Hack 62. Dynamically View Request Information for XMLHttpRequest

Display the values of environment variables when you make an Ajax request.

It can be useful to know what environment variables are available along with requests made with XMLHttpRequest. In this context, environment variables contain information about the server environment that is associated with a request involving XMLHttpRequest, such as the server name, the querystring, the raw POST data, and the values of various HTTP request headers. (For more on environment variables, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable.) Even if you don't need all this information, it's still cool that you can get a look at it, and Ruby on Rails makes this easy.

This hack displays a textarea on a web page. When the web page launches XMLHttpRequest in response to a button click, the textarea immediately fills up with the environment variable information, without a page rebuild. Figure 7-14 shows the page after the user has clicked the Go Ajax! button. The textarea shows a bunch of useful information, including an HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH variable indicating that this was an Ajax-related request.

Figure 7-14. Environment variables accompanying XMLHttpRequest

How Does It Work?

The page, or view, is simple enough. It's just a Rails template that includes some embedded Ruby code:

<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />     <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype.js" %>     <title>Have a look at request headers</title> </head> <body> <p> [ Lots of cool UI stuff in the body of the application...] </p> <form action="javascript:void%200"> <p> <%= submit_to_remote("submit","Go Ajax!",:update => "env", :url => { :action => :show_env},:position => "top", :failure => "$('env').innerHTML='XML request failed...'")%> </p> <h3>Request Environment Information</h3> <p> <%= text_area_tag "env", nil, :size => "40x20" %> </p> </form> </body> </html>

The view imports the Prototype JavaScript package in prototype.js, which is required to use the Ajax-related Rails methods. The submit_to_remote( ) method is part of the RoR API. It creates a submit button that makes a remote request using XMLHttpRequest. When the user clicks the button, this mechanism submits the request to an action called show_env. Then, when the HTTP response arrives from the action, the application updates the element (the textarea with an id of env.)

Here is how the action generates the environment variable data for the textarea. Remember that a Rails action can be defined as a simple Ruby method inside the controller class:

class HacksController < ApplicationController     def index     end       def show_env         if @request.xml_http_request?(  )             @headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain; charset=UTF-8"             str="";             @request.env(  ).each do |key,value|                 str+=key.to_s + "==" + value.to_s+"\\n\\n"             end             render :text => str         end     end end #end class

First, show_env checks whether the request actually involves XMLHttpRequest (see "Find Out Whether Ajax Is Calling in the Request" [Hack #59]). The action then uses the instance variable @request.env( ) method to iterate through each of the environment variables and store their values. The code then renders this string as the response.

The response text ends up plunked inside the textarea. An important ease-of-use factor with this hack is that you never had to set up or deal at all with the innards of XMLHttpRequest; the Rails method submit_to_remote( ) takes care of that. Sweet!

Hacking the Hack

If the user clicks the Go Ajax! button more than once, the textarea's chunk of data is submitted in the request and ends up as a giant lump inside the RAW_POST_DATA environment variable. To avoid this problem, you can use code to clear the textarea's contents first each time the button is clicked:


Ajax Hacks
Ajax Hacks: Tips & Tools for Creating Responsive Web Sites
ISBN: 0596101694
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 138

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