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<b> (bold) element
example of, 24, 81
overview of, 597
rendering as <i> (italic) tags, 277
background-attachment CSS1 property, overview of, 309
background color , creating, 190
background-color property in CSS1, overview of, 308
Background color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
background-image property in CSS1, overview of, 308-309
background images
aligning foreground content over, 204-205
setting, 192-195
in tables, 210
tiling, 192
background-position property in CSS1, overview of, 309-310
background-position-x extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 781-782
background-position-y extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 782
background property in CSS1, overview of, 310-311
background-repeat property in CSS1, overview of, 309
background tiles, problems with, 195
backgrounds, using two-column table design with, 204-205
backslash (\), use of, 96
<base> (base URL) element
explanation of, 16
overview of, 597-598
using with relative URLs, 108-109
<basefont> element, overview of, 185, 598-599
<bdo> (bidirectional override) element, overview of, 599-600
behavior attribute, using with <marquee> tag, 262
behavior extension to CSS in Microsoft, overview of, 782
beta site implementation of Web site projects, performing, 49
bgcolor attribute
example of, 207-208
using with table cells , 205
bgproperties attribute, using with Internet Explorer, 195
< bgsound > (background sound) element, overview of, 250-251, 600-601
<big> (big font> element, overview of, 82, 601-602
/binaries directory, contents of, 542
blank lines, inserting into HTML documents, 62-63
_blank value for targets, using with frames , 237-238
<blink> (blinking text) element
overview of, 602
using for animation, 260
block-level elements, explanation of, 17
<blockquote> element
example of, 66-67
indenting text with, 172-173
overview of, 602-603
blue.html file example of frame layout, 241
<body> (document body) element
example of, 8-9
explanation of, 6, 17
overview of, 603-606
using background attribute with, 192
using color attributes with, 190-192
using text attribute with, 190
bookmark rel value, explanation of, 129
bookmarks, providing title information for, 115
border attribute
setting, 120
using with images, 163-164
using with tables, 197-198
border-color property, using with CSS1 boxes, 316-317
border properties for boxes in CSS1, controlling, 311, 314-318
border shorthand, using with CSS1 boxes, 317-318
border-style property, using with CSS1 boxes, 315-316
border-width property, using with CSS1 boxes, 316
bottom value, using with align attribute, 155-156
box properties, controlling with CSS1, 311-318
<br> (line break) element
clear attribute used with, 159, 161
example of, 4, 20-21
extensions to, 176
overview of, 606-607
using, 63-64
break statements, using with JavaScript, 447-448
breaks and paragraphs, overview of, 61-64
brower-safe colors, overview of, 827-829. See also colors
browser and system compatibility testing, performing for Web site projects, 50-51
browser-specific CSS in Microsoft
writing-mode property, 359
zoom property, 358-359
browser-specific form accessibility improvements, overview of, 395-396. See also form accessibility enhancements
browsers. See also cross-browser JavaScript
examples of rendering link feedback in, 92
features and standards support of, 13
interpreting HTML markup in, 6-7
support for <link> tag, 133
treatment of unknown attributes and elements, 21-22
using cache of, 169
&brvbar; (broken vertical bar) HTML character entity, description of, 800
burger2.xml example, 553
burger.xml example, 549-550
bus, considerations associated with, 505
<button> (Form Button) element, overview of, 607-608
ButtonFace color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
ButtonHighlight color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
buttons , images as, 163-164
buttons, using in forms, 388-390
ButtonShadow color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351
ButtonText color value in CSS2, intended rendering of, 351

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HTML & XHTML: The Complete Reference (Osborne Complete Reference Series)
ISBN: 007222942X
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 252
Authors: Thomas Powell © 2008-2017.
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