Understanding Stroke Modes

You can use any of three different stroke modes while painting: Frame, Interpolate, or Persist. You will use these different modes throughout the course of this lesson.

  • Frame When you paint in this mode, you are painting only on the current frame.

  • Interp When in this mode, you can interpolate your brushstrokes. Go to frame 1 and paint a stroke. Now go to, say, frame 20 and paint. When you drag back between frames 1 and 20 on the Time Bar, the stroke interpolates. If you go beyond frame 20 or before frame 1, the image is black. To insert a second interpolation stroke, toggle through the modes until you reach Interp again, and use the strokeIndex slider to select the stroke you want to modify.

  • Persist In this mode, the stroke persists from frame to frame. You can change it by going into Edit mode and animating it, but otherwise it will not change.

Apple Pro Training Series. Shake 4. Professional Compositing and Visual Effects
Apple Pro Training Series. Shake 4. Professional Compositing and Visual Effects
ISBN: 321256093
Year: 2005
Pages: 156

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