9.5 Computer Crime

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The law related to contracts and employment is difficult, but at least employees , objects, contracts, and owners are fairly standard entities for which legal precedents have been developed over centuries. The definitions in copyright and patent law are strained when applied to computing because old forms must be made to fit new objects; for these situations, however, cases being decided now are establishing legal precedents . But crimes involving computers are an area of the law that is even less clear than the other areas. In this section we study computer crime and consider why new laws are needed to address some of its problems.

Why a Separate Category for Computer Crime Is Needed

Crimes can be organized into certain recognized categories, including murder, robbery , and littering . We do not separate crime into categories for different weapons, such as gun crime or knife crime , but we separate crime victims into categories, depending on whether they are people or other objects . Nevertheless, driving into your neighbor's picture window can be as bad as driving into his evergreen tree or pet sheep. Let us look at an example to see why these categories are not sufficient, and why we need special laws relating to computers as subjects and objects of crime.

Rules of Property

Parker and Nycom [PAR84] describe the theft of a trade secret proprietary software package. The theft occurred across state boundaries by means of a telephone line; this interstate aspect is important because it means that the crime is subject to federal law as well as state law. The California Supreme Court ruled that this software acquisition was not theft because

Implicit in the definition of "article" in Section 499c(a) is that it must be something tangible ... Based on the record here, the defendant did not carry any tangible thing ... from the computer to his terminal unless the impulses which defendant allegedly caused to be transmitted over the telephone wire could be said to be tangible. It is the opinion of the Court that such impulses are not tangible and hence do not constitute an "article ."

The legal system has explicit rules about what constitutes property. Generally , property is tangible, unlike magnetic impulses. For example, unauthorized use of a neighbor's lawn mower constitutes theft, even if the lawn mower was returned in essentially the same condition as it was when taken. To a computer professional, taking a copy of a software package without permission is clear-cut theft. Fortunately, laws evolve to fit the times, and this interpretation from the 1980s has been refined so that bits are now recognized items of property.

A similar problem arises with computer services. We would generally agree that unauthorized access to a computing system is a crime. For example, if a stranger enters your garden and walks around, even if nothing is touched or damaged, the act is considered trespassing. However, because access by computer does not involve a physical object, not all courts punish it as a serious crime.

Rules of Evidence

Computer printouts have been used as evidence in many successful fraud prosecutions. Under the rules of evidence, courts prefer an original source document to a copy, under the assumption that the copy may be inaccurate or may have been modified in the copying process.

However, magnetic and optical media are often the primary means of storing data today. In some instances, the magnetic copy is the only copy; there is no paper copy. Thus, as technology advances, devices such as smart cards, disks, CDs, and memory chips are being accepted as evidence.

The biggest difficulty with computer-based evidence in court is being able to demonstrate the authenticity of the evidence. Law enforcement officials operate under a chain of custody requirement: from the moment a piece of evidence is taken until it is presented in court, they track clearly and completely the order and identities of the people who had personal custody of that object. The reason for the chain of custody is to ensure that nobody has had the opportunity to alter the evidence in any way before its presentation in court. With computer-based evidence, it can be difficult to establish a chain of custody. If a crime occurred on Monday but was not discovered until Wednesday, who can verify that the log file was not altered? In fact, it probably was altered many times as different processes generated log entries. The issue is to demonstrate convincingly that the log entry for 2:37 on Monday does in fact correspond to the event that took place at that time on Monday, not some attempt on Thursday to plant a false clue long after the crime took place.

Threats to Integrity and Confidentiality

The integrity and secrecy of data are also issues in many court cases. Parker and Nycom [PAR84] describe a case in which a trespasser gained remote access to a computing system. The computing system contained confidential records about people, and the integrity of the data was important. The prosecution of this case had to be phrased in terms of theft of computer time and valued as such, even though that was insignificant compared with loss of privacy and integrity. Why? Because the law as written recognized theft of computer time as a loss, but not loss of privacy or destruction of data.

Now, however, several federal and state laws recognize the privacy of data about individuals. For example, disclosing grades or financial information without permission is a crime, and tort law would recognize other cases of computer abuse.

Value of Data

In another computer crime, a person was found guilty of having stolen a substantial amount of data from a computer data bank. However, the court determined that the "value" of that data was the cost of the paper on which it was printed, which was only a few dollars. Because of that valuation, this crime was classified as a misdemeanor and considered to be a minor crime. Fortunately, the courts have since determined that information and other intangibles can have significant value.

The concept of what we value and how we determine its value is key to understanding the problems with computer-based law. In most economies, paper money is accepted as a valuable commodity, even if the paper on which it is printed is worth only a few cents . Cash is easy to value: a dollar bill is worth one dollar. But consider the way we determine the value of a company's assets. Usually, the valuation reflects the amount of money a person or organization is willing to pay for it. For example, the assets of a credit bureau are its files. Banks and insurance companies willingly pay $20 or more for a credit report, even though the paper itself is worth less than a dollar. For a credit bureau, the amount a willing customer will pay for a report is a fair estimate of the report's value; this estimate is called the market value of the report. However, the credit bureau (or any company) has other assets that are not sold but are just as valuable to the company's financially viability. For instance, a confidential list of clients has no market value that can be established but may be essential. Its value is apparent only when a loss is suffered, such as when the secret information is made available to a competitor. Over time, the legal system will find ways to place a value on data that is representative of its value to those who use it. Although these methods of valuation are accepted in civil suits , they have not yet been widely accepted in criminal prosecution.

Acceptance of Computer Terminology

The law is also lagging behind technology in its acceptance of definitions of computing terms. For example, according to a federal statute , it is unlawful to commit arson within a federal enclave (18 USC 81). Part of that act relates to "machinery or building material or supplies" in the enclave, but court decisions have ruled that a motor vehicle located within a federal enclave at the time of the burning was not included under this statute. Because of that ruling , it is not clear whether computer hardware constitutes "machinery" in this context; " supplies " almost certainly does not include software. Computers and their software, media, and data must be understood and accepted by the legal system.

Why Computer Crime Is Hard to Define

From these examples, it is clear that the legal community has not accommodated advances in computers as rapidly as has the rest of society. Some people in the legal process do not understand computers and computing, so crimes involving computers are not always treated properly. Creating and changing laws are slow processes, intended to involve substantial thought about the effects of proposed changes. This deliberate process is very much out of pace with a technology that is progressing as fast as computing.

Adding to the problem of a rapidly changing technology, a computer can perform many roles in a crime. A particular computer can be the subject, object, or medium of a crime. A computer can be attacked (attempted unauthorized access), used to attack (impersonating a legitimate node on a network), and used as a means to commit crime (Trojan horse or fake login). Computer crime statutes must address all of these evils.

Why Computer Crime Is Hard to Prosecute

Even when everyone acknowledges that a computer crime has been committed, computer crime is hard to prosecute for the following reasons.

  • Lack of understanding . Courts, lawyers, police agents , or jurors do not necessarily understand computers. Many judges began practicing law before the invention of computers, and most began before the widespread use of the personal computer. Fortunately, computer literacy in the courts is improving as judges, lawyers , and police officers use computers in their daily activities.

  • Lack of physical evidence . Police and courts have for years depended on tangible evidence, such as fingerprints. As readers of Sherlock Holmes know, seemingly minuscule clues can lead to solutions to the most complicated crimes (or so Doyle would have you believe). But with many computer crimes there simply are no fingerprints and no physical clues of any sort .

  • Lack of recognition of assets . We know what cash is, or diamonds, or even negotiable securities. But are twenty invisible magnetic spots really equivalent to a million dollars? Is computer time an asset? What is the value of stolen computer time if the system would have been idle during the time of the theft?

  • Lack of political impact . Solving and obtaining a conviction for a murder or robbery is popular with the public, and so it gets high priority with prosecutors and police chiefs . Solving and obtaining a conviction for an obscure high-tech crime, especially one not involving obvious and significant loss, may get less attention. However, as computing becomes more pervasive, the visibility and impact of computer crime will increase.

  • Complexity of Case . Basic crimes that everyone understands, such as murder, kidnapping , or auto theft, can be easy to prosecute. A complex money-laundering or tax fraud case may be more difficult to present to a jury because jurors have a hard time following a circuitous accounting trail. But the hardest crime to present may be a high-tech crime, described, for example, as root access by a buffer overflow in which memory was overwritten by other instructions, which allowed the attacker to copy and execute code at will and then delete the code, eliminating all traces of entry (after disabling the audit logging, of course).

  • Juveniles . Many computer crimes are committed by juveniles. Society understands immaturity and disregards even very serious crimes by juveniles because the juveniles did not understand the impact of their actions. A more serious, related problem is that many adults see juvenile computer crimes as childhood pranks , the modern equivalent of tipping over an outhouse.

Even when there is clear evidence of a crime, the victim may not want to prosecute because of possible negative publicity. Banks, insurance companies, investment firms, the government, and health care groups think their trust by the public will be diminished if a computer vulnerability is exposed. Also, they may fear repetition of the same crime by others: so-called copycat crimes. For all of these reasons, computer crimes are often not prosecuted.

Examples of Statutes

As a few examples from the 1980s have pointed out, in the early days, prosecution of computer crimes was hampered by lack of clear appreciation of the nature or seriousness of crime involving computers. Although theft, harm to persons, and damage to property have been crimes for a long time, in some cases new laws were useful to make it obvious to the courts what computer-related behavior was unacceptable. Most states now have laws covering computer crime of one sort or another. Also, computer-related crimes now appear in sentencing guidelines.

In this section we highlight a few of the laws defining aspects of crime against or using computers.

U.S. Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

The primary federal statute, 18 USC 1030, was enacted in 1984 and has been amended several times since. This statute prohibits

  • unauthorized access to a computer containing data protected for national defense or foreign relations concerns

  • unauthorized access to a computer containing certain banking or financial information

  • unauthorized access, use, modification, destruction, or disclosure of a computer or information in a computer operated on behalf of the U.S. government

  • accessing without permission a "protected computer," which the courts now interpret to include any computer connected to the Internet

  • computer fraud

  • transmitting code that causes damage to a computer system or network

  • trafficking in computer passwords

Penalties range from $5,000 to $100,000 or twice the value obtained by the offense, whichever is higher, or imprisonment from 1 year to 20 years, or both.

U.S. Economic Espionage Act

This 1996 act outlaws use of a computer for foreign espionage to benefit a foreign country or business or theft of trade secrets.

U.S. Electronic Funds Transfer Act

This law prohibits use, transport, sale, receipt, or supply of counterfeit, stolen, altered, lost, or fraudulently obtained debit instruments in interstate or foreign commerce.

U.S. Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act provides public access to information collected by the executive branch of the federal government. The act requires disclosure of any available data, unless the data fall under one of several specific exceptions, such as national security or personal privacy. The law's original intent was to release to individuals any information the government had collected on them. However, more corporations than individuals file requests for information as a means of obtaining information about the workings of the government. Even foreign governments can file for information. This act applies only to government agencies, although similar laws could require disclosure from private sources. The law's effect is to require increased classification and protection for sensitive information.

U.S. Privacy Act

The Privacy Act of 1974 protects the privacy of personal data collected by the government. An individual is allowed to determine what data have been collected on him or her, for what purpose, and to whom such information has been disseminated. An additional use of the law is to prevent one government agency from accessing data collected by another agency for another purpose. This act requires diligent efforts to preserve the secrecy of private data collected.

U.S. Electronic Communications Privacy Act

This law, enacted in 1986, protects against electronic wiretapping. There are some important qualifications. First, law enforcement agencies are always allowed to obtain a court order to access communications or records of them. And an amendment to the act requires Internet service providers to install equipment as needed to permit these court-ordered wiretaps. Second, the act allows Internet service providers to read the content of communications in order to maintain service or protect the provider itself from damage. So, for example, a provider could monitor traffic for viruses.

USA Patriot Act

Passed in 2001 in reaction to terrorist attacks in the United States, the USA Patriot Act includes a number of provisions supporting law enforcement's access to electronic communications. Under this act, law enforcement needs only to convince a court that a target is probably an agent of a foreign power in order to obtain a wiretap order. The main computer security provision of the Patriot Act is an amendment to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act:

  • Knowingly causing the transmission of code resulting in damage to a protected computer is a felony.

  • Recklessly causing damage to a computer system as a consequence of unauthorized access is also a felony.

  • Causing damage (even unintentionally) as a consequence of unauthorized access to a protected computer is a misdemeanor.

International Dimensions

So far we have explored laws in the United States. But many people outside the United States will read this book, perhaps wondering why they should learn about laws from a foreign country. This question has two answers.

Technically, computer security laws in the United States are similar to those in many other countries: lawmakers in each country learn about subtle legal points and interpretation or enforcement difficulties from laws passed in other countries. Many other countries, such as Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, the Czech Republic, and India, have recently enacted computer crime laws. These laws cover offenses such as fraud, unauthorized computer access, data privacy, and computer misuse. Schjolberg [SCH02] has compiled a survey of different countries ' laws to counter unauthorized access.

The second reason to study laws from a foreign country is that the Internet is an international entity. Citizens in one country are affected by users in other countries, and users in one country may be subject to the laws in other countries. Therefore, you need to know which laws may affect you. The international nature of computer crime makes life much more complicated. For example, a citizen of country A may sit in country B, dial into an ISP in country C, use a compromised host in country D, and attack machines in country E (not to mention traveling on communications lines through dozens of other countries). To prosecute this crime may require cooperation of all five countries. The attacker may need to be extradited from B to E to be prosecuted there, but there may be no extradition treaty for computer crimes between B and E. And the evidence obtained in D may be inadmissible in E because of the manner in which it was obtained or stored. And the crime in E may not be a crime in B, so the law enforcement authorities, even if sympathetic, may be unable to act.

Although computer crime is truly international, differing statutes in different jurisdictions inhibit prosecution of international computer crime. In November 2001, the United States, Canada, Japan, and 22 European countries, signed a cybercrime treaty. This treaty makes a crime of activities such as online child pornography, fraud committed using computers and computer networks, and malicious attacks. The significance of this treaty is not so much that these activities are illegal (which most instances of fraud already were) but that the countries acknowledged them as crimes across their borders, making it easier for law enforcement agencies to cooperate and for criminals to be extradited for offenses against one country committed from within another country. But to really support investigation, prosecution, and conviction of computer criminals, more than just these 25 countries will have to be involved.

In the remainder of this section we briefly discuss laws around the world that differ from U.S. laws and that should be of interest to computer security students.

E.U. Data Protection Act

The E.U. Data Protection Act is model legislation for all the countries in the European Union. It establishes privacy rights and protection responsibilities for all citizens of member countries. The act governs the collection and storage of personal data about individuals, such as name , address, and identification numbers . The law requires a business purpose for collecting the data and controls against disclosure. Dating from 1994 in its initial form, this law was one of the first to establish protection requirements for the privacy of personal data. Most significantly, the act requires equivalent protection in non-E.U. countries if organizations in the European Union pass protected data outside the European Union. We look more closely at this act in the next section on privacy.

Restricted Content

Some countries have laws controlling Internet content allowed in their countries. Singapore requires service providers to filter content allowed in. China bans material that disturbs social order or undermines social stability. Tunisia has a law that applies the same controls on critical speech as for other media forms. [HRW99]

Further laws have been proposed to make it illegal to transmit outlawed content through a country, regardless of whether the source or destination of the content is in that country. Given the complex and unpredictable routing structure of the Internet, complying with these laws is effectively impossible , let alone enforcing them.

Use of Cryptography

Cryptography is the third major area in which different countries have developed laws. We survey these laws in a subsequent section.

Why Computer Criminals Are Hard to Catch

As if computer crime laws and prosecution were not enough, it is also difficult for law enforcement agencies to catch computer criminals. There are two major reasons for this.

First, computer crime is a multinational activity that must usually be pursued on a national or local level. There are no international laws on computer crime. Even though the major industrial nations cooperate very effectively on tracking computer criminals, criminals know there are "safe havens" from which they cannot be caught. Often, the trail of a criminal stops cold at the boundary of a country. Riptech Inc. [BEL02] studies Internet attack trends by many factors. For the period January “June 2002 the United States led the world in source of Internet attacks (40%) followed by Germany (7%). But when you normalize these data for number of users, a very different pattern emerges. Per Internet user , Israel and Hong Kong lead among those nations with more than 1 million users, and Kuwait and Iran top the list among nations with fewer than 1 million users. Nations all over the globe appear on these lists, which demonstrates that attackers can and do operate from many different countries.

Complexity is an even more significant factor than country of origin. As we have stated throughout this book, networked attacks are hard to trace and investigate because they can involve so many steps. A smart attacker will "bounce" an attack through many places to obscure the trail. Each step along the way makes the investigator complete more legal steps. If the trail leads from server A to B to C, the law enforcement investigators need a search warrant for data at A, and others for B and C. Even after obtaining the search warrants, the investigator has to find the right administrator and serve the warrants to begin obtaining data. In the time the investigator has to get and serve warrants , not to mention follow leads and correlate findings, the attacker has carefully erased the digital evidence.

In a CNET News article, Sandoval [SAN02] says law enforcement agencies are rarely able to track down hackers sophisticated enough to pull off complicated attacks. Sandoval quotes Richard Power, editorial director of the Computer Security Institute: "It's a world class business." Independent investigator Dan Clements says "only about 10 percent of active hackers are savvy enough to work this way consistently, but they are almost always successful."

What Computer Crime Does Not Address

Even with the definitions included in the statutes, the courts must interpret what a computer is. Legislators cannot define precisely what a computer is because computer technology is used in many other devices, such as robots, calculators , watches , automobiles, microwave ovens, and medical instruments. More importantly, we cannot predict what kinds of devices may be invented ten or fifty years from now. Therefore, the language in each of these laws indicates the kinds of devices the legislature seeks to include as computers and leaves it up to the court to rule on a specific case. Unfortunately, it takes a while for courts to build up a pattern of cases, and different courts may rule differently in similar situations. The interpretation of each of these terms will be unsettled for some time to come.

Value presents a similar problem. As noted in some of the cases presented, the courts have trouble separating the intrinsic value of an object (such as a sheet of paper with writing on it) from its cost to reproduce. The courts now recognize that a Van Gogh painting is worth more than the cost of the canvas and paint. But the courts have not agreed on the value of printed computer output. The cost of a blank diskette is miniscule, but it may have taken thousands of hours of data gathering and machine time to produce the data encoded on the diskette. The courts are still striving to determine the fair value of computer objects.

Both the value of a person's privacy and the confidentiality of data about a person are even less settled. In a later section we consider how ethics and individual morality take over where the law stops.

Cryptography and the Law

The law is used to regulate people for their own good and for the greater good of society. Murder, theft, drinking, and smoking are circumscribed by laws. Generally, the balance between personal freedom and the good of society is fairly easy to judge; for example, one's right to fire a gun ends when the bullet hits someone. Cryptography is also a regulated activity, but the issues are a little less clear-cut, in part because there is little open discussion of the subject.

People want to protect their privacy, including the secrecy of communications with others. Businesses want similar confidentiality. Criminals want secrecy so that they can communicate criminal plans in private. Governments want to track illegal activity, both to prevent crime and to apprehend and convict criminals after a crime has been committed. Finally, nations want to know the military and diplomatic plans of other nations. As shown throughout this book, cryptography can be a powerful tool to protect confidentiality, but being able to break cryptography can be a potent tool for government. Phrased differently, it suits governments' interests if people cannot use cryptography that is too good (meaning, unbreakable by the government).

Controls on Use of Cryptography

Closely related to restrictions on content are restrictions on the use of cryptography imposed on users in certain countries. In China, for example, State Council Order 273 requires foreign organizations or individuals to apply for permission to use encryption in China. Pakistan requires that all encryption hardware and software be inspected and approved by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority. And in Iraq, use of even the Internet is strictly limited, and unauthorized use of encryption carries heavy penalties.

France's encryption policy is probably the most widely discussed. Import of encryption products is subject to a registration requirement: A vendor's registration for a mass market commercial product is valid for all imports of that product. Use of encryption for authentication is unlimited. Use of encryption with a key length up to 128 for confidentiality requires only the vendor's registration. Use of products with a key length greater than 128 bits requires that the key be escrowed with a trusted third party.

Such laws are very difficult to enforce on an individual basis. Cryptography, steganography, and secret writing have been used for centuries. The governments know they cannot prevent two cooperating people from concealing their communications. However, governments can limit widespread computer-based use by limiting cryptography in mass market products. Although policing 50 million computer users is impossible, controlling a handful of major computer manufacturers is feasible , especially ones whose profits would be affected by not being able to sell any products in a particular country. Thus, governments have addressed cryptography use at the source: the manufacturer and vendor.

Controls on Export of Cryptography

Until 1998, the United States led other industrialized nations in controlling cryptography. It did this by controlling export of cryptographic products, using the same category as munitions, such as bombs and atomic missiles. Although the law applied to everyone, in practice it could be enforced reasonably only against mass market software manufacturers. Software makers could export freely [1] any product using symmetric encryption with a key length of 40 bits or less. There were exceptions allowing stronger encryption for financial institutions and for multinational corporations using the encryption for intracompany communication. Cryptography solely for authentication (for example, digital signatures) was also permitted. Although the law did not control the use of cryptography, limiting export effectively limited its use because major vendors could not sell products with strong encryption worldwide.

[1] That is, they could export to all but a handful of so-called rogue nations subject to stringent controls on munitions.

U.S. policy was especially important because most mass market software vendors were based in the United States, and many users were in the United States. The United States could also pressure software vendors not to write programs in such a way that someone could add the cryptography at an overseas location. Although a software vendor could move to or open a subsidiary in an uncontrolled country, a new vendor has a hard time obtaining a significant share of the market against large, established competitors . If such a vendor were able to take a significant amount of business away from U.S. companies, there would be an outcry and possible political pressure from the U.S. government. Thus, U.S. policy on this issue would and did dominate the world market.

Cryptography and Free Speech

Cryptography involves not just products; it involves ideas, too. Although governments effectively control the flow of products across borders, controlling the flow of ideas, either in people's heads or on the Internet, is almost impossible.

In a decision akin to splitting hairs, the U.S. courts ruled that computer object code was subject to the export restrictions, but a printed version of the corresponding source code was an idea that could not be restricted. The case in question involved Phil Zimmermann, the inventor of PGP e-mail encryption. In 1997 Zimmermann "exported" books containing the printed source code to PGP, and volunteers in Europe spent 1000 hours scanning the pages of the book; they then posted this source code publicly on the Internet. To highlight the vacuousness of this distinction, people reduced the object code of the PGP program to a bar code and printed that code on T-shirts with the caption "Warning, this T-shirt may be a controlled munition."

Cryptographic Key Escrow

Although laws enable governments to read encrypted communications, the governments don't really want to read all of them. A joking e-mail message or a file with your tax data is seldom a national security concern. But suppose there were evidence of cheating on your taxes or your writings were seditious. In these cases the government could convince a court to allow it to search your home, office, or computer files. It might then have reason and justification for wanting to read your encrypted data. So the government devised a scheme in which your encryption keys would become available only with court authorization.

In 1996 the U.S. government offered to relax the export restriction for so-called escrowed encryption , in which the government would be able to obtain the encryption key for any encrypted communication. The key escrow approach was a part of an initiative known under names such as Clipper, Capstone , and Fortezza . Ultimately this approach failed; the public feared what the government could actually access. See [HOF95a] and [DEN99] for more discussion on the key escrow debate.

Current Policy

The U.S. National Research Council (NRC) reported the results of an 18-month study [NRC96] to recommend a cryptographic policy for the U.S. Federal government. The report carefully weighed all the factors affected by cryptographic policy, such as protecting sensitive information for U.S. companies and individuals as well as foreign ones, international commerce, enforcing laws (prevention, investigation, and prosecution), and intelligence gathering. The report's recommendations for policy include the following:

  • No law should bar the manufacture, sale, or use of any form of encryption within the United States.

  • Export controls on cryptography should be relaxed but not eliminated.

  • Products providing confidentiality at a level that meets most general commercial requirements should be easily exportable. In 1996, that level included products that incorporate 56-bit key DES, and so these products should be easily exportable.

  • Escrowed encryption should be studied further, but, as it is not yet a mature technology, its use should not be mandated .

  • Congress should seriously consider legislation that would impose criminal penalties on the use of encrypted communications in interstate commerce with the intent to commit a crime.

  • The U.S. government should develop a mechanism to promote information security in the private sector.

In September 1998, the U.S. government announced that it was opening up export of encryption. Export of single (56-bit) key DES would be allowed to all countries except seven that supported terrorism. Unlimited size encryption would be exportable to 45 major industrial countries for use by financial institutions, medical providers, and e-commerce companies. Furthermore, the process for applying for permission, which had been another formidable deterrent, was simplified to a review taking no more than a week in most cases.

Summary of Legal Issues in Computer Security

This section has described four aspects of the relationship between computing and the law. First, we presented the legal mechanisms of copyright, patent, and trade secret as means to protect the secrecy of computer hardware, software, and data. These mechanisms were designed before the invention of the computer, so their applicability to computing needs is somewhat limited. However, program protection is especially desired, and software companies are pressing the courts to extend the interpretation of these means of protection to include computers.

We also explored the relationship between employers and employees, in the context of writers of software. Well-established laws and precedents control the acceptable access an employee has to software written for a company.

Third, we examined the legal side of software vulnerabilities: Who is liable for errors in software, and how is that liability enforced? Additionally, we considered alternative ways to report software errors.

Fourth, we noted some of the difficulties in prosecuting computer crime. Several examples showed how breaches of computer security are treated by the courts. In general, the courts have not yet granted computers, software, and data appropriate status, considering value of assets and seriousness of crime. The legal system is moving cautiously in its acceptance of computers. We described several important pieces of computer crime legislation that represent slow progress forward.

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Security in Computing
Security in Computing, 4th Edition
ISBN: 0132390779
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129

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