link relationships, overview of, 129-132
link renderings , overview of, 110-112
link states, explanation of, 112
link type, rel value as, 128-129
<link> (link to external files or set relationships) element
advanced browser support for, 133
explanation of, 16
overview of, 664-666
using with style sheets, 132
using with TrueDoc dynamic fonts, 187
linked scripts, using with XHTML documents, 441. See also scripts
anchor element used in, 109-110
basics of, 91-93
in different browsers, 92
example of, 91-92
targeting, 116
changed colors of, 92-93
defining colors of, 191
defining tab order of, 116
identifying and fixing, 539
maintaining, 539-541
overriding colors of, 110
providing to different points in files, 100
targeting in frames , 237-239
using event attributes with, 443-445
using javascript: URL with, 445
links.html sample file, 234
Linux operating system, pros and cons of, 505
list properties in CSS2, changes to, 341-343
list-style CSS1 list property, overview of, 306
list-style-image CSS1 list property, overview of, 305
list-style-position CSS1 list property, overview of, 305
list-style-type CSS1 list property, overview of, 304-305
list-style-type property in CSS2, change to, 341
<listing> (code listing) element, overview of, 666-667
definition lists, 75-76
indenting with, 76
ordered lists, 70-72
unordered lists, 72-74
using for presentation, 76-77
vestigial lists, 75-76
live sites, advisory about working on, 543
LiveAudio plug-in, example of, 478
LiveConnect, example of, 479-480
localhost, role in file protocol, 104
logical connectors, overview of, 838-839
logical elements, overview of, 79-80, 82-85
logical HTML, explanation of, 23-24
loop attribute
using with < bgsound > tag, 250-251
using with QuickTime, 258
lossless compression
relationship to audio files, 248
relationship to GIF images, 142
lossy compression, relationship to JPEG images, 148
Lotus Domino Web address, 508
lowsrc attribute, using with images, 162-163
&lt; (less than symbol) HTML character entity, description of, 792
ltr (left to right) text direction, example of, 57-58
Lynx text browser, advisory about rendering headings in, 59

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HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 007222942X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 252
Authors: Thomas Powell © 2008-2017.
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