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For programming exercises, first draw a UML class diagram describing all classes and their inheritance relationships and/or associations.

Exercise 16.1

Explain the difference between each of the following pairs of terms:

  1. Stack and queue.

  2. Static structure and dynamic structure.

  3. Data structure and Abstract Data Type.

  4. Push and pop.

  5. Enqueue and dequeue.

  6. Linked list and node.

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Exercise 16.2

Fill in the blanks.

  1. An Abstract Data Type consists of two main parts: ______ and ______.

  2. An object that contains a variable that refers to an object of the same class is a ______.

  3. One application for a ______ is to manage the method call and returns in a computer program.

  4. One application for a ______ is to balance the parentheses in an arithmetic expression.

  5. A ______ operation is one that starts at the beginning of a list and processes each element.

  6. A vector is an example of a ______ data structure.

  7. An array is an example of a ______ data structure.

  8. By default, the initial value of a reference variable is ______.

Exercise 16.3

Add a removeAt() method to the List class to return the object at a certain index location in the list. This method should take an int parameter, specifying the object's position in the list, and it should return an Object.

Exercise 16.4

Add an insertAt() method to the List class that will insert an object at a certain position in the list. This method should take two parameters, the Object to be inserted, and an int to designate where to insert it. It should return a boolean to indicate whether the insertion was successful.

Exercise 16.5

Add a removeAll() method to the List class. This void method should remove all the members of the list.

Exercise 16.6

Write an int method named size() that returns the number of elements in a List.

Exercise 16.7

Write an boolean method named contains(Object o) that returns TRue if its Object parameter is contained in the list.

Exercise 16.8

The head of a list is the first element in the list. The tail of a list consists of all the elements except the head. Write a method named tail() that returns a reference to the tail of the list. Its return value should be Node.

Exercise 16.9

Write a program that uses the List ADT to store a list of 100 random floating-point numbers. Write methods to calculate the average of the numbers.

Exercise 16.10

Write a program that uses the List ADT to store a list of Student records, using a variation of the Student class defined in Chapter 11. Write a method to calculate the mean grade point average for all students in the list.

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Exercise 16.11

Write a program that creates a copy of a List. It is necessary to copy each node of the list. This will require you to create new nodes that are copies of the nodes in the original list. To simplify this task, define a copy constructor for your node class and then use it to make copies of each node of the list.

Exercise 16.12

Write a program that uses a Stack ADT to determine whether a string is a palindromespelled the same way backward and forward.

Exercise 16.13

Design and write a program that uses a Stack to determine whether a parenthesized expression is well-formed. Such an expression is well-formed only if there is a closing parenthesis for each opening parenthesis.

Exercise 16.14

Design and write a program that uses Stacks to determine whether an expression involving both parentheses and square brackets is well-formed.

Exercise 16.15

Write a program that links two lists together, appending the second list to the end of the first list.

Exercise 16.16

Design a Stack class that uses a Vector instead of a linked list to store its elements. This is the way Java's Stack class is defined.

Exercise 16.17

Design a Queue class that uses a Vector instead of a linked list to store its elements.

Exercise 16.18

Write a program that uses the List<E> and LinkedList<E> classes to store a list of Student records, using a variation of the Student class defined in Chapter 11. Write a method to calculate the mean grade point average for all students in the list.

Exercise 16.19

Write an implementation of the insert() method of the PhoneTree class described at the end of this chapter.

Exercise 16.20

Write an implementation of the insert() method of the PhoneTreeNode class described at the end of this chapter.

Exercise 16.21

Challenge: Design a List class, similar in functionality to the one we designed in this chapter, that uses an array to store the list's elements. Set it up so that the middle of the array is where the first element is placed. That way you can still insert at both the front and rear of the list. One limitation of this approach is that, unlike a linked list, an array has a fixed size. Allow the user to set the initial size of the array in a constructor, but if the array becomes full, don't allow any further insertions.

Exercise 16.22

Challenge: Add a method to the program in the preceding exercise that lets the user increase the size of the array used to store the list.

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Exercise 16.23

Challenge: Recursion is a useful technique for list processing. Write recursive versions of the print() method and the look-up-by-name method for the PhoneList. (Hint: The base case in processing a list is the empty list. The recursive case should handle the head of the list and then recurse on the tail of the list. The tail of the list is everything but the first element.)

Exercise 16.24

Challenge: Design an OrderedList class. An ordered list is one that keeps its elements in order. For example, in an ordered list of integers, the first integer is less than or equal to the second, the second is less than or equal to the third, and so on. In an ordered list of employees, the employees might be stored in order according to their social security numbers. The OrderedList class should contain an insert(Object o) method that inserts its object in the proper order. One major challenge in this project is designing your class so that it will work for any kind of object. (Hint: Define an Orderable interface that defines an abstract precedes() method. Then define a subclass of Node that implements Orderable. This will let you compare any two Nodes to see which one comes before the other.)

Java, Java, Java(c) Object-Orienting Problem Solving
Java, Java, Java, Object-Oriented Problem Solving (3rd Edition)
ISBN: 0131474340
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 275

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