Chapter 4: LINQ Syntax Fundamentals

Modern programming languages and software development architectures are based more and more on object-oriented design and development. As a result, quite often we need to query and manage objects and collections of items, rather than records and data tables. We also need tools and languages independent from specific data sources or persistence layers. Language Integrated Query (LINQ) allows developers to query and manage sequences of items (objects, entities, database records, XML nodes, and so on) within their software solutions, using a unique programming language independent from their original persistence media. The key feature of LINQ is its integration with widely used programming languages, made possible by the use of a syntax common to all kinds of content.

In this chapter, we will describe the main classes and operators on which LINQ is based as a means of understanding its architecture and to learn its syntax. As we described in Chapter 1, “LINQ Introduction,” LINQ provides a basic infrastructure for many different implementations of querying engines, such as LINQ to Objects, LINQ to SQL, LINQ to DataSet, LINQ to Entities, LINQ to XML, and so on. All the query extensions are based on extension methods specialization, which you will read about in this chapter. The examples in this chapter mainly use LINQ to Objects so that we can focus on queries and operators rather than on specific internal implementations of the various flavors of LINQ. In Chapter 5, “LINQ to ADO.NET,” and Chapter 6, “LINQ to XML,” we will explore some of the query operators further to cover the different implementations of LINQ.

LINQ Queries

LINQ is based on a set of query operators, defined as extension methods, that mainly work with any object that implements IEnumerable<T>. (For more details about extension methods, see Chapter 2, “C# Language Features,” and Chapter 3, “Microsoft Visual Basic 9.0 Language Features.”) This approach makes LINQ a general-purpose querying framework because many lists implement IEnumerable<T>, and any developer can implement his or her own. This query infrastructure is also very extensible. Given the architecture of extension methods, developers can specialize a method’s behavior based on the type of data they are querying. For instance, LINQ to SQL and LINQ to XML have specialized LINQ operators to handle relational data and XML nodes, respectively.

Query Syntax

To understand query syntax, we will start with a simple example. Consider the following Developer type:

 public class Developer {     public string Name;     public string Language;     public int Age; }

Imagine that you need to query an array of objects of the Developer type, using LINQ to Objects, extracting the developers who use C# as their main programming language. The code you might use is shown in Listing 4-1.

Listing 4-1: A simple LINQ query

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  using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; class app {     static void Main() {         Developer[] developers = new Developer[] {             new Developer {Name = "Paolo", Language = "C#"},             new Developer {Name = "Marco", Language = "C#"},             new Developer {Name = "Frank", Language = "VB.NET"}};         IEnumerable<string> developersUsingCsharp =             from   d in developers             where  d.Language == "C#"             select d.Name;         foreach (string item in developersUsingCsharp) {             Console.WriteLine(item);         }     } } 
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The result of running this code would be the developers Paolo and Marco.

The syntax of this query (shown in bold in Listing 4-1) reads something like an SQL statement, although its style is a bit different. To understand it and become familiar with this new syntax, we will try to deconstruct its definition.

Query Expression 

A query expression is an expression tree that operates on one or more information sources by applying one or more query operators from either the group of standard query operators or domain-specific operators. In general, the evaluation of a query expression results in a sequence of values. A query expression is evaluated only when its contents are enumerated.

The expression is defined by a selection command:

 select d.Name

applied to a set of items:

 from d as developers

where the from clause targets any instance of a class that implements the IEnumerable<T> interface. The selection applies a specific filtering condition:

 where d.Language == "C#"

The filtering condition simply translates to an invocation of the Where extension method of the Enumerable class, defined in the System.Linq namespace. The select statement is another extension method, named Select, provided by the Enumerable class.


The Enumerable class, defined in the System.Linq namespace, provides many query operators for the LINQ to Objects implementation, defining them as extension methods for types that implement IEnumerable<T>.

Starting from the considerations just mentioned, we can rewrite the query expression and resolve its definition into basic elements:

 IEnumerable<string> expr =     developers     .Where(d => d.Language == "C#")     .Select(d => d.Name);

The Where method and the Select method both receive lambda expressions as arguments. (See Chapter 2 for more information about lambda expressions and their definition and syntax.) These lambda expressions translate to predicates that are based on a set of generic delegate types, defined within the System.Linq namespace.

Here is the entire family of generic delegate types available:

 public delegate T Func< T >(); public delegate T Func< A0, T >( A0 arg0 ); public delegate T Func< A0, A1, T > ( A0 arg0, A1 arg1 ); public delegate T Func< A0, A1, A2, T >( A0 arg0, A1 arg1, A2 arg2 ); public delegate T Func< A0, A1, A3, T > ( A0 arg0, A1 arg1, A2 arg2, A3     arg3 );

Many extension methods of the Enumerable class accept these delegates as arguments, and we will use them throughout the examples in this chapter. A final deconstruction of our initial query might be something like Listing 4-2.

Listing 4-2: The first LINQ query translated into basic elements

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  Func<Developer, bool> filteringPredicate = d => d.Language == "C#"; Func<Developer, string> selectionPredicate = d => d.Name; IEnumerable<string> expr =     developers     .Where(filteringPredicate)     .Select(selectionPredicate); 
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The C# 3.0 compiler, like the Visual Basic 9.0 compiler, translates the LINQ statement (Listing 4-1) into something like the statement shown in Listing 4-2. When you have become familiar with the LINQ syntax (Listing 4-1), it is simpler and easier to write and manage, even if it is optional, and you can always use the equivalent, more verbose version. Nevertheless, sometimes it is necessary to use the direct call to an extension method because query syntax does not cover all possible extension methods.

Full Query Syntax

In the previous section, we defined and deconstructed a simple query over a list of objects. However, LINQ query syntax is more complete and articulated. Every query starts with a from clause and ends with either a select clause or a group clause. The reason to start with a from clause instead of a select statement, as in SQL syntax, is related to the need to provide Microsoft IntelliSense capabilities within the remaining part of the query, which makes writing conditions, selections, and any other LINQ query clauses easier. A select clause projects the result of an expression into an enumerable object. A group clause projects the result of an expression into a set of groups, based on a grouping condition, where each group is an enumerable object. The following code shows a prototype of the full syntax of a LINQ query expression:

 query-expression ::= from-clause query-body query-body ::= join-clause* (from-clause join-clause* | let-clause | where-clause)* orderby-clause? (select-clause | groupby-clause)     query-continuation? from-clause ::= from itemName in srcExpr select-clause ::= select selExpr groupby-clause ::= group selExpr by keyExpr

The first from clause can be followed by zero or more from, let, or where clauses. A let clause applies a name to the result of an expression, while a where clause defines a filter that will be applied to include specific items in the results. Each from clause is a generator that represents an iteration over a sequence on which query operators (such as the extension methods of System.Linq.Enumerable) are applied.

 let-clause ::= let itemName = selExpr where-clause ::= where predExpr

A from clause can be followed by any number of join clauses. The final select or group clause can be preceded by an orderby clause that applies an ordering to the results:

 join-clause ::= join itemName in srcExpr on keyExpr equals keyExpr (into itemName)? orderby-clause ::= orderby (keyExpr (ascending | descending)?)* query-continuation ::= into itemName query-body

We will use query expressions throughout this chapter. Refer to this section when you want to check the syntax of a LINQ query.

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Sample Data for Examples

We need to define some data that we will use in the examples in this chapter. We will use a set of customers, each of which has ordered products. The following code defines types and initial values of our sample data.

 public enum Countries {     USA,     Italy, } public class Customer {     public string Name;     public string City;     public Countries Country;     public Order[] Orders; } public class Order {     public int Quantity;     public bool Shipped;     public string Month;     public int IdProduct; } public class Product {     public int IdProduct;     public decimal Price; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize a collection of customers with their orders: // ------------------------------------------------------- customers = new Customer[] {   new Customer {Name = "Paolo", City = "Brescia", Country = Countries.Italy, Orders =   new Order[] {     new Order {Quantity = 3, IdProduct = 1 , Shipped = false, Month = "January"},     new Order {Quantity = 5, IdProduct = 2 , Shipped = true, Month = "May"}}},   new Customer {Name = "Marco", City = "Torino", Country = Countries.Italy, Orders =   new Order[] {     new Order {Quantity = 10, IdProduct = 1 , Shipped = false, Month = "July"},     new Order {Quantity = 20, IdProduct = 3 , Shipped = true, Month = "December"}}},   new Customer {Name = "James", City = "Dallas", Country = Countries.USA, Orders =   new Order[] {     new Order {Quantity = 20, IdProduct = 3 , Shipped = true, Month = "December"}}},   new Customer {Name = "Frank", City = "Seattle", Country = Countries.USA, Orders =   new Order[] {     new Order {Quantity = 20, IdProduct = 5 , Shipped = false, Month = "July"}}}}; products = new Product[] {     new Product {IdProduct = 1, Price = 10 },     new Product {IdProduct = 2, Price = 20 },     new Product {IdProduct = 3, Price = 30 },     new Product {IdProduct = 4, Price = 40 },     new Product {IdProduct = 5, Price = 50 },     new Product {IdProduct = 6, Price = 60 }};

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Introducing Microsoft LINQ
Introducing MicrosoftВ® LINQ
ISBN: 0735623910
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 78 © 2008-2017.
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