Does Arial Bold refer to a font family, typeface, or font?
What is the default unit of measurement for a font? What size is it (in inches)?
Which method and enumeration are used to right justify an output string?
When the following code is executed, what is the x coordinate where the third column begins?
float[] tStops = {50f, 60f, 200f, 40f}; StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.SetTabStops(0,tStops); string hdr = "Col1\tCol2\tCol3\tCol4"; g.DrawString(hdr, myFont, Brushes.Black, 10,10,sf);
Which PrintDocument event is called after PrintDocument.Print is executed?
Which class available to the PrintPage event handler defines the margins for a page?
What three steps must be included to permit a document to be previewed before printing?