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16.2 Software Updates for iTunesFor Mac OS 9, Apple stopped upgrading iTunes at version 2.0.4. If you need a copy, type iTunes 2.0.4 in the Knowledge Base search box at http://www. info .apple.com to find the page with the Read Me file and download link. If you use iTunes for Windows, you can tell the program to alert you to newly available versions by choosing Edit If you're in Mac OS X, life is just as easy. The Mac's Software Update program is designed to alert you, via a pop-up dialog box, about new updates for iTunes. If you've turned Software Update off (in System Preferences), however, you can always hit up the iTunes download page at http://www.apple.com/itunes/download to see whether your version is the latest and greatest. The page lists all of the new features and may include some special offers, like a free sample from Audible.com or the chance to buy even more Apple software. If you're having technical troubles, go to the iTunes Support page at http://www.info.apple.com/usen/itunes. NOTE You can download the latest versions of iTunes, iSync, and iCal at http://www.apple.com/software. |
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