

-- (decrement) operator, 85 “86
- (minus) symbol, 81
- (subtraction) operator, 79
& (AND), bitwise operator, 82
! (exclamation), logical operator, 89
&& (double ampersand), logical operator, 89
!= (not equal to), 87
!== (not equal to and not same type), 87
"( )" (parenthesis) operator, 94, 204
$ (dollar sign), positional indicator, 194
% ( modulus ) operator, 79
* (multiplication) operator, 79
, (comma) operator, 90 “91, 742
. (dot) operator, 136
.js files, 129
/ (division) operator, 79
// (double foreslash), 43
?! ( lookahead ), 216
?: (conditional) operator, 89 “90
?: (non-capturing parentheses), 216
[ ] (square brackets), 93, 198
\ (backslash), escape code symbol, 195
^ (caret), positional indicator, 194, 200
^ (XOR), bitwise operators, 82
{ } (curly brackets), 28, 77 “78
(OR), bitwise operators, 82
(pipe), 202
(double pipe), logical operator, 89
~ (NOT), 83
+ (addition) operator, 79, 80 “81
++ (increment) operator, 85 “86
< (less than), 87, 145
<< (left shift) operator, 83 “84
<= (less than or equal to), 87, 145
= (assignment) operator
assigning value to variables , 78 “79
shorthand assignment, 84 “85
use in statements, 27
== (equality) operator, 87, 144 “145
=== (equal to and same type), 87
> (greater than), 87, 145
>= (greater than or equal to), 87, 145
>> (right shift) operator, 83 “84

JavaScript 2.0
JavaScript: The Complete Reference, Second Edition
ISBN: 0072253576
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 209 © 2008-2017.
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