Basic Concepts of Kernel-Mode Drivers

The material that covered in this section is generally considered difficult. Therefore, before you study it, I recommend that you achieve a proper understanding of page addressing (Chapter 19) and services programming (Chapter 21). When describing kernel-mode drivers, I will actively use material provided in these chapters.

Kernel-mode drivers that can operate only under operating systems of the Windows NT family should not be confused with Win32 Driver Model (WDM) drivers. WDM drivers can run under Windows 98, Windows 2000, and Windows XP because they are compatible at the level of binary code. This type of driver will not be covered here.

The Kernel and Memory Structure

First, it is necessary to define the operating system kernel. The kernel is part of the operating system stored in RAM. The kernel must be protected against any attempts at infringement (malicious or not) by application programs. It is impossible to ensure absolute kernel protection without hardware support. The protected mode of Intel processors provides such a support. In Chapter 19, I described the protected mode in relation to memory management. I hope that you have acquired basic knowledge about the protected mode. Review Fig. 19.4, which illustrates the address space of a process. The use of the paging mechanism allows you to achieve a wonderful effectthe address space significantly exceeds the real size of the physical memory. At the same time, the actual memory page might be stored in the so-called paging file instead of physical memory. This is an interesting effect; however, the limited space in this book prevents me from considering it in detail.

Intel processors simultaneously use two mechanisms of forming memory addresses. These are segment and page mechanisms. The page mechanism operates at a lower level. When it comes to protection, segment-level protection has higher priority than page-level protection. In other words, if a specific segment is assigned the highest privilege, this privilege will be in force regardless of the privilege levels set for the page level. On the other hand, if protection level 3 is set for the segment, then everything depends on the privilege level set for specific pages. There are only two privilege levels for pages0 and 3. In Windows, the so-called flat memory model is adopted. The selector that points to the segment descriptor starting at address 0 is loaded into segment registers. Because the offset within a segment is defined by a 32-bit value, this allows an address space of 4 GB. No other segments are assumed to exist in the system. This means that mere is only one vast segment. Well, then, where is the protection? The answer is straightforwardthe protection is implemented at the page level. Return to Fig. 19.4, where you'll see the memory region occupied by the operating system (to be more precise, occupied by its kernel, according to the definition provided earlier in this chapter). These pages are protected against access by normal executable modules, although they reside in the same address space. Also note that page memory organization allows you to protect the program code. Pages containing the program code are marked as read-only. In parallel to this, all mechanisms of segment addressing, such as gateways and interrupts, are operating, because they cannot be implemented at the page level. These operations are hidden from a normal program, which sees only the flat address space.

How is multitasking implemented? Here, the page table mechanism comes into action (see Fig. 19.3). The CR3 register contains the address of the page table directory. Every task has its individual directory of page tables. Thus, switching between tasks can be implemented by changing the contents of the CR3 register. The directory contents define the mapping of the virtual address space to physical resources of the computer. The most important point is that the operating system kernel is mapped to the address space of every task. The goal is to consider legal mechanisms that allow the driver (e.g., some software module) to start in the kernel mode and communicate to applications that have lower privileges. Kernel-mode drivers have great power over the operating system and the entire computer. First, they can directly access peripheral devices through input and output ports. Second, such drivers can directly call the operating system kernel code. These capabilities imply greater responsibility, because even the slightest error can crash the entire operating system, causing the "blue screen of death" to appear. This topic is the most interesting because now you are approaching the inner sanctum of the Windows operating system.

Controlling Drivers

However surprising this might seem, kernel-mode drivers are controlled according to the same method used for controlling services. In Chapter 21, I explained in detail how to proceed to install, configure, start, stop, and remove services. Kernel-mode drivers are controlled in exactly the same way. Thus, the programs presented in Chapter 21 can be used practically without changes. Recall that the program in Listing 21.1 represents the service text. Naturally, it won't be needed here. The program in Listing 21.2 carries out service installation, the program in Listing 21.3 starts the service, and the program in Listing 21.4 stops the service and deletes it from the system. Among these programs, only the program in Listing 21.2 requires considerable changes. These modifications relate to the CreateService function call. The following is the fragment illustrating how to use the Createservice function to install a kernel-mode driver:

 PUSH  0         PUSH  0         PUSH  0         PUSH  0         PUSH  0         PUSH  OFFSET NM         PUSH  SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL         PUSH  SERVICE_DEMAND_START         PUSH  SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER         PUSH  SERVICE_START + DELETE ; Instead of SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS         PUSH  OFFSET SNAME1         PUSH  OFFSET SNAME1         PUSH  H1         CALL  CreateServiceA@52 

Also, I have changed some parameters. The list of constants that I used is as follows :

 DELETE                 equ l0000h     SERVICE_START          equ 10h     SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER  equ 00000001h 

Pay attention to the fifth parameter from the end. It specifies the service type, which in this case is SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER . This means that the program informs the service control manager that this program isn't a normal service but is a kernel-mode driver.


The service control program allowing you to control services in the interactive dialog mode is useless here. All manipulations with drivers can only be done programmatically. As relates to the system registry, all data related to drivers are stored under the same registry key as the service- related data:


Accordingly, if you delete all references to a specific driver from the registry, you'll remove that driver from the system. Nevertheless, you can view the list of drivers installed in the system using the MSINFO32.EXE program. If your driver has been correctly installed, you'll find it in the list displayed by this program. Fig. 27.1 shows the console window of this program. Unfortunately, this program doesn't provide any capabilities except viewing the list of installed drivers.

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Figure 27.1: Console of the MSINFO32.EXE program allows you to view the list of drivers installed in the system

An Example of a Simple Kernel-Mode Driver

The goal of this section is to show you how to write the simplest kernel-mode driver, which would demonstrate the main capabilities of programs granted the highest privileges. I have chosen sound playback. To observe the purity of the experiment, I'll first try to reproduce the sound playback algorithm in a simple console application.

Listing 27.7: Attempting to play sound by accessing input and output ports in a console program
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 .586P ; Flat memory model .MODEL FLAT, stdcall EXTERN ExitProcess@4:NEAR ;---------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDELIB directives for the linker includelib d:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib ;---------------------------------------------- ; Data segment _DATA SEGMENT _DATA ENDS ; Code segment _TEXT SEGMENT START: ; Setting the write mode         CLI         MOV   AL, 10110110B         OUT   43H, AL         IN    AL, 61H ; Allow communication with the timer         OR    AL, 3         OUT   61H, AL         MOV   AX, 1200 ; Set the sound frequency ; The timer is triggered immediately ; after sending the counter value         OUT   42H, AL         MOV   AL, AH         OUT   42H, AL         STI         MOV   ECX, 0FFFFFFH ; Delay LOO:         LOOP  LOO ; Detach the channel from the speaker, which means stop sound playback         CLI         IN    AL, 61H         AND   AL, 11111100B         OUT   61H, AL         STI ;-----------------------------         PUSH  0         CALL  ExitProcess@4 _TEXT ENDS END START 
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You can compile this console application in the usual way. It seems OK at first glance; however, when you start it, an error message will appear. Why does this happen? This program starts in ring 3, and the operating system informs you that you cannot execute a privileged input/output command in this ring. Well, this is the first part of experiment. The goal of the second part of this experiment is to demonstrate that the kernel-mode driver can play back sound using the method provided in Listing 27.7.

However, at this point it is necessary to provide some comments related to lowlevel operations with the speaker. Sound generation is based on communication between the system timer chip and the speaker. The timer chip counts pulses received from the system clock. After a predefined number of pulses (this number can be specified programmatically), it produces an output signal. When these signals are sent to the speaker input, the speaker produces a sound. The tone of this signal depends on the frequency of signals supplied to the speaker input. Generally, this is all that relates to the basic idea of sound generation in the standard IBM PC configuration. Now, consider this process in more detail.

The timer chip has three channelstimer 0, timer 1, and timer 2. The timer 0 channel is responsible for the system clock. The signal from this channel generates the timer interrupt. The procedure pointed to by the interrupt vector number 8 is carried out 18.2 times per second. This procedure modifies the memory area, in which the current time is stored. The special latch register stores the number of synch pulses, after which the signal from timer must cause the timer interrupt. By decreasing this number (through the channel port), it is possible to make the system clock run faster. The address of the channel 0 port is 40H .

The timer 1 channel is responsible for time regeneration. The port address of this channel is 41H . Principally, the number of memory regeneration cycles per second can be reduced, which would improve performance. However, this is possible only within certain limits, because the probability of memory failure grows with an increased regeneration interval.

As a rule, the timer 2 channel is used for working with the speaker, although the signals from this channel can be used for other purposes. The address of the port of this channel is 42H . The idea of sound generation is simple. A counter value (some number) is sent to port 42H . The value of this counter immediately starts to decrease. When a 0 value is reached, a signal is supplied to the speaker, after which the entire process is repeated. The greater the counter value, the lower the signal frequency, and consequently, the lower the tone.

The timer 2 channel communicates to the speaker through port 61H . If bit 1 of this port is set to 1, then channel 2 sends signals to the speaker. In addition, to enable the sending of signals from the system clock to channel 2, bit 0 of this port must be set to 1 (which corresponds to the high level of the signal).

To program channels, it is necessary to first set port 43H . Bit values of this port are outlined in Table 27.1.

Table 27.1: The bits of port 43H



0 indicates binary data; 1 indicates data in binary coded decimal format.


The mode number; as a rule, mode 3 is used.


The type of operation:

  • 00Pass the counter value to the latch.

  • 01Read or write the most significant byte only.

  • 10Read or write the least significant byte only.

  • 11Read or write the most significant byte then the least significant byte.


The number of the programmable timer channel (0 - 2).

Note how the CLI and STI commands are used. They enable and disable processor interrupts. Disabling interrupts before working with input and output ports is natural, because interrupts are highly undesirable when an input or an output operation is in progress.

Well, everything is clear with sound generation. Now, it is possible to demonstrate that the previously-described method of sound playback can be implemented in the kernel-mode driver, because the kernel mode allows direct access to the input and output ports.

Listing 27.8: A simple kernel-mode driver that plays back a short sound signal
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 ; A simple kernel-mode driver ; that plays a short sound signal .586P .MODEL FLAT, stdcall INCLUDE KERN.INC includelib d:\masm32\lib\hal.lib _TEXT SEGMENT ; DWORD PTR [EBP+0CH] ; Points to DRIVER_OBJECT ; DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] ; Points to UNICODE_STRING ENTRY PROC ; Entry point PUSH EBP         MOV   EBP, ESP ; Now, EBP points to the top of the stack         PUSH  EBX         PUSH  ESI         PUSH  EDI ; Specify the frequency         MOV   EDX, 1200 ; Set the write mode         CLI         MOV   AL, 10110110B         OUT   43H, AL         IN    AL, 61H ; Allow communication to: the timer         OR    AL, 3         OUT   61H, AL ; Set the sound frequency ; The timer is triggered immediately ; after supplying the counter         MOV   EAX, EDX         OUT   42H, AL         MOV   AL, AH         OUT   42H, AL         MOV   ECX, 0FFFFFFH         STI ; Delay LOO:         LOOP  LOO ; Detach the channel from the speaker (i.e., stop the sound)         CLI         IN    AL, 61H         AND   AL, 11111100B         OUT   61H, AL         STI ; Set the exit code         MOV   EAX, STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR         POP   EDI         POP   ESI         POP   EBX         POP   EBP         RET   8 ENTRY ENDP __TEXT ENDS END ENTRY 
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The program in Listing 27.8 requires some comments.

Kernel-mode drivers cannot use the same API functions as normal unprivileged programs. Instead, a kernel-mode driver must use functions available from the kernel. Therefore, such drivers must use other libraries. These libraries are supplied as part of the Microsoft Windows DDK. This program includes one such library, HAL.LIB, although it doesn't use any of its functions. Unfortunately, information about kernel functions is available only from the DDK documentation or from third-party developers. Furthermore, this information often is incomplete.

In addition to libraries, DDK includes INC files containing many definitions of types, structures, constants, and function prototypes . Placing this information into the program is senseless. I have created a custom INC file (KERN.INC) on the basis of several INC files supplied with Windows DDK. This file contains definitions of the main structures and types. The complete listing of this file is provided in Listing 27.9. I also included this file in the program, although it uses only one constant from this file STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR .

  • The entry point of this driver is the ENTRY procedure. This procedure starts when the StartService function is executed. Programs in Listings 21.2, 21.3, and 21.4, and the modifications that you need to introduce there to ensure that these programs serve the kernel-mode driver, were described earlier. As a result, the driver will execute the code that accesses input and output ports, and a short sound signal will be produced. The procedure will then return the STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR value. This method is a standard technique that ensures that the system, after executing the procedure, unloads the driver from the memory (although it remains in the driver database).

The entry point procedure has two parameters that were not used until now. The first parameter points to the DRIVER_OBJECT structure. This structure can be found in Listing 27.9. This structure is a complicated one because it references other structures, which, in turn , refer to other structures. However, for the goals of this program, the only important thing is that this structure describes the object being createda kernel-mode driver object. The fields of this structure set the properties of the kernel object being created. The second parameter of the entry point procedure is the Unicode string. This string specifies the name of the registry key where the initialization parameters of the kernel-mode driver are stored.

Listing 27.9: The KERN.INC file used by the driver in Listing 27.8
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 ; The KERN.INC file PVOID                  typedef       PTR PIRP                   typedef       PTR _IRP NTSTATUS               typedef       DWORD PREVENT                typedef       PTR KEVENT PIO_STATUS BLOCK       typedef       PTR IO_STATUS_BLOCK BOOLEAN                typedef       BYTE PCHAR                  typedef       PTR BYTE PWSTR                  typedef       PTR WORD KPROCESSOR_ MODE       typedef       BYTE CHAR                   typedef       BYTE WCHAR                  typedef       WORD DEVICE TYPE            typedef       DWORD IO_TYPE DEVICE QUEUE   equ           14h KSPIN_LOCK             typedef       DWORD IO_TYPE_DPC            equ           13h PDWORD                 typedef       PTR DWORD PSECURITY_ DESCRIPTOR  typedef       PTR MAXIMUM_VOLUME_LABEL_LENGTH  equ            (32 * sizeof (WCHAR)) ; Constants defining the request type IRP_MJ_CREATE                              equ  0 IRP_MJ_CREATE_NAMED_PIPE                   equ  1 IRP_MJ_CLOSE                               equ  2 IRP_MJ_READ                                equ  3 IRP_MJ_WRITE                               equ  4 IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION                   equ  5 IRP_MJ_SET_INFORMATION                     equ  6 IRP_MJ_QUERY_EA                            equ  7 IRP_MJ_SET_EA                              equ  8 IRP_MJ_FLUSH_BUFFERS                       equ  9 IRP_MJ_QUERY_VOLUME_INFORMATION            equ  0Ah IRP_MJ_SET_VOLUME_INFORMATION              equ  0Bh IRP_MJ_DIRECTORY_CONTROL                   equ  0Ch IRP_MJ_FILE_SYSTEM_CONTROL                 equ  0Dh IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL                      equ  0Eh IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL             equ  0Fh IRP_MJ_SHUTDOWN                            equ  10h IRP_MJ_LOCK_CONTROL                        equ  11h IRP_MJ_CLEANUP                             equ  12h IRP_MJ_CREATE_MAILSLOT                     equ  13h IRP_MJ_QUERY_SECURITY                      equ  14h IRP_MJ_SET_SECURITY                        equ  15h IRP_MJ_POWER                               equ  16h IRP_MJ_SYSTEM_CONTROL                      equ  17h IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CHANGE                       equ  18h IRP_MJ_QUERY_QUOTA                         equ  19h IRP_MJ_SET_QUOTA                           equ  1Ah IRP_MJ_PNP                                 equ  1Bh IRP_MJ_PNP_POWER                           equ  IRP_MJ_PNP IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION                    equ  1Bh VPB STRUCT   fwType             WORD   IO_TYPE_VPB   cbSize             WORD   ?   Flags              WORD   ?   VolumeLabelLength  WORD   ?   DeviceObject       PVOID  ?   RealDevice         PVOID  ?   SerialNumber       DWORD  ?   ReferenceCount     DWORD  ?   VolumeLabel    WORD (MAXIMUM_VOLUME_LABEL_LENGTH/(sizeof WCHAR)) dup(?) VPB ENDS PVPB  typedef        PTR VPB UNICODE_STRING STRUCT       woLength       WORD ?       MaximumLength  WORD ?       Buffer         PWSTR ? UNICODE_STRING ENDS SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS STRUCT         DataSectionObject     PVOID ?         SharedCacheMap        PVOID ?         ImageSectionObject    PVOID ? SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS ENDS PSECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS typedef PTR SECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS IO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT STRUCT         Port  PVOID ?         Key   PVOID ? IO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT ENDS PIO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT typedef PTR IO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT LARGE_INTEGER UNION     struct         LowPart    DWORD ?         HighPart   DWORD ?     ends     struct u         LowPart    DWORD ?         HighPart   DWORD ?     ends         QuadPart   QWORD ? LARGE_INTEGER ENDS LIST_ENTRY STRUCT         Flink      PVOID ?         Blink      PVOID ? LIST_ENTRY ENDS KDPC STRUCT         woType           WORD   IO_TYPE_DPC         Number           BYTE   ?         Importance       BYTE   ?         DpcListEntry     LIST_ENTRY <>         DeferredRoutine  PVOID  ?         DeferredContext  PVOID  ?         SystemArgument1  PVOID  ?         SystemArgument2  PVOID  ?         pdwLock          PDWORD ? KDPC ENDS KDEVICE_QUEUE STRUCT         fwType          WORD  IO_TYPE_DEVICE_QUEUE         cbSize          WORD  ?         DeviceListHead  LIST_ENTRY <>         ksLock          KSPIN_LOCK ?         Busy            BOOLEAN ?         db              3 dup (?) KDEVICE_QUEUE ENDS KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY STRUCT ; sizeof = 10h         DeviceListEntry  LIST_ENTRY <>         SortKey          DWORD ?         Inserted         BOOLEAN ?         Db       3 dup(?) KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY ENDS WAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK STRUCT         WaitQueueEntry        KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY <>         DeviceRoutine         PVOID ?         DeviceContext         PVOID ?         NumberOfMapRegisters  DWORD ?         DeviceObject          PVOID ?         CurrentIrp            PVOID ?         BufferChainingDpc     PVOID ? WAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK ENDS DISPATCHER_HEADER STRUCT         byType        BYTE  ?         Absolute      BYTE  ?         cbSize        BYTE  ?         Inserted      BYTE  ?         SignalState   DWORD ?         WaitListHead  LIST_ENTRY <> DISPATCHER_HEADER ENDS KEVENT STRUCT         Header  DISPATCHER_HEADER <> KEVENT ENDS FILE_OBJECT STRUCT         fwType                WORD IO_TYPE_FILE         cbSize                WORD  ?         DeviceObject          PVOID ?         Vpb                   PVOID ?         FsContext             PVOID ?         FsContext2            PVOID ?         SectionObjectPointer  PSECTION_OBJECT_POINTERS ?         PrivateCacheMap       PVOID ?         FinalStatus           NTSTATUS ?         RelatedFileObject     PVOID ?         LockOperation         BOOLEAN ?         DeletePending         BOOLEAN ?         ReadAccess            BOOLEAN ?         WriteAccess           BOOLEAN ?         DeleteAccess          BOOLEAN ?         SharedRead            BOOLEAN ?         SharedWrite           BOOLEAN ?         SharedDelete          BOOLEAN ?         Flags                 DWORD ?         FileName              UNICODE_STRING <>         CurrentByteOffset     LARGE_INTEGER <>         Waiters               DWORD ?         Busy                  DWORD ?         LastLock              PVOID ?         kevLock               EVENT <>         Event                 KEVENT <>         CompletionContext     PIO_COMPLETION_CONTEXT ? FILE_OBJECT ENDS PFILE_OBJECT typedef PTR FILE_OBJECT IO_STATUS_BLOCK STRUCT         Status        NTSTATUS ?         Information   DWORD    ? IO_STATUS_BLOCK ENDS STATUS_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION_ERROR equ 00C0000182h STATUS_SUCCESS equ 0 IO_STATUS_BLOCK STRUCT         Status        NTSTATUS ?         Information   DWORD ? IO_STATUS_BLOCK ENDS KAPC STRUCT         fwType               WORD   IO_TYPE_APC         cbSize               WORD   ?         Spare0               DWORD  ?         Thread               PVOID  ?         ApcListEntry         LIST_ENTRY <>         KernelRoutine        PVOID  ?         RundownRoutine       PVOID  ?         NormalRoutine        PVOID  ?         NormalContext        PVOID  ?         ; The following two fields must be together         SystemArgument1      PVOID  ?         SystemArgument2      PVOID  ?         ApcStateIndex        CHAR   ?         ApcMode              KPROCESSOR_MODE ?         Inserted             BOOLEAN ?         db                   ? KAPC ENDS _IRP STRUCT         fwType               WORD  ?         cbSize               WORD  ?         MdlAddress           PVOID ?         Flags                DWORD ?         UNION AssociatedIrp                 MasterIrp    PVOID ?                 IrpCount     DWORD ?                 SystemBuffer PVOID ?         ENDS ThreadListEntry    LIST_ENTRY <> IoStatus           IO_STATUS_BLOCK <> RequestorMode      BYTE ? PendingReturned    BYTE ? StackCount         BYTE ? CurrentLocation    BYTE ? Cancel             BYTE ? CancelIrql         BYTE ? ApcEnvironment     BYTE ? AllocationFlags    BYTE ? UserIosb           PIO_STATUS_BLOCK ? UserEvent          PREVENT ? UNION Overlay         STRUCT AsynchronousParameters                 UserApcRoutine  PVOID ?                 UserApcContext  PVOID ?         ENDS AllocationSize        LARGE_INTEGER <> ENDS CancelRoutine        PVOID  ? UserBuffer           PVOID  ? UNION Tail     STRUCT Overlay           UNION                 DeviceQueueEntry   KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY <>                 STRUCT                    DriverContext   PVOID 4 dup(?)                 ENDS           ENDS                 Thread                   PVOID ?                 AuxiliaryBuffer          PCHAR ?                 STRUCT                         ListEntry        LIST_ENTRY <>                 UNION                         PacketType       DWORD ?                 ENDS           ENDS           OriginalFileObject      PFILE_OBJECT ?           ENDS                 Apc               KAPC <>                 CompletionKey     PVOID ?         ENDS _IRP ENDS DEVICE_OBJECT STRUCT         fwType           WORD  IO_TYPE_DEVICE         cbSize           WORD  ?         ReferenceCount   DWORD ?         DriverObject     PVOID ?         NextDevice       PVOID ?         AttachedDevice   PVOID ?         PDEVICE_OBJECT         CurrentIrp       PIRP  ?         Timer            PVOID ?         Flags            DWORD ?         Characteristics  DWORD ?         Vpb              PVPB  ?         DeviceExtension  PVOID ?         DeviceType       DEVICE_TYPE ?         StackSize        CHAR  ?         db               3 dup (?)         UNION Queue                 ListEntry         LIST_ENTRY <>                 Web               WAIT_CONTEXT_BLOCK <>         ENDS         AlignmentRequirement      DWORD ?         DeviceQueue               KDEVICE_QUEUE <>         Dpc                       KDPC <>         ActiveThreadCount         DWORD ?         SecurityDescriptor        PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ?         DeviceLock                KEVENT <>         SectorSize                WORD ?         Spare1                    WORD ?         DeviceObjectExtension     PVOID ?         PDEVOBJ_EXTENSION         Reserved                  PVOID ? DEVICE_OBJECT ENDS PDEVICE_OBJECT     typedef PTR DEVICE_OBJECT PDRIVER_EXTENSION  typedef PTR DRIVER_EXTENSION PUNICODE_STRING    typedef PTR UNICODE_STRING DRIVER_OBJECT STRUCT ; sizeof = 0A8h         fwType            WORD            IO_TYPE_DRIVER         cbSize            WORD            ?         DeviceObject      PDEVICE_OBJECT  ?         Flags             DWORD           ?         DriverStart       PVOID           ?         DriverSize        DWORD           ?         DriverSection     PVOID           ?         DriverExtension   PDRIVER_EXTENSION ?         DriverName        UNICODE_STRING   <>         HardwareDatabase  PUNICODE_STRING   ?         FastIoDispatch    PVOID             ?         DriverInit        PVOID             ?         DriverStartIo     PVOID             ?         DriverUnload      PVOID             ?         MajorFunction     PVOID  (IRP_MJ_MAXIMUM_FUNCTION + 1) dup (?) DRIVER_OBJECT ENDS IO_STACK_LOCATION STRUCT         MajorFunction       BYTE ?         MinorFunction       BYTE ?         Flags               BYTE ?         Control             BYTE ?         union Parameters                 struct Create                         SecurityContext  PVOID  ?                         Options          DWORD  ?                         FileAttributes   WORD   ?                         ShareAccess      WORD   ?                         EaLength         DWORD  ?                 ends                 struct Read                         dwLength         DWORD        ?                         Key              DWORD        ?                         ByteOffset       LARGE_INTEGER <>                 ends                 struct Write                         dwLength         DWORD        ?                         Key              DWORD        ?                         ByteOffset       LARGE_INTEGER <>                 ends                 struct QueryFile                         dwLength               DWORD  ?                         FileInformationClass   DWORD  ?                 ends struct DeviceIoControl                 OutputBufferLength        DWORD  ?                 InputBufferLength         DWORD  ?                 IoControlCode             DWORD  ?                 Type3InputBuffer          PVOID  ? ends struct ReadWriteConfig                 WhichSpace            DWORD  ?                 Buffer                PVOID  ?                 dwOffset              DWORD  ?                 wdLength              DWORD  ? ends                 struct SetLock                 bLock     BOOLEAN  ?                 db        3 dup (?)                 ends                 struct Others                         Argument1      PVOID  ?                         Argument2      PVOID  ?                         Argument3      PVOID  ?                         Argument4      PVOID  ?                 ends         ends         DeviceObject              PDEVICE_OBJECT  ?         FileObject                PFILE_OBJECT    ?         CompletionRoutine         PVOID           ?         Context                   PVOID           ? IO_STACK_LOCATION ENDS 
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To translate the driver provided in Listing 27.8, issue the following commands:

 ml /c /coff sound.asm     link /driver /base:0x1000 /subsystem:native sound.obj 

As you can see, the command line of the ML.EXE program uses the standard parameters. As relates to the command-line parameters of the LINK.EXE program, they are different from the usual ones. The /driver parameter specifies that the linker should create the driver. The /base:0x1000 option informs the linker that the driver will be loaded by address 1000H . Finally, the /subsystem:native option is the standard subsystem value for a Windows NT driver.

To stimulate your interest in investigating kernel-mode drivers, and to gain some practical skills, I recommend that you rewrite this driver using two interesting kernel functions. The first of these functions is READ_PORT_UCHAR . This function has only one parameter (see the READ_PORT_UCHAR@4 prototype). This is the address of the input/output port. This function practically replaces the IN microprocessor command. The second function is WRITE_PORT_UCHAR . It accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the number of the input/output port, and the second parameter is the operand, from which the data will be supplied to the port. Both functions are defined in the HAL.LIB library. As usual, their prototypes must be defined at the beginning of your program. The resulting driver must produce the same result as the use of standard IN and OUT commands of the Intel microprocessor. Why is such duplication needed? This is needed for compatibility so that the operating system will work with the microprocessor of another family.


A sound signal is convenient for debugging drivers. Other ways of informing you how a specific function was executed are not as easy to implement.

Kernel-Mode Drivers and Devices

The goal of this section is to show you how to develop another kernel-mode driver that creates a device that can be accessed using standard file input and output.

First, consider the program that runs in the user mode and needs to access a device created by a kernel-mode driver (Listing 27.10). This is the fourth program for controlling drivers. The first three programs that install, start, and remove drivers were described earlier. In practice, they are similar to the programs for controlling services (see Chapter 21). A device created and served by a kernel-mode driver is opened using the CreateFile function. Pay attention to the device name: ˜\\. \SLN . In case of success, the program sends the data to the driver through this device. This is achieved using the DeviceIoControl function. If this function executes successfully, the program receives the data from the driver. For checking, the MessageBox function is used, which outputs these data. To close the device, the standard CloseHandle function is used. This function is used for closing most kernel objects.

Listing 27.10: The program that opens the device created by the driver in Listing 27.11
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 .586P ; Flat memory model MODEL FLAT, stdcall DTP    equ 8000H ACCESS equ 0H OPER   equ 800H MBUF   equ 0H ; The command passed to the driver CMD   equ (DTP SHL 16) OR (ACCESS SHL 14) OR (OPER SHL 2) OR MBUF GENERIC_READ    equ 80000000h GENERIC_WRITE   equ 40000000h GEN = GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE SHARE = 0 OPEN_EXISTING     equ 3 STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE equ -11 EXTERN  CloseHandle@4:NEAR EXTERN  CreateFileA@28:NEAR EXTERN  ExitProcess@4:NEAR EXTERN  MessageBoxA@16:NEAR EXTERN  MessageBoxW816:NEAR EXTERN  wsprintfA:NEAR EXTERN  GetLastError@0:NEAR EXTERN  lstrlenA@4:NEAR EXTERN  WriteConsoleA@20:NEAR EXTERN  GetStdHandle@4:NEAR EXTERN  DeviceIoControl@32:NEAR ;---------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDELIB directives for the linker includelib d:\masm32\lib\kernel32.lib includelib d:\masm32\lib\user32.lib ;---------------------------------------------- ; Data segment _DATA SEGMENT ; Device name         PATH    DB '\.\SLN', 0         H1      DD ?         HANDL   DD ?         LENS    DD ?         BUF1    DB 512 DUP (0)         ERRS    DB "Error %u ", 0         BUFIN   DB "For Mydriver", 88 DUP (0)         BUFOUT  DB 100 DUP(0)         BYTES   DD 0 _DATA ENDS ; Code segment _TEXT SEGMENT START:         PUSH  STD_OUTPUT_, HANDLE         CALL  GetStdHandle@4         MOV   HANDL, EAX ; Open the device         PUSH  0         PUSH  0         PUSH  OPEN_EXISTING         PUSH  0         PUSH  0         PUSH  GEN         PUSH  OFFSET PATH         CALL  CreateFileA@28         CMP   EAX, -1         JNZ   NOER         CALL  ERROB         JMP   EXI NOER: ; Pass the command and data to the driver ; in the BUFIN buffer         MOV   H1, EAX         PUSH  0         PUSH  OFFSET BYTES         PUSH  100         PUSH  OFFSET BUFOUT         PUSH  100         PUSH  OFFSET BUFIN         PUSH  CMD         PUSH  H1         CALL  DeviceIoControl@32         CMP   EAX, 0         JZ    CLOS         CMP   BYTES, 0         JZ    CLOS ; Output the contents of the returned buffer         PUSH  0         PUSH  OFFSET BUFOUT         PUSH  OFFSET BUFOUT         PUSH  0 ; Screen handle         CALL  MessageBoxA@16 CLOS:         PUSH  H1         CALL  CloseHandle@4 EXI:         PUSH  0         CALL  ExitProcess@4 ERROB:         CALL  GetLastError@0         PUSH  EAX         PUSH  OFFSET ERRS         PUSH  OFFSET BUF1         CALL  wsprintfA         ADD   ESP, 12         LEA   EAX, BUF1         MOV   EDI, 1         CALL  WRITE         RET ; Output the string (line feed in the end) ; EAX --- To the start of the string ; EDI --- With or without line feed WRITE PROC ; Get the parameter length         PUSH  EAX         PUSH  EAX         CALL  lstrlenA@4         MOV   ESI, EAX         POP   EBX         CMP   EDI, 1         JNE   NO_ENT ; Line feed in the end         MOV   BYTE PTR [EBX+ESI], 13         MOV   BYTE PTR [EBX+ESI+1], 10         MOV   BYTE PTR [EBX+ESI+2], 0         ADD   EAX, 2 NO_ENT: ; String output         PUSH  0         PUSH  OFFSET LENS         PUSH  EAX         PUSH  EBX         PUSH  HANDL         CALL  WriteConsoleA@20         RET WRITE ENDP _TEXT ENDS END START 
image from book

To translate the program, issue the following commands:

 ml /c /coff prog.asm     link /subsystem:console prog.obj 

The program presented in Listing 27.10 requires some comments.

The DeviceIoControl function was already covered in this chapter. However, I would like to draw your attention to the second parameter of this function. This parameter contains the control code passed to the driver. Individual devices have specific sets of control codes. When creating a custom control code, it is necessary to bear in mind that it must be created according to strictly defined rules. These rules are as follows: Bits 0-1 define whether the input or output is buffered. The 0 value corresponds to the standard buffered input or output; other values define input or output without buffering. Bits 3-13 define the command that the driver must execute. The values 0-7FFH are reserved, and other values can be used at programmer's discretion. Bits 14-15 define the requested access rights. The 0 value specifies the maximum possible access level. The 1 and 2 values correspond to read and write access, respectively. Bits 16-31 define the device type. Here programmers at their discretion can use the values ranging from 8000H to 0FFFFH . For example, I have formed a custom CMD command (see Listing 27.10).

Debugging kernel-mode drivers is a difficult task. In the course of this work, it is impossible to avoid the infamous blue screen of death. The programs that communicate with the driver being debugged are also involved in the debugging process. Error handling plays an extremely important role here. This program handles and outputs possible errors of the CreateFile function. To determine the cause of the error, use the ERRLOOKUP.EXE program that I mentioned earlier in this book. The MessageBox function also plays the role of the debugging mechanismnot only for this program but also for the driver, to which it communicates.

Now, consider the text of the driver presented in Listing 27.11. Similar to the simplest driver described in the previous section, this driver has the entry point procedure. This procedure carries out the following tasks:

  • Create a device.

  • Create a symbolic link to the device. This name is the one used as a device name in the createFile function.

  • Define the procedure for unloading the driver. This procedure is called before deleting the driver. At this point, it is necessary to release or delete all resources allocated by the driver.

  • Define the callback procedures. In this program, three such procedures are defined: the procedure called when opening the device ( CreateFile ), the procedure called when closing the device ( CloseHandle ), and the procedure called when sending a control code to the device.

As mentioned earlier, the functions that execute in the kernel mode operate with Unicode strings. In particular, this means that you will have to deal with the following structures:

 UNICODE_STRING STRUCT            woLength              WORD    ?            MaximumLength         WORD    ?            Buffer                PWSTR   ?     UNICODE_STRING ENDS 

Here, woLength is the length of the Unicode string in bytes, MaximumLength is the length in bytes of the buffer containing the string, and Buffer is the address of the buffer ( PWSTR stands for PTR WORD ). To fill this structure using the Unicode string prepared beforehand, the _RtlInitUnicodeString function is used. [i]

Listing 27.11: The kernel-mode driver for creating a device that processes several requests
image from book
 ; An example of a, kernel-mode driver ; that creates a device .586P .MODEL FLAT INCLUDE KERN.INC EXTERN _RtlInitUnicodeString@8:NEAR EXTERN _IoCreateDevice@28:NEAR EXTERN _IoCreateSymbolicLink@8:NEAR EXTERN _IoDeleteSymbolicLink@4:NEAR EXTERN _IoDeleteDevice@4:NEAR EXTERN @IofCompleteRequest@8:NEAR DTP    equ 8000H ACCESS equ 0H OPER   equ 800H MBUF   equ 0H ; The command processed by the driver CMD   equ (DTP SHL 16) OR (ACCESS SHL 14) OR (OPER SHL 2) OR MBUF includelib d:\masm32\lib\ntoskrnl.lib _DATA SEGMENT ; Device name         DNAME DW "\", "D", "e", "v", "i", "c", "e", "\", "D", "e", "v", 0 ; Reference to the name         LNAME DW "\", "?", "?", "\", "S", "L", "N", 0 ; UNICODE_STRING structures for storing names         DEVN  UNICODE_STRING <?>         SLNKN UNICODE_STRING <?> ; The structure used for creating a device         PD DEVICE_OBJECT <?> ; Other variables         MES  DB "From depth", 0         MES1 DB "For Mydriver", 0 _DATA ENDS _TEXT SEGMENT ; Driver entry point procedure ; DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] - Pointer to the DRIVER_OBJECT structure ; DWORD PTR [EBP+12] - Pointer to the UNICODE_STRING structure _ENTRY PROC ; Driver entry point         PUSH  EBP         MOV   EBP, ESP ; Now EBP points to the stack top         PUSH  EBX         PUSH  ESI         PUSH   EDI ; Define the device name         PUSH   OFFSET LNAME         PUSH   OFFSET SLNKN         CALL   _RtlInitUnicodeString@8 ; Define the symbolic link to the device name         PUSH   OFFSET DNAME         PUSH   OFFSET DEVN         CALL   _RtlInitUnicodeString@8 ; Create a device         PUSH   OFFSET PD         PUSH   0         PUSH   0         PUSH   22H ; FILE_DEVICE_UNKNOWN         PUSH   OFFSET DEVN         PUSH   0         PUSH   DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]         CALL   _IoCreateDevice@28         CMP    EAX, 0         JZ     OK         MOV    EAX, STATUS_DEVICE_C0NFIGURATION_ERROR         JMP    EXI OK: ; Create the symbolic link to the device         PUSH   OFFSET DEVN         PUSH   OFFSET SLNKN         CALL   _IoCreateSymbolicLink@8 ; EAX points to the DRIVER_OBJECT structure         MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]         ASSUME EAX:PTR DRIVER_OBJECT ; Define the procedure for unloading the driver         MOV    [EAX].DriverUnload, OFFSET DELDRIVER ; Define the callback procedures ; Open the device         MOV    [EAX].MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CREATE*4], OFFSET CR_FILE ; Close the device         MOV    [EAX].MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_CLOSE*4], OFFSET CL_FILE ; Control the device         MOV    [EAX].MajorFunction[IRP_MJ_DEVICE_CONTROL*4], OFFSET CTL_DEV         ASSUME EAX: NOTHING ;Set the exit code         MOV    EAX, STATUS_SUCCESS EXI:         POP    EDI         POP    ESI         POP    EBX         POP    EBP         RET    8 _ENTRY ENDP ; The procedure called when deleting the driver ; DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]" - Pointer to the DRIVER_OBJECT structure DELDRIVER PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP ; Now EBP points to the stack top ; Delete the symbolic link         PUSH   OFFSET SLNKN         CALL   _IoDeleteSymbolicLink@4 ; Delete the device         MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP+08H]         ASSUME EAX:PTR DRIVER_OBJECT         PUSH   [EAX].DeviceObject         CALL   _IoDeleteDevice@4         POP    EBP         RET    4 DELDRIVER ENDP ; The procedure called when executing the CreateFile function ; DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] - Pointer to the DEVICE_OBJECT structure ; DWORD PTR [EBP+12] - Pointer to the IRP structure CR_FILE PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP         MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP+12]         ASSUME EAX: PTR_IRP         MOV    [EAX].IoStatus.Status, STATUS_SUCCESS         MOV    [EAX].IoStatus.Information, 0         ASSUME EAX:NOTHING ; Completing the input/output operation ; The call in fastcall format         MOV    ECX, DWORD PTR [EBP+12]         XOR    EDX, EDX         CALL   @IofCompleteRequest@8         MOV    EAX, STATUS_SUCCESS         POP    EBP         RET    8 CR_FILE ENDP ; The procedure called when executing the CloseHandle function ; DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] - Pointer to the DEVICE_OBJECT structure ; DWORD PTR [EBP+12] --- Pointer to the IRP structure CL_FILE PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP         MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP+12]         ASSUME EAX:PTR _IRP         MOV    [EAX].IoStatus.Status, STATUS_SUCCESS         AND    [EAX].IoStatus.Information, 0         ASSUME EAX :NOTHING ; Completing the input/output operation ; The call in the fastcall format         MOV    ECX, DWORD PTR [EBP+12]         XOR    EDX, EDX         CALL   @IofCompleteRequest@8         MOV    EAX, STATUS_SUCCESS         POP    EBP         RET    8 CL_FILE ENDP ; The procedure called when executing the ControlService function ; DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] - The pointer to the DEVICE_OBJECT structure ; DWORD PTR [EBP+12] - The pointer to the IRP structure CTL_DEV PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP         PUSH   EBX ; EAX will point to the IRP structure         MOV    EAX, DWORD PTR [EBP+12]         ASSUME EAX:PTR _IRP ; EDI will point to the IO_STACK_LOCATION structure, ; which must contain the command sent to the driver         MOV    EDI, [EAX].Tail.Overlay.CurrentStackLocation         ASSUME EDI:PTR IO_STACK_LOCATION         CMP    [EDI].Parameters.DeviceIoControl.IoControlCode, CMD         JNZ    NO_CMD ; The command         MOV    ESI, [EAX].AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer ; Now, check the delivered message         PUSH   ESI         PUSH   OFFSET MES1         CALL   CMPSTR         CMP    EBX, 1         JZ     NO_CMD ; Copy the string passed from the driver into the buffer         PUSH   OFFSET MES         PUSH   ESI         CALL   COPYSTR ; The string length will also be passed into the application program         PUSH   OFFSET MES         CALL   LENSTR         MOV    [EAX].IoStatus.Status, STATUS_SUCCESS         MOV    [EAX].IoStatus.Information, EBX NO_CMD:         ASSUME EDI: NOTHING         ASSUME EAX:NOTHING ; Complete the input/output operation ; The call in the fastcall format         MOV    ECX, DWORD PTR [EBP+12]         XOR    EDX, EDX         CALL   @IofCompleteRequest@8         MOV    EAX, STATUS_SUCCESS         POP    EBX         POP    EBP         RET    8 CTL_DEV ENDP ; The procedure that copies the source string to the target string ; The target string [EBP+08H] is the first parameter ; The source string [EBP+0CH] is the second parameter ; Do not take into account the target string length COPYSTR PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP         PUSH   ESI         PUSH   EDI         PUSH   EAX         MOV    ESI, DWORD PTR [EBP+0CH]         MOV    EDI, DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] L1 :         MOV    AL, BYTE PTR [ESI]         MOV    BYTE PTR [EDI], AL         CMP    AL, 0         JE     L2         INC    ESI         INC    EDI         JMP    L1 L2:         POP    EAX         POP    EDI         POP    ESI         POP    EBP         RET    8 COPYSTR ENDP ; The function for getting the string length ; [EBP+08H] - Pointer to the string ; EBX - Sting length LENSTR PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP         PUSH   ESI         MOV    ESI, DWORD PTR [EBP+8]         XOR    EBX, EBX LBL1 :         CMP    BYTE PTR [ESI], 0         JZ     LBL2         INC    EBX         INC    ESI         JMP    LBL1 LBL2 :         POP    ESI         POP    EBP         RET    4 LENSTR ENDP The procedure for comparing two strings ; [EBP+08H] - First parameter ; [EBP+012] - Second parameter ; EBX = 0 if strings are equal, and EBX = 1 if strings are not equal CMPSTR PROC         PUSH   EBP         MOV    EBP, ESP         PUSH   ESI         PUSH   EDI         PUSH   EAX         MOV    ESI, DWORD PTR [EBP+012]         MOV    EDI, DWORD PTR [EBP+08H] L1:         MOV    AL, BYTE PTR [ESI]         MOV    EBX, 1         CMP    BYTE PTR [EDI], AL         JNZ    EXI         XOR    EBX, EBX         CMP    AL, 0         JZ     EXI         INC    ESI         INC    EDI         JMP    L1 EXI:         POP    EAX         POP    EDI         POP    ESI         POP    EBP         RET    8 CMPSTR ENDP _TEXT ENDS END _ENTRY 
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To translate the driver, issue the following commands:

 ML /c /coff driver.asm     link /driver /base:,0x1000 /subsystem:native driver.obj 

The program in Listing 27.11 requires some comments.

Note that the listing doesn't contain the STDCALL directive. This is not an error. The name of the @IofCompleteRequest function must not have the underscore prefix in the object module. As relates to other functions, their names must have this prefix. This is why you must explicitly specify this prefix in the names of functions and omit the STDCALL directive. The @IofCompleteRequest function notifies the program that the request has been processed. This function is called in the fastcall format. Two parameters of this function are loaded into the ECX and EDX registers.

This listing uses pointers to some structures described in Listing 27.9. Here they are:

  • device_object The structure that describes the device created by the driver. Note that in the DELDRIVER procedure, you get the pointer to this structure from the driver_object (DeviceObject ) Structure.

  • driver_object The structure describing the driver object. In particular, this structure includes the MajorFunction array. This array contains the pointers to procedures for handling requests. Each element of this array is responsible for a specific request. Element numbers are defined by numeric constants defined in header files.

  • _IRP This structure contains information about the request to the driver (IRP stands for Input/output Request Packet). In particular, this structure will include the pointer to the IO_STACK_LOCATION structure containing the code of the command that arrived at the driver with the request (see the CTL_DEV text).

Pay attention to the following three procedures: CMPSTR (compare two strings), LENSTR (string length), and COPYSTR (copy source string to target string). These procedures have appeared in this code because of the impossibility of using standard API functions at the kernel level.

[i] As already mentioned, it is impossible to use normal API functions at the kernel level. Instead, it is necessary to use special kernel functions that can be used only within the kernel.

The Assembly Programming Master Book
The Assembly Programming Master Book
ISBN: 8170088178
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 140
Authors: Vlad Pirogov © 2008-2017.
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