Recipe 16.4 Accessing or Removing ServletContext Attributes in JSPs


You want to access or remove a ServletContext attribute in a JSP.


Use the c:out JSTL core tag to display the value of an attribute and the c:remove tag to remove the attribute from the ServletContext .


By now you are probably familiar with the object attribute that the previous recipes stored in the ServletContext under the name com.jspservletcookbook.ContextObject . If you are not, Recipe 16.1 and Recipe 16.2 show the source code for this class and how it is bound as an attribute to a servlet and a JSP. This recipe shows the JSTL tags that you can use in JSP code to access this attribute and optionally remove or unbind it.

Example 16-6 includes the taglib directive that is required for using JSTL 1.0 tags in a JSP. The c:out tag then accesses the ServletContext attribute in the tag's value attribute. The tag gets the value of the ServletContext attribute by using the applicationScope JSTL implicit object, which is a java.util.Map type.

Example 16-6. Accessing an application attribute in a JSP
 <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c" %> //HTML or other presentation code here... <c:out value=     "${applicationScope[\"com.jspservletcookbook.ContextObject\"].values}"         escapeXml="false" /> 

An implicit object is an object that the JSTL automatically makes available to the developer. You use the term applicationScope within ${...} characters , and this term evaluates to a java.util.Map of any object attributes that are bound to the ServletContext .

The code:


uses EL syntax to access the ServletContext attribute named com.jspservletcookbook.ContextObject and get its values property, which effectively calls the getValues( ) method on the ContextObject object. This method displays all the keys of the Map contained by ContextObject , separated by an HTML line break ( <br> ). The attribute escapeXml="false " prevents the < and > characters in <br> from being escaped (and being replaced by &lt; and &gt; , respectively), which would prevent its proper display in a web browser.

If I wanted to make the ContextObject more universal, I could include a JavaBean property allowing the user of the class to set the line separator, so that the output of the getValues( ) method could be used in different contexts, not just HTML.

Figure 16-1 shows the result of accessing a JSP that uses this code in a browser.

Figure 16-1. Accessing a ServletContext bound attribute in a JSP

To remove the attribute from the ServletContext , use the c:remove JSTL tag. This tag removes the named variable from the specified scope:

 <c:remove var=     "com.jspservletcookbook.ContextObject" scope="application" /> 

application is an alias for the ServletContext . After a JSP that contains this tag is executed, any further attempts to access a ServletContext attribute of the same name will return null .

See Also

Chapter 23 on using the JSTL; Recipe 16.1 and Recipe 16.2 on setting ServletContext attributes in servlets and JSPs; Recipe 16.3 on accessing or removing ServletContext attributes in servlets; Recipe 16.5-Recipe 16.8 on handling session attributes in servlets and JSPs; Recipe 16.9-Recipe 16.12 on handling request attributes in servlets and JSPs; Recipe 14.5 on using a ServletContext event listener; the Javadoc for javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener :

Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook
Java Servlet & JSP Cookbook
ISBN: 0596005725
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 326 © 2008-2017.
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